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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1943)
I WAITERS’ COLUMN By H. W. Smith WE. 6458 The Omaha Club waiters with .Earl Jones and Mr. Frank Buford and the streamlined crew are always in the front line on fine service. **«»* The White Horse Inn and the Regis hotel waiters are all in th® running on quick and very' polite service. ***** The Fontenelle hotel waiters are tops on taking care of the very fine guest at all times. ***** The Paxtoi hotel race horse head waiter and his fas tstepping crew are going places and doing things! * **** Are you a member of the NAA -CP? If not take out a memt ir shir, today! ***** The waiters at the Hill Hotci arc serving at all times with a snt’lc. ***** Brother John Evans is the very rapid fire serviceman at the Rome Hotel and Mr. Joe Alls is the top man in the Legion club rooms. ***** The Blackstone waiters are tops toe cn fine, mighty fi :e service. All waiters should read their menus and keep posted to be rc^dv to give information as it saves time and it is a very great help for quick service. Now fellow wai ters let’s all be on the job for the holidays. .THE WEEK — Threat of bus strike in Wash ington, DC. fades. ***** Ex-Governor J. P. Heil of Wis consin denied that he had teen aided by public utility funds. ***** Movie actor Victor MeLagten and hs Secy miss Susanne Rocke feller Bruggeman will be married this week. ***** The body of Eddie O'Hern who lost his life by drowning in Storra Lake, Iowa was recovered Friday Nov. 19. ***** Gen. Repairing Motor Tune-ini HENDERSON CASINO GARAGE Body and Fender Work Battery, Etc. RES. THOSE HA. 3126 N. E. Comer 24th & Grant S». U. S. Government completes Its case in a XT. Racket trial Friday Nov. 19. ***** l Sol Ewin Platt pleaded guilty in Federal in Los Angeles. Cal- j ifornia of delivering a package I given hi mby Louis Kaufman. New ■ ark. NJ., labor official. ***** James P. McGearny is the new assistant US. attorney general. U. S. Secy Cordell the first cab inet officer to address Congress. ***** Mrs. Paul Krepper and Mrs. Cor.i Cox two sisters united after 50 yrs. ***** Woman kills 3 months old sort by crushing its skull. ***** John Sould, 80 years old black smith of Melford. Oklahoma Help ing to build planes for the U. S. | army at Downey. California. ***** , Kilby Weems one of the Scott-- j | boro boys has been paroled. ' ***** Gov. Bricker of Ohio will enter other states in the primaries. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. rec eives two medals for his bravery. * **** Read The Omaha Guide and be a good booster for the home paper. 40 employes of the Mobile, A*a., Pulley works walked out....there was no heat in the building. ***** Frank L. Winston and Sol Hr oin Platte were convicted in NY. on an extortion plot. ***** Mrs. Pearl Cashenier of Bloom ington, Ind., was slain with a shot gun. ***** Mrs. Wilmer Russell was killed with a rock by Donolcr Erwin age 16 yrs. near a small town in Mo. ***** Wendell Willkie starts his touV through Louisiana and Texas. ***** Two thousand leather workers of Salem, Mass., were ordered back to work by Pres . Roosevelt. ***** IT. S. Senators Guffey and Lau rence of Pa., say the democratic) party will put up a bold front next year. ***** Congressional Committee on liq-, uors price investigations says it wll take weeks to complete the job ***** 18 persons killed in a U. S. Naval transport plane—3 miles east of Rio De Janeiro also Congressman J. Wm. Ditter of Pa., and Lt. J. J. Mensure of the Willow Grove Naval air station was killed Sun day night. Nov. 21—the plant crashed near Columbus. Pa. ***** Bus and street car operators cf San Diego. Calif., voted to go back to work Monday. ***** Rep. Hamilton Fish of NT. de nies he put out false reports about the American Legion. ***** Top Sgt. Bennie Elmore of P't. Warren. Wyo., is receiving a very pleasant welcome by his many 'THREE O’CLOCK . . . AND I HAVENT SLEPT A WINK” WAKEFUL NIGHTS — how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed — try DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension — to permit re freshmg sleep. When you are Keyed Up. Cranky. Fidgety. Wakeful, take Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous indigestion. Get Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets. Large" Package im. Small Package 35*; Liquid. Large Bottle $1.00. Small Bottle bot— equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or tyour money back. Read directions and use only as directed. MEHPl'." 14i^u tr *9/F Smith Bros, has served the public since 1847. In that period America has fought five wars. Only during wartime has there ever been any shortage of Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Our production now is war-reduced but we’re dis tributing it fairiy to alL Still only 5<. A nickel checks that tickle'. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS. BLACK OR MENTHOL— 5C / gj^MARK LEARN AT HOME 35 complete itssons-over 700 iUntratnas Special S1.00 introductory offer Unite* tine eely' These lessons ere designed for young end old . • * i it takes ther- step-by-step through the serious stages of drawing. For those desiring to take up drawing. as a profession, these lessons if dilUgently followed will help prepare your entrance into a very profitable field. *t believe that not even a (10.00 book could be more complete — there are lessons on lettering . . . how to make comic strips ... cartoons . . . how to draw pictures to make money. LEARS TO DRAW FOR FUN-AS A IOBBY-OR A PROFESSIOM. Send no money . . . Pay the postman only (1.00 plus a fee-or if you prefer send (1.00 with order and we pay postage MONEY BACK GUARANTEE'. After you receive our lessons on AMw|t how to draw—examine them care- K THE MISS “CARMEN JONES” STEPS OCT! New York, CNS) Muriel Rahn, sensational New York concert so prano, now appearing in tiie titld role of Billy Rose's CARMEN JON ES. will be seen on Broadway a gain this season. The talented, young artist who startled the opera and music world recently by learn ing and performing the difficult role in two weeks, was last seen along The Great White Way in the Alfred Luht-Fontanne extrav aganza "The Pirate.” Each season Miss Rahn divides her time be tween concert, and theatre. A year ago last August, while rehearsing for "The Pirate", sue took time out to go to Chicago and sing the eighty-pie^ sym phony orchestra at the famous Grant Park Shell, the first of her race to be so honored. Later in the season, she deserted Broadway and the Lunts for a concert tour that took her over five thousand miles. Luring the summer she be came the first Negro concert so prano to appear at the renowned Water Gate Barge in Washington, DC., wdth the National Symphony Orchestra. This was followed by subsequent concerts at the Univers ities of Wisconsin, PuTdue, Illin ois and other national institutions of the mid-west. Just last week, she took leave of absenee from CARMEN JONES to sng concerts ai. the Tennessee A & I College and Kentucky State College, both of which were a tre mendous success. She returned to the show in Boston this week. friends in Omaha and ito one of the streamlined waiters at the On,alia Athletic Club. ***** The following young- ladies are on the job rendering very fine ser vice in the dining room of th-’ O maha Athletic club. Miss Vera E. Hopkins, Miss Gladys Wright. Miss Vernice Lind sey, Miss Myrtle Joyner, Miss Mil dred Curry. ***** This writer had the pleasure of ! having breakfast at the Omaha Chamber of Commerce on Thurs day morning. Nov. 18 as the guest of Mr. Simon Harrold the musician headwaiter and Mr. John Bodem parte and it was a real fellowship meeting and we shall always think kindly of the very friendly crew. hattie McDaniels co-stars IN “SINCE YOU WENT AWAY" Hattie McDaniel, who plays Fi delia, the maid of the Hilton fam ily in David O’s "S nee You' Went Away,” may complain of getting housemaid’s knee fro n her screen job—but it has its com pensations. One of the:. is the opportunity to “Boss” » lot of stars around—just for the cameras of course. “You see.” explained big, dark, rollicking Hattie with her arms akimbo, “I run that H.lton home, at least Fidelia does. And I love it. I just boss Claudett0 Coi'jert,' Jennifer Jones and that cute little Shirley Temple all over the set. ’ These three ladies of the Hilton family who take orders from o-r patent Hattie, are starred in tin film with Joseph Cotten. Monty Woolley and Robert Walker. Miss Colbert is Mrs. Hilton. Miss JMt and Shirley her two daughters. Jane and Brig. “The master of that Hilton home hold,” Fidelia elucidated .further, Mr. Tim’s, he's away at war. He enlisted. And his wife Anne is t° keep the house running as usual until he gets back. But Jane and Brig. well, they're head strong and spirited, and they need a firm hand, just like any other NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR PRICES — LOOK AT YOUH SHOES Other People Do imtrtjwynsm0t0m$ BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow- I els? Why put up with constipation misery’ Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT. the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning -thorough gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family SUDDlv costs nnlv lAc girls. Anyway that’s where I come in ” So, even though she doesn't often get out of the kitchen—on the screen-—there’s plenty of consola tion for it. Another ensoling fact, she can think of is that she ju«t happens to love housekeeping. “Besides, nobody gets paid better for doing it than I do.” “NEW YORK CITY” (by FLOYD G. SNELSON) New York....Lena Horne the Daily News “pin-up” girl of the world's greatest Sunday newspa per has won miraculous fame to the glamour and glitrer of the stage and screen, -on New York's gay Broadway. Quote: the Daily News, "Lena Home, whose por trait appears on page 1 of today’s Coloroto section, has an undefir. bole quailtj- of personality that causes her audience to make com parisons with Helen of Troy as to beauty or Black Patti as to her voice. Lena hereslf, a shy person, can’t understand it: her technique involves no theatricals, she acts and sings simply: But it’s what the people want- Lena was born in Brooklyn 25 years ago, the daugh ter of Edwin F. (Teddy) Home ard Edna (Scottron) Home_She is the wife of Louis J. Jones, news paperman of Columbus. O. and the mother of two childern. She is said to be divorced. Lena >xas :he custody of Gil the daughter, and Louis has the son. Edwin. Her completion of 4 weeks’ star dom at the Capitol Theatre, New York, gives her the grandest prom inence seldom given Negro wom en. “WAR TIME DEMOCRACY” I just left a meat market where I purchased a porterhouse. 15 pts. (mv favorite) wanted larger one. (2.) but didn’t have the digits. My eash was no good there. Here 3 my story: I stood at a counter se ne time to have a BLACK boy .vait on me. . . .there were so many white women who were frant’.cuiiy besiegingg him for meat while sev eral white butchers worked in sol itude existence along the line, busy too, but the black boy had more trade, I noticed.he was grabbing steaks, chops, roasts and evrvthing with his naked hands. . This is not NEWS in New York City or elsewhere.... because he was placed there because of t’ e numerous Negro customers of flu, super-market. The thing that '‘bums-me-anoei" most that the Negro women of he neighborhood spurn the service of this BLACK boy butcher, wh.le the white housewives clamor bis congenial attitude for their ho’m consumption. ***** WHITE WOMEN HAVING BABIES ‘‘Why don’t Negro women jake are of the homes (domestics) so we white women can go into de FORT HI ACHI CA GOES TO HOLLYWOOD Trim and attractive in their win ter olive drab, this group of Fort HuacliUca. Arizona. WACS added just the necessary touch of glam our to the G. I. soldier show troupe *hat Hollywood and downtown L. A. are still raving about. In the front row, left to right are: 2n1 Lt. Merc- edees Jordan. Pvt. Hilda Guy P.'e. Della Haney, Pvts. Lois Tur ner, Viv an Ward, Reola Freeman, and 2nd Lt. Oleta Crane of Fort Desmoines. Back row, left to ripht, Col. C. i F. E. Nelson, Pvts. Olive Dedeau\ Rereva Parrish. Alma Warren. Betty Joy, Pfc. Helen Irvin arc Capt. S. Randolph Edmonds. (photo by Cpl. Jerry Housner, fense work? The white babhs won't suck any black breads in this agv if thot is any news to you. The white mamas are taking charge of their own progeny :f col ored gals have anything to sav a bout the home service. The ‘•dynamite-blacks”, “tea^ng browns”," fading yellows” and "passing pinks" are working I- r Cncle Sam....for how long? 1 i;ev now are well placed in swell spots if that’s a nice name to place U. Colored women are now holding jobs downtown New York, on Broadway. Grand Central. Pennsyl vania, swanky Park Avenue. Btek man Hill, the Empire State end Woolworth skyscrapers even the subway, terminals and what .. . so what are giving employment to brownskin babies and crying lor more. I noticed on a train trip that all the stations Newark Trenton, Phil adelphia. Wilmington. Baltii lore and AVashington, to say nothing of further south, have Co.or cl women on the platform, and even some are section hands. i FEPC Director Speaks (Continued frrn_ 'mere lj eils of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, Washington, Tj. C.; Milton P. Webster, Vice President, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por ters. American Federation of La bor, Chicago, Illinois; and Boris Shiskin, Economist, American Fed eration of Labor, Washington L).C. • representing industry are: Sara | Southall, Supervisor of Employ Iment and Service, International Harvester Company, Chicago. Iil | inois: P. B. Toung. Sr., Publisher Norfolk Journal and Guide Nor folk. Virginia: and Samuel ZeMur rav. President of the United Fruit Company, New Orleans, Lous.ana. The Committee and its Regional Office receives and investigates complaints of discrimination in employment in violation of the Executive Order and takes approp riate steps to secure adjustment of valid cases and general compliance with the Order. In cases where’ the Regional Office cannot s cure adjustment through negotiations. hearings will be held or other ap propriate action as defined by th Executive Order will be taken. In carrying out its duties, the Com mittee an aits Regional Office will work in cooperation with other government agencies particularly the War Manpower Commission, the War Production Board, th War and Navy Departments and the Maritime Commission. A provision prohibiting discrim ination has been included in aii government contracts and sui •.