The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 26, 1947, Image 1

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^ *___OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1947 - No. 25~~ LTof
Flaws Revealed In Reports of the
Massacre of Seven Negro Convicts
In Georgia State Penitentiary
Investigators Working Quietly
Attempt to Assemble Facts
Leading Up to Mass Mtirder
BRUNSWICK, Ga„ — Investi
gation from the Brunswick
NAACP braneh working quietly
in an attempt to assemble the
actual facts leading up to the
mass murder of seven Negro
prisonrs at the state prison camp
near here, today indicated that
they had uncovered several details
of a rfethex sensational nature
which varied considerably from
reports already published on the
Nation’s latest anti-Negro out
dage. Although a full report has
not yet been completed by offoc
ials and attorneys of th branch,
several facts which are consid
ered highly authentic, have been
relayed to NAACP national head
quarters in New York City.
According to NAACP investi
gators, who were rushed to the
death camp immediatelyy follow
ing the shooting in which six pri
soners were kiled outright and
seven seriouiy wounded, there
had been no sit-down strike of
prisoners a3 orginally reported.
The men had simply refused to go
into the rattle-snaks infested
swamp waters without boots.
They demanded a meeting with
the warden where they could ex
plrin their objections but this de
mand was refused by armed
guards who were ir charge of the
work gang. When the men re- j
fused to enter the swamp they
were told to sit in the road while
one of the guards remained with
the men who were perfectly
aware of the fact that there were
fifteen heavily armed guards at
the camp. It was pointed out to
the investigators by one of the
prisoners, that if an escape had
been contemplated it would have
been more feasable with only two
guards over them than later,
when they'd been returned to
camp in trucks, under the guns of
seventeen guards.
The trucks carrying the prison
ers back to camp followed by the
warden,, who requested county
police who were met on the road
to follow the caravan.
The Negro prisoners were un
Contiued on Page Eight
3 Checks Presented
to Meharry College
NASHVELLE, Tenn. — Three
checks totaling $67,670.00. were
presented to W. M. Duncan.Tres.
Meharry' Medical College, Nash
ville, Tenn., by Gharles H. Bynum
Director Interracial Acttivies of
the National Foundation for In
fantile Paralysis reppresenting
the organization's president, Basil
The checks comprise three re
cent grant from the National
Foundation to the college to fur
ther the fight against infantile
paralysis. Thqy will finance a
service program in phsical the
rapy,maintenance of a teaching
and service department in ortho
pedic surgery, and will under
write instruction in pediatrics for
undergarduate and post-graduate
Attending the presentation in
the physical therapy department
were Dr. Don Clawson, President,
Meharry Medical College; Miss
Marjorie Franklin, Mr. C. W.
Preston, and Mrs. Byrant, phy
sical therapists, Meharry Medical
College; Mr. Miller, Supt., Hub
bard Hospital; and Dr. William P.
Hardy. v
Mr. Bynum disclosed that be
sides the recent grant to Me.
harry Medical College the Nat
ional Foundation, since 1939, has
granted and appropriated more
than f1,100,000 to Negro institut
ions. Among these institutions
aided by the National Foundation
or its chapters are: Tuskegee In
stitute. Tuskegee, Ala. North
Carolina College. Durham; Coll
ins Chapel Memorial Hospital,
Memphis; Hubbard Hospital,'
Nashville; Ssa(int Mary’s Infir
mary St Louis Mo.; St. August
ine Hospital, Raleigh, N.Carolina;
and Provident Hospital, Chicago,
Content Winner
Miss Eleanore Starks of the
Allen Chapel A. M# E. Church
won first prize of $5 in the Youth
for Christ Oratorical Contest, Mon
day night, July 21, 1947. The sub- j
Ject of her speech was "Is Christ- '
ian Education As Essential As
Public Education?”
Second prize of $2 was won by
Miss Matsolonia Pruitt of the
Clara M. E. Church.
Third prize of $1 was won by
Miss Joyce Henderson of Salem
Baptist Church.
All three spoke ori the same sub
ject “Is Christian Education As
Essential As Public Education?”
Other contestants were Misses
Mickey Jean Harrison St. Johns;
Jeanetta Cock, St. Johns A. M. E.
