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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1941)
GIRLS ON THE STREETS..... LOVE WITH A CAPITAL “L”— Yes folks, Sunday was May 11th Mothers’ Day. It brought mem ory of grief to some and joy to others. Those who wore red car nationas waljced flroudly beside their happy mothers-Those who I NeverI I Before I I LIKE THIS! I I Nearly New 1 ? for the lowest g H Price ever. ^ • •• ■ COME IN NOW— I CHRYSLERS, hr. BUICKS, g p LaSALLES, H CHEVROLETS. FORDS, p ■ PLYMOUTHS ■ I MURPHY ’SI * I 14th & Jackson AT-4411 [., wore white carnations showed their respect and love for their deceased mothers—■—Both colors spelled love with a capital '“L”. ****** MABEE—When a certain group of Orpheum theatre employees and their associates get ready for an other picnic-they will dun down to the weather bureau and ask a,bout the weather—or mabe they will plan it the next time when the sun is shining—Never theless, they had a clear view of the moon beaming down on the lake—Eh ? IF YOU LIKE TO BIKE Many of you r«ad of the Tech ster’s misfortune when riding to school on a bicycle—This is the time of the season everyone en joys bicycling—Please carefully read these safety rules: 1. Learn to ride in safe plac es. 2. Have your bike equipped with lights, brakes, horn. 3. Obey traffic rules 4. Never carry extra passen gers. B. Never hold on to another moving vehicle. MARK YOUR CALENDAR for Thursday, May 22nd and you'll meet the Entre Nous Club at the Dreamland Hall—presenting th© Sport Promenade—featuring Lloyd Hunter and his orchestra. WHAT’S THE TROUBLE, there seems to be a disturbance or - - - - --- —■ NflWt HAVE YOUR LAUNDRY COM 11 V/ ▼ ? PLETELY FINISHED FOR ONLY —10c A POUND— Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE 18LBS 1.79 10c Eftch Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST EMERSON - SARATOGA LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th m*a**t*i^i*t+*t^Ml»^m**i*i*a**0*b0t**h0*h*t*A Three Cheers for ELECTRIC ROASTER Q COOKERY! < m __ .... iti > "...and that goes for the Whole family! Put an end to suffering from summer kitchen heat! Ask the families that already enjoy automatic electric roaster cookery. They will tell you what it will mean to you this summer! You can go away for the day, yet come home and find dinner ready to serve. And what dinners! Electrically Every family cm live bet- prepared foods are truly different Ztjrszjrs: -truir banished drudgery from ®ver lasted. Other methods boil the home, and our elec- away color, vitamins and natural trio rates are now among Juices, but your electric roaster the lowest in the nation steams foods — saving their full homemW.kenr°tohenToyVthi deliciouBness! Don't put it off any convenience, time and longer — see the new electric labor saving electric liv. roaster models, today! They're Ing assures. available on easy terms with a small down payment. LIVE Even Better— ELECTRICITY IS Even Cheaper SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY must I say a lack of friendship be tween two girls; Velma Thomas and Lola Willis—Both girls are very attractive—Both have a good personality— But neither are friends. It seems to be because of an article thaf we picked up a bout Velma and by mistake— Lola’s name Was under it—But to our apology she didn’t have any thing to do with the article—So I hope the two will reunite their chair of friendship and be friends. ****** KICKERS READ THIS— “De man dat’s always kickin’ ain’t got any real trouble on his mind; when real trouble comes you is ginerally too stunned to kick” ****** BY REQUEST— And now that Betty Mitchell has stated the 10 best looking girls in South Omaha ,We shall name the 10 nice looking girls in North O maha. 1. Lavor Powell, 2. Jacquelyn (Lucky) Martin, 3. Mercedeese Moore, 4. Doris Pittiman, 5. Rob erta Longmire, 6. Lola Willis, 7. Neomi McGill, 8. Willa Kate Har ris, 9. Mary Yancey, 10. Mary Louise Jones. Of course boys, we mean faces! Next week 10 best looking hand boys??? BELIEVE IT OR NOT— They have hit the top—I’m speak ing of “The Young Negro Repub lican Club”. The whole club and their company are invited to the Blackstone Hotel, May 16th, and must I mention the rest of it— I’d rather tell you about it next week. AND NOW FOR THE WEEKLY GOSSIP— Well, well, well, we wonder how serious the Ruth and Bobby affair is—she can’t seem to for get Bobby—Could that be real — true love. I SEE Jessie is very pleased about Harry B.