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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1948)
Church News mwmnTKT art 17 rmnmrmvcr, r anra nr rim r i t j».i am am ini ar The Salem Bap ist Church 28th and Decatur St. Omaha, Nebraska Palm Sunday was observed i 1 a big way Sunday at Salem piritually, Paster Wade tak i ig his text from St. John’s 12 ' hapter 14-19th Verses, gave t ie vast 11 A. M. audience a t ictorial view of Christ’s triu- , •iding ass colt, as they threw! 1 ranches and palm leaves in the way. The S. S. and B. T. U. were' both well attended dud will I ave an old fashioned egg hunt j r id Easter program at 5 :30 p. l Sunday, March 28th, at " hich time we will expect all children and dept, workers pre r nt Salem and Morning Star ■re guest churches of pleas r ’t green at 3 p.m., participat : g in Pastor J. H. Reynolds’ r iniversarv, Rev. Wa le being e speaker, choosing this sub ; ct (thy Kingdom come, St. ■itt.. 6:10) thrilled the capac ’ y house with a soul stirring ; egsage. To further prove his popu ' >rity here after nearly four •ars of pastorage in the city, ; has been selected by the istor Rev. J. L. Braggs to nduct their revival o f the ew-Hope Baptist Church. 26 "h at Seward St. 1 eginning . onday evening, March 29th. The Junior Church, and the c oir in charge of the services • ! day secured the Rev. E. . Small, Missionary from the Panama Canal Zone for the f ). m. message his subject by t 2 increasing of knowledge. ’ » shall do greater things, \ dich was very inspiring. All dep’ts. are progressing r 'ely, and the mission is show i- f marked progress under the I. adership of Mrs. Beulah Wa r’ ington, at well as the young •mens league with Mrs. Am :• Glover as president. The public is cordially invit j 1 to attend Easter Services at Salem, Pastor Wade will be at h ; best, and urges all dress v ur best at 11 a.m. The no t o choir will present an Eas t r Cantata at 8 p.m. which ] omises to be a real trgat, with I , s. Elma Ware in Charge. Her’s wishing for you a hap py Easter, and hoping to make i one for you; the friendly 1 le church on the hill, Rev. J. C. Wade pastor, Mrs. Mattie Hodge —Rep. CAP AND GOWN CLUB The Cap and Gown Club r t Sunday, March 21, at the : cs Hall. The meeting was < a by the president, Dt. Ben i ta L. Cleveland with our i .to,, and prayer was lead by . Josephine Merritt. Cinal report was made on t 3 Valentine party by the l airman, Dt. Margery Clay t n, and Dt. Mary Criver. Stu ■fc .its from various high school l. .. e been chosen to partici pa e in the Contest. It will be held April 23rd, 1948 at the Elks Hall. Dt. Bennetta L. Cleveland Dt. Marjorie Clayton, sec. Dt. Vivian Hall, reporter Hq. 20th Air Force, Guam, March 4, 1948—Technician 5th C ade, William M. William is a 20 year old soldier from Om a' a, Nebraska, stationed here ( . Guam with the 1918th En f eer Aviation Co. and oper Tabernacle Church of Christ | (Holiness) U. S. A. 2508 Franklin Street Omaha, Nebraska Rev. Joseph H. Jones Pastor Sunday”, Our pastor brough* i wonderful message, filled with divine truths, the ext wa~ tom nart of the 12th verse of the 15th chapter of St. John’s “Behold Thy King Cometh” he used for a subject: “Honor ing Christ as King”. Rev. Jones proved that the multitude, on Palm Sunday pread branches and Garments u the way as Christ rode into Jerusalem, this was an orient 1 cu tom or method of expre in: homage; but we mav honor Christ through good de als done to others in his name ve may honor Him when we ve lives that are Christ-like nd pHaseth Him. To do other vise is to dishonor Him and ring reproach upon his cause, you may know Rev. Jones pa tor of the newly organiz 'd Church of Christ (Holiness) id believe me. v. h . n I sav 1 rt the Church is ] "ogress t g ’rstor and his associates. Our i itors last Sunday, were Mrs. i' erta McKinzie, 2607 Deca ur St.. Omaha, and Rev. M. . Steele, 2322 X. 25th St. Om aha, Rev. J. \Y. Goodwin bro ught the message last Sunday, at tiie evening services, this was an inspiration to all that were present. The Rev. M. L. | Steele will lie our guest speak- i er a: the Evening service, Sun. March 28th, 7:45 P. M. You are always welcome at Taber nacle. Financial report for Last Sunday. General Offering .$19.20 Bldg. Fund Total .$45.25 Record Offering 3-7-48. .$39.