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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1944)
'The WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 “ ~ ~ J --*-1 I Mr. Britt is the streamlined party man at the Paxton hotel these days. Mr. Redd the rapid fire-waiter of the Blackmirror room at the Fonten elle hotel, attended services at Clair Chapel Sunday morning April 30th. Isaiah Jones going good at the White Horse Inn. Mr. George Thomas, the stream lined room service man at the Fon tenelle hotel, always giving out serv ice with a broad smile. Capt. Earl Jones and the wide a wake crew at the Omaha Club al ways out in front on service and with their usual pleasant look. The waiters at the Hill hotel in the tunning on quick and polite serv ice. ****** 1 The summer clubs are all on the r jyy ' ^rr Jt OME-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablets EACH tablet contains 25% more than minimum daily require ments of these two essential Vi tamins. Insufficient Vitamin A may cause night blindness, may lessen resistance to infection of the nose, throat, eyes, ears and sinuses. Vitamin D is necessary to enable the body to make use of the calcium and phosphorus in our food. Insure your minimum requirements of these two important Vitamins, by taking a ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablet every day. Economical—50# - or less - per month. Convenient—you take only one tablet a day. Pleasant—children actually like the taste — and so will you. IMPORTANT—when buying Vita mins, compare potencies and prices. ^GeMhen^a^youi^^ii^^tore^^^ verge of a very large and lovely op ening. The RR boys are serving on wheels and paying very close attention to the traveling public and doing their lot to help win this war. THE WEEK | Wendell Willkie mentioned to suc ceed Secy Knox of the Navy. Gov. Dewey of N. . said in his ad dress to the newspaper publishers in New oYrk, “The U. S., Great Brit ain and China and Russia will be the strongest nations with the greatest power to preserve peace.” The large mail order firm of Mon tgomery Ward was taken over by the U. S. Government and then given back. Bishop G. Bromley Oxman of Bos ton, Mass., head of the Methodist Crusade for new world order, said in Kansas City at the general confer ence “Too many Americans think that the nation will win the war, but are very much discouraged about it." Thieves break in the York, Nebr., high school and steal five thousand dollars. Miss Anna Lord Strauss of New York City was elected president of the League of Women Voters at their Convention in Chicago Friday, April 28. U. S. army will abandon 6 camps in California. Promoters of the anti-poll tax bill will plan a picket line in front of the U. S. Senate to offset a filibuster. Sgt. Joe Louis in England with a group of prize fighters to entertain the soldiers. Roland Morgan of Washington, D. C., wins in a one mile relay at Phila • » !»*//• • « * ■ N 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS e re** t«-o >i_ WE. 0609 DUFFY Pharmacj '■J.v.V/.V.V.VAW.V.V.V., King Yuen Cafe CHOP STTEY 2010/z N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. in American & Chinese Dishes Wanted! VURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CABS AND TRICKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 Oman* -USE THE OMAHA GUIDE as a medium of Advertising— • VICTORY Bowl 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 Hours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning “Bowl for health” 'rosstown DresssH“akin| ' —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— | | ATTENTION, LADIES! | I You can get band tailored suits, dresses, 1 and slacks designed to suit your personality I ) by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We 1 k Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies J general repair work done. We also special- fl I ize in Taiioied shirts. A i Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... j ; -2022 NORTH 24th STREET- \ - THIS GRAND MEDICINE - * made especially to relieve ‘PERIODIC* FEMALE PAIN And Its Weak, Cranky, Nervous Feelings— Take heed If you, like so many women and girls on such days suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, weak, nervous feelings, distress of "irregularities”—due to functional monthly disturbances. Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to re lieve such symptoms because this famous medicine has a soothing effect on on* or woman’s most im portant organs. Taken regularly thruout the month—It helps build up resistance against such symp toms. Thousands upon thousands of • women report benefits! There are no harmful opiates In Pinkham’s Compound—It Is made from nature’s own roots and herbs (plus Vitamin B.). it helps nature. Also a fine stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Worth trying! # Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND! delphia Sunday April 30th. Are you a member of the '. AACP ? There should be two thousand mem bers in (Jmaha ! Seven persons were killed when a twin engine L\ S. bomber crashed into a house April 20 in Memphis Tenn. U. S. Senator Austin of Vermont, proposes a world court backed by a dequate military power. A lfi year old girl was accidently killed in Randolph, New ork last Fri day night April 28th. A tornado swept through Welch, Oklahoma Sunday April 30 and cleaned up debris in creek beds and saved a serious cleanup problem. A heavy loaded beer truck and ar auto collided near Chandler, Okla and the gasoline tank of the truck ex ploded (lie noise sounded like larg> gun-firing. A four months old child was kill ed falling from the 11th floor in a hotel in Salt Lake City April 30;h. Methodist General Conference in session at Kansas City will ask for Twenty million dollars for missions. 