The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 29, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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    Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927, at the Post
Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Congress ot
March 3 1879.
C. C. Galloway — — — — _ President
Mrs. Flurna Cooper — — — ^ ice-President
C. C. Gailoway — — — — Acting Editor
V. V. Merrill — — — Secretary and Treasurer
One Year — — — —
Six Months — — — — “•££
Three Months_—_— — ~
One Year — $4.00
Six Months — — —
Thr^° — — — - — _4-^
All News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must
be in our office not later than 4:00 p.m. Monday for current
issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than
y/erlppc^v noon preceedmg the issue, to insure publication.
National Advertising Representative:
545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone MUrray Hill
2-5452. RAY, PECK, Manager. _
“If we are to become progressively stronger, if our paths
and our policies are to lead toward maximum strength, an
ever-increasing national strength for tomorrow and the future,
we must cut federal expenditures drastically' each year until
we have a federal government we can afford. Ellsworth C.
Alvord, noted finaance leader.
“We need only to face the facts bodly and then act posit
ive] y_posilively in the pursuit of a person for once where
business is out' front with a determined program to do good
in about all the important ways people want good done right
new.”—L. R. Boulware, V. P.—Employee Relations, G. E. Co.
“If anyone were to list the reasons why the United States
became the world’s greate-t industrial nation, our railroads
certainly would rank high on that list. Gwilym A. Price,
President Westinghouse Electric Corp.
“It is economic illiteracy to disregard the fundamental
Economic principals of Americanism or decadent European
ism.”_Erie P. Halliburton. Oklahoma Industrialist.
“The small residual amount of corporate product that
goes to profits is far more than just so much purchasing
power.” It is the driving force back of our whole economy.
—Edward Collins, Financial Editor.
By Allan W. Powell *
(NIPS)—-It is almost one of te greattest tragedies of
our times that only a proportionately ew Negroes are stock
holders in a major industrial corporation of the country. Were
this not the case, it is almost certain that some o the present
conceptions of the operation of the private enterprise system
would undergo some adjustment in the minds of many of us.
For some reason it has never been a practice of Brown
Amberica to invest monies in stocks or bonds, despite the
act that this phase of our economy is almost the backbone of
the system under which this country enjoys its position as
<one of the leading nations of the world.
There are but a few leading utility, manufacturing, or
commercial units now functioning that do not owe their ex
istence to the thousands of persons who have financed then
operations through the purchase of shares from their wage.^
or other income. In one large manufacturing company , about
35 percent of the nearly 250.000 stock holders own from 1 to
10 shares, while 85 percent of the total number are individuals.
Vpt, we as a people are pathetically unaware of the finan
cial element that is an integral part of any major corporation’s
functioning. If this were not the case, the present outlook on
the partt of many of us, especially as regards labor-manage
ment relations, could be materially adjusted in view of our
personal and more intelligent awareenss.
Our appreciation of the significance of wage le\els, op
erating costs, taxation, dividends, and the other facets of a
companv’s operations could not help but be reflected in our
more analvtical appraisal that would be undertaken in order
to protect our investment. Nor is it too far-fetched to assume
that the time may come when our equity in a corporation n
.business afairs may result in policy changes that would ac
complish some o thofse present inequalities that now efect us.
By Mvrtle M. Goodlow
" Great Britain’s refusal to recognize Palestine
■Z' Is another awful blunder of our time.
Britain couldn’tt do any better
Following Hitler’s orders to the letter
• A people who has suffered so much
And their loss so great
To now again share the same fate
Through a nation which preaches democracy
But like our own is just hvpocrisy
Be ye not deceived God is not mocked
He counts deeds condemns idle talk
And Britain shall rue the day
She ever armed the Arabs to slay
For God in His appointed time
Shall right the wrongs of Palestine. , - ,
wAftaai on*.
The Christian world now weeps with you
\ For all you have gone through
And it makes us very sad
That Jerusalem is a Stalingrad
But lift up your hearts Oh Israel \
For your cause is just and real.
The God of might is on your side
i He will lead you through the swelling tide
The dav is coming soon
When Palestine shall blossom and bloom
And they who persecute you now
In shame their heads shall bow
_»f Pain and sorrow they too shall know
For God has willed it so.
A flag was never raised on high
■* • Till brave men had to fight and die
Thy flag Oh Israel shall ever wave on high
The Star of David as a Star aflame
' * Proclaiming to the world they nation’s name.
