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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1947)
LOCAL AND NATIONAL The Omaha Guide ™wc - NEWS . Classifed Ads Get Results Phone- JQC PER Copy HArney 0800 &WORTH it To ,Sell It, ADVERTISe” —————————— —— -■ 1 1————— - Entered as 2nd Class matter at Post* y0j 20 No. 40 Saturday, Nov. 8, 1947 The Omaha Guide Office, Omaha. Nebraska, Under Act of "" ■ —— - , ■' ■- "" " —————————————————————————————————————————— - - ” SONG PUBLISHED BY CINE MARTMUSIC PUBLISHERS, HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA .. r i aMIKII HI Be Loving You Mrs. Genevien Combs of 2516 Corby St., received a contract from Cine Mart Music Publishing Co., Hollywood, California, for her fine piece of work in composing the song 111 Be Loving You.” There interest in publishing of her song has inspired Mrs. Combs to continue composing. She hopes that her song will meet the approval of the public and be a great success. Mrs. Combs has written several songs, “If You Love Me, You Won’t Say, This Is Goodby” which the Ar lington Music Publishers are interested in publishing. This company is af filiated with the Pacific Music Sales Co. of Hollywood, California. It has published songs by Bing Crosby, Herb Jefferies, Freddy Martin, Hedda Brooks, John Loring, and Zavier Cu gar. Buddy Clark, Jonney More & Three Blazes have had their works published by the Pacific Co. Mrs. Combs has shown great talent in this field of endeavor and she is planning to continue. Mrs. Combs was bom and raised in Norbame, Mo., having a twin sister J living in Kansas City, younger sister in Missouri attending high school. Mrs. Combs mother and father still reside in Missouri. Mrs. Combs likes Omaha and so far she plans to continue her residence here despite her new found fame. ARRIVAL Dr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Borders of Ft. Wayne, Ind., announce the birth of a son during the week of Oc tober 26. Mrs. Borders is the former Beatrice (Bobbie) Black of Omaha. She has one other son six years old. THE FRIENDLY 16 BRIDGE CLUB The club met at the home of Mr. T. R. Turner, 2724 Blondo St. The President, Mr. M. Avant, opened the meeting at 8:15 o’clock after a very successful business meeting there was two four hand of bridge played. Mr. John Davis won high score,' Mr. C. Leffal and Mr. O. Pruitt was voted the outstanding members of the week. There was a delicious repass served by the host after which the club adjourned to meet at the home of Mr. Sam Wead, 2123 No. 28 St. Monday, Nov. 10 at 8 p. m. Pres., M. Avant. Reporter, O. Pruitt. ARMISTICE DAY By H. W. SMITH We are all reminded on Armistice Day of the ending of first World War with all of its destruction and sorrow it brought about to the people of the world. Now when the good news of' its ending by the blowing of the \ whistles many hoped that never again j would we have to go war again and shed our precious blood on the battle fields. The people prayed and thanked Almighty God who doth all things well that peace had come at last to the world. This peace was stirred from its slumber by the rumbling of guns, planes, etc., of World War II leaving in its wake one of the most devasting wars of our time. It is earnestly hoped by peace loving peoples of the World that after this terrible lesson learned from World War II that we wouldn’t have to wit ness another war, and that the people on Armistice Day will be reminded of. the price we pay for such wars. WILL BE IN THE CITY NOV. 7TII Mrs. Martha Bass inspirational singers from St. Louis will be in the city Friday, November 7, 1947. Mrs. Bass will stop at the home ol Mrs. E. W. Long during the singers stay in the city. THE WAITERS COLUMN By H. W. SMITH, HA 0800 Many strange waiters in and out of Omaha running on the railroad; most of them very friendly. Waiters at the O. A. Club are very busy on Wednesday evening as the bingo game is an added attraction. Mr. Ed Lee of the U. P. Dining Car Service was very busy at home this week. Blackstone Hotel waiters very much out in front on fine service^ Paxton Hotel waiters on the up and go at all times with a smile. Fontenelle Hotel waiters going good at all times on the job. Waiters at the Hill Hotel and the Highland Club improving on fine service. Waiters at the Regis Hotel and the White Horse Inn on the front line on service. Gladioli Loveliness I saw f A bouquet of pastel ' gladioli helps this girl celebrate National Flower Week, which this year is being held from November 2 through November 9. In the Language of