Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1942)
For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy _IN THESE COLUMNS HELP WANTED_ BOYS W ANTED for World -Herald Palter Routes. Must be 14 or over. Cash bond nec essary. Apply:—Station F 2629 Cuming'S. Phone JA. 7692 or Sta. B. 2513 No. 24th JA. 7565. WANTED A young man, 18 years or older th-'t can make deliveries and work jn a Furniture Store. Salary to begin with $10.00 per week. Working Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Call at Omaha Guide Office. WANTED 4 men to work at Consolidated Auto Parts Co., 2501 Cuming Street' or 1240 South 16th St. Wants two roustabout workers to move around and clean wreckage. Two exper ienced auto wreckers. If in good health, age doesn t matter. Roust #>out must be able to handle hea\y parts of automobile. 2501 Cuming Street or 1240 South 16th Street. FEMALE HELP WANTED ! A woman from 21 to 40 for clean- j ing and at times to help with cook-1 ing. Birchwood Club, Call KE, 4000 or WA. 0378. WANTED Mr. George Pratt wants a girl to do work in his home. Call WA. 7206. j BENEFIT SHOP. 711 SO. 16TH ST 1 SCHOOL DAYS WILL SOON BE i HERE. GOOD BARGAINS IN i CLOTHING AND SHOES. LAD IES COATS REDUCED. FOR RENT — At a reasonable price to the right party. 2 centrally located, modern Store ro-'niB at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store. Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re- I pair Shop. For further information call AT. 6656. FOR SALE- , 1 Lounging Cot that can be used for a den or suitable for a spare bed in a Library room. Like new, price very cheap. Call Mrs. Sulli van. WE. 0475. 3319 Franklin St. ROOMS, APTS FOR RENT Apartment for rent, man and wife, Mrs. S. J. Watson, 2627 Decatur St. AT. 6281. j 2 and 3 Room Apt., for Rent, all modern. Call KE. 0752 furnished or unfurnished. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room 2807 N. 24th st„ WE. 2217. Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem bership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell. Chicago, Ill One large front room for rent call WE. 2810 LA u NDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 6401 North 24th WE. 6066 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 105» WANT TO BUY — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 21th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 _ - FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Join—Reliable Friendship Club —jVr Marriage. Friendship, O! . Vasure. Send Dime for member »h.p blank. H. Brookes, 317 W“n lell. Chicago, 111 Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME h TO RELIEVE SSTHE MISERIES Money Back If This Rheumatic Recipe Fails Good news travels las;—many of the thou* •anas of forks who now take lemon Juice *'—have found that by adding two tablespoonluls of Allenru to one tablespoon!# of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the ePd Pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It s no surprise either, for Allenru is a to year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains In fact—if it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? get Allennrtoday at an, live di-^gguL U cents—Do U Mow. ^ RAILROAD HEAD DENIES 9 SOLDIERS FORCED TO GO FOODLESS IN KENTUCKY Washington, July 25 (ANP) Tak ing umbrage at the publicity given the story concerning nine Negro soldiers who declared they were re fused food while traveling a long distance, the president of the Lou isville and Nashville railroad, J. B. Hill, addressed a lengthy letter to Congressman George H. Bender of Ohio, explaining the railroad’s side of the case. Mr. Bender had denounced tho railroad in address in the house of Representatives last May. How ever, Mr. Hill’s letter found its way into the Congressional Record thru the good offices of Congressman Emmet O’Neal, who hails from Lou isville. “ “Since your information was not correct and the untrue charge which has been widely publicized by the press is a serious reflection on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Co., and in a sense upon the city of Bowling Green. I am writing you the facts in the hope that you will correct your statement, or at least put this letter in the record in some CHOP SUEY King YTuen Cafe 2010/z N. 24th St. JAckson 8575 . Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. in American &. Chinese Dishes Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. PhoneJA-4635 NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women... Many doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be clean, dainty—for women troubled by of fending odor or discharge Borne products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E. Plnkham’s Sanative Wash! Pinkham's Banatlve Wash is gaining great favor among women because It's NOT a harmful germicide. Instead — It’s a mighty effective "bacteriostatic” (the modern trend). It not only discour ages bacterial growth and Infection but thoroughly cleanses and deodor izes. Very soothing — relieves minor Irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! Get your bottle of Lydia Plnkham's Sanative Wash today. All druggists. Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do for it # When excess stomach acid causes gas. sour stomach or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ans Tablets. Try Bell-ans yourself, at first sign of distress. They neutralise acid, relieve gas. and bring comfort very quickly—yet are not a laxative! Only 25c. at drug stores. If your very first trial doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and get doable your money back. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why thair den turn remain dull and stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath They fail to realize that water alone is not a cleans ■IM agent - but now. there’s a great formula perfected by a dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic— no brushing* Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in a glass of water-soak your teeth - now they sparkle, are really clean and look like the day your dentist said. "Don’t they look natural?'' Try Stera-Kleen - lasts long - costs only 30* At all druggists. Old Farmer * Recipe Mix Allenru and Lemon Juice to ge* Quick relief from pain* of rheumatic* and neuralgia Druggist* have Allenru —grocer* have lemon*. appropriate way,” Mr. Hill said. ‘‘This tram, No, 4, which lef, Montgomery, Ala., the night of April 30 is due to pass Bowling Green, Kv. at 4:1° a. m. and to reach Louisville at 7:10 A. M. at which time a din ing car is put on to serve breakfast. On this occasion, however, the train was several hours late and arrived at Bow-ling Green, at 8:44 A. M., so the conductor of the train, before it arrived at Bow-ling Greed, went through all the cars add announced there would be a 20 minute layover at that place for those who wished to get breakfast. “Neither the railroad company dor anyone for it at that time op erated an eating place in the sta tion or elsewhere in Bow-ling Green There is a privately owned restau rant located about half a square from the station, but the railroad company had then, and has now, no interest in nor connection with it “I should state, however, that this resaurant has two dining rooms with separate entrances, one for white patrons and the other for col ored patrons and is patronized by both white and colored persons with out discrimination.” Discussing the failure of the col ored soldiers to enter the diner when one was attached at Louis ville about noon, Hil Isays; ‘‘After a thorough investigation, including, among other things a statement of the waiter in charge, (who is a colored man) I can state that no colored soldiers came to the diner for either breakfast or lunch eon. If they had so applied, they undoubtedly would have been serv ed. as we maintain separating cur tains for that purpose, in order to comply w-ith the Kentucky Jaw re quiring the separation of races. “So far as I can learn, none of these colored soldiers has ever made any complaint and yours is based solely upon the hearsay statements of some ladies who were on the train. “I may add that since both in the Bowling Green Restaurant and on the train separate facilities are pro* vided for white and colored people, the ladies who told you of this in cident could no* have had personal know-ledge of all the facts as to what happened either at the Bowl ing Green restaurant or on the L. & N. Train”. TRAINING AT COFFEY AIR SCHOOL SPEEDS UP Chicago, Aug. 5 (ANP)—Activity at the Coffey School of Aeronautics has reached the highest peak since its establishment several years ago. Spurred by Cornelius R. Coffey, president of the school and Willa B. Brown, coordinator, civilian pilot training in Coieago. a well trained staff of instructors is carrying out an unusual assignment in training flyers for the government. Assigned to the school, located on Harlem airport, in Oak Lawn, sev eral miles south of Chicago, for training between now and July, 1913 will be 60 elementary pilots, 60 sec ondary pilots: 