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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1958)
• THE OMAHA GUIDE • Omaha, Nebraska, Friday, March 7, 1958 ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON REQUEST A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday Branch office for local news only, 2420 Grant St., Omaha 11, Nebr. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Omaha, Nebr. C. C. GALLOWAY . Publisher and Managing Editor (MEMBER) CALVIN NEWS SERVICE GLOBAL NEWS SERVICE ATLAS NEWS SERVICE STANDARD NEWS SERVICE This paper reserves the right to publish all matter credited to these news services._ SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Month _______ $ .50 Three Months ..... 1.05 Six Months ..... 2.06 One Year __________ 4.00 OUT OF TOWN SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Month __....________ $ .50 Three Months .... 1.50 Six Months ...... 250 One Year..... 4.50 MILDER OIL CO. Laboratory Approved Fuel Oil 24 Hr. Service — Sundays & Holidays 3Gtli and I>orca» Stn. J.V 2111 Congratulations on your 31ST ANNIVERSARY Omaha Home Builders f Association This Ad A Courtesy of A Builder Member It’* a Winning Pair QUALITY AND PRICE '52 CADILLAC Convert. Ra dio, heater and Hydra-Matic. Continental spare tire. Clean throughout. Only .$1195 *62 FORD Custom. Radio, heater and Fordomatic. Only.$595 •54 BUICK Special 2-door Hardtop. Radio, heater and Dynaflow. 2-tone point. Only . $1195 ’55 FORD VS Fordor. Radio, heater, and whitewall tires. Tutone paint. Only.. $895 *62 FORD Victoria, Radio, heater and overdrive. Only.$893 ’57 MKRCtTRT Monterey 4 door. Air conditioning, radio, heater and Merc-O-Matlc. Po wer brakes, low mileage, tu tone paint...$2395 [ '6* MERCURY Monterey Hardtop. Radio, heater and overdr' ve. Only. ,9895 '56 FORD V-8 Falrlane For dor. Radio, heater and Ford omatic. Tutone paint. Only . *1595 '67 FORD V-8 Del Rio Station Wagon. Radio, heater and Fcrdfanatic. Low mileage. On ly . 92195 ’58 FORD V-8 Ranchwagon. Radio and heater, tutone paint Only . *1595 ■52 PONTIAC 44-door, S-cylln der, radio, heater and Hydra-Matic . *495 ■»7 FORD V-8 Falrlane Vic toria Tudor. Beautiful black and white finlafa. Radio, heat er and Fordomutle. White tirea. Only .*2095 100 Cats to Choose from — One-Year Wamantjr All Late Model* Have Current Maty Stickers YOU CAN BKUKVK SAMPLE - HART OMAHA’S OLDMT AMD I.AKt.BST PORI) DKAIAEB i*th and Burt St*. Open Kvenlny* AT 0010 Open Evening* t ntll IM PM. ' Daniel Reed Mr. Daniel Reed, age 63 years, passed away Tuesday morning December 17th at a local hos pital. Mr. Reed had been a resident of Omaha fifteen years. He was a member of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church and was a faithful employe of Cuda hy Packing Company. Mr. Reed's mother, Mrs. Ma mie Reed died the past August 13th and his father, Mr. Myles Reed passed away less than two weeks ago. Mr. Daniel Reed is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sadie Reed, four daughters, Mrs. Mildred Bruton, Mrs. Theresa West, of Omaha, Mrs. Jose Mae McDaniel, Baldwin, Mich., Mrs. Martha Franklin, Eatontown, N. J., five sons, Messrs. Daniel, Jr., De Forest, Edward, Omaha, Myles, Chi cago, 111., Aaron Los Angeles, Calif., brother, Mr. Mose Reed, Omaha, twent one grand child ren, and other relatives. Funeral services were held I two o’clock Monday afternoon December 23rd form the Mt Moriah Baptist Church with the Rev. David St. Clair officiating, assisted by the Rev. . F. Rid ley, Rev. Reagln. Pall bearers, Messrs. J. T. Sanders, Stew art, Henry Arnold, Ralph Bry son, J. Vonner, W. Rogers, Wm. Beasley. Interment was in the family plot at Forest Lawn Cemetery with arrangements by the Thomas Funeral Home. you’re HOURS ahead and DOLLARS ahead with automatic GAS appliances GAS makes the difference. Any GAS appliance gives you hours of extra time . . . puts extra doHars fat your pocket at the same time. When shopping for appliances, compare both kinds and you'll be convinced tluit GAS is years ahead, too. You’ll be llOl RS and DOLLARS ahead with GAS. METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DIST. Compliments PAXTON - MITCHELL CO. Founders - Fabricators - Engineers 2614 MARTHA HA 6767 FURNACE SERVICE CO. 3008-10 North 24th —24-Hour Service— Cleaning — Repairing — Installation Call JA 1281 REMEMBER! OUR MIDDLE NAME 18 SERVICE | NexfSunday is Heart Sunday. It is the . day to put out the welcome mat for ay ;yery special .visitor j \Your caller will be a Heart Fund voly j [unteer—probably a neighbor whom qrou' already know. She will leave her i pwn fireside to see you and enlist your | |bpport_in jhe^fight against heart ijdiscase> Chances are slie will ring your doorbell sometime between the hours of noon So welcome Vier witf a friendly smile / and a warm handclasp. I ' ’ - I _ • Just place your Heart Fund gift in the envelope she hands you. # --* ' > 0 ^ Seal the envelope. No need to say how much you give. But let your contribu tion represent every member of your family—a gift for every heart you love, j A.: r Now return the sealed envelope to hen Your Heart Association will use youj* contribution to fight heart disease through research . . . through profes} sional and public 'education ... and, j through community, heart programs.^ If you are not at home, your Heart Fund volunteer will leave a " Sorry-I-M issed-You" envelope,^ Use it to mail in your contribution. Give generously ... Give for every heart you lovOj Help your Heart Fund Help your Hearth ISlADVERTISEMENTJS.PUBUSHED BY THC INDIVIDUALS. ORGANIZATIONS AND FIRMS LISTE0.'VlEC^VV^l The Omaha National Bank 17th and Farnam St*. AT 0100 ____