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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1947)
These are Men of Honor «*n|!r - ——r- -• liSsp^ I Eyes front. Colors agleam in the November sunlight of this — { hallowed day. The measured cadence of their marching feet;;; the deep-throated roar of engines overhead .;; send shivers of pride along your spine. > jfe- You feel a tiny touch of envy, too. For perhaps you have ? known how it is with them ;;; the glory of serving under your country’s ' flag, the privilege of wearing your country’s uniform. 1 - _ Soldiers, Sailors and Air Force men, Marines and Coasf Guardsmei '•-these are men who are working today to preserve thqt peace for which Armistice Day stands. Join us in saluting them as they go swinging byi This message is sponsored . ■ h ^ ft « * ♦ ** . . ^ I First Secretary of National Defense katwYfi!SHINGTON, D. C.-(Soundphoto)—James V. Forrestal, of New York, took the oath as the nation s first Secretary of National Defense in a ceremony at the Navy Department Left to richt ?e.nneTth C-Royal., Secretary-Designate of the Army; Gen. D. D. Eisenhower, Army Chief of sfaff; John L. Sullivan, Secretary-Designate of the Navy; Fred M Vinson Fnipf nf it <5 ' Ktairc:padrfini9ter ^rf t°ath;,"W. Stuart Symington, Secretary-Designate of Air Force; James'V. Forre 6tal, Secretary of National Defense; Maj. Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, Director-Desienate of Joint Staff Mnder the Joint.Chiefs of.Staff, and Thomas J. Hargrave, Chairman of the Munitions Board., HALLOWE'EN DOUGHNUTS , What the Well-dressed Hallowe'en Table will Wear! -■III—■! Ml - I I _ Cider, sweet with the flavor of fresh-pressed apple juice; doughnuts, soft and melting to the tongue; crisp golden brown surface to bite into This combination is an autumn favorite with everyone. It is not only becoming to Hallowe’en, but it is tops for parties to celebrate basketball, football or hockey vic tories. And home-made doughnuts are the winners, too, when made this simple, quick way. They’re Eire ply scrumptious! HALLOWE’EN DOUGHNUTS 4 egg yolks or 3V2 teaspoons 2 whole eggs bakiig 1 cup sugar powder % cup tniik 134 teaspoons ys te&snooa nut:, eg vanilla % ua/pioa 2 tab!, . poona r .n...nion Spry 114 to ojons m cups sifted salt all-purpose flour Beat eggs unf il very light. Boat in •ugnr graduaJly . .. aijo milk and waiulla and mix thoroughly . . . drop in Spry... sift flour, baking powder, spices and salt. Add one half of flour to first mixture and beat until smooth. Add remaining flour and mix well . . . turn out on floured board and roll 54-inch thick. Cut with 254-inch dough nut cutter. Fry doughnuts and "holes” until brown in deep hot Spry (375°F.). Drain on absorbent paper . . . while doughnuts and "holes” are warm, place a few at a time in a bag with spiced granu lated sugar and shake vigorously. Arrange in rows on tray and serve with cider, coffee or milk, ua 2 dozen. bi-ton to the cheers! Mom’s;s win ns many loud hur mys as doe* any touchdown! Aad V iv. i.\’°! V doughnut fries to th* Fame 'idle, te i. xtuie wwd« and . i'.- C op attCaron tuovans I face cm the o.iu nii 1 DOUGLAS COUNTY CHAPTER director of march red CROSS DRIVE rl 'y B ^r'’ senior vice-presi dent and director of the Omaha Na tional Bank, has been named fund campmgn chairman of the March, im drive for the Douglas County Chapter, American Red Cross. W. LeRoy Wilcox, chapter chair man made the announcement at a Red Cross Boar dof Directors meet ing Monday, November 3 at the Fon tenelle Hotel. A life-long resident of Omaha, Mr. Millard has been active in civic affairs for many years. He is on the Board of Directors of the Red Cross here He is director of Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Co., director of Forest Lawn Cemetery Association, president of Board of Regents of the Creighton University and Trustee of Creighton Hall, and a member of the finance committee of American Le gion Post No. 1. He was King Ak Sar-Ben XLVII I941 and •z ct sn t rose to th/ i r a Maor and rose to tile rank of Lt rv>l k r discharge in 1945 it e °re ^is Siis location in omaha* ANY Mtge Co. 234« S * ***7 F E w „ * Theater ■ E- Watters Secretary !