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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1945)
I I I I /JUSTICE/EQUALITY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY _ _ „ PHONE HA.0800 2420 GRANT ST ★ 'ft ★ "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• ± ^ r~~===:=-'--—- — .. ' — ' ~ . ' === —— _^"_'ft Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of _ ^~ Marcn 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 5420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nehi Saturday, July 28, 1945 k 10c Per Copy ★ Our 18th Year_No 25 1 To' f n ★ *★* ★ ^ ★-—*-*-*—-★—★ n ★ *★★ ★ ^ Nat Towles The finest nite spot tery that Omaha may call its own will open its doors to our citizenry on Wed nesday eve’, August 8th. Located at 24th and Miami streets, the spot will he known as the “COCONUT GROVE”— with everything for your evenings of enterainment The well known hand leader, Nat Towles and his Decca Recording -Or chestra will swing of the tunes for your dancing pleasure. Admission will In* $1.50 j plus tax. CHABLES A WILLIAMS ROOSEVELT POST NO. 30 HOLDS ELECTION On July 19, 1945 Roosevelt Post held tbeir Annual Election. Attorney Ray L. Williams and Charles J. Wil liams were nominated for post com mander. When the votes were counted Mr. Charles J. Williams was elected by 2 to 1 votes. The following are the final results of the election: Charles J. Williams, Post Com mander; Milton Stromire, First Vice Commander; Ardon Glass, Second Vice Commander; John Riley, Finance Officer; James Walker, Sgt. At Anns; Porter Johnson, Chaplain. Executive Committee: Ralph Un derwood, Philip Borge, Clifford Fos ter, Terry J. Cole, John Fleming. The above Executive Committee and Of ficers will be installed Sept. 6, 1945 at the Legion hall. Mr. Charles J. Williams the newly elected post Commander Roosevelt Post No. 30. Mr. Williams by pro fession is a musician. Mr. Williams, who lived in Omaha for the past 15 years is formerly of Memphis, Tenn. He is a world war veteran of World War No. 1 and rendered service for the duration of World War 1. Mr. Williams is first vice president of the Musicians Local 558. For six years he has served as international dele gate for the Musicians Local 558. For 2 years he has served as dele gate representing his musicians local to the Central Labor Union. He is a firm believer in organized labor. Mr. Williams won the election as post commander of Roosevelt Post by votes more than 2 to 1 over his ap pointive. Mr. W'illiams has been a local supporter of Roosevelt post ever since he lived in our city. He is looke dupon as an easy going, level headed, straight forward for the in terests of the whole. He has never been known to take sides with any fatual selfiishness in the interest of a few. He has been a strong fighter for the rights in the open for the best interests as a wnole ot Roosevelt post No. 30 as a whole. If Mr. Williams is given support of the American Le gion he will put this organization back among one of Omaha’s outstand ing organizations, a financial founda tion with a credit to the membership of Roosevelt post number 30 ana ine citizen of the midcity section. AMERICAN LEGION LADIES’ AUXILIARY A Message from the President: “Again the time of the year has come when we must think of mem bership. First, we ask all the 1945 members to pay up their dues. Sec ond, all women who have a husband, son, father or brother honorably dis charged from World War I or II are eligible to become a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Last year we won three prizes and a National Citation from National Headquarters for having over our quota of members. Let us do the same this year by having our quota at the I Convention which meets in Fremont,; Nebraska August 20. We will carry our membership dues for 1946 one hundred per cent paid. We can, we must, we wil.” For further information call the membership chairman, Mrs. Greta Wade. Telephone Ha. 7140. Lulu Bryant, Pres. Pfc. Covel H. Scott, 92nd Engi neer Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Scott of 2103 Miami St., returned home Sunday, July 22 after four years in the army, three of them spent overseas. He was in four major bat tles with the Fifth Army in Africa and Italy. He had 102 points which entitled him to fly home. He has his honorable discharge and says he’ll spend the rest of his life within Oma ha or a fifteen mile radius. A 57-year-old Negro linguist and world-traveler, who lost his oldest son to a German firing squad, his mother and another son in London air raids, and his wife and a third son in a Tokyo earthquake, is still fighting the enemy through the Merchant Ma rine, the War Shipping Administra tion announced this week. The sea-going veteran of two world wars is Harold Donald Harper of 92 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Har- I per, who holds a Bachelor of Arts de- j gree from the University of Edin-1 burgh and a Master of Arts degree! from Berlin University, is still work ing in the steward’s branch of the