—did he finally give her a break—or—. HANDS AROUND THE CLOCK, that’s where Mary Y. hands are. It won’t be long before Penn F. will be back, eh—Mary? ****** THE MAGIC OF MAKEUP—If you want to see this demonstrated watch Maxine Nicholas’ face. ****** DID YOU SEE THEM? They finished the fashion parade Sun day—styling pink and blue—and posing as twins—Nona S. and Lil lian M. Styling black and white—Leota L. and Bessie T. Walterine Wright was seen styling her navy blue coat—she recently designed it in a sewing class—It came on —Jack! ****** AS STRANGE AS IT SEEMS,— The man of the week—is about 5 ft. 11 meaning of course, tall and handsome, his complexion is olive brown—he is wearing a dark brown draped suit, a light tan drap ed hat, with shirt and tie to match, age about 27 years old- PAST LIFE—Former home, Chicago, 111. where he was employed as meat inspector earning $35.00 per week —not married—Present—is look _-———————S HIRES IDEAL Bottling Company MAKERS OF SUPERB BEVERAGES 911 North 24th Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA ® - -j GETS EXECUTIVE SOCIAL i WORK APPOINTMENT Miss Almita Robinson, recent graduate of the Atlanta Univers ity School of Social Work, has made another step forward in her social work career. Former act ing executive secretary of the At lanta Urban League, she has been j appointed Executive Secretary of ji|umuur" - the Council of Negro Charities, Fort Worth ,Texas where it is ex pected that her dynamic personal ity and special training, as well as experience in the field ,of .Social work, will be of great aid in help ing to formulate future social wel fare programs for the benefit of the group. *- ■ ■ J Noli:—Your Question Will Be Answered “Peer" in This Column. Bar a "Prh/th Reply" . . . Send only 2Jc for aay new Aetroloct Rradsno ft Local Dat Chart and receive by return nail a confidential latter ot Ptm Aivkt waaly in* three (J) Questions privately. Sign your foil nasne, address, and bsrtbdaae aa all letters, and please include a self-addressed, itemped envelope for root reply. Send all letters to ABBE’ WALLACE, P. O. Box, 11, Atlanta, Georgia L. R. P.—I am deeply worried My mother and mother-in-law both live with my husband and we are not happy. My mother-in-law is trying to turn my husband against me. Should I take my mother and move out on them ? Ans: Your house isn’t large enough for three families—but in a case like yours—I think that you should stick it out- It is neces sary for your husband's mother to live with you as well as your own mother. Talk things over with them and let them know they must be genial, else they must | leave. Don’t break up your own home for the sake of your mother and mother-in-law. Get the old ladies sociable again and your pro blem will be solved. ****** R. J. T.—I have had a hard time all my life and I am tired feeling sorry for myself. I have been married many years and try to be sweet with everyone but I don’t ing for a wife—has a good job, a bank account—enjoys home life as well as night life—attends Cleaves Temple Church—Lives between 27th and 28th on Caldwell St. — phone number in telephone dir.— his name is Mr. Woodrow Allen. So all that is interested meet up wif dis romantical Studd. Next week—The Girl of the Week. a ****** This is Your G- O- T. S.