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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1945)
BREEZY __ _ By T. MELVIN , feoy/WHEN EXAMS ['THOSE BOOKS'LL MAKE fARE CVER I'M G0IN&I»T|-IE EI<5U TOO JOSS ALL My KOgVSMART/' ITHEPONP4 | By TED WATSON 11 * -—*—. — _ JACK DAVIS ov'mooch/:.. / MOXW YO£ Ai4P£ CW£ SAS \ ' mPte£ tW£/V YOP <sor M>f£Y~\ fO//V 7M7~ C/1f£ YOi/V£ <sor ) TO Z4££ * T./7Ti£ M£PYC//V£ / S MY/CY tY£ <s/y£ /YOfTypyy}J CHEERFUL “CHAPPIE” j W Vv/ELL.TWEY PUT ME HE'S NEVER BEEN \ »N YWE CAVALRY. , R\t>DEN BEFORE. SO 1 |CHAPP»ElHOYTeoUT VOU CAN BOTH PVCXIN1 ME OUY A v-y\ |V GOOD HORSE? S^i SfARY YOGEYHER . Y yi/BKWMmi \ \ LITTLE MAGNOLIA ^ XXL TRY Tt>\ FIND rr FDR YOU.MtSTXR^i —iniP HERE „ V rT's- ■ gfVOU SORE ARE ^ rX KNOW,'l' W\ an honest lassie, mister, it | A / but it was a was a $10 H - I $10 BILL I LOST, BILL I PICKED ^ \NOT TEN ONES. UP-^^ I 1 l i hTl 1 POP'S I> LUN CHI' I 1, HUCKLEBERRY FINN ! THeN SAN THAT IF Nt>U PlMCH HIS LITTLE FIN6ER "WHILE tie„s_*2>'-eep, he ll blab Out Trte name of His SWEETHEART T'oocva! \*IK \ SWA66L6 PLOB „\v>NKSTT NEU.1E x^-r /-ZoeSPLTT y\_ sp-tsv (HOW IS MElAlE , \ l HUCKLEBERR'ff) ~ T»&.\ >1—-—1 DARK SKINT BLACKHEADS? \ PIMPLES? L (EXTERNALLY k CAUSED) DR. FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER miAm mjIm Blackheads Whether your complexion is naturally dark, medium or light, if it is tanned too dark as well as weather-beaten, coarse, blotchy or marred by blemishes (exter nally caused), here’s good news: The origi nal, genuine Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin WhitEner helps lighten and brighten tanned too dark skin. It starts to work the minute it is applied. Also loosens blackheads so they can be more easily removed. Learn why thousands use Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener every year. Get a 25c box from your druggist and use as directed. Insist on the genuine. Use for 7 Days. If not satisfied, Your Money Back. GALENOL CO., Box 264. Atlanta. Ga. Also try Dr. FRED Palmer’s SKIN DELIGHT SOAP today...... 25c A great help in choosing suitable accessories is a wardrobe planning chart. Such a chart simplifies and clarifies the process of selection if it is carefully followed. The chart is drawn with about 10 spaces across the top of the page and as many I places down the left side as you j have different garments in your wardrobe. Along the top are listed your various types of accessories, such as shoes, gloves, bag, sweater, blouse and hats. Down the left side or the page are listed the garments you have on hand or will need to get. This chart is filled in by listing the accessories you have or need in the column designated for that ac cessory and across from the gar ment with which you’ll wear it. Obviously some article, such as shoes, will be listed in more than one place. On the other hand, if a particular article is worn with only one garment, it will be listed in only one place. Suppose you have listed in the left-hand column a black coat, a wine suit and a dark green dress. You need a new hat and a new blouse for the suit, but ' your black bag, gloves and shoes ( will continue in use. me most obvious choice of hat would be black; but there are also other possibilities, and black will do nothing to brighten your wardrobe. Since a new blouse is to be bought also, it will be well to correlate the color of the hat with the blouse. Pink or soft rose is a , possible choice. This shade in a I blouse will be interesting with a win© suit, but there are very few people who have the coloring that would be suited to such a soft color in both a hat and a blouse. Also, the shade of the hat should be tied to the green dress in some way, either by a piping of color, a pin or seme other detail added to the dress. Train Body to Develop Erect, Straight Figure The person who is erect, straight and energetic has a good figure. The way the body is held is the result of training and habit. The muscles and bones go back into the same positions day after day, so posture habits should be good. Stand in front of a mirror and see if you look like this: Your feet should be parallel, with the weight balanced equally