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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1945)
Chatter-Box if=& "A Youthful Column” (by Doris Ann McGill) MERRY MtRRY CHRISTMAS Christmas as we see it is the time to pause for a moment to think seriously of life, of what it means to us, of it’s joys and of it’s sorrows. Christmas is our greatest and most joyous period. Lights on the trees, snow on the window ledge and happy faces of children makes one’s heart grow warm and spirits glow with friend ly thoughts. Christmas is the season which brings happiness to all homes and a New Year brim full of good things. Observing the birth of Christ amidst a world of conflict t ( i J B. Cleaners« f 1805 North 24th St. J 9 Merry Xmas and A | jj Happy New Year j i ii t Merry Christmas i £ and & p Happy Now Year * t SHRAGO l sIDtAL Grocery' and MEATS i \ 1802 North 20th St. j 5 —WE 6444— (i $ The Crown 6 'Liquor Storej * 1512 North 24th St. 0 —★— 9 Wishes to thank jj his many friends r f o r their past? patronage. I wish for them g A MERRY J CHRISTMAS J and A j HAPPY NEW j YEAR. J —★— | Buy your Poultry at the Nebraska Poultry 2204 North 24th Street Get the Ilext In Quality at the NebriiMka Produee*-Lowest Price, NOW JS THE TIME TO GETJ YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work” LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street Men, Women! Old al 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feelloc on ace£ Thousands amaied at what a little pepping up wit* Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many n«d at 40. 60 60. tor body old solely because low In Iron; also euiipl-w vitamin *i. calcium, phosphorus. 3Se Id tosxluctory sixe now only 29c 1 Try Ostrex Toni* T»bieu tor new pep. younger feeling, this very day. .For Sale at all drugstores every where--in Omaha, at Smith's and Walgreen's." rl I if Mii i >1 it 11 Don t worry about money, Home affairs. Bad Luck, Jinks and Love. No mat ter what your troubles are write me. M. CAROLYN 2332 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago. It!, 111. Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for >oughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds in cold wintry Canada is Buck ley’s “CANADIOL" Mixture—Fast Work ing. triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast, j Compounded from rare Canadian Pine- j Balsam and other soothing healing Ingre- j dients Buckley’s “CANADIOL" Mixture is different from anything you ever tried. Get i bottle today at any good drug store. J I FROM MICROBE TO MAN it wuv.wais THE FASCINATING STORY Of THE OG VELOPMENf OF OUR UNtORN FOOT FROM A SINGLE MiCROBE-SiZEO EGG- . CELL WTO A HUMAN KING FRG , . SENTED * SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE ! J FACTS W1U. AMAZE TOO. 'EGAS* LESS OF YOUR READING TaSTES. , , PRICE SI POST? AO tor*, C£NTU«T PRESG 1 NX? A SI. TACOMA SAWUC** GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO ’ot*. fjriipr nnd adjoining, os Mouthsvest corner 21»t anil Grace Eilciwlve frontage on both 21st an#* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home* or especially united as Chord* g-round*. Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33« or Call HA-0806. which is being carried on, might bring peace on earth and good will toward all men as proclaimed nearly two thousand years ago. Hi Kids: The latest news is the greatest news, so Merry Christ mas to all. Since the Nortliiside didn’t jump last week we’ll let you know just what happened, (warm outside) Flash! ! , the dance given by Johnette and Chicken was strict ly sharp. There were many having a fine time. The following, Pvt. Frank Cottrell, Doris McGill, Cliff Robbins, Johnnie Mae Burton, Ti ny Foxall, Robert Rogers, Louise Seay, Imogene Perry, Erma S., Pearl F., S 1st Class Lewis Owen Bernice Bragg, J. C. Eves, Jean Pierce, Freddy Lee Booker, Mary C., John L. Faison, Ruth Curren, and others, Mop Mop! ! ! Why do Helen C. pretend she isn’t in love with (feet). He will be leaving soon for the Coast Guards Good Deal! ! ! ! Well here we are again and pretty soon, J M B and C R will be saying “I Do” Good luck to both of you. Three days before Xmas, girls! and boys, get your shopping down ' and now Hey Hey! ! ! ( James Ware is again serving time. I’m sure he’ll miss the dances, (working of course) Ideal Boy of The Week Pole Cat (Wallace Wright) Ideal Girl of The Week Hattie Jean Williams Was I wrong back in 1945 that our great friend Billy Rudd will soon be say ‘‘I do” To be Mention! ! ! The smash given by the Bob cats flashed off sham. Everyone had a fine time including myself. 