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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1945)
Results Count By GEORGE S BENSON President of Harding College Searcy. Arkansas iLOST MOTION is an enemy of Sprosperity, serious as fire. It de stroys property and wastes ener gy. Thi3 is just as true in a human organization as in a me chanical assembly. Nobody is richer for employing a crew that .keeps busy all day and accom Iplishes nothing. On a farm, for iexample, work is necessary; Sweat and callouses are inciden tals. It’s the crop that brings in the money and pays the men. . ft Prosperity results from work but not from all work. Prosperity results from productive work. People who keep busy but don’t Increase the yield might as well •be resting. The man who figures out a way to increase yield with out extra labor is the best man on the job. He works with his brain; knows enough to stop lost motion, to take precautions against fire, and the like. "Policy for * ENGLAND has a Prosperity magazine called The pt- -= Economist. It is Brit ain’s leading financial publication. It is read and respected by busi ness men and financiers general fly. Recently it has been running ia series of articles entitled “A 'Policy for Wealth.” The articles •have shown why England is poor; ithat is, why the English people must put up with comparatively low living standards. j^A large and respected group of Americans often say “Mother England.” The British are a i proud and industrious people and 'the Americans respect them. The British well understand.. Jiow. to appreciate life’s good things. They deserve to live as well as anybody but they don’t. What’s the reason? Well, here’s wha$ one writer for The Economistj looking back at 1943, has to say; To Double “INDUSTRIAL effi Production ciency, as measured by production pei head, was roughly similar in Great Britain and Germany whila in the United States it was more than twice as great as in th« other two countries.” The state ment is that of Dr. Leon Rostas, based on serious study of authen tic records. Now there is a move ment on foot in England tc double her productive output pei man by 1972. *■ No longer ago than 1943, when America and England both hac full employment, our America! workers were twice as well off They were producing enough tc live twice as well as the British About that time Britain was in vesting only 3% of her income ii equipment for additional produo tion. It was like a woodman say ing, “Why buy a file? A dul saw pulls easier.” • <*•> — The British point to Americi' and say, “Look! They work less earn more and live better thai we, all because they encourage more investment in tools to pro duce more goods per man.” It’e the truth but it may not be true long. Our high taxes discourage investment. Unless we adjust te> day’s tax laws, we will be poor watohing the British produce anc Brower io 1972, r' r “My Lord! He’s five stars, and human, tool”—Overseas GI after meeting Gen. Ike Eisenhower. “He’s just an average man with a sense of humor.” — Prof. Allen Croft, Univ. of Kan., der. scribing “any Kansan.’i>g|||g Y “Maybe if we’d known more about America—” —Wistful reminiscence of Gen. von Amim, former commander A f-rikaKorns. now war -prisoner here. J __ -A “There is always a better to do everything than the now used.”—Chm. Robert E. Wil son, Standard Oil (Ind.). urging more industrial research. —-— j “Private enterprise and work- j ers in cooperation are the only real assurance of a prosperous and lasting economy.” — Adv. Dir. C. B. Brown, RCA. “We’ve got to draw the line some place!” — Mayor Luft,\ Goshen, N. Y., sponsoring law] banning bare knees and shoul ders in village. BATTERED BERLIN Berlin, Germany — Soundnhoto — Here is a view of the heart of Berlin business district as it appears to the eyes of Allied troops of occupation This section of the city particularly took a severe battering by Allied bombs and shells. LONDON, England.—Technician Fourth Grafts Thomas N. Cornish, left, of 1008 Edmondson Avenue, Baltimore, Md., and Tech nician Fifth Grade John T. Masterson, of 72 Greenfield Street, Buffalo, N. Y., check progress of the Pacific war. These men maintain a day-by-day chart of the war on a huge bulletin board for the^senefit of interested GIs. On detached service from the 703rd Medical Sanitary Company, Cornish is a graduate of Morgan State College, Baltimore, and the first Negro to perform duty with the Headquarters Command, Information and Education Office. Masterson is a former member of the 82nd Airborne Division. (U. S. Aimy Signal Corps photo from Bureau of Public Relations.) \ I i i ©EMOCRACV 3 '&&&•* • / ^ j ©1944 BV MIODLETON_ AS SERGEANT JOE REACHES THE STREET A MOTOR CYCLE FOLLOWED BY A CAR ROARS AWAY < DRIVER »<S UP TO! ACTS AS THO HE'S ORUNK.l'LL TRV TO PASS H\IM--j [ PROPS WTW THE SPEED OF | A BULLET FROM THE CLIFF/ I KIas OUR HERO I I BEEN KILLED ? HIS BODY U/ING MANGLED AND ig TORN BENEATH ' THE TWISTED I STEEL OF HIS i CAR? DON'T < MISS THE NEYT INSTALLMENT - SERGEANT 'JOE \ t : -I i ! 