• MASONIC NEWS AMARANTHUS GRAND CHAPTER, O. E. S. OBSERVES 25TH ANNIVERSARY St. Johns Day Celebration Sunday The Masonic Grand Lodge of Nebraska and Jurisdiction of The Prince Hall Affiliation, were the guests of Ameranthus Grand Chap ter OES in their 25th Grand An niversary at the Masonic Temple, 26th and Blondo St. Friday even ing May 31st, 1946. Mrs. Cloma H. Scott Most Wor thy Grand Matron and Dr, D. W. Gooden assisted by the Grand Of ficers of the Grand Chapter, offi cers and members of the sever.* chapters, rendered an excellent program consisting of report, vo cal, and instrumental renditions. All of which were instructive and entertaining to the large number, of associate members. Among the highlights of the pro gram was the address of Mrs. Kate Wilson, co-founder of Amer itus Grand Chapter. In her great efforts she has traveled thousands of miles from coast to coast vi siting Washington, D. C., Portland Ore., San Francisco and other ci ties. She is at present, the Dean and Founder of Ameranthus Grand Chapiter. On the Masonic side, this Iwas made possible by the fore sight *~terest. and ability of the Grand Matron Nathaniel Hunter and Joseph Carr, Past Master and Grand Matron of OES of Excelsior Lodge No. 2 and W. Master Clay ton P. Lewis. The MWG Master and his cabinet P. G. Master, Ed ward Fletcher; Walter L. Seals, P. H. Jenkins and Deputy J. W. Da cus and many G. L. offices. Mas ters of Subordinate Lodges and a large number of Master Masons were in attendance. I he 25th Anniversary program was as follows: Opening song “Lift every Voice and Sing”, led by Mrs. Irene Mor ton; Invocation, Rev. C. B. Child ress; instrumental solo, Mr. Syl vester Stroud; solo, Mrs. C. M. Farmer; reading. Miss Juanita Hanger; Solo, Mr. Paul Briggs; history of Amaranthus G. Chap ter, Mrs. Edith Wheatley; solo, Mrs. Carmelia Manager; trio, Mi sses Foxall, Johnson, Bragg; read ing, Miss Blanche Lee Wright; so lo, Mrs. M. C. Williams; trumpet solo, Mr. Shirley Yancy; solo, Mr. H L. Preston; presentations, Mr. Russel E. Reese; remarks, MGM Cloma H. Scott; introduction of Grand Officers, AGM Mayme Ho ckir.s; and remarks by WGP Dr. D. W. Gooden. WG Matrons since 1921 are as follows! Laura Johnson (deceased) 1921-1923; Katherine Wilson, 1923 -1925; Maggie Ransom, 1925-1927; Maude Johnson, 1927-1929: Estelle Craig, (deceased) 1929-1931; Lula B. Alexander, (deceased) 1931 1933; Hazel Terry Lewis, 1933 1935; Jennie Edwards, 1935-1937; Hattie Brownlow (deceased) 1937 1938; Viola Cole, 1938-1939; Ma ble Galbreath, 1939-1941; Mattie B. Gooden, 1941-1943; and Cloma Hasting Scott, 1943-1946. Celebration of St. John’s Day will be held Sunday at Pilgrim Baptist Church at 2:30 pm. Maynard L. Wilson, Grand Lodge reporter Miss Anita Porter Becomes Bride of Matron Loftis at Zion Baptist Church In a five o’clock ceremony on Sunday, June 2 at Zion Baptist Church, Miss Anita Dorothy Por ter, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Marion L. Steele, was married to Mr. Matron Loftis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Loftis. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. B. Sparks assisted by Rev. F. C. ■Williams. Musical selections were given by Mr. Lester Corbin. The bride wore a gown of white net and lace with a bodice of bro cade satin. Her fingertip veil was was of illusion and she carried a bouquet of gardenias and stephan otis. Miss Beulah Gibson who was maid of honor wore a pink gown with satin brocade bodice and net skirt. She wore a shoulder length veil and carried a bouquet of red carnations and pink and white sweet peas. The six bridesmaids were: Miss j Dorothy Brown who wore a gown of blue marquisette and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and sweet peas. Miss Betty Smith wore pink flo wered net trimmed with blue rib bons. Her bouquet was of maroon carnations and white daisies. Miss Mary Alice Crum wore a blue gown with taffets bodice and net skirt. Her bouquet was deep pink. . Miss Rose Oliver wore pink net. Her bouquet was a deeper shade of pink. Mrs. Ethel Andrews wore a gown of pink