1 To readers of this column the Lionel Hampton dance was strict MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR from Reliable Furniture Co. 4223 SOUTH 24th MERRY CHRISTMAS And HAPPY NEW YEAR From— Masterson’s Shoe & Dry Goods Co. 4523 No. 30th Street I “All Nationally Advertised I Goods" __ | Merry Christmas jjjl S And A fa Happy New Year jjj SJ Petersen's $ Bakery 2506 No. 24th Street jj* ly in the groove when shoes ar. rived (meaning no shoes, no dance) Keep smiling, it’s fun Ha! Ha! At last J. C Buster, LaRue Ro gers, Hill, Ricky, and Fred Lee received their greetings. 1 hope you pass boys. Slang o’ The Week You’re Fired from the Sis Hood. When you cats and studs are hungry, stop by the Club House Cafe? “Nice business for those who like it.” The date for the Tacky Dance will be held over for next weeks issue. Watch for it. Servicemen of The Week Pvt. Frank Cottrell Seaman 1st class Lewis Curren Pvt. Frank Wright PFC John Reynolds and Pvt. Nor ton Jackson C-and a half, Billy Cunningham. All looking fine. Girls please stop smoking out in public. The opening of the Snack Shop turned out to be a great success. Congratulations to Mr. Davis tor his sportsmanship. Enjoy some fine chilli at the Sharp Inn Cafe. Open all nite ! ! It’s not that way! ! ! ! Now that mid-nite curfew is on the cats and chicks will have to make other arrangements (do you follow me;) Go to church Sunday. We’re very glad to see Dorothy L. up who has been ill for quite some time. What goes on between T. P. and B. J. B. Cozy Eubanks is still wearing many fine sports clothes. Compli ments from (Centralites) Crash! ! !! ! Who is known as Bo’ Daniels,' Jack Johnson and Cowboy. We know, don’t we boys! Back in the fair city. Virginia Margaret and Bettie. Lookin’ ! ! ! You gain more by letting the world see what you are than pre tending to be what you aren’t, hay barnyard! ! ! . So long to our good friend J. M. B. who will be leaving Sunday, Dec. 23rd. I know two girls that P p I> Livestock § ¥ ^ g Nat’l Bank g P p g4840 South 24thg 1 i £ * 3 23* W ^ Merry Christmas S ^ and A ^ p Happy New Year ttf p Merry Christmas and A Happy New Y^ar from Mr. Ed “Bearcat” WRIGHT 2709 Q Thrifty Service... 1 jj • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just DamD Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 ^ - will be happy (don’t I Muggs?) Who was the certain four that went to the basket ball game on Thursday nite? Did they have fun and you’re right. Nice people to know, Clara Bell R., the Green sisters, Delores H., Ruth F., LeRoy H. Payton, Norma T., Bucky G. and Betty Stewart. Zip! ! ! who is known as Mis* Fine, Miss Finer, Miss Finest, Miss Fine Best? (Three Guesses) Something to Talk About! ! ! What happened t o our Main St. after dark? ? What’s the matter M.? ? Too much competition? ? Chatter Box will start it’s anni versary next year. Happy Birthdays of the Month Roland West, Velma Watkins, (Birth of Jesus) Xmas. Cover Girl Hi G. I. of Omaha air-mailed by unanimous consent for youthful and wonderful Johnnie Mae Bur. ton to be our choice for cover girl and at the same time jitter-bug gal. Miss Burton is the seventeen | year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs j Johnnie Burtan of 129 Gaines Ave . Hot Springs, Arkansas. Johnnie ' was chosen Tech Hi best jitter bugger of 1945. Her ambition is to become an English teacher in post war world II. Weight, 120 lbs j Height, 5ft-2in. j Complexion—Teasing brown Pet Peeve, To return to her man some day Students! Get an education! ! ! Who Dood It ? ? ? What certain ‘office man’ on Lake is having flack trouble be cause he deeded the culbs dues to himself and refuses to give the account of $12 (Christmas basket money) and they are going to court Jan. 1st? Cutest OpnMomai of the Week Robert Reynold*! I f tLMfc Bear Facts! ! ! ! Most of us feel that what we are doing is right but the trouble is we so often decide that a thing must be right because we’re do ing it ! .'hint! ! hint! ! Boom! ! Boom ! .' What is it that jumps every nite about 12:45 and bites 12:45 PM! What is R. M. trying to do for himself? It seems it’s love. While on the subject of love, who is it that lives to love or loves to live! Ask C. B and J. Me! ! Sha—zam! ! ! ! Now that school is out for the Christmas holidays, I know you will have plenty partys to decide so first of all tell 1490 Swing club to announce it the day before the affair. Second call up Miss Fine, Thud!, that’s all bro’! The Christmas Parade will ap pear next week. M. C. is carrying a smile on her face. She received a lovely Xmas card from C. F. Boy if you’re interested in Eva J. Littles of Council Bluffs’ see Billie Rudd! !! ! Tee Hee ! ! ! Have you heard of people rob bing the grave, tee hee and I mean was she old! ! ! ! Basket ball for girls every nite 1 at the Center. Congratulation to Helen Moore who was married last week. May you enjoy the better part of life throughout your years. I wonder does JMF still carry the torch for LC or is it C N now ? Best dressed, Betty Stewart and Pickins Marion. Our next dance will be Xmas at the Cocoanut Ball room. For a nice Xmas dinner, go to the Cozy Grill, E & E Little Diner and the Shack. Norten Jackson is back and he’s a sailor now girls, looking fine! (Little Twin) The fight at the party Tuesday nite was a killer and everybody had some fun. Hey now! ! ! Quote, who is the certain fellow who is back lookin’ fine in a cer tain suit? His feet are bigger! ! Legs are longer! ! ! Good deal Cowboy! ! ! Guess Who? ? ? Age—123452-17 Weight—110, none of your busines Height—about 5ft. 5 inches Hair—Red (black) Eyes—Blond (black) Hobby—All Pet Peeve—Are you kidding ? Hangout—Home, drug, Pool hall Ambition—Basketball-Doc Nick name—The Gay 90’s Last weeks guess who was Ruby Washington. In closing always remember that life is what yau make of it. So long Dot and Merry Christmas TheWEEK (BY H. W. SMITH HA-0800) Edward B. Hillis of Glen Falls, N. Y., tossed an old coat out of a window on Dec. 12 as his house was on fire and he discovered la ter there was 20 thousand dollars in one of the pockets. 36 inch water main bursted at 24th and Grand Ave. friday morn ing Dec. 14th and flooded all of the business establishments near by A man and his wife in Greely, Colorado confessed to robbery on many college campuses on Friday December 14. Ensign, John Woods of Seattle, Wash, testified last week that 350 men lost their lives when the USS Indianapolis went down from an explosion. The Glenwood Hotel at Glen wood Springs, Colorado, was de stroyed by fire Thursday night Dec. 13. Firemen reported seeing four badly burned bodies and six other were missing. Fritz Karl Sorensan, ex-band leader of Detroit, Mich., has been pardoned from prison. Don’t fail to get a holiday edi. tion of the Omaha Greater Guide December 22nd. Congressman Keefe of Wiscon aon, caused a flare up in Congress on Monday, Dec. 17, when he ask ed the US Senate investigating Committee was it Pearl Harbor or Gov. Dewey they were investiga ting. President Truman will spend some of the holidays at home. He will leave Washington, D. C. by plane Christmas morning and re turned on Dec. 28. If you are pleased with the greater Omaha Giude, tell others and if not, make it known to the office and bring in some news. H. W. Smith’s Weekly Waiter’s Column If you have any news about waiters, or anything pertaining to them or their routine of living, call I H. W. Smith—HA-0800 and give him the news... The Waiters Key Club, extends a friendly welcome to all friends and asks them to spend a quiet afternoon or evening at 2420 Burdette St. and wishes everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. The Omaha Guide in a friendli est of ways, wishes all of it’s readers and good friends a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. The R R Boys are serving with a smile on wheels. Omaha Club Waiters with Capt. Earl Jones, are topping the service with a smile. Waiters at the Regis Hotel and the White Horse Inn are on the up and go on service at all times. Fontenelle Hotel waiters are very much on the job at all times. Paxton Hotel head-waiter and crew are on the improve. Waiters at the Hill Hotel are out in front at all times. Blackstone Hotel always step ing up on service. THE NAACP The regular monthly meeting of the Omaha Eranch of the NAACP was held at Cleaves Temple on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16. All committes made good reports and the officers for the year were el ected and are as follows: Rev. Christopher Adams was elected president, E. A Lofews first vice-president, James Fellows second vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Wiliams sec’y, Mrs. L. E. Britt ass't sec’y, Mr. Grey Wiley trea surer. The Brotherhood of Clair Cha pel, held a very important meet ing to sketch a program for the Sunday afternoon meeting Dec. 30th. f-—-■> McDonald Reporting We first call your attention to the Birth of Our Saviour. We find in St. Luke the 1st chapter, and 3th verse, you find in that verse where Jesus was forseen as i a Saviour and a lover of man. Next we notice the 2nd chapter and 11 verse, quote: all things are possible with God”. So the great est day the world ever known was the day in which Jesus was born. Everyone should pause and medi tate for a moments and think of that most glorious moment and repeat those old familiar lines, quote: Though many dangers, toils and snares I have all ready come. We can then say with all our hearts, Glory to God in the High est and on Earth Peace and Good Will To All Men. Let us strive to better act, better think.we will then be in a position to treat our fellowman better. Amen. We wish to correct an error made in the Omaha Guide on Dec. 8th which appeared in said issue, which reads the Calloway Drug Co. However it should have been the Connolly Drug Store, 501 So. 21st. We would be glad to have you keep in mind that this is a wonderful place to visit.your present and past patronage always welcome. Thanks. Dec. 16th."there is furniture located on the comer of 24th and Spaulding known as the Spaulding Furniture Co., owned and operate0 by Mr. and Mrs. Trusdell.a most beautiful store, nice line of Furniture. They invite all to stop i off at their place. You will get I the best of furniture and the best of attention. they have pledged I themselves to be fair, honest and courteous to all.give them a ; chance.thanks. The Gibson friendly service at, 34th and Leavenworth streets has ! oil, gas and auto accessories and expert car Washington when you! are driving your car out that way ! and have trouble, STOP by and | drive in and just have it looked 1 over. You will be well pleased: with the results_thanks. The American Lumber and I Wrecking Co., 1511 South 24th St. I will sell you anything you want in the line of lumber, brick, etc. they can also wreck any house or barn.give them a trial. The Circle Variety Store 528 N. 33rd street, really is what the name implies. They have many varieties of goods, nicely prepar ed for Xmas, old Santa lives in her place, and wishes to greet you anytime. Call by and see Santa.... ....he will greet you with a smile. The Grocery Store at 1517 Nor th 30th St., formerly owned by rM. Anderson. The Hilltop Groc ery is now owned and operated by Mr. Wade. one of the .nicest, sanitary stores of our city. If you are looking for high class Grocery Meats, Cigars, Soda Pop, that is the place you have long sought fine, courteous service.always | smiling and a pleasure for them j I to serve you. Their old slogan I Service with a Smile Call JA-9718 I I The Magazine Shop 1618 Capitol avenue, calls your attention to his line of magazines. You can find, what you are looking for at his' place anytime. Books of all kinds | I We call your attention to the , Art’s Swap Shop at 4707 North 30th. They sell all kinds of furni ture and household appliances.. you are invited to his place, cour teous service and always glad to meet you. Stop and see me. You are welcome. The Lockwood 5-10c Store on 30th Ames, carries a full line of first class mdse. If you want bar gains you will find them in her store. Santa has many beautiful Toys for the kids. You can also find many useful articles for the home.quite a busy spot and a beautiful one. She invites all to stop by and behold her beautiful store. Masterson Dry Goods and Shoes 4523 North 30th, is one of the old veterans of 30th and Ames.has been there for many years. He has established a great record on his honesty as a man who gives the public a square deal, furnish ing them with high class mdse. He sells goods on their merits and his customers never fail to come back. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! HISTORICAL EVENTS OF THE NEGRO RACE By H. W. Smith E. R. McCabe, Auditor of the State of Kansas J. E. Rector and Hart Fergu son, members of the school board in Little Rock, Arkansas. Wiley Jones built and operated' a Street car line in Pine Bluffs Arkansas. Two Negroes, men, saved five white persons when a skiff over turned in the Arkansas river in ; Little Rock, Arkansas. Omaha Chamber of Commerce was managed by a negro man at one time. Tom Wilkins, a Civil War vet eran, was turnkey at the Ark ansas State prison for 15 years. A Negro man invented and built also exhibited a small locomo tive at the Arkansas State fair in Little Rock, in 1884. Scipio Jones, a negro, attorney, defended Reily Vance, an outlaw, charged with murder and secured an acquittal. Buz Reeves, a U. S. deputy mar shall, captured a notorious indian outlaw in Oklahoma without fir ing a shot. A negro man invented a rubber coupling for railroad cars. The UPRR had a negro electri cian in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Jo Smith of Little Rock. Ark ansas was a Pinkerton detective for 22 years. He arrested Pat Crowe the kidnapper of the Cuc lahy child in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Thompkins