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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1943)
IMPRESSED BT THE FACT THAT SHE 1 HAD KEPT A CAREFUL ACCOUNT OF HIS TWENTY FIVE CENT CONTRIBUTION FOR OVER A YEAR, THE LATE J.S. PEABODY LEFT THE SCHOOL TEN THOUSAND DOLLARSH t director of negro, FOR NYA,*MOTHER HAS SPEEDED THE AND INDUSTRIAL Of THOUSANDS NEGRO YOUTH. SfrlMMW MIIAUCT LUTED HUMBER TWELVE AMONG THE FIFTY MOST OUTSTANDING WOMEN SN AMERICA.. tAary * /Ac Leod ^ \©><g'friWm@ -m EOUCMOR,AOM»N^TRATOI^ CHAMWOM OP YOUTH. «£j ^ u i ^ITH FIVE pHBBSl GIRLS, A DOLLAR' I^OWERFUL SPEAKER AND ORGANIZER, AND A HALF,AND , A CONSISTENT FIGHTER AGAINST FOUNDED WHAT WAS TO_COQKMAN COLLEGE. INJUSTICE-- QMe&J EMERALD STUDDED PIN FOR 30 YEARS SERVICE Gallons of ink were us*<i by him- ' self and one other man to write the customer service bills by hand S# years ago, Joe Pechac, 3221 Web s Some books are required reading. Some pictures are required seeing! ★ ★ ★ ★ That’s the way we feel about “Keepei of the Flame!” it’s a must for Americans be cause it is Flam ing with TRUTH! It’s also aflame with the brilliant actin| of the screen’s most exciting lovers! - ★ ★ ★ ★ f SPENCER TRACY and KATHARINE HEPBURN who were first paired together by MGM in “Woman of the Year”! Who are to gether again by popular request in .Keeper of the Flame”! “Keeper of the Flame” revolves around a great public figure and the almost mystic worship that he is given! ★ ★ ★ ★ But it takes the expert sleuthing of Spencer Tracy as a famous reporter to uncover the amazing truth about his private life! * ★ ★ ★ "Keeper of the Flame” is a great picture —in every sense of the word! In its splendid settings—in the masterly es tablishment of a mood—in the finished portrayal of the characters—in the drama of its story! ★ ★ ★ ★ MGM has transferred Donald Ogden Stewart’s screenplay, based upon I.A.R. Wylie’s important novel, to the motion picture screen with great fidelity to the powerful story. ★ ★ ★ ★ Uncle Sam as a private immediately thereafter. » ★ ★ ★ ★ Sit as everyone in America is serving country to the limit of his abilitiaM - —. 8 IV#1 KJ CHECKED I llllviA For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, atlilete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D.D.D.PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. I "i ex The TESTIMONY of THOUSANDS: 11 It’s thm HOTEL THERESA W'ten in V ■ YORK ■r,. .eason ot L a year 7tk Ave. at 125th St the Heart of t’ -'“nr SOO spacious, all outside i s; luxurious suites. The br«u* tul Orchid Room tor dining, rocktail lounge and bar; the lovr Me* aanine for relaxation. Idea! at mos f*ere for rest, study, and c .nitort. Large rooms with pn+*ra bath •2.00 Sinpa— *2.50 Oat • 9 Without private •1.50 SlngM —»2.00 0. -at a WALTER w. SCOTT V .J.I HOTEL THE ~SA | T» Aw.Jt 125«* SL. n, <t» Bt*r Street, recalled Thursday when he received an emerald-studded pin for 30 years service with th Neb raska Power company’s accounting department. The rate for electricity furnished to Omaha homes in 1913 was 14 cents a kilowatt-hour compared with an average of less than 4 cents today. Customer billing now is handled by 38 employees of the cus tomer accounting department and | expediated by electrically-operated billing machines. Pechac is one of thirteen employ es to receive service awards this 1 month. In the past 30 years he has held several accounting department positions, and is now stores ledger clerk. Twenty year Service pins were pre sented by the company to Joseph A. Connor, 3322 Charles Street, Stoi es ledger clerk, ana naiu*u u--. 2761 North 45th Street, meter in staller. Receiving fifteen year pins are George EllingwOod, 3854 Decatur street, Electric Shop janitor; Albert L. Gladwin, 3032 North 45th street. Engineering department, Mrs. Freda Smith, assistant cashier, Council Bluffs, Ralph F. White, lineman and Michael McCarthy, collector, both of Valley. Arthur W. Cchon, 2413 South 2'th street, meter leader, received a ten year pin. Five year pins were presented to Ten Ocander, custom er accounting depa"„ment, now an army t'lig] t instruc or at Shsppa-'d Field, Texas: Ed-.vard N. Jenkin.-.. ;"006 Davenport street, Frank Braz da, south 13th street and Claude K. Bailer, 2415 E street, all of the pow er station. yjC.Ct'*' ^Vfsy tOVt udvice ON THE "*’’*** PROBLEMS OF LIFE <OU*AGS AMO IHVIKATIOH TO YOU WHO StlK HUP ***> GUIOAHCi .. . rn QV INCOMING YOU* THOU BUS Op _by ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE ♦•ABBE’S 1943 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE NOW READY** Note: YOUR problem will be analyzed in this column free. Simply in elude a clipping of the column with your letter. For a “Private Reply— send a Quarter (25c) for ABBE’S NEW ASTROLOGY READING covering your birthdate; you will receive with your Reading a free and confident ial letter of sound advice analyzing three (3) Questions in private. Please sign your full name and correct address to all letters; give your birth-, date; and please include a self-addresse<i, STAMPED ENVELOPE for your “reply.” Explain your case as fully as you feel necessary and con fine your problems within the scope of logical reasoning. Wrap a Quar