Editor's Note:- Subsit your problens for publication to ABBE'
■ALLACE. in cars of this newspaper. Give your full name, ad
dress and birthdate. For a ’private reply* send Abbe*a stamped
envelope and twenty-five cents for one of his new and inspiring
■LESSONS FOR HAPPIER LIVING.’ Your letter will be treated
eonfident tally. Send 25 certs In coin, stamps or money order.
Address your letter ts: Tbs .BBS’ WALLACE Service, in oars of.
DJ.— I have been going with
this ellow 7 months. He made
me fall in love with hint by be
ing so nice to me and now I do
love him so hard. But he tells
me now and he isn’t ready to
settle down even though he did
a.-^k me to marry him and said
he was looking for a wife when
we irst started together. I ou
nd a girl’s picture he dropped
out of his pocket. Does that
mean anything?
Ans: It does. You are no long
er the apple of his eye. Here
of late, you have some stiff com
petition. However, two can
play this game—get around
and side up to some nice, like
able chap yourself and watch
his blood pressure rise.
B. M.—I have five hundred
dollars ow my own money. My
friend has been trying to get
me to loan him part of it. I
want to keep this money. Ple
ase tell me if I need to worry
about it.?
Ans: Yes—unless you bank it.
Open savings account at the
bank immediately and deposit
this money. Keeping it on your
person as you are doing at this
time is most unwise as you will
lose it or it will get away from
you in some way. Your sav
ings will be insured and sae in
the bank.
J. M. A.—Should I remain
where I am or take a room at
another place?
Ans: Take the room you have
been trying to get as soon as
it is vacant. A change isn t ab
solutely necessarv as your pre
sent landlady has nothing ag -
ainst you—but since you feel
your present enviroment of
fers you little—take the new
place. It will be the means of
your making new friends.
L.B.—It seems that my hus
band and I can’t get along, I
love him and I know that he
loves me but we uss all of the
time. We say things to one
another that we are sorry for
afterwards. Seems though 1'
have something catty to say
, every time he comes m.
i I want wou to tell me if we
can ever be happy?
iAns: You can—yes—but now
unless you can turn over a
new leaf. If you and your mate
persist in abusing each other—
the ultimate solution will be
separation and divorce. By all
means send 25 cents for my
Happier Living Lesson “How
To Hold Your Mate, before
your marrage ends in complete
F. C. B.—I am writing to ifnd
out if I should accept the offer
my son and his Bride have
made me about coming and
living with them. They have a
new home. I own my own
home. Should I go?
Ans: Your son and new dau
ghter-in-law mean well, but it
is best that you keep your in
dependance—and let them sha
re their love alone. Visit them
occasionally to prove your love
for them—but don’t move in
bag and baggage.
Ziplock Helps Curb Bicycle Thefts •
If you want your bike not only to get you to school but also back
again, lock it securely, say the Yale experts. Mary Kay Jones who
plays a fifteen-year-old high school girl in the Broadway 'hit “Strange
Bedfellows shows how to put that good advice into practice The
bike-wheel can’t turn when it is fastened with the new Yale ziplock
The lock case can be zipped up the notched steel shackle to fit anv size
needed to safely lock bicycles, duffle bags and camping equipment, j
Despite the fact that the con
veniences and ease of riding in
the modern automobile has ac
hieved remarkable distinction
in recent years, the limit to the
improvements possible does’nt
exist, arrording to Earl H. Sm
ith, famous experimental and
major motor car company.
The average car-buyer is ev
idencing an increasing desire
for car-comfort making his ch
oice, says Smith, even to a
point of ranking it above such
factors as power, economy, ap
pearance, roominess, and de
pendability during a recent sur
vey. Yet, he pointed out, eng
ineers are still well ahead of
the public’s wishes, and indic
ated that his own company
conducts 3,000 experiments
each year to improve the ride.
For many years, car-riders
grew better with the improv
ements of the highways, Smith
said, but now that roads gen
erally are good, the responsib
ities for improvements rests
entirely with the specialists,
and they are making a contin
uous effort to reduce side-sha
ke back and forth and up and
down motion to a minimum.
