Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1943)
UNITED WAR AND COMMUNITY FUND GIVE... and thank God you can UNITED WAR AND COMMUNITY FUND DRIVE IS IN THE AIR Cam[>aign organization for th*' United Wax and Community Fund drive in Octoh r speeded up this week. Oeneral Chairman Sam Reynolds selectp'" " to^an and official syrr — bol and announced the appointment of 11 rs. Robert McCgaue as citair rr- n of the women’s division. Un der tier leadership, women this year will earn- larger responsibil l itv than ever before in a fund rais : in;- compaikn. They will canvas the entire city, including the busi , ness districts. Some of the worn , en captains and majors may have ! men working under their direction. The commander, Mrs. McCague, jhas worked in every Community (Chest campaign for the past 20 ' years, and has been active in many : civic drives. Recently she was as sistant to Mrs. W, C. Ramsey !n | the Red Cross War Fund campaign. 1 Mrs. McCague was to confer with tier District Chairmen this Thurs day, September 7th, to formulate 'preliminary campaign plans. I Omaha’s official 1943 insignia symbolizes the united campaign for home front and war agencies. Red n "hers, traditional Community Chest emblem, this year form a j victory “V" around the eagle, ; which represents the 17 National | War Fund agencies. SUBSCRIBE 1 NOW! 2 New WftC Officers TWO NEW WAC OFFICERS Fort Desmoines. Iowa—Third Oi ficer (Second Lieutenant) A, e Margaret McAlpine of 679 i.'nan Street, Springfield, Hass., left, pins the gold bars of a Third Officer in the Women’s Army Corps on the shoulders of her classmate, Third Officer June Ellen Springs •>: »*<:,0 Columet Avenue, Chicago, HI. T!i» two new WAC officers, who gradu . id recently from Officer Candid Assure Negro Labor Equality by K.C Firm The employment gates of the hugo Government Contractors, M-t -calfe, Hamilton of Kansas City -Bridge Company, have been thrown wide open to our people and le ave the assurance we will be on the same wage scale as their while mployees. This group has beer, warded one of the largest and nost diversified contracts ever giv It involve? all sorts of con struction work, both to the defens /e and offensive program of the nited States Army. In disussing the matter with embers of the United States Em • •nerit Serv;c and the War Man ‘ower Commission of Omal|a, we ■re advised that the company will lllllllliiillllUlllHlillllllilllllllllllllillt ite School at First WAC Trailing Center, Fort Desmoines, Iowa are Company Officers for WAC Com panies here. (Press Photo Service) — - ON ROR** OFF AGAIN... WHAT WILL THE WORLD-HERALD SAY NEXT WEEK, NEXT MONTH, NEXT YEAR? From the World-Herald _ ^ , —, oct i, 1939 /be Min all business channels, ac cording to business observers. j >^ced Repeated Rate Slashes / \iem. Since the Nebraska Power com- i \ a pany was organized in 1917, it has \ i)usi- consistently brought its customers 1 improved electric service at ever / V for lower rates. Thus better living \ \^re conditions have been brought with- ) lde- in the means of an increasing / ( number of families. I v Rate reductions made by the j ' company in 1922, 1926, 1929, 1930, / / 1933, 1936 and 1939, as a result / f of increased efficiency of its gen- \ } n erating plan and distribution sys nn tem, and increased use of electric V service by its customers, have I made its electric service one of the family’s greatest bargains. The World-Herald Is Nebraska’s Biggest Unregulated Monopoly • • • and here's the price Omaha citizens pay for it. compared with other nearby newspapers’ subscription rates: ■jf The Kansas City Star charges its subscribers 20 cents a week for morning, evening and Sunday editions of the paper. If The Lincoln Journal charges its carrier subscribers 32 cents a week for morning, evening and Sunday editions of the paper. -£■ The Dec Moines Register-Tribune charges its carrier subscribers 35 cents a week for morning, evening and Sunday edition of the paper. or EVERY INSTANCE. THE WORLD-HERALD IS HIGHER! Here Is What the World-Herald^ Thought of Our Good Service and Low Rates When They Were Publishing a ME WSpaper. i ' A 'W REMEMBER — THE REAL ISSUE IN THE PRESENT POWER CONTROVERSY IS WHETHER OR NOT YOU WANT TO CON TINUE RECEIVING CHEAP, DEPENDABLE ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM THE NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY! ★ World-Herald Getting “Extra $400,000” from Omaha Citizens in Subscriptions Omaha readers of the World-Herald are $400,000 a year MORE for their World-Herald because of two subscription rate INCREASES pat into effect by the World-Herald. * The World-Herald Increased It’s Rates 65% Nebraska Power Cut Electric Rates 64% Who Is the Real Citizen ? NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY take every man who is sound in body ond who is not now employed in an essential industry. We also discussed with, the government of ficials the matter of hours and wages. While we are not at lib erty to disclose just what these rat es are because of the rules and regulations of the War Man Pow er Commission, we can assure our readers that the pay ih high and far above the average, with plenty of opportunities at hand to mak< over time. Another thing we dis cussed with the officials was liv ing conditions. We were assured that the dormitories where these linen live have been fitted out and jmade as comfortable as possible including hot and cold water, toil ets inside, comfortable beds, clean linens and the finest food in great abundance, which is served family .-tyle on long tables. We were also advised that transportation will be furnished free from here to the job site and an attractive allow ance made for meals and incident al: enroute. It is necessary for all men who ’ontemplate going into this work to call at the United States Em ployment Office where they will be interviewed and at which time they will be given information as to the rate of pay and the hours by the Personnel Representative of the Metcalfe Hamilton Kansas City Bridge Company, who has the pow er to hire on the spot. It is interesting to note that this large construction company is headed by the Metcalfe Company with headquarters in Omaha. Most of our folks know of the traditional friendship that has long existed be tween our people, our beloved May or and Ted and Buehler-that should be sufficient assurance that we will be treated with fairness and justice and equality. NEGROES FEEL SPECIAL KINSHIP TO RfSSIA SAYS GRANGER IN ENDORSING WAR FI ND DRIVE "Negroes in this country feel a special kinship with the brave Rus* sian people, not only because the Russians’ record of physical and e moticnal suffering during the cen turies matches that of the Americ an Negroes, but also because me tioviet Union has succeeded in 1 tamping out racial prejudice m m ifr. national life.” Thus spoke Lester B. Grang r. Executive Secretary of the Naticti ll Urban League, this week when he endorsed the National War Fund’s coming drive at it relates t • the Russian War Relief, Inc. The Russian War Relief, with 15 ether war service and relief agenc ies, will share in the funds collec ted during the National War Fund campaign to be launched on a na tional scale in conjunction with united community campaigns in October and November. Funds col lected during this national camp aign will provide aide for millions if Russian civilians who have lost e.ll their worldly belongings. They need food, seed, medical supplies and clothing. Among the agencies which merg ed to form the National War Fund in order to conserve time and cut down overhead expenses are a j number in which Negroes have a direct and vital interest and from 1 BUY YOUR POULTRY AT THE i 1 | NEBRASKA PRODUCE , 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. , Get the Best in Quality at the ' NEBRASKA PRODUCE 1 —LOWEST PRICE— Phone WE. 4137 NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. ^DEFENSE BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS /bonds J AND STAMPS I BISHOP M. L. MoLEOD JEWELL of Cleveland, pesident of the chur ch of the Living God, who is re ported to have healed the sick throughout the nation in her var ious personal appearances and through /healing" handkerchiefs and aprons sent all over the coun - try on request. Located on Kinsman road. Cieve 1 ind, and purchased in 1939 ;.i 525,000, the edifice hhown in this photograph- is the ClevelonJ home if the Church of the Living God, with Bishop M. L. McLeod Jewell as president. Bishop Jewell volun teered her persona! means at the autset to launch the purchase of rhe building. which they reap great benefits, namely; the USO .through which hundreds of thousands of Negro servicemen are entertained and made comfortable: the United Sea men’s Service, which serves over 9.000 Negro merchant seamen; and the French and Belgian Relief Soc ieties, whose funds are spent cn millions of Negro French and B -! gian subjects in Africa, supplying them with clo-thing, hospitalization. medical and other equipment. ^Scratching,!! For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching 35c trial bottle prove® i t, or money back.- Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today far D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. nHEN Functional Nervous Disturbances such as Sleep* lessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Restlessness or Nervous Headache Interfere with your work or spoil your good times, take Dr. Miles Nervine (Liquid or Effervescent Tablet*) Nervous Tension can make you Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner vous Tension can cause Nervone Headache and Nervous Indiges tion. In times like these, we are more likely than usual to become overwrought and nervous and to wish for a good sedative. Dr. Miles Nervine is a good sedative —mild but effective. If you do not use Dr. MHatf Nervine you can’t know what it will do for you. It comes in Liquid and Effervescent Tablet form, both equally soothing to tense and over-wrought nerves. WHY DON’T YOU TRY IT? Get it at your drag store, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*» liquid 25* and $1.00. Bead direc tions and use only as directed. m ======3 I Ask yourself these Questions when you buy a laxative v^u . >> .« is nit* name or a lax a'iv. tha‘ has b-'cn a popular and respected favorite with four gene ra tions? Ans. Black-Draught. titles. Is Black-Draught purely herb 1? Am. Yes. and you’ll find it easy to take. Ques. Is Black-Draught aati. |factory in action? Ans. Yes, it usu ally is. if you follow directions. mack-.Draught comes ir. power ltd or granulated form, 1.1 a :iy fay tho granulated is even easier to take. 25 to 40 doses cost cn’y 25c. Caution, use only as direr ed. fjet Biack-Draught from your dealer today and have this "friendly lax ative” handy the next time a lax ative is needed. / ' ' .. \ You Women Who Suffer From HOT FLASHES then CHILLY FEELIHOS 1 During 38 to 52 Years ^ of Age! If you—like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52— suffer from hot flashes, weak, tired, nervous feelings, distress of “irregularities”, are blue at times —due to the functional middle age period peculiar to women try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly — Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resist ance against such distress. It also has what doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! Thousands upon thousands have reported benefits. Follow label directions. Pinkham's Compound is worth trying. Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND