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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1946)
10c Per Copy an<* wort^II Entered as 2nd Class matter at Post-Office. Omaha. Nebraska, Under Act of March 8, 1874. PUBLISHING OFFICES AT 2420 t.KANT ST., Omaha. Nebr. SATURDAY, SEPT. 21, 1946 Ourl9th Year—No. 33 -uiirlo I ntaroct Near|y 5»000 votes ” llllwl vwl Cast in Beauty Contest! . .| Latest Beauty Contest Entries Other Pictures on p. 3 Almiia (.ole, “Wiss Roosevelt Post No 30 American Legion” ______ - I Rowena Sudduth, “Miss U.P.W.A.-C.I.O. Number 8” | Meat Shortage) * BY ARTHUR B. McCAW Editor's Note: The Omaha Guide in its desire to get information re garding the current meat shortage presents the following interview by one of our staff for our readers— Price control on meat is more important than it has been at any time in the four years OPA has been in existence, declared Edwin F. Moran, district director in an exduaive interview this week with the Omaha Goide "In a period of short supply, such as we now face, it is more than ever important that every perstih, particularly those of low income, have an opportunity to buy their fair share of meat at legitimate prices." he said. ’Sixty days without price con- i trol brought into the market in July and August the cattle and hogs that would normally have come Into the market in September October and November. The meat situation can be lik ened to the boom and bust we all feared. "We have had lots of meat av-1 •liable on the counter* at boom pri era daring the period when price controls were not in force. We were meat hungry and we had a won derful time, t uying meat at ap proximately 70 per cent above the ceiling price* because there were no cefiinv in force*. Moran said. 'But our boom in meat like all booms must have a bust. "We wanted meat, we bought meat and consumed meat. Now it is gone The bud has followed the boom Neither the OPA. the Dept, of Agriculture nor can anyone re store the meat we have consumed. "The newspapers and the radio are doing a wonderful Job of tell ing the people that the meat sup ply is short, that there may even be a famine. "And here are the figures from the Department of Agriculture that ; tell the story: "On April 1 of this year there] were 17 percent fewer cattle on | the feed lots In the 11 corn belt ; states than a year earlier. On Aug ust 1 there were 45 percent fewer' cattle on these lots than on the I same date in 1JS5. But in spite of the fewer avail- | able cattle, we butchered eight per j cent more cattle in July and Aug-. ust of this year than we did in the same period last year. That eight j per cent greater slaughter, how- j ever, produced only five per cent more pounds of meat, because far mers rushed in with half-fattened steers, old bulls, and anything and everything they wanted to get off the farm". The same thing was true with respect to hogs Moran pointed out. With 10 per cent fewer hogs on (Continued on Pigt 8) Adelaide Murdock, “Miss Ned’s Cafe” Erma Smith, “Miss W aiters Key Club” I _____ MILLARD WOODS HONORED BY RED CROSS MEDAL OF FREEDOM GIVEN 2 NEGROES ....... • . .......-.-......-. . Veteran Omaha Real Estate Dealer George W. Watson Dies From left to right: Mr. George W. Watson, deceased, shown with lifelong friends Messrs. C. C. Gal loway and Irvin W. Gray. This photo was taken last June while ’Mr. Gray was visiting vin the city from Chicago. Mr. George Watson, 70, veteran, Omaha real estate dealer, of 2413 j (Lake St. who underwent a major operation at St. Joseph hospital last week died Wednesday morn ing, September 18th. Mr. Watson had lived in Omaha for 45 years. Funeral services will be held at St. Philips church Mon day morning at 10 a. m. Arrange ments by Myers Funeral Home. Pallbearers: J. L. Taylor; C. C. Galloway; Irvin Gray of Chicago; Shirley Kennedy; Guy Robbins; Henry Black. Officiating will be Rev. Shirley G. Sanchez. Intern ment, Forest Lawn Cemetery. ...-.«• ' ' .........-.-. Omaha Guide & AMVETS Post 2 Prepare For Royal Victory Dance At AMVETS Hall September 30th 26 Candidates Nominated for Finals Many Organizations Participating Dining Car Waiters, Roosevelt Post American Legion & Auxiliary, CIO, Albright and Telephone Employees To Sponsor New Entries. Twenty-six of Omaha's most at tractive young ladies have been nominated and qualified to compete in the finals of the Mid-City Queen Beauty and Popularity Contest be ing sponsored by the Omaha Guide and Amvets Post No. 2. 26 FINALISTS The 26 finalists are: Jeanne Rudd 2865 Ohio St.; Nellie Taylor, 2010 No. 20th St.; Doris Newland, 2908 Franklin; Mary Harris, 2308 No. 29th St.; Ann Smitherman, Alt house Beauty School; Margaret King, 2626 Decatur St.; Rosdtfts Stewart, 2431 Patrick St.; Delores Steel, 3021 U St.; Carol Collins, 2807 R St.; Caldonia Burch, 1525 No. 28 St.; Azelia Williams. 