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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1944)
Saturday, May 13, 1944 OUR 17th Year—No. 14 Entered as had class matter at Post-office. Omaha. Xebr, Under Act of ■March •» :--4. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Xebr. Mother’s i Day j SUNDAY, MAY 14th MOTHER Bested Harbor, Mich..—Represent ing bronze Mothers throughout Am erica is youthful Rosalie Kfrtley and her 9 month old Ronald < Butch 1 who gladly posed especially for this pub lication while spending a short vaca tion on their farm here. Mrs. Hart ley is the wife of William Kirtley. nationally known sportsman and Chi cago business man. She sends greet ings to our boys on all the fighting fronts and asks that they in return write a letter home to their mothers. Yotmg Ronald is the third generation of the late Aid. R bt. R. Ja-fcson. Their Chicaa ad ire.-- is 642 E. 31st St. Phot, b; Lowe f- - PF'TSi [ 40 Million is Quota For Insurance Week.... jatosonvilii" Fla.. iC) From May 8-13, the National Meg- > Ia-cran ■ Week wilt go all out :■ reach their • quota ->f 4'i Forty-seven' ■ gro Insaranc Week a- vying again-i st each other for highest average, production during., that week. B. P. j Bradshaw 'is prescient of the Assoc iati. n I. T. Be*chairman of the j “Week" and A D. Doff, secretary j of the Nat’l Negr, Insurance Comm ittee and member companies. A Mysterious Rumor—, The news has been circulating for several weeks that a HIGH-CLASS place is to be opened up very soon in the neighborhood of 24th and Lake streets, for the accommodation of those who ea>oy something entirely different and it is said that the mod err. beauty ot this establishment wul place Omaha's Negro business dis trict in a class with oar larger cit ies'. What is this new establishment to be WATCH THE OMAHA GUIDE who is always first to in form von of all the latest news e vents and be Graded by The GUIDE. SS. ALLIANCE TO HOLD ANNUAL SERMON The Sunday School Alliance of the Omaha Area, will hold its Annual Sermon Sunday, May 21, 1944, 3 pm„ at St. John’s AME. Chureh. The public is invited. Mr. A. R. Goodlett, Pres., Mrs. Lena Dal las, Program Chairman. Coast Guard Seek 1 7 Year Old Negro Recruits An unlimited quota for enlistment ; of Steward's Mates opened the doors : of Coast Uoard Recruiting stations j to IT year old Negro recruits. The opening of enlistment marks the first such recruiting activity since last fall Lieutenant L. B. Poole, Const Guard Recruiting Officer for tlie St Louis Ninth Naval District announced. Reruns must produce Birth certifi cates and must have their parents’ consent to enlist. They must have completed eight grades of school and he physically qualified. Applications are now being taken at all Coast Guard recruking sta tions in major cities throughout the S, Louis Ninth Naval District. For further particulars see your local re canting officer or write: Coast »o-ard Recruiting Office, 506 New Federal Building. 13th and Market Streets, St. Louis, l. Missouri. To Conduct A Series of Evangelistic Services The Rev. Mrs. C. M. Farmer, n :t ed Evangelist Gospel preacher and linger will conduct a series of Evang elistic Services each Sunda" after nooo at 3 p mr. a* the frrterdrnvjn. rcational Church at 26th and Frank !• ’ Street, beginning Sunday. May ! 4 th. Let us get back to God. Ev eryone welcome. Gets His Jap Released bj U. S. War Department Bureau of Public Relations KILLS FIRST JAP ON BO LGAINTILLE.—Private James H. O'Baner, Box 345, Sidon, Miss., young Negro infantryman who was the first Negro soldier of the 93d Infantry Division to kill a Jap on Bougainville Island in the southwest Pacific, gives a description of the kill to Lieutenant Colonel James C. F. erts, San Antonio, Texas. Private O'Baner bagged his Nip at a range of ten feet during a jungle patrol. The 93d Division is fighting alongside the veteran America! Division at Bougainville. (TJ. S. Signal Corps photo.) ^AW GREETS LIBERIAN DELEGATES KANSAS CITY, Mo May 2.