35 persons were injured in a sight seeing boat fire oft the coast of Mi ami, Florida Sunday April 30th. Bill Taylor, Simon Harrold, \Vm. Miller and H. \V. Smith have a friendly chat in a Northside business house on Saturday, April 29th. The Star room service man of the Blackstone hotel was the center of attraction with a party of friends Sunday, April 30th. Tickets are going very fast for the \ lecture by Mrs. Eunice Carter at i Zion Baptist Church on Friday even ! ing, May 19th. AGTiVITiES A! THE NORTH TWENTY FOURTH USO CLUB The 24th street USO, welcomes its new' director, Mr. Joseph P. Mosley, and is looking forward to many new , experiences. Activities at the club are becoming more and more taxed by the arrival of new soldiers and sailors. 'iTie club is anxious to be of service to these new men as well as the old. Many new activities are being plan ned. Among the new arrivals in the vic inity are 170 French colonial troops from Martinque in the West Indies. We welcome the arrival of these men and are making every effort to make them happy. We are exceptional!) anxious to serve these men because we realize that many of our boys are experiencing similar problems., We appeal to all to aid us in making i their brief stay here an enjoyable one.; We welcome Chief Machinists mate First Class Albert True, U. S. Mar ines, who has agreed to teach classes in conversational French and Spanish. The classes will be every Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:30 pm. All are invited to attend and take part in these programs. Trips for the month are as follows: Wednesday, May 3, Fort Crook. Thursday, May 11, Fairmont Air Base. Friday, May 12, Lincoln USO. club Tuesday, May 16th, Kearney. Thursday, May 25th, Grand Island. Friday, May 26th, Lincoln USO. Club. The weekly dances will be at the St. Benedict’s gymnasium Saturday, evening, May 6th. Mu?.ic will be by the Cats of Rhythm. As an added attraction there will be a floor show by a group of Merchant Marines. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST Church. Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor “Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in His command ments. Psalms 112:1. Through the everlasting goodness of God, we were blessed to meet a gain on another Lord’s day. Services wxre interesting and spiritual. The theme for the evening worship period was the rainbow, a reminder of God’s covenant with Noah. The reports made by all departments of the church were most gratifying. Anniversary services began Mon day evening May 1st and will last through the 14th inclusive. Every body is invited to attend. Program each evening and preaching also. Vtsttirs and inends are always welcrme to attend the services. Those who are ill are Sister Inez Murrell, Bro. C. Hatcher, Bro. J. Crurrhly, Sister Isabelle Baltimore, and Sister Bohanan. Sut-ins are Sis. Kibbler and Sister Kennedy. Special prayers were offered by the pastor: and congregation for the sick and for | the sold ers everywhere. - -- - - J NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 -lOBOl.AK BKiLE.S - t OOK AT YOUH SHOES Other People Oo ■ 1 ——II IIIIW—■a——— III IIMM^IWI Released by O. S. War Department Bureau of Public Relations JOE LOUIS IN LONDON—Staff Sergeant Joe Louis Barrow throws a long left at the head of his sparring partner, First Sergeant George Nicholson, before a “G. L” audience in London. This informal bout, their first appearance in the European Theater of Operations, was put on to satisfy more than 300 yanks who crowded the Columbia Red Cross Club in London to see the Brown Bomber at his first press conference in England. (U. S. Army Signal Corps photo.) CHURCH LEADER REV. GEORGE IV. BABER Whose outstanding leadership in re ligious and civic affairs in Detroit, where he pastors Ebencaer AME. church has made him a conspicuous candidate for the bishopric when the General conference is he'd ‘his month TO PRIVATE EIRST-CLASS Camp Lejuene, N. C.