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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1945)
THE ••HOT SKAT” N'ew York (Soundphoto) _Mayor Kiorello H. LaGuardia shows May or-elect William O’Dwyer the "hot r~ --- Seat" in the New York City Hall occupied by the Chief Executive of Gotham. O’Dwyer taken over the job and neat^ January 1st. [THEY’LL NEVER DIE ■ ’ --- F I BENJAMIN BANNEKER MATHEMATICIAN STATESMAN ENOUGH CANNOT BE 5AID IN PRAISE OF THI5 GREAT MAN WHO, AT 22 AAADE ONE OF AMERICA'S FIRST CLOCKS* IN 1731 BANNEKER WAS BORN (A FREE CITIZEN) AT ELLICOTT MILLS,MD- WITH LITTLE MORE THAN AVERAGE SCHOOLING HE BEGAN WORK ON AN ALMANAC* THE FIRST WAS PUBLISHED IN 1792 • BANNEKER ALSO WAS A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION WHICH PLANNED THE LAY OUT FOR THE CITY OF WASH INGTON, D.C. fj BANNEKERS NOBLE (JsE OF HIS OWN FREEDOM IN HIS FIGHT AGAINST SLAVERY AS WEL1 ’IS PROPOSAL FOR THE i USHMENT OF THE FEDEIW OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF PEACE MARK HIM AS ONE x OF OUR GREAT STATESMEN? THANKSGIVING HAY IIV H. W. SMITH l All of our foil,} memories takes our thoughts back to Remember that the Pilgrims were thinking a bout giving thanks when they were on the ocean in a very slow boat, and as Columbus and the crew that was with him thanked the Al mighty God for their safe voyage.... the Pilgrims created a Thanksglv. ing Day for a very good crop sea son, and we all should follow in the footsteps of those fair minded God fearing ones and give thanks that we are living and at peace. THE NAACP! The regular monthly meeting of tbe NAACP will be held at Parad ise Baptist Church on Sunday after noon Nov. IS, at 3:30 pm. an,} we are hoping for a very good attend ance as we should have a member ship of 2,000 in Omaha and if ev eryone will be a good spoke in the wheel, our efforts will be crowned NOW IS THE TIME TO GE I I YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material anil Guaranteed Quality Work” LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street ii MATTIES TEA BOOM I 2113 GRANT ST. ■ i Open from 12 noon until 7 p.m.; |i JA-5519 Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Want Pep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on aget Thousands amnztd at what a little pepping up wltfc Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40, 60. 60. for body old solely because low In iron ; also aunDUes vitamin • calcium, phosphorus. 35c in troductory size now only 29c! Try Ostrex Tonle Tablets for new pep. younger feeling, this very day. .For Sale at all drugstores every where-—in Omaha, at Smith's and Walgreens." Don t worry about money. Home affairs, Bad I.uok, Iwfl Jinks and Love. No mat ter what your troubles are «1 , write me. M. CAltOI.VN -■'i-d-' s. MU'hleiui A vr. ChlniK.., 10. 111. Wise Americans Now Fight COUGHS or Bronchial Irritations Dae to Colds —With Buckley's "Canadiol" Almost Instantly you get the surprise of your life — coughing spasm eases — right away it loosens up thick choking phlegm— opens up clogged bronchial tubes—makes breathing easier. There’s real economy in Buckley’s all medication—no syrup. Half to one tea- , spoonful will convince the most skeptical, i Get Buckley’s “CANADIOL” the cough j mixture that’s entirely different—more ef- ! fective—faster in action—take it for more restful sleep tonight. Druggists everywhere. J FROM MICROBE TO MAN IrWUV. wells >he fascinating story of theog • VELOBMENT OF OUR UNBORN BOOT FROM A SINGLE MICROBE SIZED EGG- j CELL INTO A HUMAN BEING. Btfc. SENTEO IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE facts will amaze you. regard LESS Of YOUR READING TASTES. BRICE SI BOSTBaB 20tm CENTURY PRESS 100 A ST. TACOSA «ASMlNE*i GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO *ot*. corner nnd adjoining, on Noutlnvrxt corner 21«t nnd Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st nni* Grace. Idenl for 2 or more home*, or e*pecinlly Halted n* Church eroandH, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33« or Call HA-0S06. BETTE DAVIS Story (continued from page 1) life of the Hollywood Canteen Foundation, the other seven being people high in the Film Industry) other members of Musician Local 767 (colored) as well as colored matrons, young hostesses and en tertainers to help in the Canteen. The colored volunteers were on hand during all the years the Can teen existed, and all were pleased with the democratic attitude they found there. On one occasion right at the start i a discussion arose because colored servicemen and women were NOT segregated. The colored volunteers took no part in the argument, they Sin.ply sat by and listened. In hor. rified tones, one white woman re ported to Miss Davis that there was no segregation or discrimination, the colored soldiers and the v.