The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 08, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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St. Johns Day Celebration Sunday
The Masonic Grand Lodge of
Nebraska and Jurisdiction of The
Prince Hall Affiliation, were the
guests of Ameranthus Grand Chap
ter OES in their 25th Grand An
niversary at the Masonic Temple,
26th and Blondo St. Friday even
ing May 31st, 1946.
Mrs. Cloma H. Scott Most Wor
thy Grand Matron and Dr, D. W.
Gooden assisted by the Grand Of
ficers of the Grand Chapter, offi
cers and members of the sever.*
chapters, rendered an excellent
program consisting of report, vo
cal, and instrumental renditions.
All of which were instructive and
entertaining to the large number,
of associate members.
Among the highlights of the pro
gram was the address of Mrs.
Kate Wilson, co-founder of Amer
itus Grand Chapter. In her great
efforts she has traveled thousands
of miles from coast to coast vi
siting Washington, D. C., Portland
Ore., San Francisco and other ci
ties. She is at present, the Dean
and Founder of Ameranthus Grand
Chapiter. On the Masonic side, this
Iwas made possible by the fore
sight *~terest. and ability of the
Grand Matron Nathaniel Hunter
and Joseph Carr, Past Master and
Grand Matron of OES of Excelsior
Lodge No. 2 and W. Master Clay
ton P. Lewis. The MWG Master
and his cabinet P. G. Master, Ed
ward Fletcher; Walter L. Seals, P.
H. Jenkins and Deputy J. W. Da
cus and many G. L. offices. Mas
ters of Subordinate Lodges and a
large number of Master Masons
were in attendance.
I he 25th Anniversary program
was as follows:
Opening song “Lift every Voice
and Sing”, led by Mrs. Irene Mor
ton; Invocation, Rev. C. B. Child
ress; instrumental solo, Mr. Syl
vester Stroud; solo, Mrs. C. M.
Farmer; reading. Miss Juanita
Hanger; Solo, Mr. Paul Briggs;
history of Amaranthus G. Chap
ter, Mrs. Edith Wheatley; solo,
Mrs. Carmelia Manager; trio, Mi
sses Foxall, Johnson, Bragg; read
ing, Miss Blanche Lee Wright; so
lo, Mrs. M. C. Williams; trumpet
solo, Mr. Shirley Yancy; solo, Mr.
H L. Preston; presentations, Mr.
Russel E. Reese; remarks, MGM
Cloma H. Scott; introduction of
Grand Officers, AGM Mayme Ho
ckir.s; and remarks by WGP Dr.
D. W. Gooden.
WG Matrons since 1921 are as
follows! Laura Johnson (deceased)
1921-1923; Katherine Wilson, 1923
-1925; Maggie Ransom, 1925-1927;
Maude Johnson, 1927-1929: Estelle
Craig, (deceased) 1929-1931; Lula
B. Alexander, (deceased) 1931
1933; Hazel Terry Lewis, 1933
1935; Jennie Edwards, 1935-1937;
Hattie Brownlow (deceased) 1937
1938; Viola Cole, 1938-1939; Ma
ble Galbreath, 1939-1941; Mattie
B. Gooden, 1941-1943; and Cloma
Hasting Scott, 1943-1946.
Celebration of St. John’s Day
will be held Sunday at Pilgrim
Baptist Church at 2:30 pm.
Maynard L. Wilson,
Grand Lodge reporter
Miss Anita Porter
Becomes Bride of
Matron Loftis
at Zion Baptist Church
In a five o’clock ceremony on
Sunday, June 2 at Zion Baptist
Church, Miss Anita Dorothy Por
ter, daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
Marion L. Steele, was married to
Mr. Matron Loftis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Loftis. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. R. B.
Sparks assisted by Rev. F. C.
■Williams. Musical selections were
given by Mr. Lester Corbin.
The bride wore a gown of white
net and lace with a bodice of bro
cade satin. Her fingertip veil was
was of illusion and she carried a
bouquet of gardenias and stephan
Miss Beulah Gibson who was
maid of honor wore a pink gown
with satin brocade bodice and net
skirt. She wore a shoulder length
veil and carried a bouquet of red
carnations and pink and white
sweet peas.
The six bridesmaids were: Miss j
Dorothy Brown who wore a gown
of blue marquisette and carried a
bouquet of pink carnations and
sweet peas.
Miss Betty Smith wore pink flo
wered net trimmed with blue rib
bons. Her bouquet was of maroon
carnations and white daisies.