(>3 i Attendance Record Record Attendance 3-7-48.102 Elayne Green, Clerk Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Reporter. Hear A. Philip Randolph Hear A. Philip Randolph at Zion Baptist Church, Sunday, March 28th, at 3:00 P. M. No' collections. No admission. Ev erybody welcome. Prevent Heat Leaks Prevent heat leaks by use ot weather stripping, storm sash, insu lation, and caulking to close cracks around windows. ates a bulldozer. He attended the construction technicians school while in the service and received his military occupat ional Speciality unmber for construction work. T-5 William enlisted at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas on the 6th of March 1946 and has but one year to go. Previously sta tioned in El Paso, Texas he came overseas last year and was assigned to the 20th Air Force in June. Hs mother, Mrs. James H. Williams lives in Omaha, Neb raska where T-5 Williams went to Technical High. While in high school he was a mem ber of the “T” Club.; and upon graduating he went to work for John Opitz as a parts man. T-5 Williams lists his hob by as “making things”. He has orve brother James, also of Omaha. ... .. OUTLET WYSU'OEOLD' ! easy for gray, drab hair to give people the i "sssion that you're older than you really < bjt even if your hair is turning prematurely ay, you can still attract new friends—win nance— by giving your hair rich, na.1. _i iooking color and beauty with Larieuse. / ok years y;j.:ysr t. a Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural looking color (black, brown, blonde)start using Godcfroy's Laricuse Hair Color ing NOW ... acts quickly—goes on cveniy, easily — w* > rub off cv wash out—unaffected by heat — c nails permanents and stylish hairdos . . .• b;wn and used for over 50 years. Your & i r will give your money back if you’re not 1 - To satisfied. Hiv? an easy, professional application at your fc -5te beauty shop or buy Larieuse at any Gw. aetic department or drugstore. * hkm' ; ' ■ -■ ■ '■ - HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby St. H. H. Schauland, Pastor Sunday School 10: A. M. Worship 11 A. M. A happy Easter to all in the name of our risen and glorified Savior! Next to Christmas A happy Easter in no doubt the happiest festival of the church vear. Easter brings us the mes sage of the angel: “Christ is risen; death and the grave are defeated.” It reminds us of the words of Jesus : “Because I live ye shall live also.” In view of these facts we understand why Ea ter is such a joyous occa sion for all Christians. Like Christmas* so Easter has been commercialized. A grocer had decorated his win hnv with Easter lilies and on ted this sign above them: “Christ has risen! Our prices '■ave no*!” Our Easter joy must be centered in the risen Chri 't. And if that fact means anything to us, it will move uc to be zealous witness-bearers tor Christ. May that be the friut of our Easter celebration. In keeping in tradition of F.aster spirit some of the chu rches o’ Omaha have united in .Sun rise service, which will be held at Cleaves C. M. F. Church, 25th and Decatur St. at 6 A. A!. Rev. J. W. Bietson i win bring the message. rs The public is cordially in vited to attend. Tabernacle Church of Christ 2608 Franklin Street Omaha. Nebraska Rev. Joseph H. Jones, Pastor , Rev. J. W. Goodwin, Assistant Pastor Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Assoc iate Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sundav School, Mrs. Elayne Green, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 6:30 P. M. Holiness Young People Union, Mother Peace, President 7:45 P. M. Evening Worship 3 :45 P. M. Monday Child Ev anglist Class, 8:00 P. M. Tuesday Senior Choir rehearsal, Mrs. Ma ud Hogan, President 7:45 P. M. Wednesday Bible Instruction and Group Re port 6:30 P. M. Thursday Junior Choir reheasal, Miss Mit rethia Dixon, Pres. 7:45 P. M. Friday Prayer and Praise Service You are always welcome at -TABERNACLE SEVEN LAST WORDS IN SONG EASTER SUNDAY NIGHT AT 8:00 P. M. The Senior Choir of St. John’s under the able direction of Mrs. Pearl Gibson will pre sent the Seven Last Words in Song on Easter Sunday even ing March 28th at 8:00 at the church. This hardworking auxiliary of our church has been zeal ously working for sometime in the preparation for this pres entation. They have spared no time