Merchant Marine despite the fact that ships on which he was serving have been torpedoed six times during the two wars. The War Shipping Administration cited Harper’s background in its cam paign to recruit competent chefs, butchers, bakers and messmen (if only for one voyage) to assist in the task of bringing soldiers home from Eu rope. The service will accept men with no sea experience in this drive. Harper reads and writes eight lan guages and speaks 12, including French, German, Russian, English, Japanese, Arabic, Greek, Gaelic, Ice landic, Hindustani and Basuta, a Zulu dialect, the War Shipping Adminis tration said. He lost one son during an air raid on London in the last war. He lost another during the present war, when the Nazis captured Louvain, Belgium, where the 17-year-old boy was at tending school. According to the U.S. counsul, the boys were lined up and machine-gunned by the German in vaders. Harper's mother died in 1941 of injuries received during a London air raid. At the age of 12, Harper was sent to an English boarding school, from which he went to the University of; Edinburgh for his B. A. degree. His' father then sent him to Vienna to study the piano. I was always crazy to go to sea,” Harper said, “so I decided to run away. I went to Hamburg where I shipped out to the Cameroons as one of four messboys.” After four years at sea, Harper had enough money saved to study at Ber lin. When his father saw that the boy was interested in studying, he gave him financial help. COTINUE TO PAGE 2 COLUM t Rationing of Gas Stores End Rationing of gas cooking and gas heating stoves to consumers will end July 31, the Office of Price Admin istration and the War Production Board said in a joint announcement issued today. Combination ranges, ex cept oil-gas combinations, also will be sold certificate-free after that date. Oil cooking, oil heating, combina tion oil-gas stoves and oil conversion burners for stoves will remain ra tioned. The two agencies explained that a substantial increase in production of gas heating and cooking stoves is scheduled for this quarter. Authorized production appears great enough so that the rationing of gas stoves no longer will be necessary. The supply of fuel oil and kerosene is so short, it was explained, that unrestricted sale of oil burning stoves cannot be per mitted. They will remain under the same rationing restrictions as formerly. Consumer certificates for gas cook ing and heating stoves will not be is sued by local War Price and Ration ing Boards after July 31, OPA said. Dealers and distributors will be able to buy these stoves without certifi cates after July 31. However, they may continue to use certificates with orders placed on or before August 15. Since orders accompanied by certi ficates are to be shipped before or ders received for the same type of stoves not accompanied by ration cer tificates, this will enable dealers and distributors to replenish their stocks, and consumers to get stoves on certi ficates before stoves are sold certifi cate-free. Quota restrictions on the number of certificates for gas cooking and gas heating stoves that local boards are allowed to issue in the various locali ties were removed on July 14, OPA said. This permits eligible applicants to obtain certificates immediately and order their stoves on or before July 31. Reviewing the rationing program, OPA said that nation-wide rationing of coal and wood, oil, and gas cook ing and heating stoves went into ef fect August 24, 1943, when a general shortage of stoves developed. Dealers and distributors in many areas had few stoves and poorly assorted stocks. In addition, many dealers found that their suppliers had converted to war production, leaving only the smaller manufacturers with the responsibility of supplying the nation. Rationing re stricted the demand and channeled the stoves to essential users. Stocks of distributors and dealers on June 1, 1945, totaled 91,000 gas cooking stoves and 178,000 gas heat ing stoves. Since the start of the pro gram 1,319,000 gas cooking stove certificates and 1,377,000 gas heating stove certificates have been issued to eligible applicants. During the past 12 months, 805,000 gas cooking stove certificates and 825,000 for gas heat ers were issued. Annual production of gas cooking stoves since rationing started has been only 35 per cent as large as before the war while that of gas heaters has been half as large as normal. supplies ol coal and wood cooking stoves and coal and wood heating .stoves improved enough to permit their sale after October 15, 1944, without rationing restrictions. Begin ning August 1, gas cooking and heat ing stoves and combination ranges, except oil-gas combinations, also will be sold certificate-free, possible to relieve some of the dis tress among families of returning vet erans and families of men still in the armed services. In his first announcement, Mr. Distressed families of returning Ne gro veterans and of men in service are eligible both for vacant Federal ly-owned war housing