Liorene Allen, Bethel A, M. E.;
Irene Lewis, Clara M. E.; Deloris
Taylor, St. Johns A. M. E. and
Doris Darling, Bethel A. M. E.
Master of ceremonies and spon
aorer of the Youth for Christ
Group was John Orduna.
FEPC Stand By
Churchmen Flayed
The tenth General Synod of the
Bible Presbyterian Churches of
of America by resolution on Fri
day leveled a blast at the Feder
al Council of Churches in America
It was termed “the voice of mod
ernism, near communism, and a
radical pacificism in America”.
The synod is one of America’s
newer denominations “started in
protest to the liberal movement
in other Presbyterian denominat
A further criticism was the
“Council’s lobbying before Con
gress in behalf of legislation such
as the so-called full employment
bill, the FEPC.”
Alpha Kappa Alpha
To Present New
Star In Reeital
Omahans will receivea treat on
August 8th when the Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority will pre
sent Maebelle Warren, soprano in
| a Patron's recital at Zion Baptist
i Church. Miss Warren is of Phil
adelphia, Pa., a June gadruate of
Hampton Institute where she
majored in Music.
During her matriculation there
she received three awards from
the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority
for her outstanding se.iolaship
a:ui promise.
Miss Wavr >.i has a ro’ce of rare
charm. Those who have heard her
realize tha they are witnessing
the beginning ofa career of great
proportion. Members of the soror
ity in their desire to Omaha the
opportunity o hear her are spon
soring the event. Among the per
sons who are palrons are: Rev. j
and Mrs. F. C. Williams, Dr. and J
Mrs. Herbert Wiggins, Dr. and |
Mrs. A. M. McMillan, Dr. and Mrs. !
A. L. H^vkins, Dr. and Mrs. W.
W. Solomon, Dr. and Mrs. Milton, i
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter P.
Ervin, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Yan
cey, Mr. and Mrs. Theseus Stand
ifer, Mi. and Mrs. Leo Bohanon,
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Faucett,
Mr. and Mrs. John Voner, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Dudley, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Reynolds, Mr. Jchn
Smith. Mrs. Florentine Pinkston
Mitchell, Mrs. Eugene Skinner
Mrs. Eve Ray, Mrs. Jessica
Wright, Mrs. Elise Turner, Miss
Florentine Crawford Mr. Marion
M. Taylor, Mr. Terry Taylor,
Mrs. Try McCarthy, Mrs. Addie
Foxall Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam B. Davis.
Those who wish to become pat
rons call Mrs. Bobbbie T. Davis,
WE 2864 or contact a member of
the sorority.
Melvin Manual. 20, 2734 Park
er et„ was arrested in connection
with the theft of $65 from the
Ideal Furniture Store, 2511 N. 24
Manuel was hired as a truck
driver for the store by Mr. Spie
gel, the proprietor. For the past
several weeks over $200 was tak
en from the store. Mr. Spiegel be
came supicious of Melvin; placed
$100 in a billfold, when checking
up in the evening, he found $65
had been taken.
Melvin was then arrested and
confessed to the theft.
i --—
Clover From Italy
Crimson clover was introduoed
into the United States from Italy la
1818. , _
Higher Wages Do Not Mean Higher Prices
We all know the cost of living j
has risen so much that present
wages do not cover the living ex- |
penses of the avetage workers
family; therefore, higher wages
are neccessary. But we are told
that higher wages must mean
higher prices and a higher cost of
living. It is time to examine this
1— Profits are at an all-time high
in American history. Industry can
afford to pay higher wages with
out raising prices. The U. S. De
partment of Commerce reported
that profits after taxes in 1946
reached the peak of $12 billion.
These profits are one-third higher
than 1945 profits.
2— Wages are a small part of
the total cost of production. Since
wages are only one of many costs
of production, a business can raisc
wages without greatly adding of
the total* cost.
3— Although price increases
have been made after wage raises
these boosts in the cost of living
have not been due to the wage
incrases. Testimony before Con
gress recently revealed that the
labor costs of making a white
shirt increased six and a half
cents between 1939 and 1917. But
the retail selliing price of these
shirts went up from $1.65 to $3.95.
