Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Congress ot March 3 1879. C. C. Galloway — — — — _ President Mrs. Flurna Cooper — — — ^ ice-President C. C. Gailoway — — — — Acting Editor V. V. Merrill — — — Secretary and Treasurer SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — Six Months — — — — “•££ Three Months_—_— — ~ SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — $4.00 Six Months — — — Thr^° — — — - — _4-^ All News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must be in our office not later than 4:00 p.m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than y/erlppc^v noon preceedmg the issue, to insure publication. National Advertising Representative: INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC. 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone MUrray Hill 2-5452. RAY, PECK, Manager. _ ******^ QUOTES OF THE WEEK “If we are to become progressively stronger, if our paths and our policies are to lead toward maximum strength, an ever-increasing national strength for tomorrow and the future, we must cut federal expenditures drastically' each year until we have a federal government we can afford. Ellsworth C. Alvord, noted finaance leader. “We need only to face the facts bodly and then act posit ive] y_posilively in the pursuit of a person for once where business is out' front with a determined program to do good in about all the important ways people want good done right new.”—L. R. Boulware, V. P.—Employee Relations, G. E. Co. “If anyone were to list the reasons why the United States became the world’s greate-t industrial nation, our railroads certainly would rank high on that list. Gwilym A. Price, President Westinghouse Electric Corp. “It is economic illiteracy to disregard the fundamental Economic principals of Americanism or decadent European ism.”_Erie P. Halliburton. Oklahoma Industrialist. “The small residual amount of corporate product that goes to profits is far more than just so much purchasing power.” It is the driving force back of our whole economy. —Edward Collins, Financial Editor. INDUSTRIAL LOOKING GLASS By Allan W. Powell * (NIPS)—-It is almost one of te greattest tragedies of our times that only a proportionately ew Negroes are stock holders in a major industrial corporation of the country. Were this not the case, it is almost certain that some o the present conceptions of the operation of the private enterprise system would undergo some adjustment in the minds of many of us. For some reason it has never been a practice of Brown Amberica to invest monies in stocks or bonds, despite the act that this phase of our economy is almost the backbone of the system under which this country enjoys its position as PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Huffy Pharmacv —WE-0609— 24th & Lake Sts. LAKE SHOE SERVICE Now Is The Time To Get Your Shoes RebuiltI Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street “If Pays To Look Weir xMAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street » -- GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th __M Has Keason for It To prevent its stored water from evaporating, the Ceylon cotton tree drops its leaves in dry weather. Army Tests New Survival Rations , LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y.— Survival rations which will main tain strength,' prevent tissue breakdown, and require minimum water are being developed in U. S. Army tests on Welfare Island. Eleven enlisted volunteers lived ' during a March test on a day’s ra- • tion averaging 28 of the small bis- f cuits shown (about one-third of a pound) plus three glasses of water. Here one volunteer watches close ly as the dietician measures out his day’s allotment V Such tests are the end stage of research. The Army’s formula has j been changed many times since ! January, 1945, with production re- | search in the big bakery here of i Sunshine Bisemts. Sunshine has j cooperated with the Army by bak- | jng free of charge more than 250,-' • 00.0 experimental biscuits for the ration studies, f - ~ i An unexpected result has been a' flood of inquiries from diet-con-j scious persons which has caused baking firm to announce that the ration is solely for Army research and is not available for! civilian consumrition. 9-J \ Need More Timber Growth The forests of the U. S. are now growing at the annual rate of 13.4 billion cubic feet. A growth of about 20 billion cubic feet annually is needed by the nation. Sir BOTTLE mm METZ please / 1 R. S. LYNCH prefers METZ because "METZ has real quality" "COODBYE.PARK 5K1Q p HELLO. I UGHTI , SKIN/J Dr. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER Say “goodbye” to tanned, darkened, weather beaten skin. BeautJly minor blemishes and rough skin externally caused. NEW trial offer should begin to produce results ansi lighten your complexion in 7 days or your money back. Get 25c or 50c “Dr. FRED Palmer * Skin Whitener,” at your druggists. Use as directed. If not satisfied, your money back. For FREE TRIAL send 10c to cover postage, handling to Galenol (Jo.. Dept B, Box 264. Atlanta, Ga. ___ —-——•