Surface of Apple Tree
A 12-year-old apple tree has
60.000 to 90,000 leaves, or approxi
mately 3,300 square feet of leaf sur
; The two top Capitol Releases
tor this week are: I Want to
Linger Capito INo. 15095
Pete's Daily’s Chicagoans
I Want to Linger in an old,
old, ballad that goes back a
j good 25 years at least, and Pe
te Daily's Chicagoans give it
an equally old fashioned per
formance in both arrangement
and instrumentation.
Flipping Pete Daily’s I
Want to Linger, you will find
What’s Your Story. This is pl
ayed in a brighter tempo, but
with the same early 1920 style
The tailgate trombone ^nd the
solo piano are especially rem
iniscent of those “good old
She’s A Shady Lady—Capitol
No. 40119
Milo Twins
She’s A Shady Lady is the
song story sung by the Milo
Twins on this side. The Twins
harmonize and they stick by
their lady friend at the same
The Milo Twins turn over
She’s A Shady Lady to wax
Frail Quail: This song has a
plaintive quality about it, and
and featurers the Milo Twins
doing their usual vocalizing
with a not-so-usual boogie
beat in the backgroung.
First Laws on Patents
Franklin institute was the first to
propose introducing a law for the
publication of patents and for the
acceptance of these patents in court
ag evidence.
By Myrtle M. Goodlow
.“By their fruits ye shall know them”
Said Christ the Saviour of men.
And Father Flanagan is living proof
Of this great gospel truth.
W orking with heart and soul, '
He reacned his long sought goal.
Father Flanagan’s work and love for humanity,
Has proven him to be
A true disciple of Christ.
And all that a servant of His should be.
Filled with the love and spirit of Christ,
He labors for all alike.
Faithiuiiy toiiowing the Master’s plan,
In loving and serving his fellowman.
Without the helping hand,
Of Father Flanagan,
Hundreds of boys of every race,
color and creed —
Wrould never have known
The comforts and joys of home.
Or taught the useful trades which fit them—
Nor the religious training given them
To take an honored place among men.
The sacred words I recall,
“He that is greatest among you—
Shall be the servant of all.”
Still ring true from the heavens blue.
And should be a lesson to all. .
To love and serve mankind alike,
Is the true spirit of our blessed Christ.
Father Flanagan never shirked his work,—
In God’s great vineyard —
But has labored long and hard,
And today we see his reward.
And his efforts crowned,
In the beautiful buildings of Boys’ Town!
That through the years shall stand —
As a monument to our beloved
Father Flanagan.
Servant of God — and servant of man,
God bless Father Flanagan!
This poem was written by one of Omaha’s own.
Father Flanagan had the pleasure of-reading it in Feb
ruary, 1945. This poem was published by the Omaha
Guide Publishing Co. Also below, is a letter from Fath
er Flanagan to the writer of the poem to express his
gratitude for the flowers where he lived.
Mrs. Myrtle M. Goodlow February 3, 1945
1434 North 22nd Street
Omaha 2, Nebraska
My Dear Mrs. Goodlow:
Your letter of recent date at hand with the en
closed clipping, “Facts in Rhyme”. I appreciate your j
interest in Boys Town and by all means I am greatly
flattered by your writing effort.
We are continuing to strive to do a better job here
at Boys Town in our humble way. It is hard work and !
we are confronted with new problems every day, but
for the bovs we help we know it is very worthwhile.
The confidence that people have in us, such as your
self, as expressed in your “Facts in Rhyme”, help us to
carry on our work.
Thanking you for your interest in Boys Town, and
with every good wish, I am
(Signed) E.J. Flanagan.
Rt. Rev. Msgr.'E. J. Flanagan
The future in aviation looks
brighter, according to Archie
Smith, former C. A. flight ex
aminer and flight instructor at
the Tuskeegee Army Primary
School, who organized the
War Hawk Aviation Club in
1946, to promote aviation in
and around New York City.
Good paying jobs as instruc
tors and pilots await former
Air Force men who can qualify
he stated. There are now open
Smith, and the men are still in
ingsin aviation, according to
terested will do well to begin
anew to stick to the grind nec
essary to become pilots.
9Tly Vl&iqhb&iA
By Bill Paulson
«... mn. —— i—*«=—■Magaa—iaB.mum
“More money fer less work re
minds me of the farmer teachin’
his mare to eat less. Time he got
her taught—she up and died!!”
