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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1947)
Westinghouse EMib Comforter with the Automatic Watchman Control Just set the Automatic Watchman Control and you’re all set to sleep in mellow warmth the whole night through. One lightweight, Westinghouse Electric Com forter is all you’ll ever need even on the coldest nights. Plugs into any a-c outlet. The bedside control, dainty as a powder box, will then automatically maintain the selected degree of warmth regardless ef changes in room temperature. The lush rayon satin cover is available in three rich, gorgeous colors: Rose, Blue or Green. It is easily dry-cleaned and the inner warming sheet can be removed for laundering. A blessing to persons allergic to wool* not an ounce of animal fibers in the entire Comforter : : : mothproof, too. 72" x 86". for ample tuck-in. Approved by Under writers’ Laboratories, Inc. Come in for a , demonstration; • ~ ' * — ’ Wi «k dainty -powder 1xw" 7 * control automatically com t>lT, pensates for change* ia ' i , Comforter won’t slip off the bed. The underside of spun rayon faille anchors the Comforter to tftc bed. Nl V Makes bedmaking easy... fasti There’s only one bed covering 1 So colorful, as spread is ever needed. •“• Rayon satin sbe* sips off for dry cleaning. Inner warming sheet eastfff THE OMAHA GUIDE, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1947 — I Jkl I A CpwdJjwfe Making Waterproof Glue Waterproof glue having good ad hesive qualities can be made by soaking ordinary glue in water un til it swells, then draining. Put the glue in a glue pot and add an equal amount of linseed oil, cook this mixture slowly until the mix ture is a jellylike mass. It will spread easily if heated before be ing used. « ■ ■ - "'s an automatic U RADIO-PHONOGRAPH ... Iff 1 that plays 50 minutes of uninter j,# rupted recorded music by pressing ! the single-button control. But you can LIFT OUT the radio If* and plug it in anywhere. It** a real 2 in 1 instrument! Stunning air-stream cabinet in |f* fj rich, dark mahogany or toasted blond mahogany finish. W -J This sensational set will bring them home for their. If* 8 after school fun.«r $99.85 8 1 •. I WstinJo^e UW mi ) | i, Hat*'* • —* 'adi;i0h:T.o he* .Wl •** on * K i to 3 and performance you* have frQm room to room ^ $ ] sides, it has a ™aU spaces. G,een and gold % £ a ** <M a s”a" ■ *36-95 if _ _ A WESTINGHOUSE 1 LIBRARY MODEL j , Small, smart and powerful . . . the ideal radio for bookshelf, mantel or table . . . rich mahogany veneer cabinet. . . easy-to-see, easy-to-tune dial . . . big radio performance that will wow the whole dormitory, at a small radio price that won’t upset the budget. > ; \ 1 | \ * 839.95 j j | listen... and you'lllu:/ Westinghouse 9i ‘ 1 ' - l I I SOUTH OMAH A ELECTRIC 1 5021 SO.24thSt SHOP MA.3600~~ Risky to Can in Oven Can all you can is the cryptic ad vice of National Safety council to help beat the cost of living. But do not can in >our oven. Explosions due to built up pressure are a very real hazard. Use the water bath for fruits and tomatoes, the pressure canner for non-acid vegetables and the open kettle for jams, jellies and relishes. Indians Popped Corn * 1 Popcorn was raised by the Indi ans long before Columbus arrived in the Western hemisphere>Jt became an important commercial crop about 1880. Formerly it was sup posed that the popping of corn was caused by the volatilization of oil in the grain. The explosion is due simply to the formation of steam within the grain when it is heated —neither air nor volatile oil, experts say, is concerned in the process. Popcorn with a louder “pop” has been developed. TO MR. BIG OF AGENCY X OR HIS CLIENT’S WORRIED ADVG. MGR. • You said it, brother! It’s a beau tiful campaign, but where in,. . . . are the tear-sheets? • Through seven years experience serving 4-A agencies and their best accounts, we have established new high records for actual dealer use of that expensive Dealer Ad Campaign you prepare for something better than the waste basket. • One flat fee per job and we do all your “dirty work” of mats, ad* dressing, mailing, checking, etc. • One trial will prove why you should use this better method, save time, payroll, and frazzled nerves! 100% confidential. Telephone Dela ware 1065, or wire collect for the full facts. * •- * . Li;. , I Covers the Entire World An airliner travels 464,000 miles per year, compared to an average Pullman distance of 145,000 miles. Since Pearl Harbor the number of civil pilots in the United States has Increased about 400 per cent, from 100,800 in 1941 to 400,000 last year. The past year America’s swarm of civilian planes increased nearly 122 per cent. The planes and pilots are aided by nearly 5,000 farmers who voluntarily make daily observations for the U S weather bureau. Home Bnilding Facts The retail cost of building mat® rials is about double the cost ot their production, says a Twentieth Century fund report. Used houses account roughly for three fourths of annual residential