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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1947)
If You Choose One of these *7£ew PHILCO RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS / This Offer Good • Only While Stocks of these Famous Models Last You’ll be forever bappy with . this choice! Smart tilt-fronS cabinet styling, gloriously rich tone reproduction of Radio or Recorded Music, exclusive Phllco features, built-in Philco quality! 80 don't lose out... call on the Dealer nearest you. Aslr for a demonstration of the Phllco models 1230 1227 and 1226. Trade in your old radio and get Philco’s big value at a saving Do it now —TODAY—If you can! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT and EASY TERMS IF DESIRED PHILCO "122R" M Plays up to 1! B “atjcally Feaths™ ^ aut° V «f®. PoweESi ,231?^ ‘"He I Was rectifier 8 tubes I wave r staQt)ard and I Regular I H8,’ price *]90 5c *®'S£2'£KS >30* Supply of W ^ CO ‘•jooZT^^ these quality ^ X?V^*S^ ‘■^ p^"°°*4pb PHILCO Models 7 SS§y^S?®l3fe£» j is Limited! / S^gg* *8*33^ NOW/ J cost ^^oj30°o / COME IN TODAY! ^——L 23950 nSd YOU WONT REGRET IT! "— j All-Makes^tj“rf / with the ^ Sensational New I3i PHILCO S Radio-Phonograph Now at PARAMOUNT I Utmost Enjoyment of Radio and Recorded Music—^ Bring* You Exclusiv* N*w PHILCO ELECTRONIC SCRATCH ELIMINATOR Eliminates surface noise —yet preserves brilliant "highs” and overtones. Keeps noise out elec tronically. Music comes | through against back ground of utter silence. I_ZI_I Yours in a Superb Chippendale Cabinet Yes, here's every luxury you could desire! Powerful radio brings you purest FM tone ever achieved . . . also Standard and Short Wave Broadcasts! DeLuxe Record Changer with Dynamic Reproducer, Featherweight Tone Arm ! For a new thrill in listening . . . hear the Philco 1270 today! $369.50 *«Y Terms • Blonde Mahogany Slightly Higher PARAF10UNT OMAHA’S IARGEST RADIO SHOP INC. TERMS AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVE APPLIANCE OPEN MONDAY EVENING 20th & Famam St AT 8409 |!5538gtJ^JSS?3Bgl3SS5SK53S3jSJ5^j8SSt3e5 g Seasons Greetings | g Omaha Paper Stock g g 18th & Marcy Street ts | JA. 0150 | ^ 5=^ sa ^ 3=53 5S353=S3 5&T | Seasons Greetings | g Lake Street Grocery tf 2531 Lake Street | JA. 1041 5|»aj8f3 355 »3 «335S3SS£SKgt;53 jSSSjSsfj! | Holiday Greetings S Killingsworth & Price $ Barbers 2416 North 24th Street * JA. 8861 »5*a»as553aas!g53agtjss55as5jass*gEjaa | Holiday Greetings | S KAIMAN DRUG CO. 8 a 1520 North 24th Street g a JA. 7183 ssissississississtssissiseesecsetse 533533833533533533535533533533835=3; | Holiday Greetings | a Myers Funeral Home s § 2416 North 22nd Street | | WE. 0248 r S \ 558335335355335355335335335338335335 | Seasons Greetings | $ Grosstown Loan Go. $ 8 Mr. Belmont % » 1819 North 24th Street tfl 3 JA. 0299 s ^553553553353553353553%335333335338 | Holiday Wishes | | SUPERIOR GARAGE | 16th & Sprague | 8 PL. 2012 g i55355355335355335355355335355355355S =35338355335338335335338335355335355?. ^ We extend greetings to our many friends and » » patrons for New Year. | 8 Crawford Barber Shop § 1701 North 24th Street | 55355355355335355355355355335335338? ^5££S5£JSa£KS^S3SKK5£^K35Sa;^iKSSSa | Seasons Greetings \ 2 It’s safe to be hungry at i the Sharp Inn Cafe w 2318 North 24th Street j 8 Phone JA. 9532 ©5£Ka£3SS!CK£S5S£3g5£S5a£KK3KSigK3B5£3S 8 Seasons Greetings j 8 Paint & Decorate SS It Pays Phone JA. 0725 j 2 Let me do your work, j R All work guaranteed. 8 E. CRUTER Y) 2631 Grant Street H II Seasons Greetings \ 8 Willis Hotel Dinette ) i 5 || 2324 North 22nd Street ; 53S3383S3 S3353383S?5353353383353 8 Seasons Greetings ^ g 6000 NEWS f 8 FOR. THE X | NEW YEAR. H | Lake Street Tavern Q 2229 Lake Street n ^ JA. 9195 fi !3»gt3=S55S^S^3Sg53agf55a5Sg55StSKEy y -T-s J " "" * P '948, I 11 | °f '“Wo*. . . . J If .1 | randeis Store I /| D°ug/as £ 'J. AT- *666 | ■*BS«5ssaa3ss “ ^S3,Wa5» HAPPY HOTJDAY : i \ » h ; g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i ? * _ , IX i X Dolgoff ,ix m I Hardware || X MX X Paint & Glass If x ' m ^ 1822 North 24th Street WE. 1607 MX X53aaSK5S^5Sg5S=gt3=gE3!SSSgESgE3aa5cIX, X I HAPPIEST I NEW« | YEAR." 119489 » m Volunteers || 8 r \ • II of America || | 317l/2 North 15th