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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1944)
^^*0*0*0* 0x9*0*010*0*0*0*0*0* READ THE OMAHA GUIDE Weekly - SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Wanted! BURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRUCKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 OlLUti^d. I Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th FREE DELIVERY We, 0998 : BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend — keedachy—dull— all because of sluggish bow el*? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pieasant tastmg chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next marring—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good- Try FEEN-A-MINT— a whole family I m Australia Fights COUGHS or Bronchial Irritations Due To Colds —With Buckley's "Canadiol" Almost Instantly you get the surprise of your life — coughing spasm eases — right away It loosens up thick choking phlegm— opens up clogged bronchial tubes—makes breathing easier. _ .. . „ There's real economy in Buckley's — au medication—no syrup. Half to one _ tea spoon fui will convince the most skeptical. Get Buckley’s ‘‘Canadiol” made In U S A . the Cough Mixture that outsells all others In Australia. New Zealand, Canada &ad many other countries on merit alone. EVERYBODY must have VITAMINS Of course everybody fets SOME Vitamins. urveys show that mil lions of people do not get ENOUGH. A pleasant, convenient economical way to be — sure that you and your ^ family do not lack essen tial B Complex Vitamin is to take ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex tablets. v 11 # An msumcieni supply ot a '\y/ Complex Vitamins causes In *\Y digestion. Constipation. Nerv ousness. Sleeplessness, Crank iness. Lack of Appetite. There are other causes for these conditions, but ■why not guard against this one cause by taking a ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex Tablet everyday? Important — Get your money’s worth, always compare potencies and price. _—'k DNElgjDAY The Fighting 99th (from the W. H. Public Pulse) Omaha: I think The Wor*d-Her ald has an opportunity to hasten the appreciation of minority groups if more space of more prominence would be given t osuch accomplish ments as that of the 99th United States Fighter Squadron. In a recent issue of your paper it was stated the all-Negro unit had been credited with eight of the 28 enemy planes destroyed in a dog fight over Neltuno b-achhead. Had it not been for th- fact that I am a newspaper fanatic and road practically everything of import ance, I would have overlooked this interesting fact. eW. the patriotic, bond buying Negro citizens of Omaha are grave ly concerned about the heroic ef forts of our boys, and would great ly appreciate being informed on; articles of this type in a more con spicuous column. ADDIE FOX ALL. HINTON. tooooootxto'oooooog p»ooc '' mrrvn T*1T t o X '' £ I Lunchf 1 x £ DINNERS FROM 4 TO 11 $ t ALA ( ARTE ORDERS 11 TO it t s '' American Legion S 24th & Parker Sts. £ \ IQk | (upstairs) g % “POPULAR FOODS AT £ POPULAR PRICES’* £ WE fester 5217 “The Latest Smart Styles’' Victory iBeauty ’ Salon —2118 Worth 24th St.— Omaha. Nebraska MRS. (LEONE HARMON. Proprietress. ***** Operators:— HATTIE JOHNSON, fimi System. MARIE ROBINSON. LOUISE COOPER ROSE KOACHE, ETHEL SMITH. a»d hair that Is straakad. burnt erdiaaaloiad aad draaa it trith McBRAOY’a Hair Utatar hrlhiarfW«M*tt ^ ^ JIT BLACK Loveitnece within t few rnirmtoc Doe! I Bottom hair rod. Repeat I ae condition! demand. Ifii GUARANTEED not to< harm your hair or acalp. SEND NO MONEY etihBLUlMJ.1 CUUjWU WUW A large jar. Pay postman 66c ^ (tax included) plus postage, with a GUAR ANTEE of complete satisfaction or you may return the unused portion within 7 days anil get back your 66c. Deal vrith good old reliable firm that hat been tn busmen over 18 years. r ~i Why Look Old Before Your Time? Enjoy love, romance and success with black, well groomed hair. Don’t wait! JUST MAIL THE COUPON TODAY for our famous HAIR SLICKER |-RUSH COUPON TODAY-1 ! J, E. McBRADY * CO„ Dept. 330 I 1041-49 