—Bishop Alexander P Shaw of Baltimore greets two delegates from Liberia to the Methodist Quadrennial General Conference upon arrival at Kansas City after an 8.000 mile plane trip They are (left Charles E. Cooper of Monrovia for ten years consul gen eral m Great Britain, and 1 right the Reverend T Eber.ezer Ward. D. D.. president of Liberia College. This is Dr Ward s first return visit tc America after graduation from WUtenforce University Xenia. O. ■ to 1906. While delegates from more than 20 countries are here these Lioenans have set a record far long distance fhgh: to a Methodist General Confer ence. Robert Storz Named Director of National Legion Fund Group f ROBERT ST0R2 Robert H. Ptorz of Omaha was one of 18 prominent Americans ap pointed as directors of the America** Legion National Americanism En dowment Fond Corporation at then meeting in Mew York April 29 and 30. Serving with Mr. Storz on the board of directors will be: Earl Warren. Governor of the State of California. Sacramento; Alvin M. For Our Soldiers, the NAACP Stands Guard The men of both races have contributed to the work of the National Association for the Advance ment of Colored People. One white private gave $2909.00, another white sergeant gave $1006.00, and colored soldiers gave nearly $8,000.00. They did this because they realize as they faee the realities of war together, that the country of their birth must be free for all its sons and daughters. They want to see a strong NAACP. all over the country, so that better understanding between all peoples of our land, shall prevail. The Omaha NAACP is in the midst of a drive for 2.000 members; it must obtain them, that we, too, may do our part to protect the rights and liberties of the men and women who have faded a thousand deaths on battlefields all over the world. Surely, mothers and fathers and sisters and bro thers and loved ones will not hesitate to pay $1.00 for an annual membership in the NAACP. You will.—YOU MUST JOIN NOW! The Omaha Branch of the NAACP. is presenting Mrs. Eunice H. Carter at the final night of its drive on Friday May 19th, at Zion Baptist Church. Mrs. Carter is one of the most brilliant lawyers of the New York Bar, and she is traveling halfway across the nation to inspire and help us to enlist in this holy cause.—of making America the land of freedom and opportunity for all. There is no better way of doinst this than by buy ing a ticket to the Carter lecture and at the same time obtain a membership in the NAACP. Finally, the battle for freedom must be won right here. In that battle evervone is a soldier. JOIN THE NAACP. NOW! * FORM AMERICAN COUNCIL S RACE-RELATION Owsley, Vice President of Ball Bras. Mason Jar Co.. Mancie, Indiana: Roy W. Moore. President, Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Inc.. N. Y. City: Judge Frank J. Merrick. Cleveland. Ohio: Sam Jones, Governor State of Lou isiana. Baton Rouge: Scott Chandler Vice President Coca Cola Co.. At lanta. Ga_; Harry M. Moses. Presi dent. Erick Coke Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Louis Johnson. Clarksburg. Va~ former Ass't. Sec. of War. R. H. Barnard, President Ownes-Ill Glass Co.. Toledo. Ohio : E A. Chester, Vice President, Columbia Broadcast ing System. New York: Fred F. Florence. President Republic Nation al Bank. Dallas. Texas. The purpose of this organization is as follows : “To uphold and defend the Con stitution of the L’nited States of «A roerica: to foster the realization and to develop and promote the apprecia tion of the value of the American way of life: the promotion of liberal and practical education of the people at large in the privileges, obligations and responsibilities of citizenship in this country, and to aid and conduct broad educational program- for that purpose under the direction of the National Executive Committee.’' Robert H. Storz is a vice presid ent of the Storz Brewing Co. of O irraha He is a recent Commander of i Omaha American Legi>® Post N l.j America's largest. He is a former; president of the Omaha Mamifactur-; ers Assn., and director of the Omaha, Chamber of Commerce. Anti-Negrc Prejudice ‘ Charged in Britain London.