Miss Mary Alice Crum wore a
blue gown with taffets bodice and
net skirt. Her bouquet was deep
pink. .
Miss Rose Oliver wore pink net.
Her bouquet was a deeper shade
of pink. Mrs. Ethel Andrews wore
a gown of pink net and carried a
bouquet of red carnations and pink
and white sweet peas.
The best man was Mr. Herman
Varnell and the six ushers were
Mr John Jackson, Harold Mat
thews, C. Glover, Delbert Stewart,
Daniel Ware, and Robert Ow-ens.
For her daughters wedding Mrs.
Mrs. Steele chose a white flower
ed jersey dress and wore a mat
ching hat. Her corsage was of
yellow roses and pink carnations
tied with a yellow satin ribbon.
A reception and was decorated
with a miniture bride and groom.
There were many guests pres
ent. Among the out of town guests
were Mrs. A. S. Mayfield of Lit
tle Rock, Ark., Mr. and Mrs. Per
cy Banks of Lincoln, Nebraska.
and Mr. Ernest Cruder also of
The couple will be at home to
their many friends at 2013 Grace
St. Apt. No. 2.
* * *
Acid Indigestion
Relieved in S minute* or
double your money buck
When excess stomach acid causes pairrful, suffocat
ing gas. sour Stomach and heartburn, doctors usually
prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for
symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ans
Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in s
jiffy of double your money back oo return of bottle
to u*. £5c at all druggists. w
We the undersigned are working to nom
inate and elect Dwight Griswold to the United
States Senate. His past record as Governor
in our groups* behalf warrant your whole
hearted support.
The following are just a few of the out
standing things, Dwight Griswold has done,
which were of vital importance to us.
1. GRISWOLD was instrumental in hav
ing the Nebraska Senate pass a Fair Employ
ment Practice Bill, which makes it a mis- r
demeanor for any person, firm or corpor- g
ation to refuse to employ any person because |
of Race, Creed, Color or Religion.
Dwight Griswold
2. GRISW OLD vetoed House Bill 184, which had for its purpose, the re
districting of the 5th Legislative District.
If, Griswold had allowed this Bill to become a Law', we would have been de
prived of representation in the Nebraska Legislature.
3. GRISW OLD was instrumental in seeing to it, that the recent Insurance
Law applied to all persons, regardless of Race, Creed, Color or Religion,
thereby making it possible for us to obtain Liability Insurance in connection
with the operation of our Automobiles.
4. GRISW'OLD has welcomed all Committees at the Capital in our behalf.
5. GRISW'OLD has given us (6) Major Appointments in State Govern
ment, which is more than any other Governor has given us in the History
of the State of Nebraska.
GRISWOLD gave us representation in (2) new Departments, namely: The
State Department of Labor and the State Department of Cosmetology.
GRISWOLD gave us Inspectors in these two Departments.
6. GRISW'OLD is past Commander of the Department of Nebraska, The
American Legion and has a keen knov ledge and interest in Servicemens’
7. GRISW OLD's Son was and still is a Member of the Armed Forces of
World War II.
These are just a few facts about GR1SWOLD's outstanding record in behalf
of Minority Groups. We need DWIGHT GRISWOLD in the United States
Senate. W e know where he stands on questions involving our Rights an l
Interest. W ill you help us nominate and elect Griswold to the United States
You will have to be a Registered Re publican to Vote for GRISW OLD for
United States Senate on June 11th.
We the undersigned heartily endorse GRISWOLD for the United States
Senate and urge you to work for his nomination on June 11th and for his
election in NOVEMBER.
Woodrow F. Morgan, Vet. WWH
Harold C. Whiteside, Vet. WWH
Thomas Jones, Vet. WWI
George Althouse
Mrs. Christine Althouse
Eugene (Mack) McGill
Rufus Willis
R. C. Price
James Fellows
Mrs. Madeline Harrold
Mr. Walter Harrold
Henry Hayden
Edward W. Killingsworth
Dr. D. W. Gooden
Mrs. Sarah Walker
Ray L. W illiams
Roy W7hite
Dear Sir:
May I take a few minutes <ff
four time by asking that you
-ead this letter covering my qual
fications for the office of Rail
way Commissioner. Some of you
may not belong to the same party
but that ought not prevent you
:rom telling your friends and em
ployees about me. I say this be
cause you, in your business, look
for experienced people so why
not support a qualified man for
Railway Commissioner?