Van Buren St., Chicago, IB. I , 8«nd me a full-sixe jar of McBrady’s Guaranteed . j Bair Slicker. I'll pay postman 66c, plus poataaa. | | Knm* | | A tiAr+*a | j City Skirt* I WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES IN OUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER-] IENCED OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. EDH0LM&SHERMAN 1 2401 NORTH 24th STREET -PHONE WEbster 6055- 3 NERVOUS, RESTLESS nU-SIRUM, HK RUNGS On “Certain Days” Of The Month? Do functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous. Irritable, cranky, fidgety, tired and “dragged out”—at such times? Then start at once—try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham’s Compound is made especially for icomen. Taken regularly—It helps build up resistance against such distress. Thousands upon thousands of women have reported benefits! A grand thing about Plnkham's Compound Is that It contains no harmful opiates. It Is made from nature’s own roots and herbs (plus Vitamin B.). Here’s a product that helps natu he and that's the kind to buy! Also a fine stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Worth frying Lydia E. Pinknanrs VEGETABLE COMPOUND Will you be my Valentine... at Dreamland hall, Monday Feb. 14th A# Mlicir DEB LYONS and His CUBS, MMiM'WmtC' U1 featuring Glamorous MARIE DUPREE, Versus “THE KINGS OF SWING.” prj7Ac aiupn Aurav Frppfor Jltterbugging’ Waltzing and rn«« glWUIi HVVdJ I ICC ^he New Town Schottsche! REFRESHMENTS —SWING UNTIL ...? Committee: John Riley, Chairman, William Booker, Richard Bryant, A. Johnson. _ _ _ _ _ SURGERY ATI SEA DRAMA IN THE RAW, whipped up by the powerful pen of John Steinbeck and brought to the screen under the direction of Al fred Hitchcock, is the tingling key note of "Lifeboat,” n®w Twentieth Sentury-Fox movie chronicle of the survivors of a torpedoing who find themselves adrift in the small boat—at the mercy of the sea and sometimes of each other- Although the entire action takes place in a crowded lifeboat, a space hereto fore considered too confining for film story-telling. Hitchcock man ages to pack into it such elemert als as two killings, a suicide, an operation and even a couple of ro mances. Starring- Tallulah Bank- j head. "Lifeboat” has a featured cast consisting of William Retidix Walter Slezak. Mary Anderson, John Hodiak. Henry Hull. Heath er Angel, Hume Cronyn and Can ada Le-e. The drama of the plot heightens in intensity when the survivors pick up the Nazi sub skipper who had ordered the life boats shelled and whose own craft was sent to the bottom by a last shot from the sinking ship. Thi sub commander, played by Walter Slezak, secretly equipped with vit amin tablets and water, takes ad vantage of a temporary split am ong the lifeboat passengers to seize control. Only when the oth prs finally unite among themselv es is his po'ver broken. A doctor in civilian life, it is the Nazi skip per who performs a leg amputa tion on William Bendix, who has the role of an injured seaman. The tecene above, one of the most grip ping in the film, shows S<ezak sterilizing a knife blade for the operation over a cigarette lighu-i. as Mary Anderson. Canada Lee. Tallulah Bankhead and John Bud iak shield the flame from the wind SMILE AWHILE CORRECT! Boy—“Will you marry me, darl ing?’' Girl—“What—and lead a life of misery." Boy—“Well, darlisg, misery loves company, you know.” ***** LOTS AND LOTS OF TEARS! It was raining. The little boy, age three, stood watching the rain drops beating against the window pane. His mother was discussing the war with a neighbor who had dropped in for a chat j “Yes,” she said, “the world is very sad today because of the war” “It sure is. mama, “broke in the little boy, "see how it is crying.” ***** HERE ARE THOSE PLACES.? Three explorers were bragging about the unusual climatic condi tions of places they had been. One said, “I was in a town in Alaska where it got so cold in the winter that zero was considered ideal spring weather.” The second explorer came back with, “That's nothing. I was in a town in Russia that got so cold in the winter that if it got as warm as zero the natives were overcome 1 BE GOOD i! | NATURED I J Are you the man your w'fe ]| > married? Or have you grown !