30 cross country fly ers, 15 flight instructors and 15 Link instrument experts. To handle this assignment, the school itself is undergoing a complete reorganiz ation which will result in the loca tion of the entire establishment at the airport. At present the ground school is located in the basement of Wendell Phillips High school. Workmen be gan last week erecting barracks to Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR Cash and Carry CI.EANFR 1410 North 24th St. C A RI. CRIVFR,. .iWWIkMWWWWMM TEL. WE. 2022 OUR PRICES are based on the cost of serv ice plus the cost of merchandise and a reasonable profit. Thomas FUNERAL HOME 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. NATIVES OF ATTU ISLAND—JAP LANDING POINT PIXPAGE—Aleut natives pictured on Attu Island, weaving their famous baskets. Japanese forces have made landings on Attu and on Risks Island, and apparently are establishing a base at the latter. Attu is ; 875 miles west of Kiska, which is 689 miles west of Dutch Harbor, in 1 file Aleutian chain of islands that stretches out from Alaska toward j «». ••You mean I can’t have some extra gas to go visit mg mother-in-law?" War Bonds Guard Home Front accomodate 20 men at the air pop. In addition to sleeping quarters, the barracks will contain a dining hall, showers and other sanitary facilities. Provisions for housing other adjuncts of tne school at ih< airport are under way. Wednesday four young men v.-’no had completed civilian pilot train ing at the Coffey school w-ere sworn in as United States army air cadets along with two others. It is expect ed that they will be transferred to I Tuskegee shortly to begin their [ military training. They are Law , rence Clark. James Brothers. Por , ter Myrick, Harry Bailey, Alexan der Bright and Edward Flowers. At the same time 10 other young men who will receive training as glider and service pilots through the Coffey school were sworn in. They are Aencjon D. Aranjo. Theodore Ford. Maurice Hardeman. Frank J. Hollens, Jr.,-Silas Purn ell. Edward M. Sloane, Norman W. Spaulding. Albert P. Stump. Joseph H. Williams and Daniel Williamson. Enrollment is now open for the primary and secondary courses to begin Sept. 1. During the period of training young men are exempt from the draft, and all expenses jn eluding board and lodging are uaid by the government. Eligible are United States citiz ens between the ages o* 18 and 2fi capable of passing rigid physical and mental tests. No previous trainng in aviation is necessary for ; the primary trainng. F0r the sec ondary program, candidates musl hold a private pilot's certificate. I Applications should be filed with Willja B. Brown, coordinator, civ ilian pilot training for the Chicago area. Coffey School of aeronautics, Harlem Airport, Oak Lawn, 111. Sh? j may also be addressed at 3435 South Indiana avenue. Chicago. SEN ATE COMMITTEE HEARS POLL TAX BILL ARGUMENT i Osntinued from page 1) the Crump machine as a typlra': coirupt, poll-tax outfit. After a two hour recess, the test in' cny of experts was resumed witjj Pi of. James Morrison taking the stand to bring another carefully pre pared and documented statement on the constitutionality of the act De fore the group. Both Mr. Brant and Prof. Morrison cited works of celebrated persons, including Madi son. known as the “father of the constitution.' lor the benefit of th“ committee and submitted their pre pared statements for the benefit of tlit group for study. Immediately after Prof Morrison GOVERNOR ISSUES “HARVEST FESTIVAL DAT” PROCLAMATION STATE OF NEBRASKA EXECUTIVE OFFICE, LINCOLN | PROCLAMATION. . . . Our fighting forces are in danger because munitions production is slowing up through lack of scrap metal The President of United States, because Of the serious need for this salvage, lias appealed to every A merican to turn in the last ounce oi scrap metal from his home, business and farm. Nebraska, in a three weeks" cam paign, has aroused national interest in the effort of its people to show the nation that scrap can be brought in market quickly; but fine as our effort has been, the results must be much greater if this campaign is to succeed. Therefore, I, Dwight Griswold, Governor Of Nebraska, hereby pro claim: Friday, August 7th. as Harvest Festival Day for every’ village, town and city of the state, when every one will cover every inch of home, attic, basement, yard and business place, to gather scrap not previously delivered; and Saturday, August 8th. as Farm Scrap Holiday in Nebraska, when every fanner will turn from his field work and devote himself to collecting and taking to his nearest town, the scrap metal our soldiers must have I appeal to every community to arange public festivals on Satur day to welcome the farmers with their scrap metal and to celebrate what promises to be the most prod igious collection of scrap metal ev er assembled in any state of free people in America. Nebraska will not fail in this war effort. I make this proclamation with confidence that the highways on Saturday will be filled with scrap metal on the way to town, and that every Nebraskan, of every age, will make Nebraska’s scrap pile the biggest of any state in the union. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the State of Ne braska to be affixed. Done at the Capitol, in the City of Lincoln, the First day of Aug ust, in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Two (Great Seal of the State of Nebraska) By the Governor: FRANK MARSH, Secretary of State presented his statement, Walter ■White for the NAACP submitted a prepared statement sustaining w fat had been said and asking for the it peal of the noli tax on several hum anitarian grounds. “Axis propagandists are industri ously propagandizing via short wave broadcasts to label the United Stat es as being dishonest and hypocrit ical when it alleges that it is fight ing to preserve the democratic pro ci sees while within the United Stas es citizens ate barred from partic ipation in government because of economic circumstances, color or other reasons,” Mr. White said. “The NAACP urges a favorable lepcrt by this eommitte on Sen. Pepper's Anti-Poll Tax Bill and ui g es prompt and favorable action by the congress. It does not do so solely on behalf of the Negro in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Miss issippi, Soutn Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. It urges enact ment on behalf of the disfranchis ed white voters of those states as well. “This bill bespeaks the faith of Americans today in the ideals the'« profess. It declares our willing ness and detei mination to make de mocracy work better while we are fighting to prec-i- 3 the very ooi cept of democracy from the on slaught of totalitarianism. Let us remember that wt are no more keenly aware of the imperfections of our democracy than are our en> nits. “The south itself will be the chief beneficiary- Kxtcrsjon of the fran chise will materially improve :h quality of members cf the congress, governors and other officials elitt eo from southern states. Less fre quent will be the appeals on the Service with a Smile” Ralph Gould Republican County Treasurer 21 Tears Experience as Public Accountant and Tax Specialist in Omaha 1 -2xozagj^z}[^a^2xog: (Political Advertisement) floor of congress to racial and sec tional prejudices. Less frequent will be the oppo~nion to socially en lightened lesrisla ion which is des perately needei during times of crisis like these to presrve the dem ocratic way of life but all too often levied in committee or on the flour of the congress by an unenlighte i -J and reactionary southern bloc. “Less frequently will our nation be help up to scorn and ridicule at heme and abroad as preaching one, doctrine and practicing another finally, the passage of the Pepper which is diamef ■'••-illy opposite, an 3 Ar,ti-Poll Tax Bill will materially af'fcct the dang-;o> fly low morale among 13,000,000 American citizens who constitute one tenth of our population, who n.e disheartened. la ter, bewiide'-cd and discouraged because the cotor cf their Skins shuts them out ;iom that dynamic participation in the prosecution of 'lie war aga^st he axis to whi :h they so passionately wish to contri bute. Another strong statement urging Ibe passage of the bill was read and submitted by Theodore M. Berry, representing * lie United Transpo'" Pcvice employes. Russ Nixon foi the United Electrical Radio Mach ine Workers :.f America also ap peared. ANNUAL EAST-WEST GAME AROUSING UNUSUAL INTER (continued from page 1) voting for that position. Shortstop for the East will be Willie Wells, manager of the New ark club, with Butts of Baltimore in reserve. On third base for the in vaders will be Easterling of the Grays. Buck Leonard of the Grays or West of Philly Stars will be on first. The outfield for the East is fast and are good hitters. The fly chasers for the East are Kimbro of Baltimore, Benjamin of the Grays, Wright of Baltimore, Stone of Newark, Wilson Of th« New York Black Yanks, Vargas of the Cuban Stars, Benson of Phila delphia. Irwin of Newark and