Briefly stated, here are some of
my qualifications: A life-long Re
publican, and an employee of the
Railway Commission from 1913 to
1937, A life long member Ameri
can Federation of Musicians hav
ing joined in 1907, practically
raised in the office of the Railway
When Taken
The Month
Also A Fine Stomachic Tonic!
Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Com
pound does more than Just relievo
monthly pain when caused by female
functional monthly disturbances. It
also relieves weak, tired, nervous,
cranky feelings—of such days—when
due to this cause. Plnkham's Com
pound has a soothing effect on one of
woman’s most Important organs.
Taken thruout the month — Plnk
ham’s Compound helps build up resis
tance against such distress. It's also a
very effective stomachic tonic.
Thousands Upon Thousands
of Girls and Women Helped—
There are no opiates In Plnkham’s
Compound. It’s made from Mother Na
ture’s own wholesome roots and herbs
plus Vitamin Bk It helps nature.
Thousands upon thousands of women
have reported remarkable bene
fits. II you suffer like this—we
urge you to ilve Plnkham’s
Compound a lair and honest
trial. At all drugstores.
Commission office and well qual
ified to carry on. In my later years
with the Commission, I was its
rate expert and in that capacity
became well acquainted with rate
adjustments; acounting problems;
motor carrier regulation; rail, tel
ephone and power regulation; and
the many other phases or pro
blems over which the Commission
has jurisdiction. You might say
I was educated by the state of
Nebraska for this most important
office. My record as the Commis
sion's Rate Expert speaks for it
You may be interested in know
ing something about my private
life. I have lived in Lincoln since
1897. Married a Lincoln girl and
raised a family of four boys. How
ever, the misfortunes of war tou
ched our family as well as thous
ands of other families. We lost
one boy, Richard, in England. An
ther boy, Stanley, after 4 years
of service has received a medical
discharge. Robert, the youngest,
is still in the Navy after over 4
years of service, and Al, the old
est, has been with the Eastman
people ever since he graduated
from the University of Nebraska.
We belong to the Methodist church
and I am a member of Lincoln's
Elks’ Lodge No. 80 and also vice
president of the Lincoln Chapter
of the American War Dads.
Based upon my experiences and
qualifications, (incidently I have
been engaged in private practice
in this same class of work since
I left the Commission), I would
appreciate all votes.
Arthur J. Weaver comes natur
ally by his interest in good gov
ernment. He is the third genera
tion of a pioneer Nebraska family.
All Nbraskans know the part the
22nd and Willis Ave.
Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter
Reverend E. B. Chilldress
Our minister delivered his 11
o’clock sermon from the beauti
ful text of St. Marks 14:19 ‘\And
they began to be sorrowful, and
to say unto him one by one, is it
I? and another said is it I?” A
few of the thoughts taken from
his inspiring message were as
follows: “A man ought to do the
work or task that God gives him
to do, if a man or woman's Chri
stianity doesn’t make him or her
faithful and truthful, it is of little
benefit to him or her, no man or |
woman on the face of this earth i
can continue to fight against our I
Weaver family have played in our
State and National government
and in Republican Party leader
ship. Arthur J. Weaver’s father,
the late A. J. Weaver of Falls City
Nebraska was President of the
1920 Constitutional Convention,
Governor of Nebraska in 1929 and
1930, and was Chairman of the
Republican State Convention in
1924. His grandfather was District
Judge A. J. We£ver who was a
member of the first two Constitu
tional Conventions, Congressional
Representative from the First Di-1
strict, and was Chairman of one
of the early day Republican Con
While Governor or Nebraska,
■Atthur J. Weaver Sr. settled a)
troublesome race dispute in a fair I
and impartial manner winning |
many friends among the colored
population. I
Arthur J. Weaver Jr. during his I
administration as a public official
has proven himself to be fair and
impartial to all citizens.
He has the a^iity, capacity and
training to fulfil the requirements
of executive leadership in Nebras
Waver For Governor Committee
Mildred P. Poliak of Lincoln is
the daughter of pioneer Nebrask
ans. She is a graduate of Lincoln
High School, the Uni. of Nebr.
Received Master’s Degree in ad
ministration and supervision at
Columbia U. She did further gra
duate work at Ohio State U. This
coupled with the extra graduate
credit from Columbia completed
the class requiite for a Ph. D.
Among her instructors were:
Thorndike; Kilpatrick; Goddard:
Bode; Charters and Zirbes; all of
these outstanding educators.