* 1 ne London News Chron icle charged Monday that the many j thousands of American Negro sold iers in Britain, who were received warmly by the British people on their arrival two years ago. now are bar-1 JOHN TAKES UNTO EZ^TEELF. A WIFE Pfe. John and Mrs. Hamilton. Jr. Pic. Snooky Hamilton Jr., ar rived home May 7th. with his newly ’ wedded bride from Peoria. IIL, to j spend his furlough with his grand-' mother, Mrs. Belzora Coffins, 2622 Es Erskine street. Mrs. Hamilton was formerly Miss Ernestine Hackman of Tulsa, Okia. Pfc. John will return to Camp El lis. IIL. on May 16. His bride will remain with Mrs. Coffins indefinite ly. They will be entertained Saturday night with a reception. John's moth er. Mrs. Lucille Hamilton is expected in Omaha this week. Entertained at Waffle Breakfast Mrs. Rose Ellis of 2624 Erskine St. entertained Pic John and Mrs. Ham ilton. Jr_ with a waffle breakfast Wednesday. May 10. Other guests present were Steward First Class Freddie Crowley of the USX, Mrs. Christine Soddtrth and Mr. Val Rat liff. ■Miniiiiiwiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiinnniimiiniinniii nwnwiwinmiir.!!UUiMWBTtnwaii red from community life here be- j cause anti-Negro prejudice among white American troops has “infected' the British public. NEW BODY SEEKS TO IMPLEMENT DEMOCRACY IN RACE RELATIONS CHICAGO. May t2 (ANP)— \ decision to organize the American Council on Race Relations tr> bring about full democracy in race relations was announced here Monday by Ed win R. Embree. presdent of thie Jul ius Rosenwald Fund. The decision is tbe culmination of a plan original- ! Iv broached at the Chicago Confer- j ence on Race Relations, a meeting called by Marshall Field. Dr. Charles S. Johnson and Mr. Embree. some thing over a month ago and attended by 75 white and colored leaders from every section of the country. The decision was reached. Mr Em bree said, at a week-end conference held last Saturday and Sunday at the Shoreland hotel here. In attend ance was a smaller group chosen from those who participated in the original conference. A new “not for profit" corporation to be known as “the American Coun cil on Race Relations" will be form er. the announcement read, the organ ization being devoted to the purpose as adopted by the conference group, of bringing about “full democracy in race relations." The following activities have been proposed tor the corporation: 1. Advancement of knowledge concerning race and race relations both by the collection and analysis of the records of interracial experience and by original research. 2. Cooperation with pidilic and private agencies and individuals owrk ing in the interracial field by supply mg needed information, by advice concerning procedures and by the temporary loan of personnel. 3. Assistance to local communit ies in organizing to meet their inter racial problems where existing pro ( Continued on Page WW"' Soldiers Face Police Machine-Gun in Cafe Dispute ONE JAILED. ONE FLAPPED I Oxford. N. C_ May 11 (ANP ' — When two colored soldiers attempted to make purchases of beer and cigar ettes at a local downtown white cafe this week, one was jailed and another was slapped. Accordiirp to the testimony of H. J. Jackson, chief of police, he was sitting in the cafe when the two col ored soldiers entered and attempted to purchase beer and cigarettes. They were refused by the manager who merely said he had no beer. He said the soldiers were told that the cate served only white patrons which one resented by an outburst of pro fanity directed at the owner. Jack son said he arrested the soldier. The other soldier is sard to have reported the incident to other colored soldiers and they immediately rallied to the number of between 30 and 60 men. Jackson said. Police, learning that they were rallying their forces in the Negro business district, took their stands about the City hall, arm ed with tear gas and machine gun e quipinent. They soon approached on the other side of the street the po lice chief said. Two of them crossed the street and were met by Chief Jackson, who told them that the