—Joseph G. St. Clair, 2422 Ohio St., was promot ed to Private First Class, reports <tate from that camp. GRADUATES FROM SHORE PATROL COURSE Great Lakes, Illinois,—Among those graduating from an intensive course of Shore Patrol training at recent Service School exercises here wa' Columbus M. Frasier, 33, husband of Mrs. Ruth Frasier, 2728 Burdetet St., Omaha, Nebraska. LEGION AUXILIARY NOTES j'he Auxiliary of Roosevelt Post No. 30 received citation from Nat ional headquarters for exceeding its previous membership quota. On Sunday April 16th Theodore Roosevelt Post and its Auxiliary were guest to a Patriotic Service given at St. Johns AME. Church. Both Post and Auxiliary were well represented and gave in a Special hollection $65.00 to be applied on the toof fund. MILLIONS HELPED BY POPPIES "Every penny from poppies that will be sold on the streets of this city and thousands of other towns, vil lages and ritics in the country are contributed to the welfare and rehab ilitation work of the American Le gion and /^txiliary.” Eva Milsap, President of the Auxiliary Unit No. 30, said today, ‘‘Because this work is being done by Volunteers the money goes a long ways." “Many people have wondered what will become of the money collected by the Volunteer workers Saturday, May 27th. I wish everyone could see what help this money brings to the disabled and their families. Children left fatherless by two World wars are the special concern of the Legion 1 and Auxiliary. Their needs are of-! ten great. Especially their human comfort both for body and mind. “Of course the government looks after the physical welfare of the dis abled men who are in hospitals in almst every state, but there are | things which the government cannot provide. Such as the understanding aid and the personal attention that j so often helps a disabled man which often helps to keep a family toget her when the chief breadwinner is in capacitated. “This is what the money from the Poppy Sale helps to accomplish, and we hope that this year more and more people will buy the poppies and | show their interest in and their sym | pa thy for the men who fought for | them and are now struggling to get back to the point where they can a gain become self-supporting. Eva Milsap, Pres., Pearl Thomas, Reporter. mimnmmimimiimmiiiiiimmiiiH 5 Patronize The | I Crown [ | LQIO STORE | for vonr.... 5 1 RUMS WO WINES 1 = 1512 North 24th Street: 1 —AT. 1689— = TmiinfttiimiMiiiiiimiiiHitmmmn' EULOGIZES CHICAGO PASTOR Lexington, Miss. Mrs. Arenia C. Mallory, president of the Saints Industrial and Literary School of this city, delivered the closing Anni versary address of the St. Paul Church of God in Christ in Chicago on Sunday, April 30th, honoring the youthful pastor, the Rev. L. H. Ford who is an alumnus of the above named school. Mrs. Mallory gave praise to the minister’s progress and | religious work in the great city of Chicago. She holds a M. A. degree in Business Administration and is a Columbia University summer stud ent. A member of the Mississippi Race Relations Board as well as a staunch supporter of various women’s organizations of that state, Mrs. Mai lory is heralded as one of America’s "big ten women of action.” (Press Photo-News Service) OUTLOOK TOR NON-PART ISAN POLITICAL CONFER ENCE POLICY New York, N. Y., April 30 - At the National headquarters of the March On Washington Movement, in the Theresa Hotel Building, in New York. A. Philip Randolph, Na tional Director stated that the March On Washington Movement was call ing a National Non-Partisan Politic al Conference for Negroes which would take place in Chicago, June 25 and 26th. He stated that the pur pose of this conference is to develop a program of demands for the Negro : V''|■ 1 ]■; • . , M,fry i : ■> ;"f;; • " F^T” '! .f* ^ ' !■.;: :.;;m ' ^ ...with your favorite recipe FIRST PRIZE-$10.00 SECOND PRIZE_3.00 THIRD PRIZE_1.00 There will be only one First prize, but two Second prizes will be given •f three dollars each; and there will be eight Third prizes of one dollar each. What do yon do to enter this contest? Just send in your favorite recipe for using Fortified Margarine—mail U to RECIPE CONTEST EDITOR e/o this paper. All recipe entries must be postmarked not later than midnight April 30. A new contest will begin on the first of each month, offering the same cash prizes as listed above. A NEW CONTEST EACH MONTH! Try this month; if you do not win a prize, you still have a chance to win one the next month. Prize winners will be an nounced the middle of each month in this paper. What is Fortified Margarine? Many super-cooks have discovered that fortified margarine is not only a delicious spread for bread, it is also excellent for cooking and bak ing. These good cooks have discov ered that you can make wonderful cakes with fortified margarine. They have found that fortified mar garine makes good cookies, pies. desserts, sauces, breads, muffins, biscuits. Fortified margarine is the perfect seasoning for vegetables, meats and fish. Ask your grocer for a pound of Fortified Margarine. Notice what a "low-point” value it has . . . that is very important is these days of rationing. Who is eligible to enter this recipe contest? If you are one of those super cooks who use fortified margarine in your kitchen, here’s your chance to win a cash prize. . . . Get busy ... write down your favorite recipe. Sign your name and address plainly —mall this to CONTE8T EDITOR, care of this paper. Your letter must be postmarked not