| 2 old before yOur time? Do you'! 4 still have the same old desire ; J for the things she likes to do.. || 7 or are you another one that’s '! 2 just too tired? If this is true. ; J BEPEP may help you by giving ]| 2 you Vitamin B in concentrated !| !; form, the vitamin that builds'! pep and energy. Send today;; ;■ for your bottle and start to build !| !; towards better living through i! 4 better health and pep. * 50 Tablets $1 ;! 100 Tablets $1.75 (Plus C. O. D. Charges) ;; !; If you send cash. w*. will pay ! | postage. 4 MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE ; ! AGENTS W ANTED MAIL YOUR ORDER TO ![ ; BEPEP SALES Corporation 201 South Craig Street Dept. 65. ! | Pittsburgh, (13), Pa. '! by the heat.” But this is what the third ex plorer said: ‘‘Well. I haven’t been in many cold places, but once I was in a part of Africa that got so hot in the summer that my native servant would not let me take a bath, even in boiling water, for fear I might freeze to death.” —HILL. INTO NAVY AT SAME TIME FATHER AND SON MISTERED Two Bluejackets answer to the name of Emile Winston Williams at muster in the Negro Regiments' outgoing unit at the U. S. Navai Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. That's to be expected as they are a father and son of 4533 S. Mich igan Ave., Chicago, 111., who were drafted together by their local ; board, were sworn into the Navy | at the same time, went hrough I recruit training at Great Lakes as i members of the same company. They will go separate ways in their Navy careers within the next few weeks, however, when Emile. Ill leaves outgoing unit to attend the Navy’s Service School for Av 1 iation Ordnascemen at Memphis, i TO RENEW TOUR 1944 SUBSCRIPTION THE OMAHA GUIDE tALL HA-0800 Tenn. His father. Emile, Jr., will remain at the Training Station as a member of Ship’s Company. The Bluejackets’ wife and moth er. Mrs. Dorothy Williams, is a stenographer at the Ida B. Wells Housing Project on the South Side of Chicago. Her husband, who is 37 years old was a waiter at the Palmer House in Chicago for 14 years before entering service. The son 18, formerly operated a print ing machine in the Safety and Se curity branch of the Army Ordn ance Department in the same city He attended St. Philip’s High school on a scholarship. The father and grandfather of the two sailors is Emile Winston Williams of 702 E. 54th St., Los Angeles, Calif. I VrtJ Us.' ■ It's the story of the yeor about ■ the family of the year—THE f SULLIVANS — with Anne BAXTER, Thomas MITCHELL, Selena ROYLE, Trudy MARSHALL ond the five grand new male stars tdwara KTAN, jonn CAMPBELL, James CARDWELL, John ALVIN and George OFFERMAN, Jr. as The Sullivan Boys! • * * "THE SONG OF BERNADETTE is the great. est motion picture Hollywood has ever made!" I says Kate Cameron in the N. Y. Doily News! The L miraculous screen version of Franz Werfel's great ' novel introduces Jennifer JONES i with William EYTHE, Charles ■ BICKFORD, Vincent PRICE, Lee J. " COBB, and Gladys COOPER, directed fay Henry KING, produced by William PERLBERG., —_ _ MRS. MATTIE TAYLOR. 2611 BINNEY AT-3308 AVON’S PRODUCTS LUX Barber Shop 2045 NORTH 24th STREET “This is the Home of Com Fix” iiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiHiiiii LEGION SIDELITES by JULIUS E. HILL iiiiiiimimiimimiuiiimiimimiiiiui i With changes in business meth ods that seem to please everyone Roosevelt Post No. 30, The Amer ■ ican Legion, is stepping right al ong with nothing for it to do but steer a straight course ahead, as it has been doing the last two years, for it to continue being successful. ***** This is no time to change horses in mjd-stream and the members, should see to it that such isn’t done. This is no time to try out new plans, especially if they are of a nature that are doubtful from the beginning. ***** There are many outside the post who would like to see it in the sloven condition that it once was. —and that is for sure. Yes and there may be some within the post who would delight in seeing