-hi'.e soldiers were doing the same thing,, were friendly with everyone and that something ought to be done a bout it. Instantly Miss Davis replied, "That's fine_encourage it. We have a Democratic American insti tution ar.d we want to keep it that way.” John Garfield chinned in with the remark that colored col diers were making the same sacri fices as white soldiers and should have the same privileges. Then Film Director, Mervyn Leroy said in no uncertain term* that be d re sign f anyone were to start any unAmerican discrimination in the Hollywood Canteen. Mr Garfield and Miss Davis thought that was a good idea, so they said they’d re. sign too. The fight lasted only a short while during this one even ing. When ended, the victory be longed to Davis, Garfield, Leroy and American Democracy, for nev er after that was segregation even suggested for the Hollywood Can teen. Now- in allowing her name to be identified with the Urban League Bette Davis has again shown that she is a responsible citizen and a truly broad person. Her action should encourage other people to study and take seriously the events and problems of the day. and to work on them with the best inter ests of the community at heart. with good success, as it is all for one and one for all. Don’t forget the date November 18_ 3:30 pm. Subscribe Today! Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE j^yy r.. * s i. ss i i u m COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED ^l^^J^M>^J2_iJ^^J^_C^N>JJiEj<^COU<NS<EJL^N>D_GUj<D^NCE S,^D£f tWhr„yerodntd.nceW.h„edn %?*£,*J**™*”' *«» — please write Your problem will be analyzed iiTuIi t understandlnl5 friend £L‘ §5 M rour full name, address™£dbinhdate re P»ll „con,fidentlal reply, and siKn confine your problems within the realm of reaa™ Wrife'to'1'” y0" “** fuUy ,nd THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box 11, Atlanta 1, Georgia i. —juayoe you can give me some helpful advice. I am IS years of age and am in love with a young man 3 years my senior. I know he loves me and we want to get married. This man has been married once. Do you think there will be anything wrong if I marri. e<j him? People joke me about him but they they knew how awfully sweet he is to me, they would prob ably understand. We have brought this proposal before my people. At first they left it to us, and then they heard such rumors, as people often do hear. an<j they suddenly changed their minds. Do you think it would be too wrong if we were secretly married over their protest? You see. we love each other desper ately. j Ans: Secret marriages are wrong I Marriage makes it right for two people to live together openly and Should never be shroude<j into se crecy. When you marry( do so op enly and in the eyes of all who know you. There must be some specific reason for your parents to change their mind about this young man as they hawe done. Postpone any thoughts of marriage until you have had ample time to get to the bottom of these . rumors and thrash the matter out. The fac that he '.as been married once before is e. nough to make your parents a lit tle dubious of him, but if he can convince them beyond a doubt that he is sincere, they will see your side of the issue in time. L. C. T_I have been married two years and my husband is over seas. He was the first and only boy I went with and the only one I ever loved. Since he has been gone I have fallen in love with a man 17 years older than I and has a wife and children. He’s a gambler with a bad reputation. At first he was very sweet and came to see me 3 times a week but now I only see him once a week. I have tried to quit him, but when he eomeg a round, I can’t resist him. 1 can't go out with him because of his wife and she is really jealous of he and I. Should I stop going with this man, and if so how can I? Ans: Of course you must stop going with this man, as you well know if you are to find any happi ness at all and keep your self-res pect. Take stock of yourself and be fair enough to admit that you are getting nothing from this sord id affair and you will be more than glad to cast him aside. You're not in love with him you’re in love |Marcus JEWELERS} I 320 N. 16 1 1 Men’s i Wrist | (Watches 1 I Q50 i 1 >■ While ^ Allotment ■ Lasts. W PLUS FEDERAL TAX m A femall Deposit will liold until Ainas m f_“_SEE MARCUS FOR BARGAINS” f > .......