and for pri vately-financed war housing on the same terms as in-migrant essential wai workers. Dr. B. T. McCraw, housing analyst in the Administrator’s office of the National Housing Agenc' pointed out this week. FLOWERS ADD COLOR TO OUTDOOR DINING ROOM Flowers can help to make outdooi dining as gay and charming as indoor dining, according to the Society of American Florists. Pictured here is an attractive Mexican-style table which makes use of Mexican figurines and pottery service and Mexican brown glass. You may substitute your own trophies of a visit to Mexico or you may find them among the popular Mexican wares so commonly sold everywhere. The attractive table set ting shown portrays a striking and memorable color combination. The pale yellow Peruvian lilies in their bamboo bucket keep nonchalant com pany to the bowl of riotously-colored Gaillardia blooms and the green Calla foliage. Let tendrils of leafy Wander ing Jew form graceful designs on the table. Encircle the base of ice tea glasses and figurines with Pachysan dra leaves. The vivid result is a gay setting that expresses the hospitality of Mexico itself. ! SET NEW ALTITUDE RECORD I Boeing Field, Washington—Sound j photo—Members of the ight crew ! which established a new four engine | altitude record of 43,499 feet, are j shown in front of their Boeing B-17 “The Shadow” before their take-cfT They are breathing oxygen from walk-around bottles. Left to right: Ben Werner, Flight Engineer; Ken neth Young, Electrical Engineer; Gor-j don Lowe, Electrical Engineer; Janies 1 Fraser, Pilot, and Scott Osier. Co-1 Pilot. Dr. McGraw called attention to two recent announcements by John B. Blandford, Jr., NHA Administra tor, of measures that wall make it Blandford explained that an amend ment to war housing legislation re cently signed by the President now makes distressed families of service men and veterans equally eligible with in-migrant war workers for va cancies in Federally-owned war hous ing. This week, Mr. Blandford an nounced that similar eligibility has been extended to privately-financed war housing. Distressed families are those which cannot find suitable ac commodations at rents they can af ford in housing built without war time priorities. In his first statement, Mr. Bland ford said: “The Lanham amendment applies only to federally-owned war housing, which is limited in quantity in com parison with the over-all housing sup ply. While the greater portion of our federally-owned war housing must continue to serve workers in strategic war industries—and family accommo dations are now 92 per cent occupied —distressed families of veterans and service men now will have the same eligibility as civilian war workers to occupy such housing as is vacant and that which becomes vacant, except for projects exclusively reserved for ! urgent war production needs. Obvi ! ously, the purpose of the legislation is to help meet the needs of dis ! tressed families of veterans and serv j ice men an dthe efforts of the Na j tional Housing Agency will be di rected toward that goal. First atten tion must be paid to the most serious w w cases.” The new policies apply to all Fed eraily-owned housing under NHA built wit bwar nousmg appropria tions, “except those cases where hous ing projects or parts of projects are programmed and designated exclu sively for war workers of a specific industry or installation or employes or military personnel of the Army and Navy.” Families of service men and vet erans heretofore have been eligible only after the housing needs for in migrant civilian war workers has been met. Hereafter, in cases of distress such families will be equally eligible with in-migrant war workers. In discussing the vacant privately financed war housing, Mr. Blandford said: “The supply made available will not be large in any war-crowded community. But it will provide relief 1 in many critical cases and be increas ingly helpful because there is a con siderable turnover in the war housing supply and veteran and service fami lies will have the advantage of that turnover.” Mr. Blandford stressed the fact that war housing represents only a small part of the nation’s housing supply and that the plight of most returning veterans and service fami lies must be solved through use of the non-war housing supply. Every com munity, he said, is being urged to ask all property owners and managers to give preference to veteran and serv i ice families in existing vacancies and I those which occur in the future. I - Washington, D. C.-*-Signal Corps Radiophoto—Soundphoto—The much awaited Big Three conference for mally opened at five o’clock, Berlin time, last week. The scene took place in an attractive room of a modem country estate in the Potsdam area. Photographed together for the first time are Stalin, President Truman ' and Churchill, just before the opening of the conference. —n_M _ LAKE LINER AFIRE— 200 PERSONS INJURED Point Edward, Ont., Canada — * Soundphoto—Flames and smoke pour 1 from the Great Lakes’ luxury liner Hamonic as it is moored to the dock & -j at Port Edward. Ontario. A fire which broke out on pier sheds spread to the vessel trapping 330 persons which were aboard at the time. More than 200 persons were treated for shock and bums received when trying to escape from the ship. , TILLAMOOK FOREST FIRE San Francisco, Cal.