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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1946)
MS l.T :J COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUXLED EL AND CUIPANCI a 2.« £«fuU name, address and birthdate to all tetter*. Explain tout --- >-■■- -5 —*■ 1 *>»* problem, within the realm of reason. Write to n“' “ THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box II. Atlanta 1, Georgia B. O.—I am writing about my husband. He tells me he loves me but I don't know how to take him We have been married for a long time, but I am finding out that he isn’t true. I found a woman's name and address and telephone number in his bill fold but he de nies everything. He stays out at night. I don’t quarrel with him but it embarrasses me and I hate it for the childrens’ sake as well as my own. Our children are old enough to know that he should not. carry on in this way so ad ise me what to do? Ans: The husband with a wan NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street El are 7 reasons why thousands w Innerclean Herbal Laxative. . Contains only Natural Herbs. . Thorough yet Gentle in Effect. . No Unpleasant After-effects. | . Pleasant and Easy to Take j . No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your Individual Needs. Economical, a 50c package lasts the Family for Months. \ CeMtecn: Use only as directed ill druggists. Or write for FREE IEROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean K 846 E. Sixth St.. Los Angeles 21. lornia. di niiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiimi E24th & Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery -WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO ?ot*, earner nnd adjoining, on Mutknem corner 21st nnd Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st nnd Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes or especially salted as Chnrcb grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33* or Call HA-OSO*. I • LEGAL NOTICE Omaha Guide, 3t beginning 6-15 Ending 6-29, 46 H. J. PINKETT, Attorney PROBATE NOTICE Bk. 66, P. 269 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BELZORA COLr LINS, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceas ed will meet the Administratrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebr aska. at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 1st day of August, 1946 and on the 1st day of October, 1946, at 9 o’clock A M., each day, for the purpose of! presenting their laims for examin ation, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of July, 1946. ROBERT R. TROYER, County Judge. dering eye cannot be treated with too much kindness and patience as it is these two factors which is more than apt to lead him back to you after his little excursion by the wayside. Let him shoulder more of the responsibility of the home especially the care and di rection of the children. If you and your husband would take a larg er part in the activities of your children this will have a steady and sobering influence on your husand as well as consuming the surplus time that he now has to run around. A man has to be made to feel important in the eyes of his wife and children if he is to be contented and happy in the home. M. N. A_Here is my problem: I am with a man who is 27 and I am 17. When we first started together he treated me nice. I love him very much and some times I ask him if he loves me and he tells me to figure it out for myself and I am thinking he doesn’t love me. He used to kis3 me each morning before he left and was real sweet to me when he came in but not anymore. He nearly stopped taking me out and when he does agree to take me some place he acts like his mind is far away and not on me. When he comes in now, he gets his sup per and goes out stays until late. Tell me what to do ? Ans: The new has worn off— now that the affair is getting old to him and it is growing mono tonous and uninteresting. You must realize right now that you made a very unwise step when you left home and went to live with this man without marriage. Affairs build on sand, without the sanction of marriage invari ably wash away with the passage of time. You are extremely young and you should go back home and stay until you have had the prop er offer of marriage. C. B.—I am going with a min ister whom I love. He won’t mar ry as he says he has four years in school. Now I am older than he is and wonder if it would be worth my while to wait. Ans: That depends upon the extent of your love for him and the depth of his devotion for you. It he is willing to announce the engagement openly and confines his dates to you alone, you can feel no fear in waiting. If you two agree to the long engage ment. by all means take a course of study, yourself at the Semin ary. By doing so, your interests will be more congenial with his. B. C.—I was sitting here think ing and thought I would -write to you for help. Now my quest ion is this: I met this man about two years ago and he is always asking me for dates. I have ne ver given him any answer yet. I want to know if he is worth my thinking about or considering. He LARGE LOAD PREFERRED ladling per load $5 00 PLACRSTOVE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 Classified Ads Get Resuitsj j Driving a 1-ton truck to Chicago June 15, returning June 21. Will carry two persons. Share expenses Call Mr. Jones WE. 2410, House for Sale, 2515 N. 17th St. $4,500, 5-r‘m bungalow’ 1-wk pos.' W' Houses For Sale Anyone or all of the following Houses, 1604-1606 - 1608 North 29th street. All completely mod eni_Reasonable prices. Will ac cept a Good Used Gar as Down Payment. JOHN GUSPER & SON * 2312 N’ St., MA. 5490. # AUTOS WANTED! SELL IS YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Famam Piano, bed, misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. i ioommm3oSoo$oooommi New & Used. Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART *511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home? pnofflininTinTnTTTTTT——r HOUSE FOR SALE Vacant, ready to move into, eight rooms, all modern, full basement, double garage, large Jot. Phone the owner at AT-77S3. 93.750. Beautiful Drape Suits all sizes Oxford Clo. Co. 1101 Farnam • McBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St., Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mrs. C. M. Elder. DRESSES A1SD COATS, Size 44 and Children’s Clothes CALL GLen, 4065. Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh borhood—HA-0137. NEIGHBORHOOD FGRNITURH £ CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Bedo, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. "We Buy and Sell" — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 88th 8T, LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE. SOSS EMERSON LAUNDRY 2824 North 24th St. WE. 102S TAN TOPICS r By CHARLES ALLEN { I Ohu AllSK CflXTINKWTMFCATUKCS , ^ “I’m glad you came back to school, my boy!” "Next Door” by ted shearer u, ■ -rr-TT -- - , -■■■■= T v —— ,v:£ .;•> v'S<i Corf|nf- ; »- tnH,3 she's the girl who raised sueh a rumpus at the hospital about five years ago . . !!!” •vuijus uui or town ana l want to know if I should send him a tele gram some night after his work ing hours are over—should I do this ? He claims he loves me. Ans: This man periodically asks you for dates. Don't rush in with a telegram now, this might cause him to think you were sud denly getting in a big hurry. Just calmly wait until the next time he asks you for a date and then give him the long awaited opp ortunity to come and see you. When a man loves a girl there are always ways and means of him proving it to her, so give him time and he will show you what kind of a fellow he really is and what his intentions are. L. J.—I am very much in Jove with a class mate of mine, unfor tunately he’s about three years younger than I. If I have to say 't, I api on? out of a hundred running around for m? and I do not expect to. This youngster is supposed to like me but his act ions are very much to the con trary. He appears to be the play boy of the class. Everytime you look around he is playing or talk ing to some girl in an intimate fashion hardly ever does have time to say hello. It makes me very angry at times but I am far from saying it. I am always shy or afraid to say what I want to say. Should I get some pluck and say whatever I want to say if so just what shall I say to him? Ans: Yes, show your young friend that you are at least able to find the courage to talk to him and when you do chances are that you will have so much fun talk ing and associating with the other members of the class who are of your own age that you will pre fer some of them anypway-- of Course you admire him, just as the other girls in the class dc but its not real love at all and you shouldn’t he losing any gleep over it- _ - xtjJkj ■ ^ The Week By H. W. Smith A group of US Senators and Con gressmen had ring side seats at the Louis-Conn bout. A NY attorney told the commit tee that was investigating the KK K, he was not allowed to practice in the state of Georgia. Three outstanding US Army lieutenants were visitors at the Omaha Guide June 15. Lt. Kerr Lt. Ashley, and Lt. Francis. Eastern Nebraska had a very heavy rain and hail storm Friday evening. Hailstones as large as hens eggs were found in places. Lincoln Nebraska police found an escaped convict asleep on a downtown street corner Saturday, June 15. Two 17 year old boys of Hobart, THE YANCEES By SPENCER MORGAN W TOMORROW IS MY'^Ii# (HERTSA^ ^ THe #t?XT PAY -m BiRTHDAY-GUESS 1 A I . y LITTLE MONEYv^ IlV HAPPY B i RTHDAY TO YOl A ■f BETTER GIVE JUNIOR^! UuST in CASE \ H* 73? «J°;0U' 31 AND JESSE SOME TT (YOU —-ER--ER ) Q ■? J\ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO \ MONEY FOR MY l RUN SHORT) \ ( |V_YQU J'J\-hAPPY-V^ W LcrTT- A®tjN. Iw ll //II BREEZY By T. MELVIN HELUO,MILDRED MARSHALL?) W HELLO - THIS IS "V/tej I'D LI KE TO SPEAK TO YOU f fMlLPRED, BUT I DONTj M \ you MUST BE L~^ - -— -x /// / wrY—i^7 ,nc,xl By MELVIN T A P L E Y JIM STEELE . 