6015 So. 19th St.; Jaunda Ruffin, The “9” Center; Mae Partridge, Victory Beauty Salon; Roxie Anderson, 2719 Maple St.; Mary Lou Wilson, 2507 Franklin St.; Annabelle King, 2422 Erskine St.; Pearl Faulkner, 2117 Maple St.; Adelaide Murdock, 2412 No. 24th St.; Addie Hall Gil more, 2523 No. 20th St.; Willa Mae Morgan, 2829 Decatur St.; Martha Lee Williams, Frazier Bros. Cafe; Erma Smith, 2115 Burdette St.; Almita Cole, 2918 No. 26th St.: Hazel Wainwright, 2609 No. 22r.d St.; Rowena Sudduth, 2828 R St.; Lyda Montgomery, 2023 Ohio St. ACTUAL VOTE EXPECTED TO EXCEED 12.000 With the nomination closed and the contest at the half way mark, nearly 5000 Omaha Guide readers have voted on their choice for Miss Mid-City Queen. On this basis, the Adjudging Committee is predicting a total vote of more than 12,000 Such overwhelming interest would set an all-time record for Public Interest in Civic-Social events. Event Officials attribute the phenominal public response to the ; timeliness of the contest and the whole-hearted cooperation of all or ganizations and individuals. Some of the organizations sponsoitng candidates are as follows: Alpha Omegas; Sharp Inn Cafe; Waiters Key Club; American Legion; Bell Telephone employees; American Le gion, Roosevelt Post No. 30; Le gion Auxiliary; CIO; Govt, em ployees; YWCA; Althouse Beauty school;; Northside Beauty school; V. Watson Beauty school; three Ilasel »aintcrightf "Miss Gabby's Skelly Service Station” Azelia Williams, “Miss Albright” contestants sponsored Dy souin Omaha concerns and one from Al bright; the “9” Center; Victory Beauty Salon; Cherokee Temple No. 223; Johnson’s Drug store; Neils Cafe; Logan Fontenlle Apts; Gabby Watson's Service station others. • * • Note: Contestants will meet at Amvets Hall Sunday, Sept. 22nd at 4 p. m. for rehearsal. LEGHORN, Italy—Malcolm Cot ton, program director of the Am erican Red Cross Cictory Club here was one of two Negroes to be awarded the Medal of Freedom for meritorious service to the armed forces in a recent ceremony in the office of Brig. Gen. Kenneth Blood. Millard Woods, the other Negro to be honored, returned to the United States last October, and is employ ed by the Muskegon Heights, Mi chigan, Citizens Recreation Assn, as a social worker. Mr. Cotton, whose home is in New York City, was due to arrive in the United States on Sept. 18. The award was given him for ma king himself ‘invaluable to all sol diers that have sought advice and Red Cross aid’, his deportment cre ating and cementing a splendid in tercolor relationship.' Mr. Woods, formerly of 1946 S. St., Lincoln, Nebr. received the award for particularly meritorious work and advice in developing the Leghorn Victory Club. He had been overseas since 1943 as a director of various clubs. j TEm. LAWYERS Cannot Query Jurors on KKK LAWRENCEBURG. Tenn.—Last week refused the right to question prospective jurors on their feelings of race prejudice, NAACP lawyers defending the 25 Negroes charged with attempted murder in Colum bia, Tenn. riots are finding now that they cannot even ask jurors questions about the Ku Klux Klan. Judge Joe M. Ingrahm declared the Klan matter was settled when he asked three short questions of the veniremen in a group. They were, did you men ever belong to the KKK, Do you believe in law and order?. Do you believe in tak ing the law in your own hands? Defense counsels have had to use batches of their peremptory chal lenges in an effort to keep admit ted KKK members and sympathi zers off the jury, and it is expec ted they will have exhausted their 200 peremptorys in a couple of days. Nine jurors were chosen from the first two panels of 542 Law renceburg natives. The tenth has been picked from the third panel of 169 who are still being exam ined, although Leon Ransom, law (Continued on page 4) mitHiiiimiiimimiiimunmmiHiiintMHiipininniiiimniiiimmimumiiiimiiiiim.itimv Willa Mae Morgan, “Miss American Legion Auxiliary'” gaijMWMMWMBWMbi i 111' w wiij—tr; *3«e»/ * jrreHSSSS Addie Hall Gilmore, “Miss Logan Fonlenelle Apts” NAACP Adopts Political Action Program NEW YORK, Sept. 12th—The tradition-shattering action taken at the 37th annual conference of NAACP branches, paving the way for political action, became a firm ly established element in the As sociation’s program when the 2JA ACP Board of Directors accepted the recommendations of a special six-man committee which had been appointed to study the plan. Particular emphasis was given that section of the special commi ttee’s report which provided safe ; guards for maintaining the non partisan policies of the Associat ion. Members of the committee, 3 of whom were elected by delegates representing more than 1,000 bra nches with a total membership of 535,000 and three by the NAACP WHtnnmnminwt»nminimnnnnininniiinitmmnmmuinmtuitnwmimmnimmniniiHW Board of Directors, included Mag istrate Joseph H. Rainey, Phila delphia, Atty. David M. Grant, St Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Lillie M. Jack son Baltimore, Md.; Dr. Channing H. Tobias; Mr. Palmer Weber and Arthur Spingarn, all of New York City. Also present at t'^j meeting in New York's Willkie Memorial Building was the Association's ex ecutive secretary, Walter White. It was clearly pointed out at the New York meeting that the Association does not endorse ei ther party or an individual asso ciated with a party for election purposes. However, the politically influencial membership was urged to examine issues and candidates. There was an implied realization (Continued on Page 8) HmmiMniWIIIIiniHIHmiHIIMIIHIIHMIllOllumillllllHHIMnillimiMINIl'illlMlHUItUllllluMlf t* " -jr v : Mae Partridge, “Miss Victory Beauty Salon” ~'7W ~**p~ - - .- _ i Martha Lee Williams, “Miss Frazier Brothers Cafe” ..... tz su . • ,- • *zwx . 2mm&m58&r-s- v; Lyda Montgomery, “Miss Bell Telephone Elevator Girls'’