—Soundphoto— Loggers work in a pall of smoke try ing to save a bridge across the Wilson River, their sole means of saving val uable logging equipment still in the woods. RECIPE TO BEAT LONELINESS Chicago, 111. — Wives of G. I.’s overseas have felt the loneliness blues, but Mrs. Olive Englehardt, 27, of Aurora, 111., wife of Pvt. O. Engle hardt, whose photo she is holding, has a proven recipe to cure those blues. Learning that the Lutheran Child Welfare Ass’c. of Aurora, 111., 0 was seeking to place children under its care in private homes Mrs. Engle hardt took the four boys into her home last February and on June 8th received their sister Marilyn. She now hopes to adopt them all. Left to right, Mrs. Englehardt, Marilyn, age 10, George, age 11, Jimmie, age 9, Freddie, age 7, and Bobbie, age 6. i The Office of Defense Transporta tion acted today to establish uniform occupancy standards for railroad cars in organized military movements. Commencing Friday, July 20, sleep ing cars and day coaches for organ ized military movements will be fur nished in such number as will provide accommodations on the basis of one section for three persons in a sleeping car and two double seats or four sin gle seats for three persons in a day | coach. Occupancy standards of the several branches of the military serv ice have not been uniform.’ The new occupancy standards as prescribed in General Order ODT-56 are intended, ODT said, to provide more efficient use of equipment and increase the amount of traffic trans ported per car and should materially I Rev. S. S. Spaght came to Omaha August 26, 1923, and organized a Mission in ihe rear of the Primitive Baptist Church, 26th and Hamilton Streets. At this organization was Mrs. Emma Whiteside, Mrs. Daisy Wil liams, Mrs. Ella Clark as followers of Christ. After having moved to sev eral other locations in the City, the Lord laid the burden upon Mother Whiteside to purchase the present site where the new Church is located. About this time Elder Spaght was called to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he organized the Church of God, lo cated at 23rd and T streets. In the year 1937 Elder Spaght was again called to the pastorage of the Omaha Church, which he accepted |uly 18, 1937. In 1940 the pastor jailed a meeting to meet in the home >f Brother and Sister Sawyer, 2434 Grant. In this meeting a Building Committee was appointed as follows: Mr. King Alls, Mrs. Emma Whito >ide, Mrs. M. Sawyer, Mrs. Alice Britt, Mr. A. Baldwin, and Mr. An derson Bland, and a building program levised and began plans to build. As he Lord had laid it upon his heart to build a presentable place in which to worship, Elder Spaght then set out to accomplish that purpose. At Lh t time there was a frame building standing on the ground of the present site, which had formerly been used rs the Sunset Dance Hall. This hall was wrecked in 1941 and in March, 1942 excavation began. Much of the material from the old building was salvaged and used in the new Church. We are happy to say that through much hard' labor, handicaps, opposi tion, disappointment and heartaches, we fell that God has led the small, but faithful Army out into victory. We praise the Lord for Grace and courage. I, the Lord s servant voice the sentiment of the Church, that we pre sent to the public, our friends, and to Omaha a unique place of worship that the entire City of Omaha can Ire veil proud of. We are inviting and urging the City of Omaha to be with us ;u*d aelp to celebrate our massive dedi cation services through the day on [uly 29th. Elder W. R. Warren, of Topeka, Kansas, will deliver the message at 11 o’clock. Elder G. P. Dixon, of St. Louis, Missouri will deliver the dedi cation sermon at 3:00 p. m. We are jrging all pastors, ministers and con gregations to be with us the entire lay, as dinner will be served on the ground, and a gala day of rejoicing in the Lord is planned for your enjoy ment Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor. — C UOT2S—| OF THE WEEK “Put down that torch, honey— Pm home!”—Returning GI to the Statue o/ Liberty. “I’ve gained 22 pounds since my election.” — Congressman Lyle, of Texas, discharged veteran. “The interests of the U. S. ex tend to the whole world.”—Sec. of State Stettinius. "We are firmly opposed to car tels, whether private or govern mental, and believe in adherence to and enforcement of anti-trust laws.” — R. J. Dearborn, -pres., Texaco Development Corp., speaking for Natl. Assn, of ManufactuYers. “Competition, bringing better products at lower prices, bene fits the consuming public. What ever restricts it, harms the pub lic.”—Pres. J. Howard Pew, Sun Oil Co. _ “After 22 a girl’s chances to marry begin to dwindle.”—U. S. Census Bureau. I