net and carried a bouquet of red carnations and pink and white sweet peas. The best man was Mr. Herman Varnell and the six ushers were Mr John Jackson, Harold Mat thews, C. Glover, Delbert Stewart, Daniel Ware, and Robert Ow-ens. For her daughters wedding Mrs. Mrs. Steele chose a white flower ed jersey dress and wore a mat ching hat. Her corsage was of yellow roses and pink carnations tied with a yellow satin ribbon. A reception and was decorated with a miniture bride and groom. There were many guests pres ent. Among the out of town guests were Mrs. A. S. Mayfield of Lit tle Rock, Ark., Mr. and Mrs. Per cy Banks of Lincoln, Nebraska. and Mr. Ernest Cruder also of Lincoln. The couple will be at home to their many friends at 2013 Grace St. Apt. No. 2. * * * Acid Indigestion Relieved in S minute* or double your money buck When excess stomach acid causes pairrful, suffocat ing gas. sour Stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ans Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in s jiffy of double your money back oo return of bottle to u*. £5c at all druggists. w DWIGHT GRISWOLD for UNITED STATES SENATOR CLUB TO OLR FRIENDS: We the undersigned are working to nom inate and elect Dwight Griswold to the United States Senate. His past record as Governor in our groups* behalf warrant your whole hearted support. The following are just a few of the out standing things, Dwight Griswold has done, which were of vital importance to us. 1. GRISWOLD was instrumental in hav ing the Nebraska Senate pass a Fair Employ ment Practice Bill, which makes it a mis- r demeanor for any person, firm or corpor- g ation to refuse to employ any person because | of Race, Creed, Color or Religion. Dwight Griswold 2. GRISW OLD vetoed House Bill 184, which had for its purpose, the re districting of the 5th Legislative District. If, Griswold had allowed this Bill to become a Law', we would have been de prived of representation in the Nebraska Legislature. 3. GRISW OLD was instrumental in seeing to it, that the recent Insurance Law applied to all persons, regardless of Race, Creed, Color or Religion, thereby making it possible for us to obtain Liability Insurance in connection with the operation of our Automobiles. 4. GRISW'OLD has welcomed all Committees at the Capital in our behalf. 5. GRISW'OLD has given us (6) Major Appointments in State Govern ment, which is more than any other Governor has given us in the History of the State of Nebraska. GRISWOLD gave us representation in (2) new Departments, namely: The State Department of Labor and the State Department of Cosmetology. GRISWOLD gave us Inspectors in these two Departments. 6. GRISW'OLD is past Commander of the Department of Nebraska, The American Legion and has a keen knov ledge and interest in Servicemens’ problems. 7. GRISW OLD's Son was and still is a Member of the Armed Forces of World War II. These are just a few facts about GR1SWOLD's outstanding record in behalf of Minority Groups. We need DWIGHT GRISWOLD in the United States Senate. W e know where he stands on questions involving our Rights an l Interest. W ill you help us nominate and elect Griswold to the United States Senate? You will have to be a Registered Re publican to Vote for GRISW OLD for United States Senate on June 11th. We the undersigned heartily endorse GRISWOLD for the United States Senate and urge you to work for his nomination on June 11th and for his election in NOVEMBER. YOURS FOR GRISWOLD, Woodrow F. Morgan, Vet. WWH Harold C. Whiteside, Vet. WWH Thomas Jones, Vet. WWI George Althouse Mrs. Christine Althouse Eugene (Mack) McGill Rufus Willis R. C. Price James Fellows Mrs. Madeline Harrold Mr. Walter Harrold Henry Hayden Edward W. Killingsworth Dr. D. W. Gooden Mrs. Sarah Walker Ray L. W illiams Roy W7hite (THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY FRIENDS OF PROGRESSIVE GOV’T COMMITTEE, MRS. CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE, PRES., MRS. MADELINE HARROLD, SEC’Y.. _MRS. T. H. DEAN, TREAS.) A. ROSS FOR RAILWAY COMMISSIONER — Dear Sir: May I take a few minutes