In the oil industry the wage in
crease labor costs by less than 3
cents a barrel—25 times more
than the increase in labor costs.
We are not paying for higher
wages but for higher profits. This
condition is especially true for
4— Higher wages need not mean '
lower profits if the employer
sells more goods. A smaller pro- j
fit on each washing machine sold ;
may still make for a greater total \
profit if more washing machines
are sold. (It is the case of the
fast nickel and the slow dime.)
And higher wages throughout the
country mean that workers will be
able to buy more goods.
5— The productivity of the
American worker has gone up
since the war. Three workers now
produce what four workers pro.
duced before. Turning out more
goods without an increase in the
number of his workers means that
the employer can pay higher
wages without price increases.
Zeta Pledges Fete
Big Sisters
The pledges of the Zeta Phi Beta
Sorority gave a delightful picnic
supper for the Tau Alpha Chapter
of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Wednesday. July 16 Elmwood
The menu of southern fried
chicken, potato salad, ice cream
and all the trimmings was enjoy
ed by the group of twenty-four
With the Tau Alpha guests ap
peared Miss Bess White and her
cousin, Mrs. Eileen Washington
both of New York.
Aftefr the delicious meal, the
members and guest delighted in
the art of taking pictures, playing
games and singing songs. Thus,
with night fall and everyone re
porting having had a lovely time
the picnic ended.
Members of the Tau Alpha
Chapter present were Soror
Lucille B. Avant, Soror Eloise
Jones Taylor, Soror Beatric Jack,
son, Soror Edmae Swan, Soror
Gertrude Booker, Soror Lucy
Booker Soror Ethel Davis Dean,
Soror Carrie Jewell Buford and
Soror Gertrude Lucas Craig.
Pledgees present were Kath
erine Wilburn, Louise Perkins.
Naomi Duhart, Willa Mae Mc
Creary, Geraldine Melford, Nellie
ril 'Idellej Littlejohn and Anna
Von Trice, Venious Virginia Mer
rill, and Anna Rose Walker.
Crippled Songwriter
Writes Hit Music
the all-Negro Herald Picture,
opens at the Apollo Theatre in
Ha-Tem, July ,it will wave a magic
wand in reality for Elaine Black
man,pretty little crippled girl,
whose life’s ambition will be
realized. Elaine will have two of
her compositions in this film, the
theme song, “Cinderella’, and
“Ring Around My Rosie”. She
was tricken with paralysis at the
age of three. Just watching from
her window proved dull amuse
ment, so she started to tinker at
the piano. Soon she began to com.
pose little wistful times. Leona
Blackman, her mother, listened
with interest, and decided to put
words to the music. This never
failed to amuse Elaine, and she
pretended that they had received
an assignment, and would like
mad to finish the job. Elaine be
came the center of attraction; the
neighborhood children crowed her
to hear her latest song.
Professionals soon heard of the
Blackmans, and came to them for
material. Greatly encouraged by
this, Mrs. Blackman took Elaine’s
recordings of her songs to the
large publishing houses. Everyone
who heard them was intrigued by
her deep, sultry voice, but Elaine
was not interested in a career on
the stage; she preferred to remain
a songwriter.
Lorenzo Pack, of “Patootie Pic”
fame, introduced Mrs. Blackman
to Eddie (Papa Clean-head)Vin
son on a Mercury label is “Gonna
Send You Back”. Cootie Williams
made one of their tunes “Stingy"’
for Capitol, soon to be released,
Leona Blackman, Elaine’s
mother and co-writer is a con
cert singer, poet and playwright.
She appeared with her oldest
daughter in concert at the Brook,
lyn Academy of Music Opera
House last season. She was a
member of the Abbie Michell
Players Workshop, and has
written a play for the Tubercu
losois Association.
The Blackmans, who call them
selves the tune-tailors, have writ,
ten about 45 songs and are, at
present, working on a musical
which they hope will reach Broad
It is expected they will write
some of the songs for the next
Herald Pictures musical.
Bi-Cameral Congress
Under its constitution, Chile has
a bi-cameral congress elected di
rectly by the peopie, as is the presi
dent. The latter nas .erne what the
same power ns tr ,i.ient oi the
United Sta - -
South Carolina
Judg es Opinion I
Hailed by Assn.