Green of the Black Yank® Although the East will bank on Davjd “Impo” Barnhill of the Cub an Stars, they will rely on other ace pitchers as Barney Brown of the Philly Stars, Ray Brown of the Homestead Grays, Hill of Newark who may be shifted to the outfield when not pitching because of his hitting. Day Of Newark who also plays in the outfield when not on the mound. G. Smith Of the Black Yanks. Morris of the Cuban Star-, Gaines and Byrd of Baltimore. ■Voters in the West are anxious to have a team with an airtight in field defense. Last year, errors at short put the West in a hole from which they could not climb out. This year the starting infield will be Parnell Woods, manager of the Cicinnati Buckeyes, at third. T. J. Brown of Memphis at short; Bank head of Memphis or Tommy Samp son of Birmingham on second and Joe O’Neil of the Kansas City Mon archs on first. Behind the bat will be Green of the Monarchs who will start with Double Duty Radcliffe of the Birm ingham club held in reserve. In the West outfield will be Willard Brown, Kansas City's .429 hitter; Ted Strong, who can be shifted to first base; Jethro of Cincinnati. Other outfielders are Neil Robinson Memphis; Davenport, Birmingham; Pennington, Chicago; Hyde, Mem phis; Cool Pappa Bell, Chicago and Crutchfield, Chicago. Manager for the West is selected by the club owners. W. S. Welch, called the Connie Mack of Negro baseball, gets his first East vs West game assignment. He is manage; of the Birmingham Black Barons. Manager for the East is selected by vote. At present. Vic Harris of the Homestead Grays is out in front with Tex Burnett of the New Tork Black Tanks and Snow of 'R“!ti more following in order named. LIGHTEN tanned can mi mrk on/n Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skis Whttesier lightens and brightens rough, blotchy, tanned-dark skin (externally caused). Use 7 days. If not satisfied MONEY BACK 25c at drug stores. FREE Sample. Send 3c postage to GALENOL, Dept. CU, Box 264, Atlanta, Georgia. DR. FRED PALMER'S SKIN WHITENER (Political Advertisement) VWVWWJVWWAV^^^WWW Vote GLATFELTER REPUBLICAN FOR Lieut Governor Record of Accomplishment:— Good Roads, Water Conservation, Pump Irrigation. SAY PAL, LET’S CHUM TOGETHER, YOU AND I. LET’S GO—YOU AND 1. (Political advertisement) Hngh B. Ashmore says: “Let’s Take Waste* ful Spending out of our War Effort” Vote for _ HUGH B. Ashmore Republican For United States Senator (Political Advertisement) James C. Kinsler -CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN -NOMINATION FOR CONGRESS (Political Advertisement) UNHAPPY WIVES FIND NEW HOPE IN SPECIAL VITAMIN COMBINATION Clinical Tests Demonstrate Sterile Women May Be Aided—Happy Homes Are Dependent on Babies — „ * -. Nothing equal* a baby to bring com plete unitv and happiness into the home and tie husband and wife into a stronger bond of enduring love and mutual in WfOC Many homes break up from lack of children and contribute to the amazing American record of one divorce for every five marriages. Unhappy wives, childless due to a vitamin-deficient finc tional weakness, may now enjoy the de sires and activities of Nature’s most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped. vigorous woman. Sensational clinical tests demonstrate that, in vitamin-deficient instances, a new vitamin of the B Complex poop has a striking effect on sterility. Twenty* two women, with known sterility record* for as much as five years were selected for the test. After weeks of heavy dosage with Paraaminobenzoic acid (a vhamia of the B Complex group) more than half of these women became mothers. Many of these women had been told their condition was hopeless. The vita min is absolutely harmless and decided ly beneficial to general health as well. Thus it is apparent that highly forti fied vitamin combination may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby into the home. If you are childless and have even giv en up hope, if you wish to eliminate one of the greatest causes of unhappy mar riages. by all means give the Perlex Combination Vitamin System a short trial in the privacy of your home. To introduce this new vitamin combination quickly to a million women, the Perlex Company, 314 North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, will send a regular $2.00 supply for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. \ou need send no money —just your name and address. Perlex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are quite simple, and no special diet m exercise is required.