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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1945)
CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Reynolds will deliver his Christmas Message this coming Sunday morning from the theme, "The Heavenly Purpose Fulfilled.” The Choir will give support in ap priate music, in the evening at 6 o’clock the Sunday school will render its Christmas Program and Tree. We urge the attendance of all parents and adults to this pro gram by our Sunday School. At the regular Evening Worship at 8 o’clock, the Clair Church Choir will render its Christmas Cantata “The Great Light ". This promis es to be an evening of fine music al inspiration, to which we urge all our members to be present, and to which we invite our many friends. Clair Church will unite with oth er churches in our usual Union Christmas Services at Zion Bapt ist c.iurch, Christmas Morning at 6 o’clock. The sermon will be de livered by the Rev. E. V. Wade, pastor of Cleaves Temple Church. Music to be furnished by the Unit ed Choirs. The pastor urged all 'SS* JL. our members to attend this early! Christmas Morning service. ♦ PORT BATTALION SENDS $326 TO NAACP. New York Memberships and contributions in the amount ot $326 have been received by the N AACP from the men of '.lit Head ! quarters company, 510th Port Bat | talion on the island of Tinian in | the Marianas. The membership campaign was i assisted by Seaman Lester Cole of the Sixth Construction Brigade, United States Navy, who provided the Army contingent with NAACF literature and campaign material. The membership drive in the bat talion was directed by 1st Sgts James Parrott, Joseph Campbell and Foster W. Scott of the 29«hh, 310th and 632nd Port companies, spectively. The money was true smitted by Second Lieutenant Si-, as, araH&r droH c* 4*& <* «• **■****&*■& & * The 0. K. Hardware 4831 South 24th Street Wishes A Merry Christinas and A Prosperous New Year to their Many Friends. 09*0? OP OP *0? 09 OP *09*09*0? OP *09 OP *09*09*09 OP OP *09 OP OP fc. Our entire personnel joins in wish ing Christmas joy to those whom we have served, and to others as well. Accept our sincere thanks for the privilege of being of help in making this Christmas of 1945 truly merry. Bedford Park WIRT ST., BETWEEN 27th & 30th “SMALL PAYMENTS DOWN” Realty Improvement Co. 342 ELECTRIC BLDG. -See Hiram D. Dee ★Phone: JA-7718-★Eve., JA-1620 meon B. Osby, formerly an officer of the Springfield, Illinois branch of the NAACP. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Metoyer have returned from their trip with relatives and friends in Shreves port, Alexandria and Natcheto ches, La. n Merry Christmas g g and g ^ Happy X(‘\v Year ^ T Mr. Eari B. g ^ DANBERT M 2505 Q Street $5 & ek M’---a sj MURKJMIAIMMw H ' (<i l Gentile Words, Open * \ Hearts, Willing $ [ Hands, Soft Music, j ; Friendship, Love * This is Christmas!! I May It Bring You ■ . Happiness and Joy * ^ Beyond Expression 1 I McGILL ; ; BAR ! and ^ \Blue Room* f 2524 North 24th St. f ► Merry Christmas * I i I xV Happy New \eai x \ From- J , Mr. James Jackson i > 2711 Q Street Jj \ MR. PAUL ti ; * f 703 South 24th St. jjj Merry Christmas S ' * H NEVER CLOSED Around the Clock—24 Hours per day.” Like the stork, we are on the job 365 nights and days of the year iimi/S J ITILlteS OUR ENTIRE BUSINESS lias been built upon friendship. We look upon all our customers as our friends, and are determined to give the them friend liest service possible. It i our aim to wrap up a little friendliness in each transaction. THANKS FRIENDS, one and all, for the privilege of serving you. And we want to say right now, as fervently as we can say it.. A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year AND WE DO MEAN YOU! Green Lantern Cafe 2116 NORTH S4th ST. —PHONE JA-9257— Where you get Good things to Eat the year round, from a hot dog to a fried spring chicken. Always on hand, those delicious small or large end pig spare ribs, barbecued to a tender taste with clod slaw and BRITT’S specially made hot sauce. Hot plate lunch ready to serve from 11:30 a. m. tO 8 n. m. at popular prices. Ernest E. Britt, Proprietor. i M hJOt _ . _ . . “OVERTONES” Henningburg (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) of seige. In China, in Java. In Palestine, ancl in Iran open conflict is under way, or is in the making. The nations which were allies a short time ago have already begun to give voice to an underlying suspicion which was there all the time, but was almost never