NEW YORK,—With editorial
comment in fhe Nation’s press,
following t he recent NAACP
victory over South Carolina’s
Democratic Primaries sieight-of
hand attempt, running the gamut
of optimistic applause in the lib
era lpublications to outraged
warnings of “social revolution’’ in
Southern journals, NAACP offic
ials were generally, agreed that
the opinion handed down by Fed
eral Judge J. Waties Waring, of
Charleston, N. C., completely ex
posed bigoted Southern attempts
to uphold the theory of white
suppremacy in a democary while
at the same time it effectively
blocked any further attempts to
evade the 1946 decision of the
U. S. Supreme Court in respect
to the so-called Democratic
•White Primaries’. In another
opinion Judge Waring aroused the
ire of white supremacists when
he ruled that South Carolina must
admit Negroes to its University
Law School unless a separate
law school with equal facilities b«
set up by September. Both cases
were brought into the South
Carolina courts by the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People.
Although the Charleston News
and Courier :n a series of alarmed
editorials warned that the “fun
; damental rights of all American
j citizens under the guise of help
ing a few” were destroyed when
Judge Waring ruled that the
South Carolina Democratic ‘'club”
could not prohibit citizens the
right to vote because of race or
color his opinion is considered re.
markably democratic. In one
section the Federal judge labels
hypocrisy when he states—“And
so we are faced with the final .
Carolina because it is no longer ]
governed by State statutes, is a ]
private, business or social club,
with which the State and Nation
al and State officers in South
Carolina or to use the old homely
illustration, is it the same horse
although of a somewhat different
In another section Judge War
ing continued—“In these United
States the time has passed for a
discussion of whether we should
have universal suffrage, irres
pective of our views as to its de
sirability. The Constitution and
laws of the United States provide
for it and forbid discrimination
because of race or color or creed.
A free ballot to be freely excised
by all the citizens is the establish,
ed American way fo government.”
Completely exposing the bigo
tryof his section of the nation
Judge Waring stated In conclus
ion—“Since Smith vs, Allwright,
Negroes are voting in Texas, and
even in Georgia since Chapman
vs. King Negroes vote in the
Democratic Primaries. I cannot
see where the skies will fall if
South Carolina is put in the
same class with these and other
I states.
BELLEVTLLE.Kans.—Bellvile is
rapidly losing its title ofthe
"Gretna Green of North Central
Kansas” since stricter marriage
laws have gone into effect. Not
a marriage license has been issued
in two weeks.
Clarence Hughes was treated
for knife wounds received from
Nora Graham, 2640 Seward st. An
argument between Clarence
Hughes and Nora Graham lead to
the slashing of Hughes by Nora
Garham. (Hughes ran down an
an aJley a Jj’ (fcjoUhpled on the
porch of 2606 Seward st.
Both were booked for investi
j gation.
NEW YORK—Permission is be
ing sought for Contralto Marian
Anderson to sing with the Vati
can Choir. I would be the first
appearance not only of a woman,
but also a Protestant and a “Neg
ro, with the famous singers of
Land of Quarter* "
Africa is the land of quarters. Ohe
quarter of its area is forest and
bushland, one quarter is grass land,
one quarter is desert and the re
j maining quarter is cultivated. World
Rook encvdcoprlia Hicclnsps
Delores Hall to Be
Married on July 25
Miss Deloris Hall daughter of
Mr. George D. Hall, 3125 Corby st
is to be given in marriage on Fri.
day, July 25, to Mr. Miles Reed. !
son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reed,
2914 Lake st.
Miss Deloris Hall is a student
at the University of Omaha, en
rolled in the Department of Jour,
nalism. She is an active member
of various clubs, social organizat
ions, and etc. She is member of
the Muse Drama Guild and the
Alphia Omega Club. She attends
Clair Methodist Chucr.
Mr. Miles L. Reed is a student
at the University of Omaha, en
rolled in the Department of Bus
iness Administration. He is mem
ber of the Alpha Omega CFub
and a pledge for the Alpha Kappa
Psi fraternity.
Both plan to continue their ed
ucation this fall at the University
of Omaha.
The wedding wil be at 7 p. m
Friday, July 25 at 3128 Corby st;
the reception will be Sunday,
July 24, at 6 p. m. at the Y. W C
Negro Policemen
In the South
There are many newspaper
items of all kinds, but the one we
noticed, stated that Negro polic
men were instructed in the South
not to arrest a white person. We
don’t see it.
This writer was bom and reared
in the South and at one time heard
a white man that was arrested by
a Negro say ell the Judge in Court
that the policemen at his home
were white. The Judge answered
him.and told him to be a Roman
while he was in Rome.
World’* First Champ
James Figg. who won the crown
as bare knuckle champion in 1719,
retired undefeated in 1720
Congress Urged to Probe
Real Estate Interests By
Washington NAACP
Chrysler Corporation
Announces New
Service Training Idea
DETROIT—A new nationwide
automobile service training pro
gram involving over 50,00 mech
asics thruoghout the country was
announced jointly today by the
directors of service of the Clirys
er Corporation; W. B. Rice of
Plymouth Division, B. B. Settle
of Dodge Division, R. W. Utiley,
DeSoto Division and W. A, Hil
mas of Chrysler Division.
The plan will cover all service
personnel of Plymouth, Dodge,
DeSoto and Chrysler dealers.
After completion of the first
twelve consecutive subjects, in
cluding a series of tests, the
meehanic will qualify for a cert
ificate isdicating that hf has re
ceived the training. Whin he com
pletes twenty four consecutive
subjects, he will be awarded an
additional certificate which he can
display, attesting to increased
efficiency in automotive rorvice
methods. In addition, combi. '
for recognition as a “klaster
Technician” when other require
ments are fulfilled.
The program Is founded on
teaching an understanding of the
fundamentals of engineering prin.
ciples so that service diagnosing
is made .easier for the mechanic.
The plan is intended to keep
mechanics is formed on the best
and latest service methods. It is
believed that this is the first time
in the history of the automotive
industry that training has been so
Planning of the program has
been carefully worked out by
counseling with selected dealers
service managers and mechanics
Th framework of the course is
built around a series of instruct
ion kits one of which is to be re
leased every month.
Each service kit is devoted to a
“tell, show and do” presentation of
a basic service problem, selected
from surveys of dealer requests
for information. For the “tell*’
part of the trainisg session, he
first item in the kit is a 20 minute
sound slide film outlining basic
principles of an automobile ser
vice operation, how to recogsize
the problem and how to make
the necessary corrections. In the
“show” part of the session, large
blow-up charts and full infor
mation as to procedure for the
Contiued on Page Eight
/ olice Officers Remove
IMA Club Doors
Commission Weighs
Action on Hearst
Paper’s Jimcrow Ad
NEW YORK—Can a work
er who cleans a swanky office and
serve3 a light lunch to its execut
ives be called a “maid?”
If not Hearst’s Journal-Ameri
can and Seligman & Latz, beauty
operator concessionaires, can be
prosecuted undr the state FEPC
Commissioners and attorneys of
the State Commission Against
Discrimination took up this quest
ion after the Workers Defense
League brought to their attention
a discriminatory classfied ad in
the Joumal-American which call
ed for a “maid (white)” but stated
that she was to “serve lunch and
do light cleaning work in office.”
The company apparently sensed
a guilty feeling since it did not
mention its name in the ad but re
ferred applicants to the office’s
room number. The company’s
name was discovered by a WDL
representative who went there.
The office, with its gold ginger
bread-decorated door and air con
ditioning, is located in the Squibb
Building, one of the city’s swanki
est office structures on Fifth av
58th st.
»nie u Treading
Th« wearing of something blue at
the wedding was ancient Israelite
custom which suggested a blue rib
bon for the bride—blue being the col
or of puritv. Wive er*fi ^delity.
A Police Morals Squad raid
early Sunday at the TMA Club,
1408% Famam st., recalled the
days of prohibition speakeasies.
Twenty perons were arrested.
Sgt. Ted Janing reported that
the raiders had to go through two
electrically-operated doors to'
reach the club rooms on the sec
ond floor.