rehersing. Soloist for this outstanding presentation is as follows: Mrs. Venus Starms, Mrs. Bl anche Moore, Mrs. L. Huston. Mr. Kenneth Myers, tenor and Mr. H. L. Preston Bass. Members and friends your presence is hdartlv solicited. Easter Sunday night, March 2 8 th to this presentation. Won’t you come out? The Junior Choir directed by Mrs. B. J. Childress will present a Pre-Easter service on Good Friday at 8:00 p. m. sh arp at the church. I hese progressive i oung People and their directoress have planned a glorious spir itual service for many mem bers and friends of St. John’s on ths night Friday, March 26 1948 at the church. They will be looking forward to an ex cellent attendance. The Sunday School presents its Easter ervice Sunday after noon, March 28th, at 5 :00 p.m. at the church. These children of ours de sire the parents and friends of the church to come out and encourage them in their ser vice honoring the Risen Chri st. Young People attending our Allen Christian Endeavor each Sunday afternoon at 6:00 p.m. Grow spiritually as well as physically by attending these meetings. Mothers send or bring your children to Sunday School ev ery Sunday morning at 9:30 a. m. Attending our Morning service atll a.m. Our evening service at 7:30 p.m. Visitors and friends are always wel come at St. John’s the friend lv church at 22nd Wills Ave. Cpme and worship with us won’t you.? Cleaves Temple C.M.E Church 25th and Decatur St. C. P. Ra nss, Pastor Jeanie English, Reporter We were honored to have the Men’s chorus sing for us again this morning. We always ! enjoy hearing them. Rev. Raines urged us to put ourselves in the position to 1 vote, then when the time c©tnes we should vote. We are having early service here Easter Sunday morning at 6:00 a. m. Rev. Bletson will be the speaker. There will also : be our regular 11 a. m. service. ' hir speaker will be our pastor. Plan to attend the earlv ser vice and stay forbreakfast ser ved in the first unitly ofthe church by the Usher Board from 7:00 - 10:30 a. m. The sermon delivered by our Pastor this morning was taken from the 84th Psalm 2nd verse. “Mv soul longeth. yea, even fainteth for the Courts of the ! Lord; my heart and my flesh i cr:eth out for the living God.” Theme: Title Quest of the Soul. Quest means to search, to long, or to seek for. “The last Sundav that pre reeds the first full moon that 'alls on or nf'er March 21st is Palm Sunday, and Easter is the fir=t Sundav that comes after the first full moon that | comes on or after March 21st. Rev. Raines delivered a very , inspirational sermon this mor- ' ning, closing by singing, with the aid the congregation, “Something Within.” ST JOHNS A.M.E. CHURCH 22nd Willis St. Rev. E. B. Childress Mason Devereaux, Jr. Report. A beautiful Palm Sunday of 1948 found our minister Rev. Childress delivering one of his inspirational Christian serm ons. His subject of his glori ous message paying homage to the Rising Savior was the Suffering Christ. His text Mark 14, chapter and 34 ver se. The thoughts for the day was as follows; “There is no way out of the program of God other than by the accomplish ment of the program, When a man’s right, he is right, when he is wrong, his conscious tells him so, and if a man doesn't know what it is all about; he cannot be a leader of men’’. Accassiorj 3 Edward Sayer from Alliance, Nebr. Let us prgjv for the sick throughout the week whoever they maybe wherever they maybe. BETTER Mrs Dorothy Glenn, who has been ill for the past two manths, is much better, and returned home from the hos pital Wednesday. IN HOSPITAL ^ Mr. L. L. McVay of 2808 Corby, is very sick in Doctor’s Hospital, His condition was still serious, as of Tuesdav night. Me McVay is active in church and social life. He is ____ Insist On Clean Records In Beer Relicensing It is well to keep in mind that only past good performance entitles an applicant to a beer selling license. The brewing industry realizes that its effort to keep beer re tailing on a high plane can be made fully effective only when the privilege of selling beer is given to those who will not abuse the privilege. A retailer whose past perform ance shows he has a lack of proper regard for the public in terest — who carelessly or de liberately violates the laws and general rules of good conduct — has proved himself un worthy of a license. He should be replaced by a reputable citi zen who has the proper attitude and ability. Should you know of a tav ern-keeper in your community who does not measure up to his responsibilities, now is the time to act. Report it fully to your local licensing officials. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE □ United States Brewers Foundation Charles E. Sandall, State Director 710 Firat Nat'l Bank Bldg , Liacola Their goal, 250,000 dollars . . . seated (left to right). Dean W. W. Burr, Harry B. Coffee, Perry W. Branch; standing (left to right), J. Francis Mc Dermott, J. L. Welsh, John E. Curtiss and E. P. Barnes.—Journal-Stockman Photo. To help Nebraska boys and girls become better citizens is the purpose of an active mon ey-raising campaign now be ing waged by the Nebraska Department of the American Legion, according to state ments made last week by mem bers of the sponsoring com mittee conferring in Omaha. Previously, on March 15, the Legion officially launched the drive on its 30th anniversary. A goal of at least $250,000 was set. The money will be given to the University of Nebraska for the construction of a Ne braska Youth Memorial build ing on the College of Agricul ture campus. Governor Yal Peterson pro claimed the inaugural day of the drive “Nebraska Youth Day.” Peterson urged every person in the state to support the drive as far as possible. Observers pointed out that the drive was unique in that the Legion wanted to “give” something to the state of Ne braska. Participating in youth and agriculture activities on the College of Agriculture of campus hailed the porposed gift as a vitally needed struc ture. Legion committee mem bers said that the facilities now used for such group meetings as Cornhusker Boys’ State and the annual 4-H Club week are wholly inadequate. Nebraska’s Depa rtment Commander E. P. Barnes, of Omaha, declared, “The Legion | w ishes to provide a much need led 'building for the youth of Nebraska, where thousands of . of Nebraska youth will be in structed in Americanism through such training pro grams as Cornhusker Boys’ State, 4-H Club activities, vo cational agriculture and other youth programs.” Dean W. W. Burr of the College of Agriculture stated. “We sorely need such a build ing to serve Nebraska’s two greatest assets — youth and agriculture. The vision of the American Legion in conceiv ing this program has "drawn the commendation of leaders in all phases of life in our state. DEATHS Mrs. Mary Smith, 62, 2436 Decatur Street, died Thursday March 18th at a local hospital. Mrs. Smith had been a resid ent of Omaha thirty years and a member of Pilgrim Baptist Church and Princess Ozel Ch apter No. 11, Order of the Ea stern Star. She is survived by a sister in law, Mrs. Mattie , .Carter, <Omaha. Funeral ser vices w^re held Tuesday after noon from the Pilgrimi Baptist Church wth Rev. Charles Fav ors oficating, assisted bv the Rev. J. W. Rodgers, Rev. Fos ter Gondlett. Princess Oztel Chapter No. 11 was in charge of the Eastern Star rites with Sister Vassie Harrold, W. M. and Brother Floyd Buckner W. G. P. acting Worthy Pat ron. Pall bearers, J. W. Porter, Guy Wiley, Charles Duffy, Doc Bowen, L. Young, R. C. Stewart. Burial was at Grace land Cementery with arrang ements by Thomas Mortuary. Mrs. Mildred Jackson, 30, 1826 North 23rd Street, died Saturday March 2th at a local been a resident of Omaha for hosptal. Mrs. Jackson had been a resident of Omaha for most of her life and was a me mber of Pleasant Green Bap tist Church. She is survived by two children, Dorothy and Jos eph Jackson, parent Mr. and Mrs William L. Higdon. The body is at Thomas Mortuary. Mrs. Lulu Bynum. 49, 1204 North 25th Street, died Tues day March 23rd1 at a local hos pital. Mrs. Bynum had been a resident of Omaha nineteen years. She is survived by her husband, Mr. William Bynum, Omaha, daughter, Mrs. Viola Lewis, Brickeys Arkansas, and brother, Mr. Samuel Bell, of Chicago, Illinois. Funeral services will be 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon at Thomas Mortuary. Burial will be at Forest Lawn Cemetary. also the organizer of the spring musical that is giken every year. He is also a member of St. John’s Church. Mrs. Dew ey Emanuel, sister of Mrs. Me Vay flew in fro mDenver, Col orclao, last night. Heavy Eaters People in the United States are eating 8 per cent more food per per son this year than in 1941 and 16 per cent more than the 1935-39 aver age. Here’s General Electric’s deluxe radio-phonograph Model 302 ★ Genuine Armstrong FM ★ 6 Band Radio ★ Sure-action Record Changer if Storage for 150 ."