„ — MARY'S CHICKEN I, JT BARBECUED R1 ,1 SOUTHERN FRIED < KEN “OUR Chicken Dij ire Something ^o Croi ut.” ROBERT JONES, Proprietor JAckson 8946 2722 30th St. CLASSIFIDED ADS Get Results Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 LYCAN & RANKIN guarantee all of their furnace repairs. Call ATlantic 5029. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 North 30th Street., JA 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are something to crow about. Robert Jones, prop. NEW AND USED FURNITURE IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th — 24th & Lake St. WEbster 2224 REAL ESTATE LOANS \ F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 FURNISHED ROOMS^FOR RENT— j AT. 1885. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ; To: EARLE L RYAN, whose place of residence is unknown and upon whom persoal service of summons cannot be had, defendant: You are hereby noti fied that o the 24th day of March, 1-47, Lucille L. Ryan, as plaintiff, filed her petition against you in the District Court of Douglas County, Ne braska, Docket 404 Page 185, the ob ject and prayer of which petition is t<r obtain an annulment of ureported mar riage to you on the grounds that the said purported marriage was null and void when entered into and is of no force and effect. You are required to answer said pet ition on or before the 8th day of Dec ember, 1947 or said petition against J you will beb taken as true. Lucille Ryan Plaintiff By Harold L. Hunt Her Attorney Beg. 10-25-47—End. 11-15-47 POLITENESS Fishing and Hunting Area Sun Valley, Idaho, borders on a hunting and fishing area as large as the entire state of Connecticut Helps Save Daily Slice of Bread t rl - American housewives can take a | conservation tip from Gloria Wha-1 len, popular Walter Thornton pin* I up model, who carefully recloses the waxed paper wrapper on a loaf i 1 of bread immediately after prepar- ! mg her “between exercise” snack. Reclosing protects the freshness of i the loaf, prevents waste, and lends support to President Truman’s “Save Food for Europe” program. One slice of bread saved by each housewife, says the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, means a na* tional saving of one million pounds of bread daily. —-- i j LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note Is The Time To Get j Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street ■R PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacy l —WE-ih<09— 24th & Lake Sts. hiui.< 11iiimi;iwi mmiiiiHiKiiminiiiNmnMimn The Waiter’s Column BY H. W. SMITH Regis Hotel and White Horse Inn waiters going good. Omaha Club waiters with Capt. Jones taking very good care of the service. Blackstone Hotel waiters quick-step ping on the service at all times. Waiters at the Hill Hotel in the front line on service. rontenelle Hotel waiters on the up and go service with a smile. Are You a Member of the N.A.A.C-P.? Paxton Hotel headwaiter and crew improving on the service at all times R. R. Boy serving on wheels with a smile at all times. Waiters Key Club a head iinee at all times. We all extend our heartfelt sym | pathy to the relatives of Mr. Chester i Hodges as he was a real good fellow j and always ready to lend a helping i hand to a fellow brother. May God i rest his soul in peace. I — Big New Style Book FREE WIGS We are one of the oldest distributors of Colored Wom en's hair, dealing direct for over 35 years with thou sands of satisfied customers. 7T W EVERYTHIN© mIN HAIR GOODS PAGE BOYS • CHIGNONS • SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS • MARCEL IRONS STRAIGHTENING COMBS • PINCERS BEAUTY AIDS • COSMETICS LOWEST PRICES Wril# (or FREE Holr Stylo Book HUMANIA HAIR CO. Dopt. "12" 303 Fourth Avo. • New York 10, N. Y. Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on ageT Thousands amosecfat what a little pepping up with kas done. Contains tonic many gt an 60. 