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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1947)
> I RADIO-PHONOGRAPH ... that plays 50 minutes of uninter rupted recorded music by pressing die single-button control. I But you can LIFT OUT the radio and plug it in anywhere. It’s a real 2 in 1 instrument! Stunning air-stream cabinet in rich, dark mahogany or toasted blond mahogany finish. This sensational set will bring them home for their after school fun..$99.85 I every student wants a Westinghouse UTTLt it j H«e-.. *“ m \ ,sir^- 4 rjr-ii A WESTINGHOUSE ~ .- - 1 g I LIBRARY MODEL 1 I . Small, smart and powerful . . . the ideal radio for bookshelf, j j| mantel or table . . . rich mahogany veneer cabinet. . . easy-to-see, I easy-to-tune dial . . . big radio performance that will wow the whole dormitory, at a small radio price that won’t upset the budget. [ - ‘ $39.95 j j | -V„ listen...and you//6u;; Westindhouse 1 - Q - -- j i — _ ! -- LE 1 »*> PHILIPS DEPARTMENT STORE! 24th and ‘O’ Street _ $ — - -—________South Omaha^ HOMO VITAMIN D MILK^ I HAPPY NEW YEAR | Mrs. Hinton Studio 2409 Binney Street PL. 0362 g IBKSSSBKKaSgKSKSBKSSKgKKKgKl HOLIDAY GREETINGS $ RITZ CAB CO. 2402 Patrick JA 5222 « To every one | Hearty Greetings and 1 ■ Warmest wishes for | the New Year I Andrews Quick Service | Cleaners i s 1837 North 24th Street Telephone JAckson4117 ® __' _ _ " ~ ■ R? Contractor .. j | See Bailey First j j SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING ) ^ • BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEING# < ^ • RETAINING WALLS r )I \ $ OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S J £ —Phone PLeasent 19 7 5 — j I ! 1 1£'9t | i I Each year we welcome the New Year, certain $ Q it can bring only better H | things. Under New Year's familiar lights we share memories of jjj Q struggle, of triumph, » g of hope. ^ May all your hopes ; for 1948 come true! S $ And may you enjoy a very happy New Year. RED AMD WHTTE I STORE | | Telephone AT. 2500 X & X i 1 GREETINGS § 8 8 8 8 I I 8 8 Hector, Wardens, g and the Congregation 8 8 i 8 1 g FATHER SANCHEZ I St. Phillips Church g s s i I I i GREETINGS g UNITED CAB CO.. | I ' 24th and Willis g JA. 7171 SKJasKs^KBKSSKjaaasasjKs^a^a^ ; S - g HAPPY NEW YEAR I 1 „ * Lnderwood BiLiard $ i 1522 North 24th Street I' »!; Telephone JA 9082 « THE OMAHA GUIDE, OMAHA, « | n 'i\ | NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, | j DECEMBER 27, 1947 11 3 8 > A CLIP CURLING IRON with spring $1 25155 £) in handle. Comp!eto-f ull price * y* VI BRASS UOIVLB— J ■ JjJ Currad Taath. Wood or wire handle ■ £| ! ^^^^MAECEL IRON—S $5 PlaiD or Rolling $ ■ 7S« i » Handlos. Price ■ g ^ FREE « « a PRESSING /~£iSr\ COMPOUND $ With Order ^ SEND NO MONEY Spay Postman Full Amount on Delivery | H. K. COMPANY J5 BOX SI 63 DEPT. 97 , RICHMOND. VA. n~~ OIL STOVE US burns kerosene *21* .1 I \<M c&umd! I ®” ™enew I YEAR 1 I I f IF WE HAD OUR g I WAY ABOUT IT, 1948 I U » g WOULD BE A BIG | | BUDGET OF GOOD $ g NEWS FOR YOU. | ACCEPT OUR BEST $ | WISHES FOR YOUR I fi HAPPINESS IN THE | p YEAR TO COME. g Walnut Hill Feed Store Benson Elevator Co. p p Henrik Hansen | * WA 1716 11 g WA. 4267 8 g SEASON’S GREETINGS | | CARMEL CORN SHOP g 1 2210 North 24th Street I I S g Ted Parks, Prop. $ ts 55ag5J5g55S?SSi5ag?5aSE5S?'?gEJSgt3agtJi S GREETINGS g LAKE STREET I I SHOE SERVICE w I 2407 Lake Street I | SEASON’S GREETINGS «l J. D. HINES | g of 2623 O Street wishes g all of his friends a «• | HAPPY NEW YEAR I $ Thanks: g g | j I Compliments of 4he « FOUR SQUARE FUEL | I Co- *! 26th and Martha ^ H AT. 3732 g J | HAPPY NEW YEAR | j I g J | Kirk’8 X! SOUTH SIDE g.j TYPEWRITER ijfi | I|B 2420 M Street § £ | g e MA. 1574 | g gig Hollywood stms color I \ THEIR HAIR...whynot YOU? \ \ I 8 No need to let gray, drab hair make you « ^ unattractive. Hollywood stars have paved E ft the way... shown that hair coloring is as 8 w important a cosmetic as rouge, lipstick, etc % j* Your friends will approve when you give ^ 8 your hair rich, natural-looking color and ft $ beauty with Larieuse. « I ft look years younger Color Your Hair This Easy Way I To give your hallr new, rich, natural looking color(black, brown, blonde )start using Godefroy's Larieuse Hair Color ing NOW ... acts // III rm quickly-goes on . . „ evenly, easily — won t rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat — permits permanents and stylish hairdos . .. known and used for over 50 years. Your dealer wil I give your money back if you're not 100% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your ‘avorite beauty shop or buy Larieuse at any cosmetic department or drugstore. ■ ••aaaaaaaaaaasaaa I \Wr- - ' ww, / rRound-the-ciockComfort-^— when you travelj Berths and chairs designed for complete i - rest. Modern dressing-room facilities. Wide * • | choice of expertly prepared foods. Space in !| * which to roam. ~ | ' " ' ' ~ |! Union Pacific invites you to enjoy smooth-, riding travel on one of its many fine trains. t\ .' ~ • k - ■ | Union Pacific Railroad | j 'Road of the *Pail4j £?//iea*nlUtei* li —•— * Westinghouse Eleetub Comforter with the Automatic Watchman Control t ' Why? Because they’re snugly covered with a lush, soft, lightweight Westinghouse Electric Comforter is:: the bedcovering for warmth without weight: This one Comforter is all that’s ever needed even 1 on the coldest night. Once the Automatic Watch man Control has been set it maintains the selected warmth the whole night through regardless of changes in room temperature. Top is of quilted rayon satin, in Rose, Blue or Green with matching underside of nonslip spun rayon faille that anchors Comforter to the bed. Outer cover dry-cleans beautifully.:: Inner warm ing sheet of preshrunk muslin is easily removable for washing. Approved by Underwriters’ Labora tories, Inc. 72" x 86" allows for ample tuck-ku Mothproof, too: ~ v $49.85 : ^ci yy • Dainty "powder box" cootrof • automatically compensates for • changes in room temperature! • • Won't slip off the bed. Th* • underside of spun rayon faitte • clings to the sheet. • • ocomaKing easy . . . • fast! Only one bedcoverd«1 • No spread is ever needed. • » • maun anm nps off for dry • cleaning! Inner wanning sheet . «a«ly Washed, if necessary. a I s „ (Including federal t«»-) _y Philip’s Dep’t. Store 24th and O St, c , , South Omaha