later than April 30 to be eligible for the April prize. Classified Ads 6et Resuits! FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 1022 Lake St. WEbater 2022 WANT TO IH»V Furniture of all kinds—dressers •eds, end tables, chairs and choBt I if drawers or complete home apartment furnishings. Kettles an<; tushes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Radies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. "We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, "AliNDRIES & CLEANERS ~EbHOLM~&'SHERMAN ~~ 401 North 24th WE. 6A61 EMERSON LAUNDRY •424 North 24th WE. 1 OF IN PUERTO RICO Alvin M. Rucker, whose appoint ment as Acting Director of the United States Employment Service for Puerto Rico, has been an nounced by WMC Chairman Paul V. McNutt. The USES for Puerto Rico serves as a representative of continental employers, and its pro gram includes pre-selecting work ers, and arranging for their trans portation to mainland employment. Mr. Rucker, a native of St. Louis, Mo., is the first Negro officer of the USES to be given an assignment as Director. people for presentation to the Repub lican and Democratic Conventions and to work out plans to carry on a na tion-wide campaign of education and agitation to awaken the Negro peo ple to the consciousness of their pol itical power and indicate to white A merica that in this coming president ial election Negroes intend to make every vote count in terms of jobs and justice. Delegates are expected to come from far and near to attend the con ference. __ I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli GREEN LANTERN CAFE “THE HOME OF GOOD FOODS AND HOME OF GOOD PEOPLE." Fresh Food, Strictly Fresh —2116 North 24th— JA-9275 Mr. E. Britt, Mgr. nitiHiiHHimiiimiinHHHHTmniiHt \ Dr.FREDMm.ri I SKIN WHITENER CD MAKt THIS AMAZING 7 DAY TEST! A special ingredient in Dr. FRED Palmer’s famous SKIN WHITENER helps lighten and brighten skin that's too dark tanned, roughed, ' made coarse and blotchy by external causes. Are you troubled? Then make this startling test. Get a 25c box from the drugstore. Apply tonight as directed. Use 7 days, then if you’re J not rejoicing, YOUR MONEY BACK. Try, too, Dr. FRED Falmor’s Skin Dmlight Soap and Vanishing Cream. Each 25c. GAUNOL CO., BOX 264, ATLANTA, GA. » LEGAL NOTICE A. H. Bigelow, Attorney Notice by publication on petition for settlement of final administration account. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Bk. 55 Pg. 323, No. 25393. In the matter of the es tate of Robert Jones, deceased: I All persons interested in said mat ter are hereby notified that on the 21st day of April, 1944, Lydia Patton filed a petition in said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and al lowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as executrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 27th day of May 1944, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 27th day of May, 1944, at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and de termined. Robert Troyer, County Judge, bg. 4-29 ’44 .end 5-13 '44 I ALKA - SELTZERpotTera »f«st relief for Headache, I'Tjimpie Neuralgia, "Morn ing After", Cold Diatreaa. Muscular Pains and . Acid Indigestion. .sk your Druggist — _ 30 Cents and 60 Cents Dr. Miles Nervine for^"“ ” Sleeplessness, Ner-UlkoeV«,?\ I vo os Irritability,/ IHieillOU \| Excitability and I Ara |f Nervous Head— I ,m /I ache. Read direc- yJ\ tions and use only j as directed. p I I Get your daily quota of Vitamins A and D and B Complex by taking ONE A-DAY (brand) Vitamin _ e% Tablets. Econcvni —- _ T itUX / cal. convenient. At ! *11*1 your drug store— ATHLETE'S foot DON’T LET FUNGUS “DIG INI” Go after the first sign of cracking, peel ing, soggy or itching skin. Laboratory tests prove MEDICATED Poslam kills— on contact—and In lOminutea—threecom mon fungi causing stinging, blazing Ath lete’s Foot. The vital thing is don't de lay—get Poslam before layers of horny skin protect the fungus. 60c. druggists. SUBSCRIBE ~ TODAY! Gall Bladder Sufferers Shun CONSTIPATION Find Hot Wator and Krusehen Before Breakfast Brings Wonderful Relief In a glass of hot water put one teaspoon ful of Krusehen Salts and drink about half an hour before breakfast. 15 to 20 minutes later follow with your usual breakfast cup of hot coffee or tea. Usually within an hour you get prompt and effective relief an-t should begin to feel bright and refreshed again. Be sure to follow the simple easy directions. Keep this up for 5 straight days—and learn why thousands have found Krusehen Salts so beneficial in relieving that dull con stipated "out-of-sorts” headachy feeling. Get Krusehen Salts today at all drug stores. Over 245 million bottles sold in the past 100 years—it must be good. Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. ‘■“oneJA-4635 formerly at Z4th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16 th ST. Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR 0NLYJJO AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON " SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St.WE. 1029