mentioned. On the home front, we have not yet mustered the courage necessary to give democracy a breathing chance. We make plans with agile minds but we fail to carry them out because we have lost spirit. We have lost spirit because leadership in this country is too largely in the hands of men who basically do not represent the Ameri can ideals at all. It is just as impossible for a man who goes to Congress from the spiri tual morass of South Carolina to work af fectively toward world democracy as it is for a mule which has spent all its life in the bowels of a coal mine to find its way about in the bright sunlight. Just the same, every individual in this country has the obligation to make Christ mas ring true for as many as he can .The best place to start is where you are and the time is now. Don’t make the mistake of be lieving that courtesy has to begin across the street, and that friendliness has no place ! at your own breakfast table. This job of lie mg kind and considerate of others isn’t a Sunday responsibility; it’s an everyday op portunity. Let's think less of what we shall buy for our loved ones this Christmas, and a little mote of what we shall give them of ourselves. Watch The Swindlers: Our boys who are coming back have saved up amazing totals of money, running into millions of dollars. Many of them have saved because there was nothing ylse to do, and many others have kept their money be cause they want to buy a home, or to start a business of tlieir own. But on every corn er in my town and in yours, there are swind lers of both sexes ready to rob these men of their last penny. The Better Business Bureau estimates that there are hundreds of schemes already being worked, and that the number increases by the day. There is the guy who offers a lonely veteran a place to spend the night, and who robs him and and leaves before daylight. There are the hussies who stir up excitement in a man who has been woman hungry for months, and calmly feeds him knockout drops so* that their pals can take his money, and sometimes even his clothing. And doorbells are being rung all over the country by dis honest peddlers who ask for a sizable a mount down on some household commodity which is never delivered. Some folks be lieve that they can tell an honest face when they see one, and that type always falls the hardest. They don’t know that the smooth est crooks always have the most honest faces, and they probably have not heard the famous words of Barnum’s: “There’s a sucker born every minute, and someone to take him.” Inflation Is Here: In Washington and in New YorK, and in the other money centers of the United States, there has been much talk about the dangers of inflation. OPA has put up a strong fight to stave it off, and the Trea sury Department has helped the nation keep it’s balance bv making the buying of War Bonds an attractive investment. But inflation is here, in spite of all our efforts to the contrary. If you don’t believe it, try to buy a shirt -which cost a dollar and a half before the war. If the shiirt now costs four dollars, we have inflation. A dollar has no more value than the amount of goo< can purchase with it, which simply means that when prices sro up, the value of the dollar goes down. When prices go too high standards of living drop and there is an other depression. All of us can help now by purchasing only the necessities of life, and without anyway. waiting for the things we’ve learned to do Sit | I 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. f Is. Thorough yet Gentle in El feet. [ 11 3. No Unpleasant Alter ellects. | 1 ■ 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take r ■ S. No Fuss. No Brewing, No Bother. \ M 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your I Individual Needs. ■ 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the Family lor Months. S Caution: Use only as directed. ' I At all druggists. Or write lor FREE GEN II EROUS SAMPLE. Innerciean Co. 846 E. I Sixth St Los Angeles 21. Calil. (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimtiiiiiH Z4th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS I »mI» wr\ ___ WE. 0609 DUFFY pharmacy ta^. $ \ WISHING YOU \ MERRY f CHRISTjVIAS ' I and A f HAPPY NEW ► YEAR | with , BEST WISHES from {Roosevelt 1 Post j —No. 30— | American , Legion i I « Donovan BROTHERS AUTHORIZED DEALERS COAL - GAS and OIL Furnaces Air Conditioning - Furnaces - Copper and Sheet Metal Works “Our Work is Guaranteed” Office AT-3700 Off ice-Warehouse-Shop 1114 North 24th St. fj! Merry Christmas A M XT V V Ol Happy New \ ear ¥ from & | STANDARD £ $ BARBER & ^ X BEAUTY g J SUPPLY S, 114-6 N. 15th SL AT-2120 *2 3f A f 9 1 and a & \ HAPPY NEW YEAR l l To ALL! i OMAHA WORLD-HERALD 9 J 0 “IN THE SERVICE OF THE PEOPLE” 9 ft a i if i 4 I 4 4 i _I - w ' AND NOW COMES ANOTHER CHRISTMAS to be added to your store of memories. We hope this Christmas of 1945 $ ^ will be a very enjoyable one—a truly happy one— fulfilling t all the fine traditions of Christmas. A f 5 ^ Accept our hearty Thanks for the pleasant business assoc- m ^ iations of the past year. Once again we say: $ [ MERRY CHRISTMAS % I from $ OMAHA MOTOR C0.