upon the ball and the heel of the foot. The abdomen is flat in the lower part. There is no exaggerated curve in the back. The shoulder blades are flat across the back; the shoulders are even. The head is erect and a straight line could be drawn through the ear shoulder cap, hip bone, knee and ankle bone. If you look like this, you don’t have to worry. If you don’t look so, it’s time to do something about your posture. Do you stoop over the sink, the kitchen table, the wash tubs, or the ironing board? Adjust the height of : these work surfaces to your own ; height- To sweep, mop, or stir food | in a pan at the stove requires con | tlnuous standing. Be sure you do not slump the shoulders and chest or thrust the hips out of place. SQU1RE_EDG EG AT E-He Resorts to a Little Scheme in Self-Defense BY LOUIS RICHARD — i i ( WELL KELL *)£> I Live - AAy c>L D TI?iEn c> TH £><PuipE I HOPE you PE /)6 ** Eil t) s '—7 X OO «■ f SQui f?L /'/vi r C*LP)D T o 5££ | Voo /)/?£. VCJ — Wu /)AD H*)PPV 'i/'D MCkvS Tw -1 win: SHE O^t* 5E*)Stw off Ht)Ho SHfftfiMtj 5 ON- ILL H^vl o Do SC*iL1H'Ng\ o DCD6E TA/ESE H*Dt O^TES — ~H E V /?£ Tec )^<(COS T © :>f?L£r /vi£ an-/ A 's/v-i i 5. £e<?£ ( /VMY&f: This l^/l'EEP E A-i CEE | j |C£66S I \ ; ^BABX, By Lillian B. Storms The chances are that when you 1 were a baby, vour mother gave you . nothing but milk until you were ; about 7 or 8 months old Modern babies have a much more interest- I ing menu long before that age Babies vary in the kind or growth they make and your physi cian recognizes what additional foods are necessary and when they should be started. However, there is a more or less general plan which is usually followed. When your baby is about 3 weeks of age, some form of vita min D is given. The doctor may specify one of the concentrates, as viosterol, or he may say to give cod liver oil. Give it before the bath and avoid oil stains on cloth ing. Hold baby’s head so that a sudden movement will not spill the oil. A small spoon teaches the use of other ways of eating than drinking from a bottle. % i In a few days orange juice, for its vitamin C, is introduced. Dilute the juice with an equal amount of 'boiled water, partially cooled. If baby doesn’t open his mouth, gen tly press his cheeks with your thumb and first finger and his mouth will open. Place the spoon well over his tongue, so he can’t push it out. At about 3 months the first 'cereal is given. Select a special i baby cereal because of the fine tex :ture and for the vitamins and min erals which have been put into it. Even though baby has learned to I take orange juice and the cereal is thinned with milk, it is not liquid; it is the first solid food. It feels different in his mouth. It is some thing strange and his first im pulse is to spit it out. To make ! baby’s meals more interesting try ! using two special baby cereals al ternately. ^ 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS • * * Free _ WE. 0809 DUFFY pharmacy iiiiiiiiim.'iiiiiiiiiimiini' inimimn •rr PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. 1 No. 2 ; ! RELAX FOR A DAY I AT THE AK-SAR-BEN RACES i OMAHA | 1 IHI ALL PROCEEDS FOR PATRI I OTIC AND CIVIC PURPOSES HI Military Personnel in Uniform Admitted Free JUNE 19 thru JULY 28 POST TIMEO:15 RAIN OR SHINE £ Doily ENJOY THE MOST I THRILLING OF SPORTS 1 ADMISSION aqp pa i .1 Including Grandstand, State and Federal Taxes. NO CHILDREN PLEASE! LADIES’ DAYS ^flDAAYYsa Ladies Admitted Upon Payment of 35c Tax and Service Charge. Cooperate With Our Government’s Rationing Program. Use the Street Car Service to Ak-Sar-Ben Entrance THE OMAHA GUIDE GOOD READING, the I Attention! men i . , _ PAST 30 years! {Feel Old? Get Real Pep j SvSrtSJ'.'SSii Mffi| ! W GET "esults at ONCE! I BE A REAL MAN! \ ENJOY LIFE AGAIN! HELP NATURE! NEW PEP'' HEW FEELING! NEWl MANLY VIGOR! Scientific ! ■ rrescription prescribed by doctors for men I | over 30 years of age. Absolutely harmless. I . Thousands of happy and satisfied customers ! I over past 25 years have told us and others I I 5°w «bout using Pep-0- i I J«b*,' Come‘ ,n ®,al" wrapper—200 Tablets. 1 | 30 days' supply. $3.00—or 400 Tablets, 60 I I days, supply, $5.00. Save $1.00. Money with j CREATES NATURE .. for both parties. Relieves asthma, colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8 oz.; 50c*3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pav postage on delivery. FISHER'S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-. Columbus^-J^—Ohio. Agents Wanted. Classified Ads Get Results! l or rent, a nice furnished front room in a modern home for man only, Call WE-0656 FOR Rent, Mee Room In modern home — for rent to man only, WE Otioti Men Wanted For Food Processing and Meat Packing w> need a few good. skilled and un skilled men Interested In essential work to help the war effort 4s wen as a good Job with a regular peace time company that will go right on operating when the war i» all over. See us at our employment office. Wilson & Company, Inc. 27th & ‘Y’ Street Omaha OR SEE UNITED STATES employment OFFICE i!10 SOUTH 18TH STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA OR 30 PEARL STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Buy A New Home.... Small Down Payment— See Mr. Dee PHONE JA-7718 or JA-1620 funeral directors THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbMrr 2022 LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St WE. «053 EMERSON LACNDRA 2.124 North 24th St. WE. J02B neighborhood furniture & CLOTHING SHOP BIO SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Bugs, Bede, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. "We Buy and Sell" _ TEL AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST. TODAY! SUBSCRIBE Crosstown Dressmaking TAILORING & ALTERATIONE— ff ATTENTION, LADIES! 1 1 ou can get hand tailored suits, dresses, % ^ ana slacks designed to suit your personality ■ oy an experienced Lady' Tailoress. We J Specialize in stout figures.' Men and Ladies 1 general repair work done. We also special- K Lze in Tailored shirts. M Mable L. Williams, Proprietress f -2022 NORTH 24th STREET- . ( "THREE O'CLOCK ... • AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS-how the time ^„mi Minutes seem like hours, we worrv ,4rags' SSSspS Kr£s *»»■ asidNssyjg • MILES nervine sSgasis p- - Dr. Miles Nendne. Try it for Hgkdadhe anS‘vgefy’ WakefuI* take Get Dr. Miles Nervine at fd che and Nervous Indigestion. Package 75*. Small p7cka»i£?T H01*' Effervescent Tablets, Large 25*, both equally effective as a’ Earge Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle ^j^°^^Read directions anTiJ^f^jSj0 \ < Danger in Milk Film Such a simple matter as washing glasses and dishes that have held milk is important to the family health, according to home econom ists of the U. S. department of agri culture, who advise an easy way to save time and trouble in insuring cleanliness and preventing the dan ger that lurks in “milk film.” An advance rinse in clear, cold water is the practice suggested, alike for dishes and clothes or table cloths on which milk has been spilled. Most housewives know how hard it is to wash dishes, pitchers, and other milk containers clean. Protein in the milk also makes cleaning difficult, because the heat of the dishwater hardens or coagulates it. Similarly, milk on clothes, dish cloths, table cloths, and towels may leave a stub born stain after washing. A cloth used to take up spilled milk may come out of the wash tub per manently stiff. Hehe again, the ef fect of the soap on calcium, and heat on protein show up. Weather Report Of 21 U. S. cities tabulated as rep resentative of the weather in their sections of the country during 1944, Los Angeles was nosed out only by Albuquerque and Helena for the distinction of having the least amount of rain, and by Albuquerque only for the ability to boast of the most sunshine. Albuquerque had 9.55 inches of rainfall during 1944; Helena, 12.83; and Los Angeles, 17.45. Mobile had 69.98 inches, to register highest, while second and third most amounts fell in Memphis with 55.76, and Houston with 54.54 inches. The sun shone for 3,125 hours in Albuquerque last year, and for 3,093 in Los Angeles. Oklahoma City was a close third with 3,080 hours. Cloudiest cities were Sault Ste. Marie with only 1,914 hours of sunshine; Buffalo, with 2,246; and Portland, Ore., with 2,284.