Street || 8 JA. 2290 g Seasons Greetings ggf I J* P. Crounse and Son || £ Grocery and Fish Mkt. §| R 1314 North 24th Street 8 JA. 3478 S8 Ih^PTholidayI 8 McFarland & Kennedy || tg 316 Electric Bldg. 1£ Realty Inc. - JA. 2100 gfi 8 Holiday Greetings MS* 8 i£ g Crosstown Bar 8k w 2044 North 24th Street ag | JA. 8920 fg gSsstsgRstssitssEjagEsssjsgcsssjagsjsgg 8 Seasons Greetings I to aH- I ® Crounse Bootery ag I 1514 North 24th St. g - ■ w.sxv.l W, Seasons Greetings 1 1 I i i i \ \ Werner Paint & \ \ \ Wallpaper Go. | 2222 Cuming AT. 4744 ( 5353353353353353553353353353353355 j 3=3353353553 353 S3 3533533=3 383 3853] I I I ; 1 j Omaha Steel Works jj 609 South 48th Street I 8 8 Finley Ice Go. | 24th & Seward Streets 1 a WE. 0232 8 i 8 S£^!£3gKigs£KKgK¥«:®S£®a| Holiday Greetings | Realty Improvement Go. | Mr. Hiram Dee 30th & Wirt Streets | I^S«5=553agE3S$33555J5gEJ5gE55gt5St^§ Seasons Greetings 8 to all. 8 House of Welcome Invalid Home 124 South 39th Street 8 Edith Stallard, R. N. I JA. 7370 Holiday Greetings | MARSH MARKET 8 1622 North 24th Street | AT. 1555 8 Colton’s Dry Goods 8 2503 North 24th Street 8 PL. 1122 ssEst&x&K&ggai: sskssessssssss 8 m a p Holiday Greetings | L M, M jjjjjj Clark Street Grocery & jg Beer Mkt. m | || 1824 Clark Street | pgtaajasEJS^jsas^jaaEsssjBRtssjsagtjgjI || Seasons Greetings | gg REID’S PHARMACY | || 1602 North 24th Street f || We. 1613 | || *JS«!SSJBa»ss«ssat»s^s55aK!£^| gg Holiday Greetings I gg J-B Cleaners and Taiiers •* g$5 1805 North 24th Street $ || WE. 6161 1 a »** SS«SSSSS55Sg« jags 58RS5KSSKIJ, I Happy Holidays | I Edholm & Sherman jf gg Lndrs. & Dry Clnrs. g gg 2401 North 24th Street g gg WE. 6055 g II Holiday Greetings | gg Thomas Funeral Home 55 2022 Lake Street g WE. 2022 | ggsiBK^K^SCESKJSKiSKSSKKKSSKEKa^g gg g gg Happy New Year g ig § Mother’s Lace Laundry ns 4731 North 64th Street 2 || GL. 7584 | 1 (GREETINGS 11 I (NEIGHBORS I NEW g j iYEAR X j III 8 8 1 (I I j • BENJAMIN FRANKLIN I |!l (I MADE THE MOST OF EV- I g | ERYTHING . . . MADE EVERY g : || GOLDEN MINUTE* COUNT. ■ WE HOPE THAT YOU. TOO, Sf j Sg WILL MAKE THE MINUTES | j COUNT IN 1948, AND THAT jj lli every one of them will | ‘ l ADD TO THE SUM TOTAL | ; M OF YOUR HEALTH AND )} \ M HAPPINESS. $ | Clair Chapel I | || Methodist Church jg { 22nd and Miami Street $ 1 Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor g | WE. 1937 \H K! ► i ---- 83a«scKa£jS8f£sa£Kaj3aEss££a£«Esa:«^ I Seasons Greetings | jf Lake Street Grocery 8 2531 Lake Street a $ JA. 1041 $ 55 a I fcTOl I 8 KTS31 i 8 Brrffl | | " 2 ^ • Janus, the ancient Roman 2 Jf deity who presided over all ^ & beginnings, was represented g 1 by a double head that looked R 2 g both ways. $ e At this beginning of 1948 2 ft u ^ we voice the hope that good S p fortune will come to you not g g from two ways alone, but g g from every direction! 2 | ST. JOHN A M E Church 1 2 2 g Rev. E. B. Childress, g 8 Pastor » 22nd and Willis Avenue « 2 “The Friendly Church” .2 2 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 2 t Morning Worship 4 11:00 a. m. g a Union 6:30 p. m. a j Evening Worship ft 8:00 p. m. 4 | | 1 1 Sit i rn a The stork depositing the n l young cherub is the tradi- « \ tional symbol of the New J Year. & ) Just as traditional is our $ i old-time wish for all our $ ^ old-time friends: That good ^ \ health, good cheer, good ft * friends and good fortune * may be your lot in 1948! Hope Lutheran | 30th & Corby Streets H. H. Schauland, Pastor a Sunday School » 10:00 a. m. § Morning Service w 11:00 a. m. $ I! We A Once More T '<T™^ERING CURTAINS * ■ o 0/C BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman CDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— | 2411 North 24th St. Phone WE 6055 Why Not HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Foods Are Real Gone HURRY BACK CAFE 2229 Lake St JA: 9195 Mrs. Ella Mae Tucker, Supervisor J. Mason and E. Washington, Props. THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE . • WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” *4th & LAKE AT. 4248 — MARY’S — CHICKEN HUT BARBECUED RIBS and SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Something |o Crow About” | ROBERT JONES, Proprietor JAckson 8946 2722 North 30th St.