1-_!J . I —— —1 " i DEMOCRACY Ay <g)l<DAA 6V MIDOV.f.TON_ A VrTAL DEFENSE PLANT JHARRY- HARRY/ WATCHMAN CRIES OUT— f WHAT HAPPENED? HARRY/ MV GOD \ HE'S SHOT/ V help SOMEBODY, Cm a file room a code BOOK D\5SABPEA^9 n mi £. \ _ THE SPEED OF AN AND OUTS\DE A AVENGING FURY SERGEANT MOTOR ROARS TO / CHAMPION OF REAL DEMOCRACY FLASHES IN PERSIST, AND A MAD CHASE INTO THE H\DE-AWAY OF OUR ENEMIES KILLERS IS underway/ «LO FOLKi^ IERE TO DO1' IT IN t&E : AGAINST 5SION, WH£R , tvc* i FIND IT \ I'LL FIGHT IT WITH \ EVERYTHING I, \HAVE, SO LET Sy \ y PACKED FULL OF CHILLS* THRILLS AND action follow AMERICA'S SEPIA HERO AS WE WAGES UNRELENTING WAR ON OPPRESSION AND INJUSTICE - * * READ THE OMAHA GBIDEp”"', Free Ticket To The Ritz for Kiddies! | “I Like to Bake” [ would like to bake a cake, Also I will make, Some iceing t go on top, And with it I will drink some pop. Valaria Joan McCaw, Editor. “The Three Little Bluejays” Once there were three bluejays Foreign Insurance The life insurance companies of the United States have never shown any great inclination to write life insurance in foreign countries, add ing that today there are few Ameri can companies operating outside the continental limits of the United States. Several Canadian companies, however, have a fairly large life in surance portfolio overseas. In this connection the countries chosen by the United States and Canadian com panies operating in the foreign field are generally more stable and con sequently there is less risk of dis turbance to foreign corporations in such countries | HIGHEST PRICES PAID I | for FURNITURE, | RUGS, STOVES I “Call Us First” f I national Furniture | | Company I -AT-1725 ^IliiillllllllllllllllllliRtllllSIllilllllllliM Patronize Our Advertisers Our modern service, planned with experienced skill and directed with sincere consid eration for the wishes of those we serve, given true expression to the family’s respect for its departed. THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake Street —WE. 2022 who were the children of father bluejay and mother bluejay. The family lived in a little nest at the top of an old maple tree. One day when mother and father were hunting for worms, the three children climbed on a limb and were going to try to fly. Now there was one little blue jay who thought he knew everything, he stood up straight and quickly jumped from the limb. Little brother was hurt badly. Soon mother and father bluejay came home. They found their son at the bottom of the old maple tree. They picked him up quickly and flew up to their nest. And then “The Three Little Bluejays” never tried to fly without their parents’ permission. Eula Irene Robinson, aged 8. —Write for Price List— I “We Ship Anywhere’’ KLAREX BEAUTY PRODUCTS CO. 1730 Fulton St. Brooklyn 13, New York Gross 1 JEWELRY ik LOAN CO. phoneJA-4635 formeny at 24th ■ini Erskine St. NEW LOCATION >14 N. 16th ST. ■ Here are 7 reasons why thousands m prefer Innerclean Herbal Laxative. ; || 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. ? S 2. Thorough yet Gentle in Effect. I 3. No Unpleasant After-effects. $ 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. j ■ 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. B 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to II your Individual Needs. s m 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts 1| the Family for Months. B Coution: Use only as directed. || At all druggists. Or write for FREE U GENEROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean 9 Co., 846 E. Sixth St., Los Angeles 21, I California. 1 I J . ■ ^4 I * 1 | FOUR—GUIDE . THE WEEK Bv H. W. Smith The Buena Vista County, Iowa rescue squad saved an 11-year-old i girl from drowning in Storm Lake Thursday, July 19. A skunk parade halted auto traffic on South 13th St. late Thursday aft ernoon. Rumor has it that Joe Louis, the world’s heavyweight boxer will be out of the army soon. Secretary Morganthau refused to take his vacation check. He stated as Secretary of the U. S. treasury he could not take it. Three runaway boys from the Kearney industrial school were picked up on the street in Elm Creek July 19. Horace W. Simpson, 97 years old, last Civil war vet of Faulkton, So. Dak., is dead. He enlisted in Rock ford, 111., in 1864. He was with the' Second regiment that entered Rich mond, Va., after Gen. Grant captured the Confederate army. A milk drivers’ strike in Kansas City, Mo., tied up milk deliveries for 3 days week end of July 21. A group of housewives remained in their homes in Glenwood, Oregon, a lumber town, when the forest fires ' were in one hundred feet of their home. Rea dthe Omaha Greater Guide. Are you a member of the NAACP? A 13-year-old boy saved a 6-year old boy from drowning in the Clark St. bathing beach in Evanston, 111., Friday, July 20. Detroit, Mich., had 49,711 persons on a strike Monday, July 23. THE WAITERS