■or tracts for war mater.als or servic es. and contractors are expected to abide by this provision in the same manner and with the same faith fulness as they abide by all other* cond.tions. Althoug’h preliminary consulta tions have revealed that a lesser number of war industries in Re gions VI and VIII are refusing to employ members of various minor ity groups, a serious problem still exists since various minorit es arc not being used at their highest, skills. Neither are they being ac corded equal opportunities for training and promotion witn other workers. This unfair pract c‘- has caused a severe wastage of man power and skills to {Tie detrimen' of the nation’s total warp. o lue- : tion. A case in point seems to bo ! the transportation industry both in this region and throughout the country- The numerous complaint- ! received have necessitated the FE PC holding a special hearing on d s crimination in employment on rail roads which is now in progress m 1 Washington. DC. Joseph B. East man. Director of the Office of De- ■ fense Transportation recently warn ed that unless drastic steps were taken to utilize all avalatle labor, ! the country would be headed for a crisis in reailroad manpower. Re ports indicate that restrictions im posed upon Negro workers in the industry have been an important King: Yuen Cafe CHOP RTTFV 2010'/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 857* .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a tn American & Chinese Dishee I FORT HI ACIH CA OFFICERS PLAN FOR SHOW GROIP Fort Huachuca. Arizona officers talk things over for big all-sold:- r show at Hollywood Canteen. Shown in picture from left to right nre: Col. C. F. E. Nelson, 2nd Lt. Mtr. '■ ceedees Jordan, Capt. S. Randoplh Edmonds, Theatrical Officer, Cap taln Pettio and 2nd Lt. Cleta Crane of Fort Desmci^es. factor in causing the present critic ai s.tuat.on about which. Mr. Leh man spoke publicly. Local trans portation employment falls in the same category according to FEPC officials. AWAITS NAVY COMMISSION Atlanta. Nov. 21 (ANP) Joseph L ; Pierce, son of Mrs. Geraldine Pierce of this city, is study ng at - Tufts college in Medford, Mass., in preparation for a commsision un der the navy training program, his mother disclosed here this week. In the roster of naval students published Nov. 10. he is rated a ; . member of V-12 in the engin“erlrtg course. There are two Georg. > | boys among the 1.000 navy men sta j tioned at the college. Pierce being i the only Negro. fc —-- — — — — — ~ ~ - - — — -_1 Los Anfrel?s)—..»M| Leo, the M-G-M Lion, roars out thia entertainment tip: ★ ★ ★ ★ You’re going to be crazy about “Girt Crazy", M-G-M’s musical-comedy hit that combines a Broadway flair with a Western air! ★ ★ * ★ Because it has dancing—and plenty of romancing! „ mm Because it stars Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland—together with Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra in some of the most delightful screen-fun of the year* * * * * Because the whole gay, glad story is set to the rhvt.imic, melodic music of tbl late and beloved George Gershwin! ★ ★ ★ ★ Ringing in your ear, will be lilting songs like these: “I Got Rhythm” “Bidin' My Time” "Embraceable You” “Could You Use Me” "They’re Writing Songs Of Love But Not For Me” ★ ★ ★ ★ When Mickey Rooney—cast as a Ni '".t'T.ib Cowboy heads West into the real thing—events race to a merry conclusion. ★ ★ ★ ★ The Broadway glamour is sustained even out in the great open spaces— when Mickey sees to it that a bevy of beauties are brought on from the F-a«t for a big show! ★ ★ ★ ★ Your theatre will soon be the show place for this rollicking show-piece from the studios of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer! ★ ★ ★ ★ And we can practically guarantee you will be “Girl Crazy” when you see this film. * *• ★ * I’m a little crazy ir.yself. -£~ _ P S Keep Buying Bonds! it s the sen sible way to help! 4 The screen's first great i I hurrrcnstoryofthe war ] I « Richard TREGASKIS’ ( f GUADALCANAL " DIARY with Preston FOSTER, Lloyd NOLAN, William I BENDIX, Richard CONTE and Anthony QUINN!' * * * * I'he New York critics greeted |i CLAUDIA os even better than the f smash stage hit that ran two years, and raved about refreshing new-star Jj_ Dorothy McGUIRE, and Ina CLAIRE! It's the picture your heart has been waiting for!.