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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1942)
SOCIAL NOTES ARRIVE HOME Mro. Marks and her two ions, Penny Jr., and Leon, arrived home after visiting her two brother* in Chicago—Mose and Harvey Ware, and also in Detroit, where Mrj. Marks was visiting relatives and friends. VISITORS TO OMAHA The Misses Anniece and Annette Jackson of Pensacola, Florida, rel atives and summer house guests of i the Ralph Dorsey family, 2714 Doug las Street, were honored with a party at the Dorsey home, Thurs day, July 16th. The Jackson twins came to Om aha with their cousin, Miss Gerald ine Dorsey, who spent the past year in Pensacola attending high school. They have reported having a very enjoyable time during the month's time they have been here. A picnic outing will also be given in their honor, Monday, August 3rd at Elmwood Park. The twins and Misa Dorsey arrived in Omaha a bout the 3rd of July and will return to Pensacola the later part of Aug ust or the first of September. Mrs. Eva Johnson, 2110 Ohio St., is visiting relatives and friends in Dallas and Dennison, Texas. She was accompanied by Mrs. M. Hay den, mother of Mrs. W. R. Richard son, 2722 Maple St. Mrs. Hayden is returning to make Texas her home again after having lived with her daughter for several years. Mrs. Johnson plans to be gone about two weeks. Mrs. Pearl Wilson of Baxter Springs, Kansas is stopping at the home of her son, Mr. Charles Boyd 217 Blondo St. Mrs. Wilson who is accompanied by her two grandsons, Charles and Carl Jr., formerly re | M. L. M'Kt’ Endrcs j \ DEMOCRAT FOR DIRECTOR J OF METROPOLITAN UTILITIES' DISTRICT j 3 He has demonstrated his ability, honesty and ef-1 j ficiency while serving as your County Treasurer 1 and also as Sheriff. He favors: Free water for J the Schools, elimination of fire hydrant tax levy 3 and cutting expense to the absolute necessity in 3 order to relieve the tax payer of some of their 1 burden. 3 A VOTE for MIKE ENDRES is a vote for ef 3 ficiency. (political advertisement) (political advertisement) Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 Chairs for Rent FOR ALL OCCASIONS. REASONABLE PRICES. WE. 1517 l Assembly Hall tor ftent BY NIGHT OR WEEK FOR CIVIC OR POLITICAL ORGANIZ- ( ATIONS, SOCIAL CLUBS, CONVENTIONS AND ALL ANNUAL ( AFFAIRS. AT A REASONABLE RATE. WE. 1517. ( sided in Omaha many years ago. She is finding much joy in meeting many of her old friends and ac quaintances. TOUR ARKANSAS The "Swinging Rays of Rhythm" in their recent tour of Arkansas played at the New Brown Bomber Club, Forest City, Arkansas, to more than five hundred dance lov ers. It was a “going away party” for a hundred and forty odd young men who were to be inducted into the U. S. Army that week. A special party within -the party was one in honor of David Hawk ins, who was to be inducted into the army next day and Miss Fannie Hadley of Little Rock, Arkansas. Feature songs were rendered by Laurence Gray, a popular local ten or soloist. At Hot Springs, Arkansas the next night the “Sweethearts of Swing” drew to the Casino an over flowing crowd from all the nearby towns and as far away as Memphis, Little Rock and Texarkana. Mrs. Bessie Walls of Manhattan, Kansas spent the past week visit ing friends and relatives in the city. Mrs. Addie Allen, 6514 South Slat Street, returned home with her fo> a visit. Mrs. Ann Adams and Miss Eliza beth Brown, of Jacksonville, Illin ois, spent the past two weeks visit ing friends and relatives in the city. I ST. JOHN’S AME. CHURCH Rev. E. F. Ridley, Pastor, Ruby B. Reese, Reporter, Rev. Ridley was able to fill bis pulpit Sunday Aug. 2nd after being ill for the past week. Rev. Ridley delivered a very inspiring sermon. The pastor also thanked the mem bers and friends who helped to make the Zion and St. John's con i test a Success. A goodly number communed Sun day. We were glad to see Mrs. A. E. M. Goodwin out to church after being confined to her home for 8 weeks with an injured knee. Start ing Sundey Aug. 9th St. John is hav ing a brick Rally. Each member and all friends are asked to bring at least ten good backing bricks or more to church- You will hear more about this drive later. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Webb and family are leaving for Los Angeles to make their home- Mr. Webb has held many offices in St. John be sides being Stewart and Superin tendent of the Sunday school also Mrs. Webb the very eficient direc tress of the Junior choir, will be: greatly missed. To show our ap preciation on Wednesday night, Aug 5 St. John is giving a Testimonial reception on the beautiful lawn of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McVay, honor ing Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Webb and family. The following visitors wor shipped with us Sunday: Mrs. Aril la Williams of Fort Worth, Texas, J. M. Ragland of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Corrine Williams and Miss Betty White of Lincoln, Nebr., uni ted with the church. Don’t forget the Sunday school Alliance Annual picnic Aug. 13 at Elmwood Park. Help to make the day a grand af fair. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey, the bride is the form er Ruth Forrest, a junior choir member of St. John’s. Rev. Ridley will take as his test FREE HOME CANNING CLASSES ★ TUESDAYS - THURSDAYS - FRIDAYS at the GAS BUNGALOW UTILITIES BUILDING 18th and Harney AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT! ★ Informal Instructions in Charge of Utilities District Home Service Deportment CLASSES END AUGUST 14! Sunday Aug. 9th, Col. 4th Chapter 5th verse. The subject "The Worth' of Time. Walk in Wisdom To ward them that are without.” Re deeming the time—Second text 3r d Kings, 5th chapter, 1st verse sub ject The History of Naoman. Wor ship with us at St. John’s Sundav. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter. "How amiable are thy tabernacl es, I Lord of hosts!” "My soul longeth, yea even faint eth for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cPieth out for the living God.” Psalms 84:1-2. Sunday, August 9 at the evening worship there will be a patriotic service. Everyljody is cordially in vited to attend. At 3 p. m. Sunday Aug. 9 the Pas tor wjll deliver a sermon at the Pleasant Green Baptist Church- The choir will sing. The BTU. is progressing nicely. All members and friends are invit ed to attend the meeting. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Motto CWFF. 1906 North 24th Street, Rev. S. K .Nichols, Pastor * Rose Oliver, Reporter, Sunday school _ ._ 9:43 Morning Service . 11:30 YPPU.... .._6:00 Evening worship . 8:60 Wed. night meeting ..8:00 Thursday choir . ...8:00 We -had a real service Sunday all day. Our pastor preached a soul stirring sermon. We enjoyed him very much. We had with us two visiting min isters, better known as Rev. Camp bell and Rev. Cooly. We enjoyed them very much. Rev. Cooly will preach for us on the 3rd Sunday, August 16, at 3 p. m. Our Bishop F. C. Scott of Oklahoma City, Ok]a., will be with us Friday night, Aug. 7 th. Our Pastor’s text for Sunday Aug. 9, will he :‘‘And he asked her for some, but she failed to give it to him”. Sunday night “A fixed heart.” Come and hear our pastor explain these texts. Our Evangel ist Marie Wright returned from her tour. She visited the General Convention in St. Louis, Mo. On leaving the convention she went to Detroit, Michigan where she visited cousins and had several appoint ments to lecture in several large churches. She couldn’t fill all her appointments because she received word that her son Eddie was to leave for the army and she went to see him before leaving. Our Ev angelist is expecting to return to Detroit soon. She claimed she en joyed her trip very much. We are asking all of our friends to come out to our YPPU. Sunday Aug. 9, at 6 p. m. Our President, Sister Jinnie Lewis is sponsoring a program. If you miss this you will miss a treat. TO DENTIST CONFAB Dr. J. J. Jones, one of the city’s most promising dentists, will attend the National Dental Association in Nashville, Tenn., from Aug. 10 thru 14th, inclusive- He will return Aug 17, 19«. HELEN JEAN WRIGHT Helen Jean Wright, age f >ur months, died Monday August 3rd at a local hospital. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, Jr., one brother, George III, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rogers, great grand mother, Mrs. Lucy Gray and a host of other relatives. Funeral servic es were held Tuesday morning from Thomas Funeral Home with Rev. John Adams, Sr,, officiating. Burial Graceland Park Cemetery. MRS. VICTORIA W. LAND, .. Mrs. Victoria W. Land, age . 55, died Sunday evening at her home 2705 Hamilton Street. She was a faithful member of Christ Temple Holiness Church and had lived in Omaha for eight years. Mrs. Land is survived by her husband, Mr. William Land, Omaha, daughter, Mrs. Pearl R. Brown, Rightsville, Arkansas, three sisters, Mrs. Beu Be Prepared REPAIR YOUR FURNACE, STOVE or BOILER NOW! We have a large stock of Repairs NOW “SINCE 1882” Omaha Stave REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas St, -Phone AT. 2524 GIRLS ON THE STREETS • •• This week we’ll tell it to dust and let the rain settle it. And believe me the rain really has a lots to settle. Two whole weeks and you can imagine we’re bursting with news. Since we last wrote Jay McShane has been here and gone. And ev lah Anderson, Mrs. Nannie Fuller both of Conway, Arkansas, Mrs. Cora Birdsong, Memphis, Tenn., niece Mrs. Ollie Hersey Jones, Om aha, and other relatives. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from Christ Temple Holiness Church with Rev. O. A. Askerneeese offic iating. Burial Prospect Hill Cem etery. Arrangements by Thomas Funeral Home. TO ATTEND MISSIONARY MEET Mrs. Minnie Wilson and Mickey Jean Of 2302 North 22nd St., left Tuesday eve.. Aug. 4th for Kansas City, Kans., to attend the Mission ary Convention that opens up there Wednesday morning Aug. 5th. Mr. Wilson is also on his vacation in Arkansas. CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Miami Street, Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor Service was well attended Sunday. Rev. Reynolds sermon was taken from the 24th Psalms—"The Earth Is the Lord’s and the fullness there of." He said man should use his every talent and time while he is in the fullness of life by giving back to man the Joys of life. Rev. J. E. Blackmore, Pastor of Hillside Presbyterian Church spoke at the evening service. He chose as his text "The Good Shepherd” from thoughts 23rd Psalm. The sermon was very short, but thots on the Shepherd should be long re membered as well as practiced in our daily lives and living. On last Thursday July 30, the en tertainment in "Appreciation" of our pastor Rev. Reynolds, his wife and family was most enjoyable. Many friends and members extend ed greetings Of Appreciation for Rev Reynolds personality and his Christ ian Character, his unusual ability as a leader and a pulpiteer. The church has made wonderful prog ress under his leadership, both, in membership and finance. Mr. Don ald Wiley wit hhis club of boys, known as The Loyal 100, and Mrs. Donald Wiley and her group of Girl Marines with The Girls Serv ice Club were responsible for this entertainment. Rev. Reynolds ex pressed his many thanks for kind words spoken and gifts received. Too much cannot be said of his wife Mrs. Reynolds, for she has added much to all the organizations of the church. The Fourth Session of the Tope ka District Conference Youth Fel lowship, Woman’s Society of Christ ian Service Conventions and Christ ian Worker’s School of The Method ist Church meets at our church, August 4th to 9th On Saturday evening at 8 o’clock The Youth Fellowship Rally and Program. The young People of all Churches of Omaha are being in vited to fellowship in this Youth Rally. Miss Charlene Jacobs the Dist rict Conference President of Inde pendence. Kansas and Mrs. Inez Ballard Dean of Worker’s School presiding. Sunday, August 9th Rev. G. D. Hancock will render the sermon at the 11 o’clock hour also Holy Com munion service. At 3 o’clock by Rev. C. G. Glas pie, Pastor Mt. Olive Church, Tope ka, Kansas. - The evening service at 8 o’clock— Sermon by Rev. B. F. Rooks, Pas- [ tor Newman Methodist Church, ‘ Lincoln, Nebraska. Music by Lin coln choir, i ery thing was the lick. This week we seen along the stroll none other hep cat than Shula Barksdale in person wearing the Sargeant’s stripes. Also Hirum Pittiman lookin’ as fine as wine., wearing stars and stripes On his arms. Speaking of the Army, do you know Some of the saddist cats in town? "Crip” Longmire; “Mose” Ran som; Louie Whitner; "Chuck the Duck” Williams; James Seay. Won der who’ll carry on? MEANWHILE... The happiest cats are James Jr. Mosely, Phercival Roundtree, Ros coe Alston, Raymond Dorsey, Oth ar Russell. Can you guess why? Congratulations. Altho you were meddling:—To the cat that remarked: "Guess we won'*' be reading about that Ricamarrow in your column. You are wrong . We’ll tell the world about.It's no secret. Title—The incident that occurred last Thursday night and lasted all week. Characters—‘‘Two pounds” "Guts “Brutus”—all attacked two Minn, studds—who were taking two chics home. Act Two—“Joe Louis” came on scene and lots of fists got together and punches met—right in the mid dle of 30th St. and all of the Minn, guys won the victory when two pounds was defeated Sat. nite. Conclusion—Seemingly the black car gang had mixed too much lift uor with pleasure. Louis Jordan will give everyone something to do Sunday—Don’t miss it. Has Chancey Gilmore given Ray mond from Minn, a break for Ad dle Stomp Brown is nuts about Jau ey Robinson. What’s the matter don’t Janey love Stomp or is there a north Omahan beating his time? And Kappell Kurtis can really know what the meaning of love is because Corrine Seay has gone to Cleveland, Ohio to See her Sister a former Omahan—Claudia. Mattie Bluford from Sioux City, Is coming on strong with Clifford Session and several other boys... . Keep kool Mattie. To that chic that saeeks around with a certain married guy—Don’t try to down us to your friends. Scorn not the girl that down today, But pity her in sorry_For this old world is a mean old world_and you may down tomorrw. You’d better watch that man’s wife!.'! It is rumored that the Sioux City boys are getting tired Of the Cm aha boys beating their time with their girls. There aren’t many girls there. We are glad to see Josephine Combs back again visiting her cou sin. What’s Lizabeth Riley trying to do for the Drape world? Her suit is strictly draped. “Big Mac”—Better known as Leonard McDonald married Doro thy Huston. Congratulations. THIS WEEK. Louie Jordan orchestra, Gen. B. O. Davis reviews new 369th regiment. Sunday school picnic in the mak ing, Many employees of U. S. Govern ment and many business houses on vacations, » District Conference, at Clair Chap el. Going over big. Many draftees and sslectives go CARL e. SWANSON for STATE TREASURER REPUBLICAN Serving 8th year as County Clerk of Hamilton County. 27 years experience in banking and budget management. A land ewner. 48 years of age. World War veteran. (political advertisement) republicans/ Oa 1j&uh. Ca*u£u£afe. 4yi COUNTY ATTORNEY, JtoW trn. num unu>ie. Moori andL 32 urn) W i/w GwaAa iau> hyJlr Ami imue aU ! KELSO MORGAN (political advertisement) (political advertisement) ing to camp. Boy Scouts having their summer outting in camp, Many visitors in the city. Negro Business Men’s League meeting in the making at Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Dorsey, the world’s renown chef cook and waiter in Omaha a gain, This writer enjoyed a lovely Sun day dinner at the Green Lantern Cafe and the streamlined service and the fine food was up to the minute. Let’s allgive them a hand. BIG BOY BRAY, FORMER COAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP, HELD FOR “PANDERING” SOLDIERS Los Angeles, Aug. 5 (ANP) Close surveillance over the "on leave” ac tivities of the many Negro service jmen in the Los Angeles district by M. P.’s and civilian police caused Big Boy Bray, giant colored heavy weight fighter and former coast champion, to be caught in the toils of the law last Sunday night. Because there were a few soldiers present at a party being given by Bray in South Los Angeles, he was arrested and charged with running a disorderly house. However, his attorney. Curtis Cavielle Taylor, “the Brown Clarence Darrow” suc ceeded in having him released on $500 bail which was reduced the fol lowing Friday in Municipal court. Bray entered a plea of “not guilty” and his trial will take place Aug. IS before Judge Harold B. Landreth. Bray, who is over 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs over 215 pounds, TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME | TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUILT. Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE J. L .TAYLOR, PROP. ALL WORK GUARANTEED “28 Years in Business” ECONOMY TAILOR Chas. M. Simmons, Prop. WE CUT, TRIM and MAKE SUITS TO ORDER Alterations for Ladies and Gents Cleaning and Repairing 1818 NORTH 24th St. Omaha, Nebraska McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th SL WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. ni. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 KISMET LETTER KLUB Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men, women, all ages. A dime brings info. P. O. Box 602, Los Angeles, California was discovered by Gene Sorral, lo cal business man, several years ago. Advancing rapidly with knockout wins at Francisco and her, he soon won the gold belt, of the coast heavy weight title. One of the few battles he lost was a ten rounder against Maxie Rosenbloom, and that only bv attempting to emulate RosenbloOin’a style of unorthodox boxing. --Hadr--- U' • • ' "IT PAYS Ta LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BiWBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE *ST. i.. ~~ll .-II .. . i Auto Parts Wanted BURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRUCKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 Omaha wiiVyvvw.vd*AV/*'.*iivww. 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 DUFFY rHA™'CY HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAck&cn 2290 15th & Chicago wm***^0*0*0***p*!rnKmm ^Scratchinixi For quick relief from itching caused by eczema athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other annoy ing skin troubles, use cooling, medicated, liquk D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor’s formula Creaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts ant quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial botth proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask you; druggist today tor O. D. D. Prescription in ex. for INS. The TESTIMONY of THOUSANDS: It’s the HOTEL THERESA When In NEW YORK any season e! the year 7th Ave. at 125th St the Heart of Harlem 500 spacious, all outside rooms; luxurious suites. The beautiful Orchid Room for dining; cocktail lounge and bar; the lovely Mcx sanine for relaxation. Ideal atmos phere for rest, study, and comfort. Larga room* with prirata bath •2.00 SMU—*2.50 Owbla Ud * Without prirata bath •1.S0 Difta—*2.00 MS ud a WALTER W. SCOTT. Managar HOTEL THERESA rt* At». at 125U> St , he. Yor* CHy PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS For ij Beautiful * Hair Perfectly i Matched I Send sample of hair or state color. $1.50 with order and save postage or pay postman $1.50 plus 23c postage delivery. Braids, Puffs and Wigs. Gray Hair 50c extra. POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St.. N.Y.C. Satisfaction or mommy rofwnM Costs only 3C per day t Pays up to $325 per year Accidents and Sickness strike quickly and Hospitals demand r—h. Federal** Hospitalization Insurance meets this emergency promptly by providing HOSPITAL ROOM mad BOARD— O PE R A T IN O ROOM - X-RAY EXAMINATION —ANESTHESIA LABORATORY EXAMINATION—MATERNITT BENEFITS - SURGEON'S FEES - SANATORIUM BENEFITS—EMERGENCY AID—AM B U L A N C E SERVICE — a total maximum payment up to $325 for only 3c a day. NO MEDICAL EXAMINA TION REQUIRED— CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY —AVAIL ABLE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. ACT NOW You can’t afford to be with a out thi« Low Coat protection. \ Let the FEDERAL FLAM ua m the bill*. Citizens Bank Building Wilmington, Del. 0. G, X. ■ Gentlemen:—Please mail me, without obligation, full Free details about your 3c I j a day Hospital and Surgical Payment Plan. 1 understand no agent will call. I | I Name __________ J - I , Street _ | | City or Tow" {