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s
Church and program and hope to
win, and finally, sometimes a man
will and lie so much that soon he
will begin to believe himself.
Visitors: Miss Julia O. Pope,
Huntsville, Ala., Mrs. Inez Bat
tles Dob'y, Washington, D. C., Miss
Jeanne Malone, Lincoln, Nebras
ka, 'Mrs. Beatrice Lawrence of
Boston, Mass., Mrs. Gran Lewis.
Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Faust, Wichita, Kan.
The officers (Stewards, Stewar
desses, and Trustees) Pastor and
wife extend their thanks and ap
preciation to the entire member
ship and many friends of St. John
who in any way gave support to
our recent Rally.
Members of St. John, there is
still much to be done yet and with
the support and cooperation con
tinuous; we shall rise to higher
heights. “Let God’s will be done,
not thy will”. Continue to contri
bute to the regular drive for the
Building program. A $150 to $200
contribution to this Fund every
Sunday will go a long way in our
efforts to reach our goal. -Pay
your Dollar each Sunday or more
according to the dictates of your
heart and your ability to give.
Everything is shaping up fine
for the Distict Conference here
ot our Church Wednesday, Thurs
day, and Friday, June 12, 13, 14.
The entire membership is to be
congratulated along with the
church clubs for helping and see
ing that everything has gotten
off to such an excellent start. Col
, lection will begin taken up Sun
day to help the clubs contribute
contribute to this fund and defray
some of the expenses of this con
ference. Be prepared to contri
bute to this if you didn't last
Sunday morning.
General chairman, Rev. E. B.
Childress; Registration and Hous
ing Chairman, Mrs. B. A. Howell;
Clubs in charge of Meals.
Breakfast Wednesday, Pastor’s
Aid Club, Mrs. Lula Washington,
pres.; Lunch Wednesday, The Mis
sionary Society, Mrs. Ida Byth
wood, Pres.; Dinner Wednesday,
The Kitchen Club, Mrs. Edmond
son, pres.
Breakfast Thursday, The Cheer
ful Builders, Mrs. Viney Walker,
pres.; Lunch Thursday, Willing
Workers, Mrs, Lillian Vincent,
Pres. Dinner Thursday, Progres
sive 24, Mr. W. P. Ervin, pres.
Breakfast Friday, Stewardess.
Board, Mrs. Metcalf, president;
Lunch Friday, Sunshine Charity
Club, Mrs. G. Borders, pres. Din
ner Friday, The Eveready Club,
Mrs. R. C. Price, pres.
Mrs. B. A. Howell is charge of
securing the meat.
There are others to be added to
the program and on committees
as we approach the date of this
conference. Let each member of
St. Johns appoint himself or her
self a committee of one and ex
tend to these our guests, a warm
welcome filled with Christian
brotherhood and fellowship.
Tuesday noon, our pastor left
the city to attend the graduation
exercises at Western University,
our Church School. He returned on ,
Friday May 31 after a most en-1
joyable trip. /
Correction—Mrs. Martha Mayo 1
is the Chaplain for the newly
formed Eveready Club instead of
Mrs. S. Turner as reported in this
column earlier.
Miss Edna Blair one of our own
is to be married Sunday afternoon
at the church at 1 pm. The offi
cers, pastor and his wife, and the
members of St .Johns pause here
and wish Miss Blair the best of
luck. ,
Class Meetings on Tuesday and
Prayer Meetings on Wednesday
evenings. The attendance is grad
ually increasing. There is still
room for more, so why not come
out and enter into these spiritual
Allen Christian Endeavor meets
each Sunday afternoon at 6 pm.
All the Young people of St. Johns
are urged to come out.
Mrs. Childress would like for
the parents to send more of their
children out on Saturday after
noon at 2 pm_
Senior choir rehearses Thursday
Junior choir rehearses Wednes
day nights.
From all indications plans are
coming along fine for the Mens’
Day program the latter part of
themonth according to Mr. H. L.
Preston, chairman of this program
and more men are urged to attend
these fine rehearsals they have
been having lately.
Mothers send your children to
Sunday school every Sunday morn
ing at 9:30. Attend our Morning
services at 11 am. Our evening
services at 7:30. Friends and visi
tors are always welcome at St.
Johns the friendly church at 22nd
and Willis Ave. Come worship
with us won’t you?
Please help the contestants on
their way to Denver June 27th by
buying votes. Contest closes June
16th at Bethel AME Church. And
please see your captains for the
Rally which closes July 1st. Each
member is supposed to help to
redecorate our church.