soldier was in custody of police, was locked up and ordered them "to move on" an order they are reported to have ignored. Jackson, according to witnesses is said to have smacked the larger of the two., jump ed back and pulled his gum Threatened by Asst. Chief J. L. Cash, who was manning a machine gun, that he would machine gun them the soldiers left and the prisoner was turned over to military authorities at Camp Burner later that night. Eajiem School Wants A Pied Piper to Lure Rats New Y ark City (C > According to ; Asst. Principal Kay Bischoff "huge | rats- are running wild at 34 year old PS. 89 in Harlem. When they mar ch in classrooms, the teachers evac- j nate the children and call for the custodian. He sets up traps and lodes a cat in ovrenigfat. Mrs. Bts chott prays for a Pied Piper to lead all the rats into the river or some place as deserving! Another prob lem is teacher-shortage. NAACP story to be Broadcast New York,—Walter White's recent broadcast, opening the nation-wide NAACP campaign ior 300,000 new members will be followed by addit ional radio programs stemming from New York local stations during the months of May and June. In a series of addresses depicting militant growth and achievement, the Association's 35 year tight ior the realization of democratic rights and privileges for all peoples, will be told by speakers, Roy Wilkins, editor of the Crisis, Special N AACP Counsel. Thurgood Marshall, Ella J. Baker, director of NAACP Branches, Judg es William H. Hastie. Hubert T. Delany. and ethers in the vanguard spearheading the drive ior Freedom at Home and Abroad. The first of the broadcasts beginn ing May 7, 9 a. m., over New York Station WLIB. featured Judge Hu bert Delarty. in the series interpreting the scope and national import of the Association's victory in the U. S. Supreme Coart decision, enfranchis ing the Negro vote for the first time in democratic white primaries. On May 28, Thurgood Marshal!, Special counsel, who argued the Texas case, will outline the Association's follow up procedure, being used to prepare the southern Negro for mil realiz ation of his right to the franchise. Campaign slogans and spot ann ouncements over station WEVD, will be heard nightly between II and 12 p. m» during the months of May and June. In Detroit, field secretary Daisy Lampkin, conducting a campaign for 25,000 new members, will be heard •over station WJLB at 10 :45 p m„ Thursday, June 1. Mrs. Laropkir., ace N AACP organizer, whose com bined goals exceed 10 percent of the national quota, will arrive in Detroit the latter part of May after having completed campaigns in Houston, St Loais and Philadelphia. Reports just received ha the nation al office from Kansas Cky, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, show that drives being conducted by Don old Jones in these areas got off. to a flying start, May X. as did Dayton. Ohio, over which Miss Noma Jensen has leadership. National Office executives, Roy Wilkins, and Thurgood Marshall were on hand to open campaigns in Chester, Pa., and Cleveland, respect ively. Mr. Wilkins spoke also in Cincinnati. Ella J. Baker high light ed the drive being conducted in Fay etteville, N. C.. with a keynote ad dress, Sunday, April 30. Singing and Swinging $200,060 for SS Robert S« Abbott _L / ..--.. ^ War Finance Photo* From OWi Joining an Illinois state-wide drive to raise $2,000,000 to pay for the liberty Ship. ROBERT S. Mlrga^^TJ^hH^w*”^'j^^^BuyBdldT! Chicago's Savoy Ballroom at which the purchase ot more than $200,060 worth of War Bonds was p 5 ■■ • ^ \ ^ Green of Illinois listens appreciatively as General Morgan, Buy Bonds!” a campaign song composed by their mother, Mrs. Juima M. Crawford. At the top right, " _ « ROBERT S. ABBOTT, named for the founder of The noted swing pianist. gires oat with the jive. Below. Stuff Smith and his Trio do their stuff for the cheering audience. The Si KUtttltl a. ax> Chicago Defender, trill be the Erst Liberty Ship ‘'purchased” by War Bond sales to Negro Americans. Have you entered your favorite Die or cake in our Recipe Contest? p. 4