—Until next week B’by Now! HELP YOURSELF to BETTER HEALTH New Illustrated Book Tells Causes of Ailments and Opens Way to Simple Home Treatments I linen It no respecter of portent. Headaches, Sleeplessness, Ditty Spells, Constant Coldt, Nervous Attacks, High and Law Blood Pressure, Fa tigue, Hay Fever, Stomach Gat, Skin Iniptiont, Constipation, Belching, Bad Breath, “Getting-Up Nights’*. Overweight, Underweight . . . theta are troubles thousands suffer from and wonder why. Often corrective steps, easily taken at homo, can lessen your suffering. Our booklet, "HAPPY-GO-HIALTHY" tells how common ailments start and explains how serious developments can be avoided; shows how careless eating Is often back of organic disturbance; tells how change of (Hot can bring relief. An easy way to HEALTH and Happiness. A book of Health Facts for those who want to help them selves ... a book that should be In every home for ready reference. wnd today for ... # "HAPPY-GO-HEALTHY" JEd INTRODUCTORY OFFER - Don’t Wait J • • • • Limited Supply at This Price Address: DRUGLESS TREATMENTS P. O. BOX 59, SANTA CLARA, CALIF. .. . ■■■■„ — 1 seem to take to no one, people are snobby with me. I’m short, fat, and cannot be popular. Ans: You can’t hope to get rid of this complex by staying coop ed up at home. This trait ean be easily overcome. Get out and mingle with people in your comm unity. Make it a point to attend community affairs. You aren’t looked down upon. You will find that you are well respected in your neighborhood. ****** L. E- C.—Why is my husband so in love with my oldest son’s wife? Why is he not as nice to me as he used to be? Ans: Whether you know it or not—you are directly responsible for your husband’s cool attitude lately. He admires his daughter in-law and respects her—he wants her to feel welcome in the. family and had done his best to make her comfortable and at ease. But, my dear lady you have snorted so with jealously that your husband is changing his opinion of you after all these years. Be kind to this daughter-in-law and stop nagging at your husband for he isn’t try ing to be funny with her. G. B. C.—Do you think Sir that it would be to my help any to take the trip to Chicago that I have 1301 N. 24th St. WE. 4737 Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP & BUFFALO A. A. Rosschaert, Prop. MUIUlinilllllllllllllIMM ■I--——--® B TYPEWRITERS, Adding H Machines, Duplicating » Machines For Sale. ■ One Remington Typewriter K $15.00 Terms Arranged If L. R. FOX COMPANY | 430 Electric Bldg- JA. 4858 9 JUST OUT i HOWARDS NEW SEPIA EDITION STYLE BOOK of real human hair, WIGS, PAGE BOYS. Send for your copy Today! The biggest variety of hair goods ever seen. Open a Customer's deposit ac count. HOWARD WIG CO. Dept. O. G. 14.3 W. 125th St., New York | fBeauty Parlor Agents wanted! STATES DISCOVER PRINCIPLE OF "STAR-FiSH" TA X AT ION /"\NE of the great marvels, of i science was the discovery years ago of the fact that If one or more points of a star*fi$h are cut off, the animal will grow the Cints again ana in a short time as big and sound as it was 1 stHsinaiiv Discovery of the prin eneration in some ani i as much hubbub in Riic world as Would .at a salesmen’s con* • . - officials are discover* toline faxes follow the nciple of regeneration, a state cuts i cent off tax rate, the revenue in a very few years is — ■ ■■ c as great as it was before the tax cut. Since 1934 gasoline tax revenue of most of the states has in creased 50 per cent or more. Year after year more families become automobile owners. Also, people tend to use their cars more. Un der these conditions of expanding revenue, most states, could have reduced their rates since 1934 and they would now be collecting just as much money at the low rates as they collected at the higher rates. «* The gasoline levy is the great est “star-fish” tax ih all history. Its great powers of regeneration I should stimulate many states to I reduce their rates. planned to make? Ans: Indeed I do. I strongly urge that you go there and take up the course of study that you are Interested in at this writing. That the best way for you to advance in your line—do it now before you get married the last of this summer. ****** M. F.