Our Sunday School Convention
will convene at St. John AME
Church June 12, 13, 14. Our pre
siding Elder Rev. L. S. Goolsby is
in charge. All are welcome. It is
also our District Conference and
Christian Endeavor meeting. Come
to Bethel and Sunday. You are
Rev. C. L. Williams, Pastor
Maggie Smith, rep.
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
Next Sunday, the Sunday Sch
ool is asking all parents to be pre
sent with them.
For the morning worship, the
pastor brought a message to our
hearing from Luke 14:28, subject
“Sincere In Worship”. This ser
mon provided an interesting pro
gram and many points for the
Christian to ponder.
The BTU attendance was good.
and the program was rendered at
this hour. We extend an invitat
ion to everyone to be present with
us at this time; there will be
something to interest one during
the period.
Young Rev. Choctaw from the
Salem Church was present with
us for the evening worship. At
Jfiis time he gave a short dis
course from Matt. 3:1-2 using as
a subject “God Sent a Workman
Before His Son”.
Prayer meeting every Wednes
day evening. Also teachers’ coun
cil. The Mission Society will have
charge of the meetings for the
month of June.
The sick and shut in are Sis.
Elizabeth Voner, Sis. Ellen But
ler and Bro. James Lindsay.
We are deeply regretting the
passing of Bro. A. T. Stewart. His
pleasant smile; his wise council;
his fervent prayers; will be missed
and it is our loss, but heaven’s
gain for a true servant of God
has gone to his reward.
Visitors are always welcome to
Mt. Moriah, the friendly church.
30th and Corby Sts.
H. H. Schauland. pastor
June 9 is Pentecost Day, one of
the great festivals of the Church
year. It commemorates the out
pouring of the Holy Spirit on Je
sus’ disciples. They thereby re
ceive special gifts, the gift of
healing, of speaking in many dif
ferent languages and above all,
the gift of increased faith in the
risen and ascended Lord Jesus.
Wherever God’s Word is proclaim
ed today the Holy Spirit is poured
upon the hearts of men, and kin
dles faith in their hearts, main
tains and strengthens the faith,
gives hope, peace and life to all
who hear that Word. Hence He is
also called the Comforter because
He takes away our fears and our
The pastor of Hope Lutheran
will deliver a special message on
the blessings of Pentecost. The
service begins at 11 am. Three
persons will be received into com
municant membership of the
Church. The Lord’s Supper will al
so be selebrated in this service.
Those members who wish to par
take of Holy Communion should
announce in person to the pastor.
Sunday School begins at 10 am.
It seems there are quite a few
who think that going to church
on Easter and Christmas or some
other special day is sufficient. It
would be interesting to know
where the idea originated. Christ
ianity is not seasonable. It does
not break out and disappear like
measles. We need to hear God’s
Word all the year around—every
Sunday. Hope Lutheran invites
you to attend its services regu
The adult instruction class meet
every week on Friday at 8 pm.
at the parsonage, 2721 No. 30th
The International Lutheran Hr.
continues through the summer
months over KBON at 11 am. on
every Sunday. Beginning June 9
until Sept. 22 guest speakers will i
deliver the messages. During the
past season just closed the total
of Lutheran Hour Stations has
grown from 680 to 808. Tune in!
Write in!
Rev. E. Wade, Pastor
Beginning with the S. School un
der the direction of Mrs. Effie
More, president of the Education
.al Baard with the help of her
fine staff of members, the Sunday
School is progressing spiritually,
financially, and numerically un
der the guidance of its superin
tendant, Mr. C. L. Cribbs and with i
the help of Rev. G. E. Bivens who [
serves with the authority vested i
in him as a local preacher. The
Sunday School is doing fine work
in creating an interest in helping
its pupils to become anxious to
be on time every Sunday morning
to help make each class win one
of the banners. The teachers stand
ready to give their students the
best that they have to inspire
them to become followers of the
Christ. Beginning with the cradle
rool through the senior class.