Race norse wires
Probably the first commercial
telegraph system in the United
States was constructed in 1827 by
Harrison G. Dyar, to send results
from a race course at Long Island
City, N. Y.
| Sign Marshall Flan
PARIS, FRANCE— (Soundpho
to) — As Protocol Chief Dumaine
(left) looks on, British Lt. Gen.
Sir Brian Robertson is shown sign
ing a convention for European
economic cooperation. Robertson,
representing the economically
merged British and American
zones in Germany, said that he and
the American Military Governor
Lucius D. Clay have received as
surance from the German authori
ties that they welcome the oppor
tunity given Germany to join the
plan. Representatives of 16 na
tions participating in the Marshall
Aid plan signed the cooperatior
New Soybean Strain
Hawkeye, a new high-yielding soy
bean, is being released in several
Midwestern states. It has as high
an oil content as Lincoln, resists
lodging as well as Richland and
better than Lincoln, and falls be
tween its Richland and Mukden par
ents in height.
Yes, Black-Draught may help that
headachy feeling If the only reason
you feel headachy Is because of
constipation. Black-Draught, the
friendly laxative, is usually prompt
and thorough when taken as di
rected. It costs only a penny or less
a dose. Hiat’s why it has been
a best-seller with four generations.
If you sire troubled with such symp
toms as loss of appetite, headache,
upset stomach, flatulence, physical
fatigue, sleeplessness, mental hazi
ness, bad breath — and if these
symptoms are due only to consti
pation — then see what Black
Draught may do for you. Get a
package today.
Why Not
HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good
eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili,
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc.
Our Fooda Are Real Gone
2229 Lake St JA: 9195
Mrs. Ella Maj Tucker, Supervisor
J. Mason and E. Washington, Props.
We Are Once More
Edholm & Sherman
2401 Norfh 24TII. Street’ Phone WE. 6055
See Bailey First
—Phone-PLeasent 19 7 5 —
Quick Service Cleaner
Dry Cleaning Hatworks
Everyday On eDay Service ^
While You Wait 2 Hour Service
1837 North 24th Street Telephone JAekson 4117 t
1 ' —.. >
Free Delivery
Huffy Pharmacv
24th & Lake Sts.
Now Is The Time To Get
Your Shoes RebuiltI
Quality Material & Guaranteed
Quality Work
2407 Lake Street
“If Pays To Look Weir
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specialty
2422 Lake Street
» --
. PHONE JA 4635
formerly at—
24th and Erskine
516 North 16th
Has Keason for It
To prevent its stored water from
evaporating, the Ceylon cotton tree
drops its leaves in dry weather.
Army Tests New
Survival Rations
Survival rations which will main
tain strength,' prevent tissue
breakdown, and require minimum
water are being developed in U. S.
Army tests on Welfare Island.
Eleven enlisted volunteers lived '
during a March test on a day’s ra- •
tion averaging 28 of the small bis- f
cuits shown (about one-third of a
pound) plus three glasses of water.
Here one volunteer watches close
ly as the dietician measures out
his day’s allotment
V Such tests are the end stage of
research. The Army’s formula has j
been changed many times since !
January, 1945, with production re- |
search in the big bakery here of i
Sunshine Bisemts. Sunshine has j
cooperated with the Army by bak- |
jng free of charge more than 250,-' •
00.0 experimental biscuits for the
ration studies, f - ~
i An unexpected result has been a'
flood of inquiries from diet-con-j
scious persons which has caused
baking firm to announce
that the ration is solely for Army
research and is not available for!
civilian consumrition. 9-J
Need More Timber Growth
The forests of the U. S. are now
growing at the annual rate of 13.4
billion cubic feet. A growth of about
20 billion cubic feet annually is
needed by the nation.
mm METZ please / 1
prefers METZ
"METZ has
real quality"
Dr. FRED Palmer’s
Say “goodbye” to tanned, darkened, weather
beaten skin. BeautJly minor blemishes and
rough skin externally caused. NEW trial offer
should begin to produce results ansi lighten
your complexion in 7 days or your money back.
Get 25c or 50c “Dr. FRED Palmer * Skin
Whitener,” at your druggists. Use as directed.
If not satisfied, your money back. For FREE
TRIAL send 10c to cover postage, handling to
Galenol (Jo.. Dept B, Box 264. Atlanta, Ga.
___ —-——•