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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1943)
LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NF-C.RO I’PC^ Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post Office. Omaha, Nebraska Saturdav, October 9, 1943 OUR 16th YEAR—No. 35 City Edition. 5c Copy Under Act of March 8. 1874—Basines3Phone^WE^1517________=______=L-__=—————-^^^==^=1—=^^_j== === Omaha’s United War & Community-fund Drive Goes into High-gear SHE NEEDS SUPPLIES Red Army medical authorities sent this battle-field photo of nurse giving first aid to wounded Rus sian soldier to r-how one of uses to which American gifts of bandages, sulfa drugs and similar supplies are ! being put Through Russian War Relief. Americans this year are sending *1.000,000 worth of relief ® r>bds to the USSR each month. — Hillburn Parents Stand Firm IN FIGHT AGAINST JIM CROW SCHOOL Hillburn. N. Y.—Temporarily at least, the parents of Hillburn, seem to have grained an upper hand in their peaceful but furious fight a gainst their school board which is trying to force them to send their children to jim crow Brook school, the dilapidation of wichh compares somewhat badly with the poorer specimens of Mississippi. Ordered to Children’s Court in New York City, New York. Wed nesday. Setember 29, on charges cf having violated the truancy laws by refusing to send their 46 child ren to school, the 22 parents were given II*) suspended fines and or dered to send their children im mediately to "any accredited school" in their town. Obediently the parents trooped home and the Oext morning. Thursday, trooped across the highway which has been arbitrarily’ set Up by the school board as the school dividing l:r-e between "white” and "colored” and psr-sented their patient, mysti fied tots to Hillburn Main school. Once before, just following the be ginning of their "strike” on Sept ember 8. they had done this, and had been met by J. Edgar David son. school board head, who com manded them to tak-1 their cltiid ren to the school provided for them Mr. Davidson met them again with the same advice. Their children are back where they have been tor the past ten days, in the improvised "private school" set up Under lic ensed teachers with the aid of the NAACP. Mr. Davidson, appearing on the verge of a recurrence of his ’•fatigue poisoning". a peculiar malady with which he was afflict ed when Hillburn's anti-jim crow insurrection began. indicated the parents would soon be ream - 1 But meantime Mr. Davidson and his school board are thrown on the defensive by receiving a sum mons from Education Commission er Stoddard to appear in his office in Albany. N Y.. on Monday to answer protest made to the Comm issioner on the segregation policy Also, it is expected Mr. Davidson will be called upon to figure out some answer to queries seeking in to his reasons for refusing regis tration to the 46 Negro children, at Hillburn Main school after the children had been ordered by the court to report to any "accredit ed" school. Complications for him lie in the fact that Hillburn Main School is the only ‘•accredited" school. Brook School not being rec ognized as such by the State board of Education. The temper of the Hillburn par With the third War Bond Drive1* ended, preparations for Omaha's United War and Community Fund campaign went into high gear this week. There were three outstand ing devlopmenta: A 1968,388 goal was announced; Campaign headquarters were op ened in Aquila Court building; A strong program for collabor ation Is; cn lab r and manage ment was formulated. The $968,388 goal is $87.46? high er than the amount subcribed in. the campaign a year ago. In an nouncing it Chairman Sam Reyn olds stated: “This represents the largest fund raising job ever tackl ed in this city for a single philan thropic effort.” Th- increased amount asked this year" is due entirely to heavier de mands from the National War Fund to service its 17 agencies,” Reynolds added. ‘‘For instance. USO (Unite Service Organizations) has expended so rapidly in the past year with 2,490 units now op erating all over the world serving the U. S. armed forces .that it has been granted a $61,227,009 share of the National War Fund’s $125,000 'W Duaget. Of Omaha’s campaign quota $297 150 is allocated to the National War Fund. This compares with $156,150 for the past year. On the Home Front, the Comm unity Chest quota has been cut I $10,000 below the amount approp I Hated for its 29 agencies during ■ the past year. Reynolds pointed cat. Organized labor this year, in O rnaha as well as all over the nation Is participating more unitedly than in any previous campaign, the ci airman exrlained. A labor advis er y committee has been set up [ here composed of representatives j of A. F. of L.. CIO., railway bro- • therhoods and the typographical i union. They have been conferring with chairmen of industrial divis ions of the campaign and this week statements of their program have been mailed to all unions and busi ness and industrial plants. Campaign headquarters have been opened at 216 Aquila Court, i The telephone number is Jackson 8232. A speakers bureau has been set up with Seymour Smith as chair man. Organizations desiring speak ers should telephone or write to ! the bureau as soon as possible, j Smith said. An 11 minute 16mm , 1 sound movie provided by the Na tional War Fund will be available. Supplies at posters and literature can be secured at campaign head- j quarters. -- ents is still adamant. They are as - determined as ever that their children shall not return again to the school which, unlike that old time religion, is no longer good enough for them. They have in dicated that on Sunday afternoon they are attending in force the j New York City mass meeting, at 3 \ o’clock in the Golden Gate Ball- i room, to tell in their own words j just what their feelings are in the matter. Appearing with them on ; the mass meeting program will be j Thurgood Marshall, NAACP At- J tomey handling the case; Judge j Hubert Delany. Labor Leader Mic- j hael Quill: Minister-Editor. Conn- ! oilman Adam Clayton Powell; and Attorney Raymond Pace Alexander of Philadelphia, RACE BAITING, ROOSEVELT HATING MIKE CONNOR’S NOMINATION FAILURE UPSETS MISS. POLITICS Jackson, Miss Oct- 7 (ANP) De feat of Mike Connor in the recent Mississippi gubernatorial primaries has thrown confusion in the ranks o' the Roosevelt-brtiting demagogu es here. Tom Bailey, the successful can didate. is generally regarded as t*>e choice of the “forgotten man” vkile Connor is looked upon as the fair haired boy of vested interests and special privilege. Conor’s plat form consisted of two plank;..... ‘that man” in Washington and [‘white supremacy.” Music Teacher GETS NEW POST Atlanta, Ga.. —Mrs Sarah OUatey Stivers who was graduated from Tuakegee Inst it ate in 1SSC with a B S. Degree in Music, arrives at Spelman College here this week, where she becomes an assistant in the Music Department- Mrs. Stri vers is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ousley, the former hav ing been a member of the Dept, of Mechanical Industries at Tusk egee for the past 20 years. (Press Photo Service.) HERBERT PATTEN WINS JUDGE’S PRAISE Instead of being fined in munic ipal court Tuesday on a charge of reckless driving. Herbert Patten. 31, of 2613 Binney street, was told by Judge Perry Wheeler that he deserved a pat on the back. Patten told police that while driving on Webster street '.aear 16th, he swerved to avoid hitting Ed Bishop. 16. of 522 North 19th. street who was riding a bicycle in the middle of the street. He said he lost control of the car and struck a traffic light. The judge freed him. DEPUTY SHERIFF USES GUN TO MAKE ARREST A deputy sheriff was forced to us? his pistol as a club in subdu ing Andrew White. 24. of 2302 N. 24th St., who allegedly was caus ing a disturbance outside a bowl ing alley at 24th and Lake St., last Saturday njght White. whose scalp was cut. was charged with disturbing the peace and resisting arrest. \PPOENT MICHIGANIAN TO LIASON OPA POSITION Appointed to a liason position to encourage the support and eooo eration of Negroes with the pro gram of the Office of Price Adm inistration. Joseph C. Coles, De troit. Michigan, began his duties this week, the OPA has announced Mr Coles, who 41 .has been in the employ of the City Election Commission in Detroit for the past six years. He is a newspaperman of wide experience, having beer, a columnist for a Detroit weekly pa per, He also played a prominent part in the civic and public affairs of Detroit and the state of Michi gan for many years. \>KS OBSERVANCE OF FIRE PRECAUTIONS (by Walter White. Executive Secy. NAACP for ANP) Fire Prevention Week” is of very personal significance to tha millions of Negroes in America who live in substandard dwellings particularly susceptible to fires. The NAACP registers an appeal to Wl> ?' m. x »vss&? UflQISIlllftifMBHBBaft POLICE RESCUE SHIP YARD WORKER FROM MOB AT LONG BEACH I ! these Negroes to observe with ail care the precautions which the jov ' ernment will re-tmphasize for Dire Prevention Week, and especially caiie upon the landlords of fire trap homes to protect with im provements the lives of tenants and their own property no lets easy to replace during these times of war priority. PROVIDENT GETS s83,500 FEDERAL GRANT FOR HOSPITAL ADDITION Chicago, Oct. 7 fANP) Construe- j tion of a new horn* for internes : and resident physicians, as well as Improvement of existing facilities, has just been started at Proivdent hospital through a federal gran: of 183.500. Dr. Homer V. Wilburn, medical director, in making the announce- ' ment. stressed that the funds for 1 1 upkeep of the new accommoadtions 1 would have to come from the hos- j pital itself. The home, work on which is now [ under way, will be located on the ! northwestern corner of the Provid- I ent property. It will be a one and j ' three quarters story structure, j with the basement to be used for ! storage of hospital records as well as for recreation and general stor- : age. Occupying a space approxi- t mately 40 by 120 feet, it will be ( completed in from four to six j months. The internes now living in quar ters in Provident will then move into the new home after which the present residential section will be remodeled and altered to provide 12 additional beds for hospital pa tients. The emergency service is also to be remodeled and expanded in addition to other alterations in the hospital. Expansion of facilities and space is urgently needed. Dr. Wilburn pointed out. because of the trem endous patient load Provident is now carrying because of the war. The hospital is currently operating at full capacity because of demands created through the city’s activity as a key industrial area. The new home will accomodate 16 internes An addition of seven over the number now housed In the present quarters. This means j that Provident will be able to give : this kind of training to more young medical school graduates than had been possible in the past. lUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIimi Subscribe Today! ) Los Angeles, Oct- 7 <AXP) —Be cause a small but murderous mob of whites brazenly admitted chas ing a Negro shipyard worker with toojs and clubs at Long Beach last week, the judge presiding over his preliminary trial for slashing ODe of their friends, released him on his own recognizance without hes itation. The intended victim of the ven geful mob was Osborne Moore, of Los Angeles, and the man he had cut was a white “lead man” at the Consolidated Shipbuilding Co. wehre both are employed. Than he had wielded his pocket knife only in seif defense was brought out at the preliminary trial by his counsel. Crispus Wright. Wright also succeeded in having confess ions of his client's attackers intro duced for the court records. Onlv by accident was he rescued by po lice he met while running. According to the testimony of Moore and eyewitnesses, he was busily working at his job as a “chipper", and talking ordinarily with a fellow worker on the same assignment. The lead man ap proached and profanely ordered Moore to stop talking. But upon Moore s object in to tne man s atti tude. fie became still more abus ive. cursing him loudly and calling him "nigger". Meanwhile he was advancing upon the colored worker in a threatening manner and as he got within reach attacked him. But avoiding the flailing fists a? well as he could, Moore drew his knife, with the results that his at tacker was severely cut on both arms as they met the sharp blade It was then a dozen or more whites rushed to the scene ar.d fearing for his life Moore fled with the gang of whites in close pur suit. They had chased him for some distance and gained oh him when he virtually ran into the arms of an approaching white police man who held the mobbist3 back until reinforcements arrived- He was then taken to the police sta tion and books don a charge of as sault with a deadly weapon on the complaint otf the lead man. One of the mob declared in court: Yes. I picked up a piece of two by-four and tried to catch him so I could hit him with it!*’ will be acquitted when tried in October. Feeling was tense for some time in the shipyard and vicinity fol lowing the near tragedy, a number of other colored workers both men and women being employed there Apprehensive citizens discussed the fact that had not the fleeing man been rescued in time, his death O' terrible injuries at the hands of the whites might have resulted in a serious race riot. Long Beach it self has for years borne an unsav ory reputation for race prejudice. URBAN L’GE. SUBMITS I4POINT PROGRAM For Race j Relations Today and in the Post War World (BY ERNEST E JOHNSON CHICAGO, Oct. 8 (ACT) General agreement that the 33rd annual conference of the National Urban league with its “Victory Through Unity” theme was one of the more succssful and effective in league history, was registered here last week among the 200 delegates as they wound up their program Sun day with a huge and colorful “Four Freedoms Rally'’ at Orch estra hall. Hailed by governors and mayors ; throughout the country, and given an auspicious opening with a mes sage from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the conference went on . to a week of sessions in which the I participants sought to develope a | program whereby sound racial rel ations might be attained in this period of chaos .looking both to the winning of the war and the per iod to follow. Contrary to custom, the result was not a. set of resolutions, but rather a 14 point program of spec ific recommendations directed to the executive heads of the cities and states throughout the country. I A passage from the document, out | lined by Lester B. Granger, exe cutive secretary of the league, and ‘'buttressed” by the findings of the participants in the “technical” ses sions of the conference, reads as follows: The National Lrban league sub mits these recommendations as the first steps in a practical program i for developing interracial under standing and cooperation. We urge that public and private lead ership -organize for action around ! some or all of the points while ! studying iocal communities for the er.stence of other problems that reauire immediate action.” The recommendations were com piled by a comitte^ of leaaue bran ch officials headed by John T. ; UUrk executive secretary. Urban j League of St. LoUi«, the high pcints of which ere: 1. We urge that governors of states and mayors of cities take im mediate steps to promote interrac ial cooperation by clearing away larriers that now stand in the way of mutual understanding and res pect between the races. Wo rec ommend the appointment of eom | mitiees on public morale composed | o representative citizens of both races, and entrusted with the res ponsibility by identifying factors that make for interracial friction anl takng steps to remove them. ", We urge these government heads and their interracial comm ittees to take advantage of the prtsent period of intense mobility --'.f people, occupation? and atii tud.'s. 3. All possible etfo't must oe J voted to prompt^ eff-rtive 11 te gru'.cn of Neg-i ", into the pir emuun<ties in w’ :ch th»y ar* mor |i C v Municipal It ulership must i alert against the growth of new Nes,»-«' slum dis’rir - 5. We charge industrial manage rrent with the duty of assisting in the integration and protection of those new Negro workers who have come into war ceeters in re ; sponse to the call of the nation, a | voiding paternalism, but maintain ing an effective concern for the housing, health, police protection and recreation of its workers. 6. The spread of racial segrega tion must be vigorously opposed by responsible community leadership. It is the pattern of living which the southern enlighted leadership has found to be socially harmful and practically unworkable. Nor thern citizens must not thoughtless ly adopt a way of life which has al ready worked unquestionable harm to both white® and Negroes in our southern states. 7. Negro leadership must take the lead in developing a higher type of social education among the members of their race. The Ne gro population msat accept self discipline as one of the means of fitting Negroes more effectively into the life of their modern urban environment. A careful plan and continuous, sustained campaign of j education in work habits, public behavior, neighborhood relation ships and urban living is a preas i.nunued on page 13^ 2) and before the war there were few cafes that would accommodate Ne groee. Pictured above, reading left to right: Earl B. Dickerson, president Chicago Urban League: William H. Baldwin, New fork City, presi dent of the National Urban Lea la—a*aa*a<wwtnaa***a*a*** gue; Lester B. Granger, Executive Secretary, National body and A. L Foster, Executive Secretary, Chicago Branch. (Press Photo Service) 7/Old Originals** Ball Club Member Dies Would Lift Burdenfrom Low income Increase Revenue New York, N. Y.—The Congress of Industrial Organization. Nation al Farmers Union, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. National As sociation for Advancement of Col ored People. The League of Wom en Shoppers, National Women’s Trade Unions League of America and National Lawyers Guild have united in support of a common Federal tax program. In a joint statement issued, the heads of these organizations, Philip Murray, James G. Patton, A. F. Whitney. William H. Hastie, Katherine Ar mat&ge, Elizabeth Christman and Robert W. Kenny, urged Congress to adopt a 9 point tax program calling !ur - 1. Increased individual in corns tax rates on middle and higher in comes, along with a $25,000 ceiling on net incomes, after taxes. 2. Restoration of iaccmt tax exemptions to $750 for single per sons, $1,500 for married couples, and $400 for each dependent. 3. Increased tax rates on cor porations with incomes above $25. 000 beyond the existing 40 percent rate. 4. All profits above 4 to 5 per cent of invested capital to be taxed as excess profits, wifi loopholes closed. 5. Repeal of the “Victory’’ tax 6. Elimination of special privil eges so as to provide for mandat ory joint returns, the taxation -if State and municipal securities, and the elimination of percentage de pletion allowances for owners of mines and oil and gas wells. 7. Increased tax rat-s and low er exemptions for estates and gilts. 8. Heavy excise taxes on luxur ies and non-essentials. S. Vigorous opposition to a gen eral Federal sales tax. In support oi me s point prog ram. the joint statement declared: • While wages have been stabilized prices have syrocketed and busin ess profits have soared. To saddle upon the worker and farmer with, small incomes, added tax burdens is to threaten the entire home front Workers cannot produce weapons of war without adequate food and shelter and clothing and other nec essities for themselves and their families. To impose additional levies upon business and upon middle and high income groups is to recapture war profits and to out into practice the democratic prin ciple .of taxation according to abil ity to pay. while at the same time siphoning off the most dangerously inflationary incomes.” “Such a program.” the joint statement said, will raise substan tial revenues to meet the cost of the war. Such a program is nec essary in order to siphon off the most dangerously inflationary in comes. and at the same time to prevent further inroads on the al ready ominously low standard of living of the men and women fight ing the war in the factories, the fields and tbe workshops. Such a program .through its fairness and its adherence to democratic tax principles, will contribute immeas urably to victory on the battle fields and on the home front.” This joint action is indicative of the de*»-mination of labor and pro gressive organ izatons to make ther voice felt in Congress in the shaping of new tax legislation. )OLB TIMER, D. L, THORNTON PASSES On Sept. 39th, there passed from our midst, one of Omaha’s most popular ball players of the ’90s— Dorris Lewis Thornton. His lovs ! for baseball early developed and ! he became a much sought after and beloved fellow. He played | first base and was a powerful bat ter in the old Originals of Omaha I in 1894 to 1910. He was employed for 47 years in 1 the shipping department of the U i S. Rubber Co., and was retired in j 1940. His team mates constitute I the Honorary pallbeare rs and were Mayor Dan B. Butler, Bert Murphy A1 Casey, C. I. Bradford, George J Daughterty, John Minikus. Jack Dineen. A. M. Gibson. Sam Ale Auliffe, Geo. L. Kennedy, Harry H. Lage, Chris A Tracy. Bud Law ler, E. L. Lawler, H. A. Whipple, John M. Looney. Active pallbear ers: Chas. W. Dickerson, Thos. P. Mahammitt, Maynard L. Wilson, Jasper E. Brown. Henry W. Black. Austin Bran nan Survivors are his wife Delia, son Cornelius, dau ghter Mrs. Ernestine Kerr and one granddaughter and a host of rela tives and mends. — DID NOT WITHDRAW FROM LEVY CASE”. SAYS NAACP CASE OF WHITE SOI>DIER WHO PROTESTED AGAINST NEGRO SOLDIER TREAT. ME NT AT CAMP NEAR LINCOLN, NEBR. STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION Washington, D. C.—The NAACP refuted this week the Associated Negro Press release which stated ithat the NAACP had withdrawn from the case of Sergeant Alr.on j Levy. "This is incorrect in two res ; peets.” the NAACP wired to a'l Negro weeklies read. "The NAACP I has never formally entered the case and could not therefore have v- hdrawn. In fact the NAACP. still has the case of Sgt. Levy un der investigation." Levy, a whtie soldier, court martiaied and serving four months said in letters to friends that he was being penalized because he pro tested the treatment of Negro so» diers at a camp near Lincoln, Ne braska. FIRST LADY TO ADDRESS STUDENT CONFERENCE I- T, PA.. OCT. 29.31 Chester County. Pa.—Mrs. El eanor Roosevelt will address dele gates to the N’AACP fifth annual Student Conference here at Lin coln University. October 29-31. Re cently returned from a tour during which she visited Hawaii. Austral ia. New Zealand and Guaduacanal, Mrs Roosevelt informed the Stu dent Conference this week that she would be present at the conference, jMrs- Roosevelt will deliver the keynote address on October 29th. P*or its theme the Conference will have "A Blueprint for Action". Delegates representing a total of more than 4,900 students Negro | and white have already registered. Mrs. Ruby H. Hurley, NAACP. director of youth work, stated this week that the conference will be an instructional meeting to post j students on techniques for the pro curement of a full franchise for ihe Negro in America, equality in edu cation, and on the problems of or ganized labor. A program of act ivity for college students to carry back to tbe schools will be form 1 ulated.