ter with your questions and mail today! Write to: The ABBE’ WAL LACE SERVICE, P. O. Box 11, Atlanta, Ga. I J. W. M.. . Put me on the right road. I am married and have been for 30 years. I have a good wife but she has become tired of work ing for nothing on the farm and has gone to town Would it be wise ■ for me to Quit the farm and go to [town? And does my wife intend to | quit me or quit the farm? Ans: It is a known fact that farmers have very little cash mon | ey. But they do have plenty of | healthy food-......chickens, egg3, , fresh milk and butter whereas peO I pie living in the city have a regular salary but it is mighty hard to stretch it in order to afford such a good table. Right now of all times your place is on the farm. After j your wife discovers that there is I such a shortage of food supplies and that living conditions are so high in the city, she will realize that she chose the wrong time to make this change. S. P—The girl I love has been married, separated from her hus band. We have a little girl. It is the prettiest thing you ever saw. I want to marry her but she hasn't be? ndivorced yet. Iam going to do my best for her but she doesn’t seem to believe much in me- Ad vise me please. Ans: There is one thing you over looked. You should have instigated divorce proceedings months ago be fore you started living with this girl. Carry her to a lawyer, pay the fee and that will prove to her that you are sincere in wanting to get maried. Otherwise, you may lose the girl and your child as well. L. S.-1 am just about at the end of my roPe, even to the extent that I may move in order to get a way from it all. I have a brother TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON VO M AN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE 'UIIT. Quali-' Material & Guaranteed Quality Work - REE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 LAKE SHOE SERVICE • AYLOK, PROP the age of 14 and my mother and | father don’t seem to have much control over him. He goes thru my things any time he wants to and when my friends come to visit me he makes fun of them and calls them all kinds of names. This em harasses me to tears. Ans: It is surpriisng what a few cents for a movie or soda will do for a boy of this age. If you can’t handle him one way, he can always be brided. You shouldn’t feel that, this is a calamity in your life. Most girls go thru’ this stage with their kid brothers He is at an awkward nge and only wants to set atten tion So he shows off in order to make these girls notice him. Your parents are trying to be fair with both of you.... so don’t make a cris is out of such a small situation. — s. T.—My husband is nice to me but he is always comp'aiining that that I spend too much money. I complain at him because 1 know he eyes the girls. He comes in late after 12 o'clock every other night and every day he gets five to six letters from someone. He claims they are from his mother. Are they from her? Ans: Motherly Jove is strong.... but hardly expresses itself in six letters a day. Find out whom your husfctand calls every night, and you will know who is writing the letter; ; Tel. WE. 2022 Considerate. Dependable, D:s aified Sendee. It is for the family to decide what the funer3 cost shall be. Thomas FUNERAL HOME 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, N»*l>'\ kismft letter klub Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men. women, all ages. A dime brings info. P. O. Box 602, Los Angeles, California Card of Thanks I WISH TO EXPRESS MANY THANKS TO MY FRIENDS, CHURCHES AND CLUBS, FOR THEIR MANY KIND WORDS OF CONDOLENCE, DURING THE ILLNESS AND DEATH OF MY WIFE, MRS. S. ESTELLA SAUNDERS, WHO DIED ON JAN. 10, 1943.. I WISH TO ESPECIALLY THANK REV. B. E. JONES FOR HIS FINE WORDS OF SYMPATHY. I ALSO AM GRATE FUL FOR THE MANY FLORAL OFFERINGS FROM OUR FRIENDS. CHARLES SAUNDERS, HUSBAND. IMMUNIZATION—Auxiliary Bernice Lockhart, Hot Springs, Ark., is getting her enti-tetanus injection at the infirmary at the First Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps Training Center at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. All Auxiliaries coming into the Corps are given immunization against tetanus, typhoid fever and small pox as part of their pro cessing in order to insure continued health for all members of tfcn WAAC. As for the money angle, both of you are far from conservative. Were; you to go out together and spend the money where it would benefit both of you, there wouldn’t be so much wrangling about it- That would take care of his carousing un til 12 o'clock. R. O.—I have been waiting to get my 1943 Astrology Reading and would like to know if they are off the press yet? Ans: Yes. they are ready. Send 25c, your full name, correct address and birthdate and I shall be glad to send your Astrology Reading by return mail. K. H.—I registered to take a course thru' the Government and was put off until the first of this year. I was called a few days ago, and am undecided if I should give up my job and go. Ans: The job you have now is meager compared to such a job you could hold after you finish your course. You have signed up. The thing for you to do is to go ahead and take this training. READ The GU!DF “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. COUGHS Due To Colds or Bronchial Irritation Here’s good news for the people of the U. S. A. Canada’s greatest cough medicine is now being made and sold right here, and if you have any doubt about what to take this winter for the com mon cough or bronchial irritation get a bottle of Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture. You won’t be disap pointed—it's different from anything else you ever used—one little sip and you get instant action. Only 45c—all druggists. Satisfaction or money back. iuiiwinniiiiiiuiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliuliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiniiiiniiiiiiiii'iniiiiiiiiiluiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiliJiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiB Madam, here’s one TABOO you can forget when you want relief You can thank your lucky stars that women are no longer squeam ish about discussing their troubles. Otherwise you might never know of the 2-way help that CARDUI may bring when nervousness, headaches! and cramp-like pain are due only to periodic functional causes. Many women find that started three days before the time and taken as directed, CARDUI aids in relieving functional periodic dis comforts. Used as a tonic, CAR DUI often wakes up sleepy appe tites, aids digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices, and thus helps to build up resistance agamsi the days it’s needed most. Try it! We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EBH0LM&, SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 LATEST STYLES 1942 . THE TWO MEAT HATS nHi “THt HARLEMITE’' • "S&gAfu** DESIGNED »Y HOWARD HARLEM'S LEADING HAT STYUSf { ma«t >au mi "*7As HARLEMfTE** INTtODUClNO 1942't PACE-SETTM OTUUlfUf HATS IN ALL SIZES—SHIPPED ANTWHMi Writ* lor Booklot of HOWAtD'S Comptoto Um of IHt Stylo* HOWARD HATS 217 WIST 12M» ST. till TT-I NEW TOtlC, M.T, _ Go To Church Sunday BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 30th and S Street Rev. Hickerson, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 o’clock BTU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 8 p. m. 7NION MEMORIAL CME. CHURCH 33rd and V Streets Rev. Hubbard, Pastir Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. Church 25th and R Streets Rev. Fant, pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 3010 R Street, Sunday school, 9:30 a- m.. Morning worship 11 a. m., BTU 6 P. M., Evening worship 8 p. m.. Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor, Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, Re JSn-ar. Every Wednesday night Peace Band Prayer meeting, Thursday night Mission meet ing 7:30 p. m. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2712 R Street Elder M. Chambers, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1710 North 26th St. Elder Benson. Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2318 North 26th St. Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Blondo St. Rev. A. W. T. Chism, Pastor Rev. Pierce, acting pastor 0. C. Joseph, Reporter Sunday School—9:30 a. m. BTTU—7 p. m. Preaching—11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Class—Every Wed. Night. Junior Matrons— Thursday night, 8 p. m. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 North 25th St. Elder Steele, Acting Pastor, Ann Oliver, Reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock Evening Worship, 8 o’clock PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 1811 North 23rd St., Rev. Adams, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. LKW. Mission, Thurs. 8 p. m. BYPU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. Prayer Service, Wed. 8 p. m. MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH 33rd and Pinkney St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor, James Butler, Reporter Sunday Schiol—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. BTU—fi P. M Evening W p Khip—S p. m Meu‘3 Club- -Mon. ifternoon 8 o’clock. Junior Mission—Monday af ternion, 4 o’clock. Sr. Mission—Tuesday night, 3 o’clock. BETHEL AME. CHURCH 2428 Franklin St. Rev. B. E. Jones, pastor Etta Mae Woods, reporter Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Service—11 o’clock Allen Christian Endeavor Lea gue—6:30 p. m. Evening Worship—8 p. m. PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 25th and Hamlton S’ Rev. . S. Goodlett, pi*tor Miss Grover L. Mnrsha’l( rept. Sunday schiol, 9 30 a. m.j Morning Voiar.'p, 10:45 « I U 6 -* M. Evening Wor.3 lip 7:45 p. m. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1207 South 13th St. Elder D. M. Watson, pastoi Iodeil Watson, reporter YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. Sunday ,Scv*.l 10 a. in. Morning Worship 11 a. m. YPWW., 6 p. m. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th and Dec itur St. Rev. W. E. Fort, pastor L. A. Henderson, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. BTU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30th and Ohio. Rev. J. E. Blackmore, pastor Mrs. T. Newte, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Morning Service 11th and Ella Streets Rev. S. W. Wilkerson, pastor Virginia Beck, reporter Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning Services, 11:00 a. m. ACE. League 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. Visitors are always welcome. CHURCH OF GOD ..2025 North 24th St. .. . Elder S. S. Spaght pastor Alice Britt reporter Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. FIRST CHURCH Oh DELIVERANCE 1811 North 26th St. Rev. A. J. Thomas pastor Miss Bernice Ellis, reporter Tuesday and Thursday, Preach ing 8:00. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00. Evening Worship, 8:00 CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH 26th and Burdette St. “Holiness Unto the Lord” Rev. L. M. Relf, pastor Bertha Mallory, reporter. Sunday school—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. HYPV—6:30 p. m. Evening Worship—8 p. m. ST. LUKE BAPTIST CHURCH 29th and Burdette St. Rev. J. C. Crowder, pastor Joseph Cox, reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. BYPU. 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship 8 o’clock. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2215 Grant St. Rev. F. C. Williams, pastor Sunday school—9:30 a. m. Junior Church—10:40 a. m. Morning Worship—11:00 a. m. BTU—6:00 p. m. Evening worship—7:45 p. n. PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Seward St., Rev. J. H. Reynolds, pastor • Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. BTU—5:30 p. m. Evening Worship—7:80 p. m. Wednesday night Prayer meet ing 7:30 p. m. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME. 25th and Decatur St. Rev. L. A. Story, pastor Malcolm Allen, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Mornng Worship, 11:00 Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. 5233 South 25th St. Rev. E. F. Fant, pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Franklin St. Rev. L. W. Ar.derson, pastor Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. INTERDENOMINATION CHURCH 1710 North 27th St. Elder W. I. Irving, pastor Mrs. Mildred Bryant reporter Sunday School, 10 a. m. Moning Service 11:30 KREESTONE PRIMITIVE K VPT1ST CHURCH 20th and Hamilton St. Rev. Dan Thoma3, pastor Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Morning Service 6 p. in.—YPVW 8 p. m.—Evening Service. MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Emma Curt:ss, reporter Sunday School —9.45 a. m. Morning —11 o’clock BTU—6 p. m. Evening Worship—8 o’clock Everyone is welcome to attend zBYPU, 6 o’clock Evening Worship, 8 o'clock Everyone is welcome to attend our services at all times. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Grant at 25th Street Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor R. Hatter, reporter. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave., “The Friendly Church’’ Rev. Ridley, Pastor Ruby B. Reese, Reporter Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 o’clock Union—6:30 p. m. Evening Worship—8 o’clock SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2760 Lake St, Elder A. B. Humphrey, Pastor Sabbath School Saturday 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m, Vesper Service Friday evening, 7:45 P. M., Wednesday Prayer Meeting — 7:30 P. M, THE SANCTIFIED CHURCH Ok CHRIST 2230 Ohio St., Rev. J. C, Crawford, Pastor Worship 3 p. m, each Sunday, DAVID SPIRITUAL TEMPLE IN CHRIST COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA 1720 Ave A. Every Monday evening Circle Meeting at 8:30 P. M. Prophecy and Healing. MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 8010 R Street Rev. Mosley, Pastor UNITED SABBATH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2320 North 28th St, Elder Arthur Holmes, Pastor, Sabbath School Saturday 9-'30 a m. Morning Worship 11 a. m, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF RED OAK, IOWA 603 Grimes St, Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor Julia Keene, Reporter, . Sunday school. 10 at tn. Morning worship 11 a. rn, BYPU. 6:30. Evenig Worship 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 1HE FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 2621 Blondo St. Rev. A. J. Ihomas, Pastor, Rev. Frank Johnson, Asst Pst*. Rt. Rev. William Taylor, Bhho;: MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio St. Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. ST. BENEDICT CATHOLIC CHURCH 2423 Grant St. Father Preuss, Pastor Father Morlan. Asst. Pastor 1 Low Mass—6:00 Children’s Mass—8:30 High Mass—9:00. i CLAIR CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Miami St. Kev. C. C. Reynolds, pastor Mrs. Ellis Kirtley. reporter Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. Evening Worship—8 p. m. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOB SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, officiator Ora Robinson, reporter Services Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday nights at 8 o’clock Private readings daily at 2010 North 23rd St. ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1115 North 21st St. Rev. Stains, pastor Mass, 7:30 and 9:00. Church School—9:4fi Only $2.00 a year ...$450 for 3 years Send your order to: — »OYS UK, No. a Pork Avo., Now York Or to your newspaper office or local agent