Come out and let us all help to
begin the day with Sunday School
We are asking for your children
and we will give them our best
attention and we will assure you
we will train them in the way of
Christ. Come to Cleaves Temple
for Sunday School. The Sunday
School is always ready to welcome
The morning worship begins at
11 o’clock. With the choir ready
to fill your soul with the gospel
in songs, you are welcome. Under
'the direction of Mrs. Lucy Mae
Britt as leader and Mrs. E. Moore
as pianist. The pastor who has not
preached since the fourth Sunday
in April for reasons *of attending
the General Conference which has
taken him away for two Sundays,
favored us with a sermon by our
presiding elder for the third Sun
day and on the fourth Sunday it
was Women’s Day and we were
favored with a woman guest spea
ker. Sunday was a high day to
have our pastor take over the pul
pit. He delivered the Communion
sermon which set our souls on
....The care of your health should
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Clean your intestines and you will
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trust your delicate digestive or-,
ganism to any ordinary product.
Be choosy—take delicious, effec
tive VAYA-LAX. In Economy
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High Blood Pressure
If you have HIGH BLOOD
we carry the best Per Box $1.25
VAVA PRODUCTS, 242 E. 41st
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hallowed fire. If your soul needs
j food come to Cleaves Temple. And
| to our visitors, it was fine to have
I you with us. Your presence in our
church services Sunday were ap
preciated. We hope you will come
I aeain. and that this acquaintance
1 will grow into a vital fellowship in
, the Lord's work.
Sunday service was held by the
War Mothers. The program was
very interesting. The sermon was
delivered by the Cleaves Temple
The evening service at 7:30 was
well attended.
The children’s Day program will
be under the sponsorship of the
Junior Choir with Mrs. Blanche
Lee Wright as directress and Mrs
Moore as pianist. At this time the
tp/ent of the city will be on dis
play. Be sure to come out and
hear them. The Junior Choir is
really one organization that is
climbing bv leaps and bounds
They will thrill your souls. Don’t
miss the date June 9th at Cleaves
The Stewardess Board No. 2 is
sponsoring a Baby Contest. This
boirl too is presenting a very
interesting program Sunday, June
9th at 3 o’clock.
Mrs. Alice Wade, Mrs. Anna
Ford, and Mrs. Nancy Hall are
The pastor will open a revival
Monday night, June 3 in South
Omaha with Rev. Hooks of the M
E Church.
Marie Hudgins, rep.
1710 North 26th Street
Rev. Wm. Farmer, Pastor
A daily vacation Bible School
will be held at the Peoples’ Mis
rsjon School June 3 to 14, Mon
day thru Friday each week. We
are asking you to send your chil
dren. Sewing and Art work will
be among the things taught, as
well as the Bible. All children
are welcome. Rev. Mrs. C. M. Far
mer is conducting this school and
would appreciate the cboperation
of the parents. School will be held
from 9:30 to 11:30 each morning.
Church Notice: Sunday servi
ces were well attended. Holy Com
munion was well attended. Sab
bath School had its quota filled
with members. Bro. Gray, the
supt. of the Sabbath School, is a
very energetic worker.
At the Peoples’ Mission every
one is welcome. We do not preach
doctrine but the BiblE. Wednesday
night is Prayer Meeting. We have
good singing at every service.
Prop. Hess, Pastor
‘ Bless the Lord O my soul; and
J’l that is within me; bless His
Holy Name”.
We are thanking and praising
God for his goodness toward the
children of men. Service through
out the past week was well atten
ded. Sunday our hearts were made
to rejoice in the Lord. Our pastor
preached from his soul because
the Spirit of the Lord was upon
him. Selection for subject ‘‘The
power of your work shall be your
destiny”, Eph. 2:1-3. Sunday nite
“God’s prophets are born’, Jer—
1:4-9. Services Tuesday, Thursday
and Sunday nights at 8 pm. also
K inday at 12 noon. You are al
ways welcome to worship with us.
Starting on the 9th thru the 13th
there will be service each night.
Come and bring your friends to
2734 Blondo St.
To The Republican Voters of The
5th Legislative District of Nebraska
I feel that the fact that I had two sons in the Army
and the great importance to ex-service men and women
of having a tried and true friend in the United States
Senate, justifies me in siding with one Republican can
didate for United States Senator in preference to the
I am supporting United States Senator Hugh Butler
openly, publicly and enthusiastically for re-election on
his splendid record, especially of things accomplished
for the benefit of the men and women who served in
the war.
Senator Butler has long been a resident of Omaha
and one of our outstanding citizens. Senator Butler
deserves a tremendous vote of approval from his fellow
Yours sincerely,
Robert Smith
Clerk of the District Court
Political Adv. Paid for by friends
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Walter F. Roberts
• Slate Legion Commander 1940-41
Republican for
Railway Commissioner
• Endorsed, by Republican State
Convention as Top Choice
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