7 _- — ■ 1 ■— "V ft SuT^FTHENiwFiPRANO^ A LEOPARD AND CARRIED AWAYMAKSUAS HE WAE> TAUNTING AHMIf CLOSE f5Y HELENA, JIM,'4PARkYfc JUPQ— rTHEREANOTHERS#i|^ ^CgEAMy^ ON^T>i||||gj / COME, LUIGI / LET G /FiND MAKGU.-GOME / THING MAY HAVE HAPPENED// WHV HE IS Nk '-BUT, DON'T WAIT FOR-W/S\ I THISAHM- LYIN& TON&UB/1 UNDER- ! KNOWS WHERE / 1 IS ui )DE?y LUI6-I « HE LL TtLL WHAT HA^ / IS- HUKISY, LUier... HAPPENED TO MAKSD/ -OR ELS&^_-- 1 ggu^ ---■~> M&ANWH/L5' DOUA\El,TOO, HEARD THE scream and CALLED TO AWSU. THE EE WA*E NO ANSWER.. JACK DAVIS TED WATSON HU* tow. **> 7X400*. ISmifmtirtpA 1 ox x* fHzrrvee. /x cp/mf, upatwbof im ■ GUVr-e*£, XA* 3££X MU&xr OP W AXO /* 3F/XG J7F4UT 2», tSk MTU BUT FBBOC/ai/SUY... JgA U^£Y TO </U- /X*£>CT> /X FWl AL a*«huH* W* ???1*** Squire edgegate -Th’ Boy Is Very Precise _ ^ _7 BY LOUIS RICHAR1V f PE Co/yiES C<0 youvt -3EE* [VVi-lQT * yOU j ' I X'TTLi Gt*e>HD Son- 7"<y pocr«« VWS \T>OnT Ywfiw I * / X'p'oor? *>D HCS BEE*J t)HO HX)0 you'? | IP IT STU-U I ; *-1 d&DSE I To TH -pEnr.ST-1 TOOTH T^E^TEO ' 1 : No 1 _ t I SymPtn«/2t — v/ot> <9<?c I I /vw I 7W / , V-7 with h,wi j T 5/ip / T>ocrot? \ Still hurt ( ^ \ KEPT n j‘ r HUCKLEBERRY FINN 1 -IT' ~ '—=7-J— /" WOP EVER'fmMS.dlMM'f! rtURRV. " _ , ; * \ ( TOfA SftWER'5 CUtA&HG OOvSM THKT 9 i 4 r*ckett7 old vM&g swt <\6wn. <^r^> s'- ^V%~—--^i5*Sr->' : Ind., were arrested by police on June 15. They confessed assaulting an 18 year old girl in Gary. US Congress after finishing a very bysy week June 15, decided to adjourn July 15. Quite a num ber of minor bills were tabled. —*"******* **"” ■ i Two persons were injured when a bus struck a tree Friday June 14 in Miami, Fla. Ottumwa, Iowa grand jury will probe the death of a woman who died in Iowa City hospital June 8. Judge Lester Palmer gave two men 10 days in jail Saturday June 15. Wedding plans were cancelled in Los Angeles when the couple were found in a kitchen where a table was set for two with the | food untouched early Saturday \ morning, June 15. , A purse snatcher in Indianapolis 1 dumped the contents of a womans purse on the sidewalk and kept $60 and ran Saturday, June 15. President Truman attended ser vice on Sunday morning June 16 it the First Baptist Church in fVashington, D. C. A tornado roared through Con Jordia, Kan., Saturday, June 15 md damaged the wheat crop and property very heavily. A Russian newspaper reporter Jailed Joe Louis by long distance from Moscow Saturday, June 15 about the fight Jet planes will start carrying US mail beginning June 22. De monstrated packets of mail were carried to Washington, D. C., Chi cago and Dayton during General Electric Air Research demonstra tions. Theives broke into the guest house of Betty Hutton in East Los Angeles Sunday and stole two thousand dollars worth of antique dishes and figures. Experiment of radio television may be extended and may open a new field in San Diego very soon. Urban League/ AW VS Active in Food Conservation Drive During the Red Cross 'Help Fight Famine Drive’ members of the Urban League AWVS were very active. Mrs. Estelle Grey and Mrs. Gertrude Brooks have been untiring in their efforts to get across to the public that much must be done to help alleviate the suffering from hunger in Europe and other countries. Saturday, June 15 Mrs. Grey and Mrs. Brooks held their dis play at the Electronic Sales Co. at 24th and Erskine St., where they distributed information or the food shortage and gave out tested recipes which are low ir fat and sugar content. In Mrs. Grey’s display was a picture bulletin showing America in Prosperity and in contrast were I the suffering hungry children o: Europe. A large picture containec I the slogan “That Their Suffering Shall Not Have Been in Vain” and the lines; A little child kneels and lifts her heart in prayer Her face speaks of Trust Of faith and a bright future In a speech made over WOW radio station on the Noonday Fo rum program Tuesday, June 11, Mrs. Grey told of the part our people are playing and should play in this drive. 1. She urged every family to be conservative in their meals to the extent that it does not affect their health. 2. They are putting posters in grocery stores and distributing pamphlets explaining how to low er America’s "Taste record. 3. Many families are raising : gardens. 4. Showing films. 5. Ministers are stressing the need in their churches and preach ing sermons on the subject. Monday afternoon, June 17 at 3:30 a picture “Suffer Little Chil dren” was shown at the Urban .league. Col. Pearley was the spea ker. Later Saturday afternoon Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Grey took their display to White’s Market. ! -.—■—.-.■.Ml FOR THE LATEST NEWS*} ■■ • Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly ★The Omaha Guide