sales and 10 per cent of the total new dwellings be fore the war were produced under public auspices. About 40 per cent of the communities in the United States do not have building codes, ^tattlers Won’t Tell Popular supposition has it that the number of rattles borne by a snake indicates its age in years. A new rattle is required each time that a snake sheds its skin and sev eral rattles may be added annually, the California Fish and Game com mission reports. The studies indi cate that young snakes in their year of growth gain, besides the original button, two to four rattles. Medium sized snakes, during their second or third year, often gain two rattles annually. Adults most frequently add only one rattle a year, but sometimes gain two. A Open Letter to Mr. Morris Levey, Manager, General Appliance Company, Dist ributors of Philco Radio and and Appliances .. By Aneita Hayes, President National Negro Congress and former Northside Y. W. C. A. Executive A article in the last issue of the Omaha Guide attracted my attention. It was so unusual that I decided to write this letter to you. While the Wor ld joins in the Universal Chorus “Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Men”. I considered it an opportune time to look upon many present blessings, and to talute you, Mr. Levey, whc» proved to the colored youngsters of this city that you mean Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Men through your actions of donating a load of new toys to be dis tributed by the American Legion Roos. evelt Post No. 30. Through this mag namious gesture, you, Mr. Levey, to the needy youngsters demonstrated demo cracy in action. I wish to present, an orchid to you and hope that the coming year's will be bontiful with sue. cess and happiness. Fresh Produce Markets Faneuil Hall market in Boston is 200 years old and the French mar ket in New Orleans is 150 years old. Other markets, handling fresh fruits and vegetables that are more than 100 years old include Pearl street market in Cincinnati, Dock street market and Callowhill street market in Philadelphia, and the Roanoke avenue market at Norfolk. Many others have been operating for more than 50 years. When these j markets were built the produce was hauled by horse and wagon, or brought in by water. Most of the ■ produce now arrives by rail. Replacement of Poles The average life of a wooden wire service pole is 20 years. Sixty-four million wooden poles are in use to- • day for power and telephone lines; 16 poles per mile for power lines and 40 a mile for telephone lines. , With the present number of poles, the industry must replace nearly 15 million poles each year. Injuries to Workmen Work injuries to 3,063,000 workers J were reported last year, which means that more than 47 million work da vs were lost to production. * <utuvit to loo& youn ieotf* *#6 NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS OH A9AIN--0FF AGAIN Hair Do’s-to meet all otcosiont PAGE BOY NATUIA1 $3.00 BIAID $4.50 \ YOU CAM HA VC YOltR HAIR PERFECTl YMA TCHED Latest Creations Easily Attached v- Human Hair— chignon All Shades $5.50, SEND NO MONEY Just send sample of your hah OR STATE THE COLOR Pay Postman Full Amount on Dollvory _I_ ?J» JESSIE RARE BEAUTY PRODPCTS % 507 FIFTH AVL (Room 905) NEW YOU! 17. N.Dept. A I- "-1 & CD EE CURLING, “KEEIRON j, WITH ORDER V-ROLL $3.50 CHIGNON $3.50 PAGE BOY $3.50 fcju. . . .-A CLUSTER $4.00 wny pay more ro- ▼ * soft lovely looking 1# fine quality human 7 / hair that glamour- 9i Izes your hair-do and yet Is so nat ural looking and so 91 easily attached? State color or send S/ sample of your hair f *■ - T s SEND NO MONET—Pay postman on delivery plus chgrges. I rvu H. K. COMPANY, Dept. I - Box 2163, Richmond, Virginia | ft riOME HOURS WILL BE HAPPY HOURS ff WITH A WONDERFUL if ^Vkstinghouse | Radio-Phonograph I THE MAGIC OF FINE MUSIC IS YOURS WITH THE 169 Has Plenti-power, Rainbow Tone FM, two short j wave bands, the amazing Electronic Feather, the Automix Record Changer which plays 10 and I 12-inch records intermixed, Signal Light ControlJ twin record compartments, two speakers ...... j exquisite bow-front cabinet in matched w. *Yv ^ veneers — a magnificent possession! ' ^ $600.00 • V MORE THAN YOU DREAMED POSSIBLE AT SUCH LOW COST ... THE 166 You'll marvel at true-to-life Plentl-power reception . . . Rainbow Tone FM, the quietest, most sensitive FM ever made for home use . . . the amazing Electronic Feather tone arm which • eliminates needle scratch without loss of musical 1 highs . . . the new Automix Changer Olay*. [ 10 and 12-inch records intermixed. < a " . U v '• - - THE PERFECT EXTRA RADIO..THE 125j ' THE CONSOLE RADIO IN CAPSULE FORM i Only 9Vi" x 6’ x 6"—ideal for crowded table tops ( -J 1 ... power and tone you’ll have to hear to believe. 1 Completely enclosed on all sides . . . retractable, $36.95 ' disappearing handle that makes it easy to carry from room to room. Ivory and gold, green and gold. . .ASK ABOUT OUR EASY TERMS« ^ ) » SOUTH OMAHA ELECTRIC SHOP tMAlRKEtn 3600 ~ _5021 SO. 24TH.