Flowers, gladioli bring this message: “Give me a( break — I’m really sincere.” Flowi ers can express many sentiments and emotions through the Lan guage of Flowers. For instance,' the red rose says “I love you,” the Jrc-hid expresses “Beautiful Lady,” ,nd the pink carnation promises ’111 never forget you.” -— WILL DISCUSS CHURCH j PUBLIC RELATIONS j “Church Public Relations” will be discussed by Rev. Lemuel C. Petersen of Chicago, Director of Public Rela tions for the International Council of Religious Education, in a meeting open to all interested in the subject, Friday, November 7, 7:30 p. m., in the parish house of Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church, 26th and Famam Streets. ! The Rev. Mr. Petersen is brought j to Omaha by the Committee on Pub lic Relations, Promotion, and Publicity of the Omaha Council of Churches, in co-operation with the International Council of Religious Education. Mem bers of the committee are: Rev. F. C. Mills, chairman; Mr. Robert L. Moss holder, Mr. Lawrence Youngman, and Rev. Allen C. Bergquist. I - MURIEL RAHN THRILLS AUDIENCE IN CONCERT AT TECH THURSDAY, OCT. 30 Miss Muriel Rahn, soprano, ap peared at Tech High Auditorium under the sponsorship of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority in concert Thursday evening, October 30, 1947, gave one of the most sparkling concerts so fai heard here this season. Miss Rahn’s overwhelming personality plus, added much to making her concert brilliant 'and delightful. She opened her presentation with “Caressing Mine Idol’s Pillow” (In tomo all’idol mio) by Cesti, following it with the singing of “Se Florindo e fedel1’ by Scarlatti. In the second part of her program “L’ Absence” by Berlioz and “Car naval” by Fourdrain were so artfully and cleverly sung by Miss Rahn that praise and applause from her musical! patrons was warm and sincere. After the intermission Miss Rahn came back to sing in the IV part of her refreshing concert “John Henry” by Wm. Grant Still, “Lil’ Boy, How Old Are You?” by Emanuel Middleton, “I Am Seeking for a City,” following as. a encore number “Let Us Break Bread Together,” receiving generous applause from the audience. Miss Rahn’s rendition of “My Man’s Gone Now” (Porgy and Bess) by George Gershwin, “Dat’s Love” (Car men Jones) by Bizet-Hammerstein, and “Miranda” by Richard Hageman climaxed a glorious evening of glitter ing songs. Miss Rahn was accompanied at the' piano by Mr. Max Walmer. Members of the Zeta Phi Beta So rority are as follows: Lucyle B. Avant, Gertrude Lucas Craig, Edmae Pugh Swain. Elois Jones Taylor, Beatrice Jackson, Clemmie Reynolds, Ethel Davis, Dean; Pearl Raye Gibson, Car-. rie Buford, Asilee Dotson, Belli, a Mawkins, Ruth Tucker, and Edna Moses. Zeta pledges are as follows: Naomi' Duhart, Willa Mae McCrary, Idelle Littlejohn, Louis Perkins, Kathran Wilburn, and Venus Merrill. The above are to be congratulated for their bringing to the musical pa trons of fine are of Omaha such a gracious concert artist as Miss Muriel Rahn. - I MUSE DRAMA GUILD WILL HOLD MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 The Muse Drama Guild members are called to an important business meeting by their president, Mr. Har very Carter, on Thursday, November 6, 1947, at 8 p. m. at the Urban, League Center. The business of this meeting makes it absolutely necessary that all mem bers be present. Caption for^ 3-Col Cut BROADWAY FIGHTS RANKIN COMMITTEE Cast of Theodore Ward’s current Broadway show, “Our Lan’,” follows lead of the play’s author and star, William Veasey, in signing petition urging abolition of Thomas-Rankin Un-American Activities Committee. Petition is being circulated nationally by Civil Rights Congress. “MIDACLE IN HARLEM" Herald Pictures, through its presi dent, Jack Goldberg, announces the studio completion of “Miracle In Har lem’’, its 3rd all Negro feature pic ture. a strange malady, for which the physicians could find no remedy. A sooth-sayer told him that if he wore the shirt of a happy man, he would recover. With fresh hope, the kina ordered the country searched for his happiest subject — but alas! when they found him, he had no shirt! * » * Sophisticated Brocade 4 HANDSOME rayon fabric used “ for a simple, classic blouse gives ou a costume that looks Paria-in pired. This lovely brocade mads of ivisco rayon is typical of the many, ich, rayon fabrics available to home , ewers this year. If you’re sewing four new wardrobe, write to this lewspaper for a copy of a helpful,* ree leaflet, “Tips on Sewing With tayon.” Be sure to enclose a stamp*' d, self-addressed