| ; m 127th & Famam Street WE 4444 £ ¥ Season’s J§ ^ Greetings ^ ¥to All Our Friends ^ $ * % We wish you one, we wish y you all, every happiness 0i 2r and joy, this Peacetime J3« %$} Christmas. And may the A)a New Year see your every W T" hope and dream fulfilled. fa IMICKLIN! ¥ fa M IMPROVEMENT fa g HOME g - CO. - fR S 1001 No. 19th St. # — JA. 6500— SOCIAL NOTES Call HA-0800 *□□□03 □□□□□* | LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00 BLACKSTO.VE LUMP COAL $|| 60 per ton * * JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade WEAL FURNITURE MARI 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" I HEAL SHOE MAN < FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER ‘ i I 1410 North 24th St | i ; —CARL CKIVERA— .* j 1 Classified Ads Get Resuits \ For Sale 2806 No. 26 St. j 7 Room frame, Modern Store Room 1 IN FRONT 145x37*$ 2 Lots facing both Lake and Erskine Streets i LOT 48x175 FEET LONG | 1 Large Lot North of Lake 65x150 FEET | Kansas City, Mo., 1 Brick Duplex, 8 rooms I I PHONE JAckson 9377 for Information I I • SEE LUKE B. CAREY, at 2806 N. 26th St. | •Help Wanted LAUNDRY shirt pressers, finish j sorters, and markers. Permanent ■ employment. Apply Banner Laundry 2014 St. Mary’s Ave. WANTED Two Laborers at Once! 60c per hour wages Apply 2706 Maple St. J. Snell FOR SALE— KAPOC MATTRESS, Three quarter size, phone WE-4285 A large, medium front room for rent, Call JA-0306. APT FOR RENT to couple, AT. 6281. Real Estate, Homes FOR COLORED Nice 5-room house, in excellent con dition, handy to schools, churches street cars, 2117 Grace St. _J3,000.’ Henry B. MeCampbell, Realtor 2)6 Barker Bldg. ’ AT-8575 NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresscf 'Rugs, Bede, Gas Stoves and Oi Stoves. "We Buy and Sell" — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. *6th ST, j Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Subscribe Today! FOR RENT-ROOM FOR QUIET PEOPLE, CALL AT-6629 FURNISH ROOM FOR RENT, JA-0699. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbxtrr 2022 LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOI.M A SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St WE. 005S EMERSON LAUNDRY 1324 North 24th St. WE. 102» • Legal Notices Omaha Guide, 3t bg Dec. 8 ending Dec. 22 Edward J. Dugan, Atty. PROBATE NOTICE Bk. 65, P. 457 In the matter of the Estate of GERALD M. BOWDEN, deceased. Notice is Hereby Given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administratrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 1st day of Febr uary, 1946 and on the 1st day of April, 1946, at 9 o’clock A. M„ each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examin ation, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 31st day of December, 1945. ROBERT R. TROYER, County Judge. Crosstown Dres|“akins I—TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— S ATTENTION, LADIES! 1 You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, 1 and slacks designed to suit your personality m by an experienced Lady ’ Tailoress. We f Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies ■ general repair work done. YYe also special- w ize in Tailored shirts. jR Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... » ^^^^02^ORTH^4t^TREET-- • % Yes, smart women and men by the thousands know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment works to relieve the itching of many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, "spots” eczema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer’s SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 years. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money back, 25c (Economy 75c size contains 4 times as much). At all stores or from E.T. Bfowne Drug Co., 127 Water St., New York City. Help complete complexion beauty with Paimer9§ SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) 25e y 'psCuCme/i/1.