A man at the peephole in the
second door did not recognize
them and passed them through,
Sergeant Janning said. A second
at the top of the stairs recogniz
ed the Sergeant and gave the
As the raiders entered the club
rooms, Mary M. Smith, 26, a
waitress, brushed wisky glasvm
a waitress, brushed whisky
glasses from the bar to the floor
add into the sink, the raiders
said. Then she let water into the
sink in an attempt to wash away
the contents.
The raiders also seized two pints
of whisky.
Miss Smith and Jack McDaniels,
alias John McDonald, 629 South
Forty-first st., were booked as
keepers of a disorderly house. The
other 18 were booked as inmates.
The two doors were taken to the
Police Station.
Six persons were arrested Sun
day evening in a raid at 1810 N.
twenty-third st. Sergeant Janing
said he had received complaints
that wine was being sold illegally
there. Steve Lewis and Cassious
Beaman were booked as keepers
of a disorderly house, the others
as inmates.
ington Bureau NAACP asked the
Congressional leaders to institute
“a searching investigation of real
estate and mortgage investment
interests of this country.” Thi3
request follows close on the
heels of President Truman’s mes
sage to Congress in which the real
estate lobby was described as
“one of the most stubborn ob
stacles in the way of any con
structive housing program.’*
In letters to Senator Robert A.
Taft, Chairman of the Republican
Policy Committee, Senator Albert
W. Barkley Democratic Minority
Leader, the NAACP urged hear
ings on Senate Rrsolution 139.
This would authorize the Senate
Banking and Currency Commit
tee to spend up to fifty thousand
dollars to completely investigat
gate the activities and methods
of real estate groups which have
fought rent control and the con
struction of urgently needed
homes for veterans and others.
The letters signed by Leslie
Perry declared:
"The' [Conferees should invest
gate not only the operations o1
— . estate lobby in Washing
ton but make a painstak
ing and searching inquiry into
restrictive pra elicit 7 of real estate
and mortgage i*.. estment inter
“The oppsition of these groups
to decent, unsegreated homes has
been the greatest single factor 1
confining Ngro citzens to the
slumes and ghettos. The results
has been,’' Perry wrote, “That the
Negro pays more for his home
in relation to what he gets, a
higher rate of interest, and has
the least freedom of choice in.
buying and renting than any
other group in America”.
He referred to statements which
came out of the 43rd annual con
vention of the New York State
Association of Real Estate Boards
held June 28 to the effect that
many large investors refused to»
build modera!te-rental housing
projects for low income or white
collar groups simply because New
York City has an ordinance which
prohibits condendmnation bene
fits or tax exemptions to any pro
ject which discriminates against,
tenants solely because of race„
color, or religion. The fact that
the New York Association of
R*I Estate Boards also adopted
a resolution opposing the enact
ment of local non-discrimination
laws was called to attention of
the senators.
“In pracically every other city
and state in the United States,"
the letters continued, “these ra
pacious interests are able to man
ipulate the real estate market so
as to effect wholesale discrimin
ations against Negro home-seek
ers. now that they are no longer
able to legally follow their usual
undemocartic practices in New
York City they stage a sit-down
In the best interest of million
•f American families of all races,
colors, religions and nationalities *
the NAACP letters concluded
“we believe that the Congress'
should immediately inquire into
the overall real estate situation."
Anti—Lynch Drive
Launched in Congress
Washington, D. C.-FoIIowing
the introduction last week of
charge Petitton No. 9 on the Case
Anti-Lynch Bill, H. R. 3488 the
Washington Bureau NAACP
launched a full-scale drive to
secure the neccessary 218 sign
atures to bring the bill to the
house floor before the Congress,
adjourns for the summer
NAACP officials said that there
are more than a hundred mem
bers, together with the large
number of newly-elected repres
entatives, the NAACP is hopeful
of getting speedy action on the
bill. ^
In direct appeals to more than
200 legislators for action on the
anti-lynch bill, the NAACP caned
on them to “help outlaw lynching
by signing Discharge Petition
No. 9.”
No figures on the number of
Congressmen who signed the
petitoni during thef first week
have been made public, but it is
understood that the response h«.«s
been good.