60, for body old solely because low In iron* Black Eagle Herb Medicine For Weak Folks If you suffer with weak back, Kidney, Bladder Gas, Constipation, Indigestion, Billiousness, Rundown IServes, Cramps, Rheumatism, Less of Womanhood, and Manhood, try this medicine. Send $2.00 for 8 ounce bottle. We also ship C. O. D., postage and money order fee extra. The Spiritual Health Genire 121 N. 11 St. Phila., Pa. . ------.-„ GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 24tFTand Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th To the Tavern Keeper Who Can’t Say "No!’ If you lack the courage to say “NO” when customers ask you to violate the law and the rules of good conduct, you are too timid for your own good. Your fellow citizens will con demn you as a law violator and this Committee will not de fend you in the Court of Public Opinion. • The result of educational work by this Committee has been highly gratifying. Those who know — those who pa tronize the taverns of Nebras ka—will attest to the fact that law observance has reached a high level in this state. Most tavernkeepers have learned to say “NO” when customers ask them to “break the rules.” The friends of beer have learned NOT to ask tavernkeepers to violate their good conduct pledges. It is the purpose of this Com mittee that there shall be con stant and continued improve ment. [NEBRASKA COMMITTEE United States Brewers Foundation Charles E. Sandall, State Directoi 710 FiiM Nil’i Bank Bldg., Lincoln Ideal Hog size Moderately fat hogs, weighing be tween 1®0 and 240 pounds alive, pro duce hams, shoulders and sides of the meet desirable size for curing. “It Pays To Look JFeH” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street "/' / ’ How women and girls may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain , Cardui is a liquid medicine which many women say haa brought relief from the cramp— like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress* Here’s how it may help: i m Taken like a tonic, lft , should stimulate appe- - -r tite, aid digestion,^ ' ^ thus help build resist- - ance for the “time” tq come. -J| 2. Started 3 days before U “your time”, it should help relieve pain due -1. t to purely functional a i periodic causes. ~ 1 Try Cardui. If it help* you’ll be glad you did. CARDUI | Ml Andrews QUICK SERVICE CLEANER Dry Cleaning—Hat Work' Well Done CASH — CARRY PICK-UP—DELIVERY One Day Service Everyday °r PRESSING DONE 2 Hour Service While You Wait 1837 North 24th Street JAckson 4117 ,Why Not HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Foods Are Real Gone HURRY BACK CAFE 2229 Lake St JA: 9195 Mrs. Ella Mae Tucker, Supervisor J. Mason and E. Washington, Props. iNOUR EXCHANGE DEPT 30 USED LiV iNGRQOM In a variety of coverings, Davenports and Chairs, 2 pieces for 22.50 25.00 27.50 And up to 149.00 50 Used Dinng Room Suites An especially good showing in oak, walnut and mahogany priced from 22.50 29.50 And up to 159.50 Orchard & Wilhelm Co; ,, CHRISTMAS CARDS delect them today at Creeling Card Headquarters OMAHA STATIONERY CO. 3074)9 So. 17th Contractor .. j See Bailey First SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK. PLASTERING < • BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEING^ < l 9 RETAINING WALLS • OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S'j , —PHONE—AT1154— We A Once More T A*’MnERING CURTAINS * VD OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman NDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— 2*01 North 24th St. . Phone WE-6055 THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE • WWES, beer, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” *4th & LAKE AT. 4248 , ima/it to C006 (fottn. 6cotf" natbral hairattachments ON AGAIN—-Off AGAIN Hoir Do's—to meet all occasions PAGE 430A NATURAL BRAID - . KS° you CAM HA Ire YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY M A TCHED Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair— All Shades • #D.5U, SEND NO MONET iUST SEND SAMPLE OF YOUR HAIR OR STATE THE COLOR _P°Y Postman Full Amount on Dali vary JESSIE HARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS SQ7 FIFTH tVt. (Room 905) NEW YORK 17. N. Y.. Dept. A