it that way too- But it is not likely that any group or clique, if in existence will be given a chance to stick their fingers in the pie and pull forth a plum—that is not unless the members lav down on their job. And it is not believed that they will. ***** Divided we fall—United we land. Let’s STANDI AUXILIARY NEWS Mrs. Eva Milsap. president of the Ladies Auxiliary. Roosevelt Post No. 30, The American Legion, an nounced in the joint meeting last Thursday a week ago, that the Aux iliary will buy a War Bond froUQ Roosevelt Post. ***** Mrs. Greta Wade. Auxiliary Sec retary. is working with the OCD. women in the sale of War Bonds and Stamps. ***** Mrs. Crawford, addressing the. joint meeting, stated that she wanted all to know that they were always on the job. ***** Mrs. Crawford is leading the drive for money and articles of furniture, with which to fix up a recreation room for the soldiers stationed at a camp some distants from Fairbury, Nebraska. Roose velt Post No. 30. contributed $25.00 in cash to the Red Cross, with which Mrs. Crawford is connected to aid in furnishing this room. ***** Mrs. Deloris Blackwell was one of the speakers at the joint meet ing of the Post and Auxiliary last meeting night. She spoke concern ing the bond drive. She heads the OCD. group on the northside. She is chairman of Ward 2 Group. Mrs. Blackwell is a new member of the Auxiliary. ***** The Auxiliary had the regular Monday dinner this week and did quite well with it. “DUBBED DETACHMENT UNITS WALLET GAL" Pretty Mildred Hughes is all in smiles over being chosen “Wallet Gal’’ by a I>E1IL Detachment Unit on the West Coast according to l E & E Little DINER * ? 2314 N. 24th St. 4A-9243 2 j "Get Yc,ur VALENTINE J - DINNER, Here.” | $ STEAK. CHICKEN, AND * GOOD FOODS KAIMAN BROS US. 1520 NORTH 24tli STREET JA-7183 Prescriptions - Drugs OMAHA. NEBRASKA ^-/ LIGHTEN, TANNED GUIBi DARK ffixiif ; Dr. FRED Palmar’! Skin' Whitenerlightens and brightens! rough. blotchy. tanned-dark skin externally caused). Use 7 days. If not satisfied MONEY BACK. ' | 25c at drug stores GALEXOI* . Box 254. Atlanta. Georgia. DR. FRED PALMER S V»f SKIN WHITENER^^W ; y» Pfr. James T. Smith. Miss Hughes is 17 years old and resides at 4437 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Illinois, and was one of the preliminary win ners of Miss Bronze Chicago Beau ty Contest in 1P42. Everybody loves a love story! * * ★ ★ Especially when it’s a story of love like a flame—love like a song! ★ * * ★ Love like you'll experience in "Song Of Russia”. ★ * * * It’s MGM’s fascinating film. ★ ★ ★ * With Robert Taylor and Susan Peters as the romantic pair. ■ Bob is a Yank in Moscow. Susan is the lovely lady he discovers there. ★ * ★ ★ While glorious music plays—the dashing American and the enchanting Russian find their hearts beating in tune! * ★ ★ ★ Your own heart will probably skip a beat—as you live through the stirring scenes—listen to the lilting music—for the “Song Of Russia” really sings! ★ ★ ★ ★ John Hodiak, Robert Benchley and Felix Bressart are important characters in this important picture. ★ ★ ★ ★ Leo says—“Song Of Russia” is what it takes to make one happy! M « « « And when it comes to pictures, Leo is usually right! —lea P. S. Have you bought that extra bond? , LIBERAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS - WATCHES i ANI) ^ JEWELRY Sale on Men’s Shoes—25 pair While they last. $1.98 MB LOAN & JEWELRY CO. 320 N. 16th —Phone AT-8840 _ P^Pn&pjetittf, H the. puui of IcMo*. I P>iC*2e/du U de&i'uiJde'..." , 1 / Today is the birthday anniversary of a great American . . . Abraham Lincoln. His memory will remain enshrined forever in the hearts of the American people. Today, when the Amer ican system of Free Enterprise is being attacked, it is well to recall what Abraham Lincoln once said . . . it s as true today as when he said it: "Property is the fruit of labor. Property is desirable. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, hut let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus assuring that HIS home be safe from violence when built NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY