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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1943)
LARGEST ^ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS ~ Saturday, Jan. 30,1943 Our 1~>th Year, Xo. 51 City Edition, 5c Copy LET’S MAKE THEM STRONG—Let’s Give Colored citizens of this country ha\> always been among the groups ~to contribute to worthy causes. The National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis a non-profit or ganization. is beginning its annual fud raising dirve, in the fight a gainat the dreaded disease which has claimed all races as its victim.?. Colored citizens have responded to the defense bond drive in a creditable manner and have sacrif iced along with other groups to give their loved ones to the armed forces. They have come through in all crises in a splendid manner that this country has ever had. President Franklin D. Roosevelt himself a former paralysis victim, has authorized Basil O'Connor, pres ident of the organization, to set a side his birthday January- 30. 1943, for the annual fund raising drive. Money needed to fight Infantile Paralysis comes from the dimes and dollars contributed by school children, bankers. Pullman Porters, maids, housewives, secretaries and janitor* in every neek and comer of America. For the Fiscal year 1942 the Foundation made grants totaling *1,152.000. Funds raised in the drive are us ed by the local chapters throughout the country for all who are in need of treatment, regardless of age. race, creed or color. The Foundation for Infantile Paralysis has had opened, a center at TUskegee Institute since January 15. 1841 to care for victims of our group although they are treated in hospitals '.n their respective local ities throughout the nation. The personnel of the Infantile Paralysis Center at Tuskegee in cludes an Orthopedic Surgeon, a Registered Physical Therapist, a Housekeeper. Graduate nurses, at tendants. orderlies and an Engin eer. This was made possible by a grant from the Foundation of $172, 256 to Tuskegee Institute. This truly is a worthy cause. Tour pennies, nickels and climes made this possible from the “March of Dimes’’ annual campaign drive sponsored by the President on his birthday. Let us al] roll out the dimes and dollars in this campaign. We know it will be fun. Let’s roll out the dimes—Keep disease or the run. The Infantile Paralysis drive is truly a worthy cause. Each and everyone of us should help along the cause Through the Committees for the Celebration of the President's Birth, day you have your opportunity to work for and give for this cause— to help win the fight against In fa.ntile Paralysis The races' men and women of | Tomorrow depend upon the strength of today's boys and girls, j LET'S MAKE THEM STRONG! j LET US GIVE’ SUBSCRIBE NOW! IMPORTANT TO NAVY AIR ARM OITICIAL U. 8- NAVY FIIOTOG1APH. THEY KEEP 'EM FLYING.—Negro Bluejackets at work on dismantling and redesigning to modem speci fications a 1929 Travel-Air Biplane equipped with Wright-Whirlwind engine at Great Lakes Training Sta tion. Aligning pilot seat at rear are Melvin Holland, 21, of 233 Green St., Morgantown, W. Va. (left), and Bussell Dash, 17, of 15 Main St., Acushnet, Mass.; Robert E. Handy, 18, of 520 Sanford PL, Baltimore, Md., stands on framework to fit in a fire wall in front of gas tank, while Charles R. Hunter, 25, of 207 V amen Ave., Paris, Tenn. (on knee), installs carburetor heater. Installing nose cowling at extreme right are Adolph Lloyd. 25, of 1311 E. 43d St., Los Angeles, Calif, (front), and Andrew A. Gainer, 23, of 1237 E. 46th For every Navy crew- that wings its plane off an aircraft carrier to •■ngage the enemy, back on the "flax top” are scores of men just as important to the Navy 's air arm. Probably these Bluejackets—the aviation metalsmiths and aviation machinist mates who keep the fight jng craft tuned for battle _ _. . will aeverf see their names in headlin es J)ut (hey re in at the kill” just ’: ~ / ■ t}yr >.. otui l ca*1 ww . of their rates perform similar dut ies at flight schools and air bases throughout the country. Among the Bluejackets training in this important branch of the Navy these days at the United Stat es Naval Training Station. Great Lakes. 