—A young man came to see me and asked if I would be his girl friend and I have given him no answer. We go to movies and dances and he tells everyone that I am his “old lady” and I get an gry. Will I ever find the right man and is this the one? Ans: No, he isn’t the right man for you. He’s grand comp any to take you to the nice dances, theatres and other places that a girl likes to go and 'you really should prize his friendship. It is my suggestion that you treat the young man with respect but don’t al’ow your self to be swayed by his rice manners right now for you are too young to marry and you know very well that you do not love him. ****** W. R. C.—My husband left me some property and I am planning on selling part of it and building on one of the lots- Should I do this or hold to the property? Ans: Sell out part of the land and you have in mind and build you a comfortable home. What good will the property be to you— you can not go wrong by building a little home. Real Shoe Man— J FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH AND CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVERA_ Omaha Jobbing Co. 317 N. 15th JA. 5604 PAINT JJ00 A Gallon Wallpaper - Roofing Linoleum & Rugs When In | NEW YORK For the Day, The Weekend or ! 1 Permanently I The HOTEL THERESA 7th A«e. at 125th St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING distinctive location ... All outside rooms; luxurious suites. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. LarA« room* with priVafe bath •2.00 Sage -*2.50 Double awl op •1.S0 Sage-*2.00 Double awl op $p*cUl Vttkh & Moatiiy Ratm WALTER W. SCOTT. Manajat Hotel THERESA ]W« USWSCBmi Teat OQ •WhmTmOmm* t-ITOO INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Oaa trapped In the atomach or gullet may act like a hair-trigger on the heart At the first sign of distress smart men and women depend on Bell-ana Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the faatest actlng medicines known for acid indlgeabion. If the FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ana better, return bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. 25c. COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 WAV/AV.-.V HATS by Roman . $2.95 ' Send for free catalogue today! Completely illustrated. Featuring the ROMAN warriors in the latest Army colors. Narrow to extra wide brims. The biggest variety ever offered. We sell by mail only to all parts of the world. THE ROMAN COMPANY 141 West 125th St., Dept. OG., New York City, N. Y. QUININE HAIR i DISCOVERY { The Ancient, (H Reliable 20- Jm Year-Old y| Formula dT, QUININE HAIR PL DISCOVERY Is skill- 9 fully prepared at- ^ cording ta Scientific Formula. One af the Safest and Mast Paer erful Hair Preparations known. Obstinate cases 'eport Great Aid and Benefit. QUININE HAIR DISCOVERY Is ene tf the best known aids In alleviating Dandruff, Itch ing. Sore Scalp, and Falling Hair, ntt due to Functional Disorder. QUININE HAIR DISCOVERY Is Stimu lating. Eecites the Scalps ta New Healthy Action. FEEL WIDE AWAKE. EXPERIENCE THAT THRILLING. TINGLING SENSATION, lollowmg use nl QUININE HAIR DISCOV ERY. REFRESHING TO THE SCALP. It you are not immediatily delighted, your money cheerfully refunded. ATTENTION! FREE TRIAL OFFERI A lull three months' treatment el Pure Granulated Castile Hair Shampoo and in Ad dition, the New HAIR SCIENCE STRAIGHT ENED given ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT CHARGE with every order of QUININE HAIR DlSCC /ERY. SEND NO MONEYI Pay Postman only Si (C.O.D. lew cents extra). Full directions. ORDER NOW! Note: It apt to be out when postman calls, send J1 or money trdtr and aye COO. postage. | It AIK SC’IKNCK CO. Dept. OG., 507 5th Ave., New York City NEW! "BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE now finding groat favor among women... Many doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be clean, dalnty-for women troubled by offend ing odor or discharge. Some products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash! Pinkham's Sanative Wash is gaining great favor because it's NOT a harmful germicide. Instead—it's a mighty effective "bac teriostatic" (the modern trend). It not only discourages bacterial growth and infection but thoroughly cleanses, deo dorizes. Very soothing—relieves minor irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! All druggists.