COLUMN By H. W. Smith Ha. 0800 Vacation weather is very much out in front and the pop bottle supply is short. Waiters at the Hill hotel on the job giving good service. Waiters at the Regis hotel and the White Horse Inn topping the service with a smile. Blackstone hotel waiters on the job ! at all times. Fontenelle hotel waiters going v good with service and on the job. Paxton hotel waiters on the up nd MOTMPdNPVOPMPMMMMMI NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR PR1CLS — LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do go at all times with fine service. Read the Omaha Greater Guide for j all the news. i -- LADIES) Simulated DIAMOND RINGS j Embossed Wedding Bands j These replica diamonds rep J resent the skill of modern science. Many social lead i era. millionaires and our finest people wear these and J keep their high-priced dia monds in Safety vaults. Sub ject them to most any kind of test. COMPARE THESE -J WITH YOUB GENUINE — -DIAMONDS. SEE IF YOU CAN TELL THE DIFFER F.NCE1 Either rim only $1.50 mplus tax or both for ** m r a and 20% Fed- £)U ^••H^eral ux. Send no ■ h money with order, ■ L c_ jUKt name and ring sire. Pay on ar- 2 f nf rival, then wejr ring 5 days on money* 7« beck guarantee. Rush order now* Excel Gift Co. Dept. T-44 Box 957, Newark, New Jersey Meet Your Friends MVRTIS’ TAVERN —2229 LAKE— formerly Rabes Buffett BEER & LIQUORS “Always A Place to Park”’ LEARN GOD’S PEACE PLAN! SENT) STAMPED RETURN' AD DRESSED ENVELOPE AND REA SONABLE “OFFERING” (91.001) TO R. W. COOK, OROFI.NO, IDAHO. GREAT SURPRISES ANVAIT TOC! Lacked Vitamins Although everyone knows that vitamins and minerals are essential to health, until 1941 about 40 per cent of all Americans ate a diet which failed to provide all of these nutrients they needed. What Ameri- ; can dietaries lacked chiefly were some of the B-vitamins and the food mineral iron, and these nutrients have been added under the wartime, enrichment program. Moisture Needed Fertilizers are of no value to the plant unless the soil contains ample moisture and air. Fertilizers should not be applied to dry soil; so, dur ing periods of drouth, artificial watering should be practiced. On soils known to be highly acid or de ficient in calcium this condition can be corrected by applying agri cultural ground limestone or hy drated lime at a rate of 50 to 70 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The rate of application of lime should , be based on soil tests, and lime should be applied only if analysis shows it is necessary. j Our motto “Our Customers Al I ways in the Right.” Mr. Grace, the Prop, of the Grace Grocery at 1314 North 27th St., wishes to announce to his customers, friends and neighbors that in connection with his fine stock of groceries, meats, and full line of green veg etables, ice cold watermelon and all kinds of fruits, that he has now an off sale beer license which put thim in a position to take care of his customers wants in full, wheth er it be milk, pop and all kinds of mixing waters. The big thing the Grace Grocery want you to know is that he has that good old mel low Ice Cold Beer in stock. All the popular brands. You can now get your Ice Cold Beer right here at your door. Grace Grocery 1414 North 27th Street Mr. Joseph Grace, Prop. j REAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE i! SHOE REPAIR |i CASH & CARRY CLEANER \< 1410 North 24th St. ; —CARL CHI VERA— I ^ (jpka-Seltzer^ > Try Alks-Seltzer for Headache, “Morning After" Aching 1 Muscle*, Acid Indigestion. Pleasant, I prompt, effective. 30* and 00*. \ i >—ii * ' IHil J High Vitamin potency at low cost— ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tableta. A and D tableta in the yellow box—B-Com plex tableta in the grey box. If CHECKED ■ H m m I -or Money Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. A doctor’s formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don’t suffer. Ask youi druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Don’t worry about money, Home affairs, Bad Luck, Jinks and Love. No mat ter what your troubles are - write me. M. CAROLYN 2332 S. MieliiKiin Ave. ChicuKii, Hi, III. Girls/ Do you suffer from nervous tension On 'CERTAIN DAYS’ of the month? Helps Build Up Resistance Against Such Distress I Do functional periodic disturbances cause you to feel "neivous as a witch," so restless. Jittery, hlghstrung, perhaps tired, "dragged out”—at such times? Then don't delay! Try this great med icine—Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It’s one of the best known and most effective medicines for this purpose. Plnkham’s Compound helps watube! Taken regularly — It helps build up resistance against such distress. A very sensible thing to do! Positively no harmful opiates or habit forming In gredients In Plnkham’s Compound. Also a grand stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Buy todayl Jydta,£.(PimAkam% VEGETABLE COMPOUND ro Renew your 1945 Subscription,. Call HA-0800