•cords ★ Dynapower Snsoker_ I You’ll be proud to own this superb with its glorious natural color tone from both radio and records, its lovely French Provincial styled mahogany cabinet and sensationally beautiful record reproduction. MODERN WOMEN SEEK' 2-WAY HELP LIKE THIS What to do for woman’s oldest problem, functional monthly pain? Many a girl and woman has found , the answer In Cardui's 2-way help. You see, Card in may make things lots easier for you in either of two ways: (1) started 3 days before "your time” and taken as directed on the label, it should help relieve functional periodic pain ?|(2) taken throughout the month like a tonic, it should improve your appetite, aid digestion, and thus help build up resistance for the trying days to come. Cardot is scientifically pre pared and scientifically tested. If you suffer “at those certain times”, get Cardot today. tenant to (006 ycwi &evtC <0x6, NATURAL HAIR AHACHMENTS ON A6 UN-OFF AGAIN Huir Do’s—to meet oil occasion*] PAGl BOY $3.00 L NATURAL ERAID $4.50 you can navz vo un ft Ain PERFECTLY MATCHED Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair— chignon All Shades $5.50 SEND NO MONEY JUST SEND SAMPLE OF YOUR HAIR OR STATE THE COLOR Pay Postman Full Amount on Doflvary JESSIE HARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS 507 FIFTH AVL (Room 905) NEW YORK 17, N. Y„ Dept. A CLASSIFIED ADS: FOR RENT: Room for young working woman. HA 7784 FOR RENT: Floor Sanders, Waxers, Wallpaper Steamers • Guaranteed Repair Service on all appliances. All Makes Elect. & Hardware 4040 Hamilton WA. 4668 2 ROOM APT. living room, bedroom, cooking priveleges. All bills paid. 1116 N. 18. St. Employed couple FOR RENT: Rooms. Call PL 2055 before 8 A.M. after 7 P.M Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 Navigated Lake Michigan Jean Nicolet Is credited with be ing the first while man to navigate Lake Michigan, according to Ency clopaedia Britannica. Sent west by I Champlain on a voyage of explora tion. he treaded his way in a birch canoe through the Straits of Mack inac and discovered Lake Michigan in the summer of 1634. VOTE FOR C. C. GALLOWAY STATE SENATOR FIFTH DISTRICT NOW l The Amazing New Radio ^! j1 That Remembers This sensational new clock radio automatically turns on 11 the radio program you choose 11 ■ to get you out of bed. If you 111, try to sneak in an extra ■ | i "forty winks” it will buzz buzz-buzz you awake. I > r Plenty of power—clear tone <, j — and the dependable G-E electric clock always tells the correct time. Model 50 in rose- _ _ wood brown plav WANTED: Burnt, wrecked, dilapidated cars and trucks. Call Consolidated Auto Parts, AT 5656 or call at 2501 Cum ing St. A Get your Easter Breakfast at St. Philips Episcopal Church at 21st Paul Streets St. Philips invites you to their Annual Easter Breakfast which will be served from 8. A. M. to 10: 30 A. M. Easter Morning. If you wish to reserve a table for you and your guest for this special Easter Breakfast call Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt, WE. 4129. Price for breakfast $1.00 per plate. REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. PTATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 ' IT’S QUICK! IT’S EASY! IT’S / $53-25 Model AVF 26 Complete set of “ab^ve-the-floor” i cleaning tools j available for just I a little extra. I No other cleaner gives you such featherweight ease — such clean ing efficiency — such dependable service—and such value! it Powerful Beater and Sweeper— loosens deep-down dirt and grit quickly, gently. ★ Exclusive Toe-tip Nozzle Regulator — adjusts beating and sweeping ac tion to any rug thickness. ★ Toe-tip Tilt loci—can be locked into position for balanced tilting of cleaner at rug edge. ★ Accordion-top Bog—wide top— dustproof—easy to empty. Don’t buy—before you have seen this thrifty, nevr G-E Cleaner designed by G-E experts. Stop in today and try it for yo unelf I Henry W.Miller Electric Company Kermitt Harvey % (Your Local Representative) 415 SOUTH 18th STREET -M* :5‘ ^ ATlantic 6479