111., are many Negroes, chosen to attend the Navy's Serv ice Schools for aviation metalsmiths and machinist mates through a ser ies of aptitude tests given every sailor during recruit training. After completion of the eight »eek basic training period, the sail ors do not. of course, come in for practical instruction immediately* First on their schedule is a month of mathematics and lay-out study, based principally on its functioning in so far as the construction, oper ation and maintenance of aircraft is concerned. The month in the classroom does not prove difficult for the men as all recruits selected for the two schools have had at least a high school educat'on- Of men in school at the present time, most have had at least one year of col lege. while several hold degrees Closing their test books, the men. move on to the shops where for the next five months their shipmates” are airplane engines, airplane frame works and airplane tools. Upon completion of the course the Blue jackets have a. sound foundation of the theory of flight and are able to maintain and repair practically any one of the many multitudinous parts which go to make up a plane. The present class attending the two schools is hard at work on the dismantling and redesigning to mod ern specifications and lines of a 1929 Travel-Air Biplane eqUinped with a Wright whirlwind engne. Most of them had never touched an arplane prior to entering the army. 1 Among the men working on the I project- under the tutelage of com ' missioned officers and chief petty officers- are Theodore Burgess. 37, of 431 E. 47th St-. Los Angeles. Cal ifornia, Lamar O. Shipp, 29, of IIS [ Ave.. Ames. Ia.: Edward Kaufman. 27. of 5269 McKinley Avp Los Angeles: Melvin Holland, 21, of 233 Green St-. Morgantown. ’A \'a.. and EuSsell Dash. 17. of 15 Main St-. Aeushnet. Mass. Others are Robert E. Handy. IS. of 520 Sanford Pi.. Baltimore. Md.. Charles R. Hunter. 25. of 207 War ren Ave-, Paris. Tenn: Adolph Lloyd 25, of 1311 E. 43rd St-. Los Angeles. Calif.: Andrew A. Gainer. 23. of 1237 E 47th St.. Los Angeles: Henry Ratcliffe. 28, of 3226 Prairie Ave. Chicago. 111.: William Rhoden. 25. of 5820 South Park. Chicago and Joseph McDuffie. 25, of 3003 Caro lina St.. St. Louis. Mo. Discuss Negro Welfare At A-F of L. Convention ATLANTA. Ga—The Southern | War Labor Conference, held here January 16 and 17. with 3.000 to 4.000 AF of L. Labor leaders from the South in atendance. adopted at its close a policy report on labot conditions which declared “there should be a condition of absolute equal rights on obs and job oppor tunities without any discriminat ion whatsoever between the work ers on account of race, creed or color.” President William Green of the AFL atended the conference and in his major speech assured the dele gates that “labor will make its voice heard at the conference tabl es after this war in a clarion cell for enduring peace." He said the AFL would support the President social security program “to the I'm- j it of its powers." and will “nevrr ( let up the fight until it becomes the law of the land." Labor’s cooperation, and its ;-ep resntation in the war efforts, wee® outlined in speeches by Director James M. Landis of the Office of Civilian Defense. Director Lund of the WPB’s Labor Production Div ision. Deputy Chairman Fowler Harper of the War Manpower Com mission. and others. Th conference's statement of Pol icy attacked the poll tax as “a con tradiction in a democracy," and urged the AFL to otninue its fight for repeal of the poll tax as a con dition for voting. I tapproved the AFL's no strike policy, asserted that no ’ adverse" labor legislation and no compulsorv legislation was needed to obtain la bor's cooperation in the war. and as -sailed sub-standard wages. Full text of the statement on "Or ganized Labor's Aid to Negro La bor" is as follows: "As a majority of the Negro cit izens of the United States live in the twelve staets represented in this confrnce. it is most fitting and proper that questions affecting the welfare of Negro labor should nave had a prominent place in the dis cussions and deliberations of this body. The officers and delegates from the AFL unions in these *wel ve states in attendance upon this conference are Proud of the fact that these wise leaders who found ed the AFL adopted as one of its fundamental principles that the or ganized labor movement then being formed was devoted and dedicated to th- high and holy purpose of the advancement and protection and well being of all wage earners with out regar to race, creed or color. “The fact that the Negro race here in the South has made greater progress during the past three quar ters of a century than any race of people in any country of the world has ever made in a similar length, of time, we of the AFL proudly Pro claim that the organized labor move ment has made greater contribution to this advancement than any other single influence. Three quarters of a century ago. chatteled slavery in the south was eliminated and in that space of time the Negroes in the south have come from the de plorable conditions then existing to a place where they now have their own colleges and universities, banks insurance companies, their doctors and lawyers and dentists, their farms ad their homes and proper*, y of all kinds. Geniuses have been developed, geniuses who made great contribution to science and to this country and to the world. "As a result of the eforts of our organized labor movement in these southern states, more than 300.0<>p Xegroes are now members of our unions in these twelve states. While it is true that thousands up on thousands of them still live on sub standard wages, it is also true that more thousands upon thous ands of white people in the South continue to live on sub-standard wages. Organiztion of the workers of the South of both races, has oee*i difficult and hindered by many ob Stacies, some of them aparently in surmountable. but through perserv eranee and devotion to the principl es of trade unionism, greater pro gress has been made in the organ ization of the workers of the South in both races, in the past five years than in any other section of the t'nited States. “This conference declares that it is in hearty accord with the fund amental principles of the AFL. tha: the labor movement should serve the workers without regard to race creed or color, and further declarer that there should be a condition of absolute equal rights on jobs and job opportunities 'without any dis •rimnation whatsoever between the workers on account of race, creed or color.” The Colored Committee for Pol icy, " hich drafted this section of the report, comprised: George V. Millemer. second Vice President, international Longshoremen Assoc iation. Haywood Will jam. Vice Pres ident at Large. North Carolina State eFderation: James Hampton ... «III III I'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The White Press. .About FEPC Situation PM. | Says... McNutt Galls FEPC Action “Strategic” from PM Friday. January 221 by GORDON H. COLE Washington. January 22—Paul V. McNutt .chairman of the War Man power Commission (WMC) t°day de fended on grounds of "good strat egy' his action in postponing public hearings by the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC) into j charges of racial discrimination on Southern railroads. McNutt, whose intervention i nthe FEPC proceedings has evoked wide protest from church, labor and lib eral groups, told his side of the story for the rirst time in an inter view. "the manpower director pledged' | that there would be “no retreat” ] and “no softpedalling" in the cam-' paign to bring wiedr job opportun ities to Negroes. Expressing his resentment Over the sharp pressure that has been brought to bear on him by Negro organizations in the last ten days, ! McNutt warned that Negroes and their supporters “have got to rec ognize me as their friend and not crack me on the head every time my neck is out." He ordered the railroad hearings postponed, he said, solely because he believes that ' direct negotiat ! ions may yild better progress ” j Here are McNutt's view-s: The FEPC has no strict legal au thority to enforce its orders except for those employers whose war con tracts contain non-discrimination clauses. The railroads have no war con tracts except, possibly, in the sen-e that Government officials buy rail road tickets and those tickets con stitute a contract “Why get caught out on the end of a limb on one of the doubtful cases when there are so many pos itive ones"" McNutt argued. "Tho other firms (under FEPC scrutiny) have contracts with no discrimin ation clauses." McNutt stated flatly that the FE PC would decide when it would con duct hearings and that his inter vention in the railroad case is “not a pattern." He indicated that the possibility of the committee conducting hear- i ings in Detroit. Cleveland, or St. Louis is to be decided by the Com mittee. not himself. However. McNutt admitted that with only four members remaining on the Committee—the chairman. Malcolmn MacLean. and two m«n bers. Mark Ethridge and Col. David Sarnoff, having submitted their re signations—possibility of reorgan izing the Committee is under con sideration. One reorganization plan being studied would substitute for the (Continued on page 3) International Represntative of the ; Hodcarriers and Common Laborer.-, Union and Vice President of the Al abama State Federation: Pat Dail ey. General Representative of Col ored Local Union in the Ingall Ship yard. Pascagoula. Miss.: M. R. Per ry, Business Agent of Carpenters Local No. 270. Pine Bluff. Ark.; J. Harvey xetter. President. I LA. Lo cal No. 1419 and AFL. organizer: ! Carl Kemp. Trustee, Colored Br' . k Mason Local. Savannah. Ga.; John Wyatt. President. Painters Local No. 1319. Mobile. Ala.: and Marshall | Gunn, Aluminum Workers, Shef field, Ala. To Name Ship For Carver The Maritime Commission ann-( Ouneed today that a Liberty Ship soon to be launched, will be named for Dr. George Washington Carver, world-famous scientist who died at Tuskegee Institute. Ala., on Jan uary 5. 1943. The time and place of the launching have not yet been set. Recognized as one of the world's outstanding scientists in the field Of agricultural research, the late Dr. Carver will be the second prom inent Negro so honored by the Mar itime Commission. The first Liber ty Ship named for a Negro was the S. S. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, now in active service under Cart. Hugh Mulzac. a Negro master. In many respects the lap. Dr. Carver was the most remarkable Negro of modern times. Born cf Slave parents on a farm near Dia mond Grove. Mo-, and left an or phan when stolen from his parents, he was unable to read or write un til he was almost 20 years of age. Yet he was So ambitious, he work ed his way through high school at Minneapolis. Kansas and later thru the Iowa State College of Agricul ture and Mechanic Arts He was graduated there viith the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in 1S9-4. at the age of 30. and was immediately made a faculty member in charge of the college greenhouse an dthe bacter ial laboratory work in systematic botany. Two years later he earned his Master of Science degree and made the acquaintance of Booker T. Washington who was then bring ing Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, into national prominence- He went to Tuskegee in 1S96 and stayed there for the remainder of his life, directing the Department of Agric ultural Research. Dr. Carver proceeded to make the Agricultural Research Department of Tuskegee the most famous in the land. Sand was a great curs.' then to the Alabama cotton farmer. The short-stalk com produced the fat test bolls and the tail-stalk produc ed the leanest- Yet the srot stalk cotton left the bolls exposed to splashes of sand when it rained. By a crossing process. Dr. Carver Pot the fat cotton bolls of the short stalk cotton to grow on the tall stalks that lifted them out of the sand. Officially in Washington, the cross was recognized by the name of “Carver's Hybrid." After the boll-weevil invasion had ! brought misery to the one crop j South. Dr. Carver addressed himself j to developing new uses of the pea-' nut and sweet potato, and spread ing the gospel of diversification with these as money crops. He devolped more than 200 differ ent products from the peanut, in cluding milk, ink. flour, breakfast food, wood stains, face creams and ^recntly a medicinal peanut oil which was found helpful in the treatment 'of infantile paralysis. His products from the lowly pea nut have been credited with the creation of a new Southern indus try. yielding over *60,000.000 an nually. He also developed over io*j uses for the sweet potato, from which he produced tapioca, molas ses. dyes, coffee, starch and flour. ISO SERVICE MEN’S CANTEEN IS DAMAGED BY FIRE [ An estimated three thousand d0l lars worth of damage was done (early Tuesday mornig at about 7.30 a. rn. to the USO. Servicemen's c m teen at 2307 North 24th street. | A fire which apparently broke out from defective wiring is said to have started the blaze. MAKES GOOD HERMAN T. SMITH 111 mi 11 ii min ii i mi 111111111 iii...... Because of the damage, activities at the canteen have been cancelled for Several days, a spokesman for the canteen said. To Further Challenge Constitutionality of Draft i Quotas Based On Color Prof. Edward A. Ross. Chairman National Committee. Rev. John Hay -nes Holmes. Chairman Board of Di rectors, Lloyd K. Garrison. Rt. Rev. Edward L. Parsons. Mary E. Wool ley. Vice Chairmen. B W. Huebsch Treasurer. Roger X. Baldwin. Direc tor. Lucille B. Milner. Secretary. Arthur Garfield Hays. Morris L. j Ernst. Counsel. Want To Know. A decision to challenge further the constutionality of draft quotas based on color by appealing from the refusal of the Brooklyn federal court this month to grant a writ of habeas corpus to Winfred Lynn. Negro draftee of New York City, was announced by the American Civil Liberties Union today. The court s denial of the writ was based on the contention that Lvnn had suffered no damage because of color in being called as one in a group of fifty Negroes requested of his draft board by the army last September, rather than in numer ical order. In answer. Arthur Gar field Hays. ACLI counsel repres enting Lynn, charges that "since the theory of the government is that to serve is a privilege, it ’s definitely discriminatory to chose men out of turn when such selec tion depends in part upon the color of the inductee." Hays cited the provision of the Selective Service Act that “in the selection and train ing of men for service there shall be no discrimination on account of HERMAN T. SMITH MAKING BIG RECORD V. 'Til PEPS1-C0L V HOLDS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PC niTIONS EVE I HELD lit 1G.CE MAN IN LARGE NAT j. CONCERN Several years ago Pepsi-Cola broke into the news with the ann-! nouncement that Herman T. Smith, j well known race promotion and former newspaper man, had been t appointed to an important post in the Company’s National Sales Or- j ganization. In spite of the war and general business curtailment. Mr. Smith's ■ work in the Company has increased and additional Negroes have been ; employed by the parent Pepsi-cola Company and its independent bot tlers. Today, in addition to Mr. Smith, sis other Negro men and two young ladies have been employ-1 ed in the National Office of the! Company and 23 Negro salesmen have been employed by the Comp any's independent bottlers scat*er ed throughout the country. Negroes in Pepsi-Cola’s national offices now include Herman T. Smith as director. Miss Jeanette Maund from Hampton Institute. race or color." Lynn's appeal to the federal cir cuit court will be the third court contest of his induction on ground of discrimination. Shortly after hs board first called him. he sought a writ in the Brooklyn federal co irt which the judge denied, holding that an induction order cannot he challenged until the draftee has sub mitted it. Following the court's direction. Lynn then offered himself Tor induction and sought release from the army on another writ. De nial of this second writ on the ground of "no damage’ is the basis for the Union s scheduled appeal. The Nation Says. Pigeonhole For Negro Equality (from the Nation, Jan. 23, 1943) by JAMES A. WECHSL.ER THE Administration's effort to j combat racial discriimantion in war employment has reached a sudden, explosive crisis. The blow-up is the direct result of Manpower Commis sioner Paul V. McNutt's order in definitely postponing” the Fair Employment Practices Committee's exposure of the anti-Negro coali ■ tion on the railroads—the coalition ^ of rail management and “lily whit® i unions to drive Negroes from pres ent jobs and bar them from future | ones. Public hearings at which the j full story was to be told were sche ■ riufrd fcfv begin try Jiypi rv >' ,P-» I paration. had beerf a- „„ far back as last October: the move I had been widely heralded in the | Negro press and by Negro labor * leaders. A. Philip Randolph descrjb ; ing it as a ‘‘showdown test” of the FEPC’s power to put Jim Crow out | of business. On January 11 McNutt | formally called off the show. He j promised that "other ways” would be found to secure ‘majcimum util [ ization” of labor on the railroads. [He didn't say h°w. One committee 'member commented privately. 'They've been trying the other ways since the Civil War." McNutt’s action has obviously paved the way for the FEPC's col lapse—either through the abrupt resignation of its members or the slow deterioration of its prestige i mong minority groups. But the story behind the ban provokes much bigger questions than the fate of the committee, which might conceivably be replaced by another agency. I nthe minds of informed officials here the crackdown on the FEPC has stirred inescapable sus picion that the “Negro issue" is to be pigeonholed—as i it could be for any length of time. Belief that Me Nutt's order is part of a deliberate retreat by the Administration has been publicly voiced by Negro lead ers. This view is being communic ated to the Negro people. Walter White, head of the National Assoc iation for the Advancement of Col ored People, has openly charge! that Marvin McIntyre, a Southerner and White House secretary, is “mak ing the Administration’s decisions” on the handling of the fight against discrimination; and that the decis ion is to stop fighting. There are unmistable signs that suppression of the railroad hearings fCont nued on pagtjj^-^) Miss Marion O. Bond from Lane Coliege. Mr. Allan C. McKellar from South Carolina State College and Philip Kane from Morgan College, all in National Saes: Mr. Thomas C. Richter from Howard University. Mr. Thomas C. Livingston, Lincoln, Pa.. University. Mr. Joseph Chris tian, former advertising Manager of Amsterdam Star News, and Peo ples Voice, and Attorney Ed Dudley former assistant New York State Attorney General, who are doing a special work in Army Camps, o! a morale building nature, sponsored by Pepsi Cola. rM. iLvingston and Mr. Kane are now members of our Armed Forces. In addition to these Negroes in the white collar bracket, several hund red additional Negroes have been employed in many Pepsi-Cola plants. Mr. Smith directs the efforts of this Negro group and they are an important cog in most company op erations.