of Kansas City Mo., served 12 years as U. S. rec order of deeds in the District of Columbia in a report has it that the office was better conducted then than anytime since. The Southern Pacific R R was the first to use negro men as ser vice inspectors on dining cars. • DEATHS-FUNERALS JOSEPH M. GOFF Mr. Joseph M. Goff, 82 years, died Thursday, December 13th at his residence, 4720 Burdette street. He had been a resident of Omaha 50 years and for a number of years he was employed by the School Eoard and McCoy and Brady as a stationary engineer, he later went to work for the Brandeis Building Company as a night watchman. Four years ago he retired and devoted most of his interest to his home. He is sur vived by two grand neices, Mrs. Levi W. Nelson, Chicago, Mrs. Clarence H. Coleman, Chicago, 111. i two granddaughters. Mrs. John Adams, Jr., Oakland, Calif., Miss Helen Singleton, Los Angeles. : California and other relatives. =■ 0* \es\er\ef e* j*\4P& '' *•* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «&, *S> Sfi* K3> ' Wi Ling A Very Merry Christmas and A jjj Happy New Year to All My Many Friends. A Mr. W. B. Burquist .4710 SOUTH 24th STREET ^ Star-Studded* Christmas Show (Top) Bob Hope back from army camp tours. Hope (left). Panda (right). (Left) Lovely silver-throated Ginny Simms. (Above) Funny-man Jack Benny. On Christmas day, another two-hour star-filled program of music, laughter and drama will follow up the spectacular Thanksgiving show, “Two Hours of Stars." (CBS. 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., CST.) Some of the famous personalities who will fill the spot light on this traditional Elgin show, are Jack Benny and Rochester. Bob Hope, Vera Vague. Ginny Simms, Artur Rubinstein, Fals*taff Openshaw. and the Cavalcade of Stooges. Don Ameche will be the master of rere monies. with Ken Carpenter announcing, and Lou Silvers and his orchestra carrying the melodies. The program will be shortwaved overseas to our boys who cannot join us at home in our first Christ mas of peace. t^aRVA L0UlS Glamorous torch SINGING STAR OF 1 THE*ATL ANTIC CITY FOLLIES OF 1946*NOW TOURING THE COUNTRY AND WHO HAS OFTEN j BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OF AMERICA'S BEST DRESSED WOMEN, LIKES TO DESIGN HER OWN CLOTHES D/l HORACE MANN BOND, / OUTSTANDING EDUCATOR IS i THE FIRST NE6Q0 PRESIDENT jN OF LINCOLN UNIVERSITY IN ITS 91 N* YEAR HISTORY. HE GRADUATED FROM | LINCOLN IN 1923 WITH HONORS AND \ RECEIVED HIS M A AND PH.D FROM U.OF CHICAGO.HE IS ALSO AN AUTHOR. _C—yrtlrt I—» » Qwi» L L.» • FOR GREATER COVERAGE-Advertise in THE GREATER OMAHA GUIDE Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon from The Thomas Funeral Home, 2022 Lake street. I with Rev. John Adams, Sr., offic- j iating, with cremation at Forest Lawn cemetery. GEORGE POPE George Pope, 68 years, 3327 Em mett street, died Sunday at his residence. He had been a resi dent of Omaha 27 years. The body is at The Thomas Mortuary, 2022 Lake street, pending funeral arrangements. MRS. MATTIE SCOTT Mrs. Mattie Scott, 51, at 922 Monson street, wife of James A. Scott, died Sat., Dec. 8, 1945 at her home following an extended illness. She had resided in Illin ois 14 years. A daughter of John and Fanny Walker Louise, she. was born in London, Tenn., Nov. 2, 1894, and married Mr. Scott in Omaha, Nebr., Sept. 1, 1920. She held membership in the Ward Chapel AME. Chruch; the Auxil iary of the Roy B. Tisdell Post A merican Legion both of Peoria, and Order of Eastern Star Lodge No. 9, in Omaha. She leaves her husband, one son Oliver Johnson and her daughter in-law both of Omaha, Three sis ters, Mrs. Carrie Parker of De troit, Michigan, Mrs. Willie Simp son of Norton, Va., and Mrs. John ny Bell Johnston of London, Tenn. Funeral services were held at My ers Funeral home, interment was held at Forest Lawn cemetery. The family wishes to thank ev eryone for (he extreme kindness shown to them in behalf of the loss of their wife, mother, mother -in-law, Mrs. Mattie Scott. • Asphalt Tile •Linoleum And all Resilient Floors MIDWEST CARPET AND LINOLEUM CO. —HA-1377— 2509 Leavenworth St. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ I I ■_ M Dear Mr. Galloway: $ During this, the Christmas season, it is my hearty desire to j wish everyone in this community the best in Christmas and New . Year Greetings through the columns of The Omaha Guide. jj As we join together to bring peace to the world, let U3 clasp J ^ hands to face the future together. That is my Christmas « ^ Greeting and wish to my fellow Nebraskans. ^ ^ BEST WISHES ALWAYS! ^ 't HUGH BUTLER, 4 UNITED STATE SENATOR. ||