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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1941)
MR. and MRS. READER... CAN FOU FIND ONE THING ON PAGE THAT YOU WILL GIVE YOUR LOYAL SUPP0R1 The Omaha Guide, A Paper with A Purpose. Founded on the Principles of Service to Our Race to Our fitv to Our State, and to Our Flag. The Platform which you read displayed here was written by C C Galloway one of ;“UnnderS,Of^0n,aha Guide' ”"-0ct:15'.1926’and Pushed in the first issue oflhe oLha gS, Feb 12 m.ihe Omaha Guide is a necessary institution to the community in which itserves. That is why it has weath ered the many storms from 1927 to this present day, 1941. - LOCAL PLATFORM Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother hood of man must prevail. These are the only principles that will stand the acid test of good citzenship in times of peace, war and death. 1. We must have our pro-rata of employment in business to which we give our patronage, such as groc ery stores, laundries, furniture stor es, department stores, and coal com panies in fact every concern which we support. We < must give our citizens the chance to live respectably. We are tired of educating our children and permitting them to remain economic slaves and entering into a life of shame. 2. Our Pro-rata of employment for the patronage to our public cor porations such as railroad companies, the street car company ,the Nebraska Power Co., the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., and other establish ments we are forced to support by right of franchise. Also our pro-rata of employment in return for the taxes we pay in our city, county, state and federal government. 3. To entourage the establish ment of a first class hospital, that we * may get the best there is in medical science from our doctors whom we know to be nearest to us, also to en courage a high respect for them and encourage more of our girls to take nurses’ training. 4. A one hundred percent de portment of our citizens in our public and private places of business, espec ially in street cars. If we are to be respected we must act respectably es pecially in public places where we are constantly before the public eye. 5 A one hundred percent mem bership in the Omaha branch of the NAACP. should be had to encourage the efforts put forth by the founders of this organization, and to assist the general office to establish a five mil ion dollar endowment fund to main tain the operating expenses, and to further the principles of the NAACP. for all people of all races. American citizens must be educated to a higher principle and a more thorough under standing of inter-racial relationship so that our country may in reality be a government of the people, by the neonle, and for the people, in whole or in fact. 6 The re-establishment of the Christian Religion as Christ taught it, for the uplifting of mankind elim inating financial and personal gain. A practical religion, week days as well as Sunday. An attitude toward our fellowmen as a brother in order to es tablish a principle which will guide the destiny of each others children, for our neighbor’s children today are our children tomorrow. 7. To demand courteous treat ment in all places of business, and the enforcement of the Civil Right Law. 8. To encourage and assist in the establishment of the following financ ial institutions near 24th and Lake Streets; a Building and Loan Assoc iation, a State Bank, and also a first class Trust Company for the purpose of administering aid and assistance to our widows and orphans. 9. To encourage the erection of . a one hundred thousand dollar Young Men’s Christian Association near 24th and Lake Streets. 10. To enlarge the Y. W. C, A. so that it may supply dormitory accom modations for the girls who tire of home environment. 11. To teach our citizens to live economically by printing in each issue a budget system for various salaries. 12. To make Omaha a better city in which to live by inaugurating a more cosmopolitan spirit among our American citizens. 13. To put a stop to the Divorce Evil by passing a state law making the mistreatment, of a wife or husband by either of them a criminal offense, to be decided by jury. First offense, a jail sentence of a short duration; sec ond offense, one of longer duration; third offense, one to five years in the penitentiary. This, we believe, will make men and women think before marrying. 14. We must become owners of our city government by paying a seem ingly higher salary to those whom we employ to administer its affairs, a sal ary that will attract men of higher caliber. NATIONAL PLATFORM 1. Fight for the passage of the NAACP. Anti-Lynching Bill, thus stop the shameful lynching of Amer ican citizens. 2. One of our Negro citizens in - f • the President’s cabinet. 3. Federal control of the educa tional system and a federal law that every child must have an high school education. 4. Assist in the furtherance of research by our scientists and help our historians to prove that civilization was founded in Africa. No passports to any foreign country until he or she can show proof of visiting every state in America, by showing a certificate of registration friom the governor’s office of each state. Help us to see A merica first, and spend America’s earning with American citizens, 5. Establish a political influence which will bring about our pro-rata of higher appointments made by our chief executives, especially in our army. Demand appointments by the chief executive to be absolutely on ab ility and merit, and not color. Give our Negro boys appointments from first sergeant to colonel in the army if they are qualified for the job. The Negro soldier is the ordy real Americ !an on the job, and can be trusted in time of war not to turn traitor to his country. 6. Stop graft in politics by pass ing a federal law making Election day a legal holiday, and compelling every American citizen of voting age to vote. A federal old age Pension of sixty dol lars per month, if he or she has voted in every city, county, state and federal election held, and if he or she has nev er been convicted of a felony. 7. To prevent further wars by teaching the so-called white race that it is high time for them to quit fooling themselves about white supremacy with only three-tenths of the world’s population. They must be taught that color is due to climatic conditions. They must be taught that seven-tenths of the world’s population is made up of dark races. They must be taught that the rays of the sun that blazes upon the equator and turns the skin brown, does not affect the brain any more than the coldness of the icy glac iers affect the brain of the while race, and that the darker rnces will not con tinue to be crushed by a money-mad few. If the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man are not welded into the hearts of this world’s family now, by teaching the principles laid down by our Saviour, it will be welded into the hearts of our children some day on the bloodiest battlefield the world has ever known. «. • ** Frontal view of The Omaha fices, where an attendant will show Guide Publishing Co., at 2420 Grant you through our printing plant. Street. Come in and visit in our of % 0