—.- ' — ■1 Thrifty Service... ■ b • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Damo Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga ^ 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 I j jfJUlKh kDGf,GA1 K-fcWas Scared Ail Right _ '7' ByToUIS RICHARD^ G-o&h-t feel QrvFUL <?u£snt 1 C*)Er?cy- WHIT yvo*v - WOW l fWflvE Xosr ‘ * ’STo’?” ‘ '•* Oor TH I %JL *«.?'*"* '©'?E~- 4>*o ^ v HE^o T>lLirtu»« Tf?Es«E«s j J ~&uv —» 13£E V,y£ --' Urn, Pul. frWY ui*> . (iMi \~y^ *-7 :5/v f^K’e. I J-^ 'n *-■—— 41l a HUCKLEBERRY FIISN /' noBooY To Kiss fne Good NIGHT. 'nobody 7b Say, * DON’T DO T*w,\ l NOBODY To MAKE ME WASH HUCKLEBERRY!" ” DON-T Do \ my ears amo feet. this , huckleberry!- "tut Tutf NOBODY MAKE ME * Vou MUST N'T SO SWIMMING ,7foDAY, ] WEAR GOOD ClOTHES. HUCKLEBERRY!* / NOBODY To SToP * JUST LOOK AT TOUR HahOS.'T ,ME FROM SWEARlM’J • OoM'Y PICK YOUR TEETH ^ ^ NNITH THE FORK'.* ) * DON'T GAP Amo STRETCH/ t*e 1 jf „ • ^___I 1 c .y ^ •?_rr/ j ; - -_ „■ ^ — ___ _ LITTLE MAGNOLIA ZZZZT I/itorf MBIT OWNER V-nWTXU'I^TWOSMftU. \ gT ^ 'S' 7herejeu ™?s st§£k / IN A RESTAURANT IV BE FINE\, STEAKS FOR W A SMAU- FOLKS'. IM SUREj i Q| AU/ | FOR A CHANGE? / ^^rr—^L US'. AND V/HAT J STEAK.TOO, 'jOU'U- EN3DV Vys/*VU OLUW l VTU. SAYE YOU / ^ V/ILL YOU HAVE,il BUT NOT AW/^Y! I^dShES( fT] \^GN°L'^3x/| ^ SMftLL _ I (I r with the illusion you have built a round hin»>' Your husband gave you credit for being mature and having strength of character to re sist temptations of this kind and you are certainly building him up for a great let-down. Wipe the slate clean now, once and for all. and get back in the groove of that of a loyal mate. L. C. B_Yes. you may write for your 1946 Astro Reading. Send 2Z->; for same and be sure to include your full name correct birthdate and address. You may also present three problems. 3:- r * M. E. P_I am bringing you my problem. I am married to a sold ier. He is 38 years old and I am 22. This is my worry; I am young and like to go out sometimes but my husband doesn’t want me to go any pluc§. Tie treats me real nice. 1 have no cofnplaint there. But the camp has dances out where he is stationed quite often but he won’t let me go. He said it isn’t nice for a married woman to go to places like tbat. Now I have put up with this for u year and nine months and I am tired of it. I want a little pleasure. I don’t have any child ren or anything to hold me down and I want your help. Ans: Pleasing your husband is by far more important to you than go ing out dancing. If you were to go against his wishes he would be come thoroughly disgusted and you might lose him. At the pres ent he’s in service and can’t live with you or carry you out evenings but this is only a temporary ar rangement. He will be getting his discharge shortly and at that time you two can work out a satisfact ory solution to your problems. He will feel differently about your go ing out ditcing when he is in a po sition to take you out himself. In’ the meantime, continue on as you are and do nothing thstt tyifi. may have reasons to regret later'oh. WATKINS Territory Available. Earnings, $30 to $35 a Week. See Lee H. Henderson, 1909 Leavenworth k - Buy your Poultry at the Nebraska Poultry 2204 North ilftli Street , Get the Bc**t in Quality at the Nebraska Produce—Lowest Price J We Repair WASHERS & IRONERS Call our Service De partment Our work is guaranteed. Phone ATlantic 1011 E. B. WILLIAMS, Inc. SALES, PARTS & SERVICE 2006 Farnam Omaha. Nebr. mmr1 NO DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS LOW COST s' BREEZY eyT. Mtivm r-THEY WERE KICKING THE PCOR. LITTLE PIGSKIN AUP OVER THE PLACE.'/] 1 JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY P.. EVEN THE RESERVE S'OHRLI ANP POUMEI HAVING SNATCHEP' HELENA BAKER A^AHOCTAjE ARE SPEEDING 70 THE BELGIAN CONGO IN A STOLEN PLANE YJI/VUSRM3CY ARE TRAILING THEM WITH RApAR) eodpenly.tohru SAY4 THAT THEY'RE GETTING OUT'OP GASA _.__ JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON i i W^AHAY *POK A FELLOW ] WHOiE OAT SLEEVE /* 7WH I AT THE CHEF... ELAH-EVE I EEC06N/2£$ THE MAH AFZ> J PAEPAAES TO TAAE ACT/OH... \ II Next Door: She sent me 1<46 letters-,ho\\ many Tan Topics: “Now that I’m finished practicing, can did you receive?” I go outdoors and slug Frankie in the kisser?”