envelope.'' MRS. KENDRICKS TO CONDUCT CRAFT INSTITUTE AT THE “Y” Mrs. M. E. Kendricks will conduct a comprehensive Craft Institute at the Omaha Y.W.C.A. beginning Friday, November 7th. “How to do” and “how to make” demonstrations will be the featured attractions. Mrs. Kendricks has had many years of experience in this field, and is an expert. She will show the various methods of making bookends, billfolds, leather boxes, and toher prac tical skills. The public is invited to attend this institute which will be held for several weeks. A registration fee of 50e is being charged. WITH CUT ON NCA ADVISORY COUNCIL H. HADLEY HARTSHORN, prim cipal, Lincoln University (Mo.) Lab oratory high school, who has been ap pointed member of the advisory coun cil to the Missouri State Committee of the North Central Association of Col leges and Secondary Schools. He suc ceeds the late Mr. C. C. Hubbard of Sedalia who was the first Negro mem ber of the advisory council, having been appointed to the initial council in 1943. NEWCOMER AT LINCOLN UNIVERSITY (MO.) MRS. ANNIE HARRIS (above) is among the newcomers to the faculty of Lincoln University (Mo.) where she serves as recreational director and part-time residence hostess. An alum nus of Lincoln (class of ’39), Mrs. Har j ris has done graduate work at the University of Illinois, and taught at ! an Illinois community high school | from 1940-42. The next three years j she was employed in the industrial j department of the St. Louis Urban League. The director is an AKA soror. Mothers send your children to Sun day School every Sunday morning at 9:30 a. m. Attend our morning serv ices at 11 a. m., our evening services at 7:30 p. m. You’re welcome. NAACP COUNSEL DECLARES # CIVIL RIGHTS REPORT IS BASIS FOR ACTION NOW New York—Pledging “fullest sup port” of the recommendations of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, Thurgood Marshall, chief counsel for the NAACP, called for all groups in terested in first-class citizenship for all Americans to redouble their efforts to bring the Committee’s proposals in to reality. Marshall said the NAACP was “naturally gratified” by the report of the Committee since the suggestion that such a committee be appointed was made to President Truman at a conference in the White House Sep tember 19, 1946, by a committee of citizens assembled by the NAACP following the Columbia, Tenn., dis turbance and the Monroe, Ga., lynch ings of last year. The Marshall state ment: '“The Report of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights will go down in history as one of the most important documents yet produced in this field. The erport is not only a carefully documented indictment of our present system of dual citizenship in this country, but it creates for itself an unique position in governmental reports by pointing out not only a gen eral solution to the problem, but de- i tailed steps to be taken to bring about this end. When it is fully realized that this is an official report by a constitu tional commission with all of the au thority of such a commission, its ef fectiveness can be fully realized. The carefully documented mate rials of the conditions in the country today are not new to minority groups and indeed they have been made known to many Americans. However, these conditions have never been brought home to all Americans in such a clear-cut fashion as in this report which has been given the fullest pub licity through all media. The problem of the Negro and other minority groups is now before the public in a manner never equaled before. “The program of action combines the major portions of the programs of action of all groups fighting for full citizenship rights for all Americans. It forms a common ground upon which all such groups can work. It pre sents a minimum program for legisla tive and executive departments of the United States and the several states. It prsents a prograjn around which all forces can unite in bringing forth a new Bill of Rights, a new Magno Charta, or a new type of phrase for a body of laws, regulations, and execu tive enforcement to make the Declara tion of Independence and our Con-' stitution mean what they say. “The report gives the program of many so-called ‘liberals’ and calls for action now. So that now there is no longer any reasonable pretext *for fol lowing the traditional stumbling block embodied in the phrase, ‘the time is not ripe.’ There is no longer any need for tolerating or permitting seg regation any place in the United States. The NAACP will support this report to the fullest as will all of its branches and members. It is necessary that all Negroes and others interested in full citizenship for all American 'citizens band together and redouble their efforts to bring about the enact ment of the legislative program pro posed as well as require the executive action proposed. “The full significance of the need for the enactment of the program of the President’s Committee is obvious when we realize that this carefully documented report of admittedly ‘un American activities’ within our coun try and the carefully-worked-out pro gram were prepared in a period of eleven months. This should be com pared with the demonstratio nof the interest of the United States Congress in ‘un-American activities’ by its Com mittee on Un-American Activities, ( which has been operating for years and years and has reached the point I of confining all of its time to an al leged investigation of the beliefs of some Americans and some writers and directors in Hollywood. “If the President’s Committee’s re port is to mean anything, there must be the fullest cooperation of all Ameri cans to reform congressional proce jdure in order to require Congress to I take action against the ‘un-American i activities’ in the Report of the Presi i dent’s Committee instead of wasting its time and efforts in seeking to im pose ‘thought-control’ on American citizens.” The Watchmen will r< b e on Fri day, November 7, 1947. e Church at 8 p. m. NAACP HAILS PRES. TRUMAN FOR CIVIL RIGHTS REPORT New York—Expressing “profound admiration” for the report of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, calling it “beyond question the most forthright governmental pronounce ment” on civil rights ever drafted, Walter White, NAACP secretary, sent the following telegram to President Truman: “May I on behalf of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People express to you our profound admiration for the report of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights. It is beyond all question the most forthright governmental pro nouncement of a practical program for assurance of civil rights not only to minorities but to all Americans which has yet been drafted. The Committee has charted a course for the executive and legislative branches of govern-' ment, both national and state, for the people which if followed will make | real our principles of human freedom.” RACE RELATION CONFERENCE AT CHICAGO UNIVERSITY, NOVEMBER 14 TO 16 A National Conference on Local Race Relations and Minority Group Problems will bring together repre sentatives of local, state and national, organizations for three days on the University of Chicago campus at In-1 teniational House, November 14, 15 and 16. The conference will discuss current problems, analyze trends and techniques and pool ideas for bringing I available resources to bear on inter group problems. At an opening dinner on Friday evening ,the principal address, “Demo cratic Human Relations at the Grass Roots,” will serve to set the theme of the conference. Three sessions on Saturday, November 15, will discuss: “Functions of Local Official and Agen cies,’' “Available Resources” and “Lo cal Problems and Priorities.” One session on Sunday, November 16, will concern itself with the “Present Situa tion and Prospects in Community Re lations.” Participating in the conference will be some of the nation’s recognized authorities and experts in the fields of race relations and social science in cluding: Walter White, secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Edwin R. Embree, president; Julius Rosenwald Fund; Frank Home, special assistant to the Administrator, Housing and Home Fi nance Agency; Dr. Samuel Flowerman, I director, scientific research, American 1 Jewish Congress, and John B. Sulli van, director of public relations, train ing and research, New York State Commisison Against Discrimination. Others include: Frank Trager, na tional program director, Anti-Defama tion League; Thurgood Marshall, spe cial counsel, NAACP; Isadore Lubir,1 president, Confidential Report; Homer 1 Jack, executive secretary, Chicago ^ Council Against Racial and Religious [ Discrimination, and Marshall Bragdon, executive secretary, Mayor’s Friendly Relations Committee of Cincinnati. Preceding the conference at the University of Chicago, representatives from local and state official agencies will meet at the Public Administration Clearing House, 1313 East 60th Street, under the auspices of the Coun cil of Executives of Community Rela tions Boards. Fabric Elegance SMART and simple is this lovely j afternoon dress. High neckline I and cap sleeve outlined in a triple band of sequins give it a quiet ele gance. The luxurious Avisco rayon crepe fabric lends itself well to the soft, draped skirt. The large-brim med hat in rayon satin is typical of the glamorous fabric hats so popular this season. iTA 1 IS SALVAGED] ^jg&i I mV,; Guy Reigler, Kew Garden Hill*, N. Y„ pour* fat from melted down meat scraps into the used fat container. The Department of Agriculture urges women to save all used cooking fat and turn It over lo the meat dealer, to help relieve shortages of industrial fats anfl oils. Shall America Follow? By GEORGE S. BENSON 1 President of Harding College Searcy. Arkansas AMONG ALL THE postwar na- 1 lions, no countries have so quick ly restored their productivity/ without damage to standards of Eying as have Canada and the nited' States. These two coun tries have restored productivity to the 1940-41 level, and in many Industries have surpassed this level. It is no coincidence that a fecent New York Timet 22-nation survey showed that except in Canada and the United States, the trend is toward government management of industry. Countries that are exchanging their freedoms for government controls are not making good postwar records. In general, they are the countries that are crying loudest for help from outside. Those nations which desire to turn everything over to the gov ernment for complete control and management are the very countries that are slipping back ward. Still, the trend is toward government management of in dustry. Public SHALL AMERICA ul Decides timately follow this trend? In my opinion, the public in this country has not yet decided that issue. There are some voices crying loudly for i government management. Even , sur Attorney General points his finger at American industry and I accuses it of being responsible for high prices. Political maneu vers may please critical people and get votes, but in making in dustry unpopular the way is' paved for replacing our free en terprise system. As an educator, I favor that system which will provide the highest standards of living for the masses of the American peo ple. If gbvernment management of our industries would provide higher wages, more productivity and greater purchasing power foi each dollar spent, then certainlj I would be in favor of it. Actual ly, our system of private enter prise has put America far ahead of other nations that have tried anything else. Act With THERE ARE other Wisdom dividends offered by the American way. We have freedoms. We can work at what we please, where we choose. We can speak our minds, as semble in groups as we care to. These freedoms and other liber ties we did not have under the control of despotic and dictatorial governments in previous centu ries. Why ever, should we want to follow a trend that leads us backward toward new despotism and loss of personal freedoms? The experience of England should make us pause and think seriously. Those freedom-loving people have not found govern ment management an asset. Their coal production has been extreme ly disappointing under govern ment management. Rationing has become more and more severe. Burdens of the people have be come more and more heavy. To day, the very future of England is threatened by strict govern ment regulation and management of industry. '• In this dark hour, Englishmen should study their own history. They will find that whenever their individual freedoms were greatest, it was then their pros perity was the most genuine. If we in America think soberly and act in our best interests, we will act with wisdom to preserve the fundamental patterns of our economy: the right of private ownership of property and the freest possible exercise of private management of our entire econ omy. Movie Depicts Battle Against World Hunger L_' I — HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.—America’s Wheat Belt and its annual harvest of golden grain provide the background for Paramount’s new movie “Wild Harvest” starring Alan Ladd and Dorothy Lamour Adventures of a wheat combine harvesting crew from Texas north ward to Canada are tailor-made for Ladd and his toughie crew whq man the six large Massey-Harris self-propelled combines. President Truman and his food committee have called for voluntary rationing on the part of the American people to save part of this huge harvest to-help meet the international food problem. SEE WHAT S HAPPENED TO Try the new improved white loaf in BUTTER-NUT the new blue gingham wrapper.