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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1941)
CLASSIFIED ADS FOR YOUR GARDENS PLANTS, Sweet Potato, Pepper, Cabbage Now Ready—Order Now! H. G. Davis & Sons, R. 4 South Omaha. _ BenefiTshop, 711 So. 16th—Won derful bargains in used furniture. 1 Set of Hoover attachments, Electric Lamps, Good Clothing at Reduced Prices this week. Ladies riding boots and shoes, almost new Katherine Peterson, Mgr. Join^ReliabJe Friendship Club —For Marriage, Friendship, or Pleasure. Send Dime for member *hip blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wen iell, Chicago, 111. " WANTED TO RENT Want A 6 Rooms House, must have 3 bedrooms,—Call WE. 1617 Omaha Guide Office. ROOMS FOR RENT Room For Rent, We. 2366. 2 Room Apartment, furnished or unfurnished. WEbster 0360. Call evenings. Room For Rent for single man. Reasonable, call evenings AT. 9460 Room for man and wife AT. 0748 Furnished Room For Rent— 2620 Patrick. WE. 2217. For Rent, a large front kitchenette apt. for Rent—Call JA. 7568 p.m. House for Rent, 7 rooms all mod ern, double garage, 2 blocks from carline, Furnish references WE. 2017. _ FURNISHED ROOM and APT. FOR RENT, WE. 0718-_ For Rent— Apt. for rent, call WE. 2863. 2 Room Apt, private bath $4 50, 2430 Blondo St- JA. 0986. All bills paid. 6 Room house for rent, all mod ern $16.00 per mo., AT. 6998. For Rent, Furnished Apartment, —Bills paid, 2 rooms $3 60; 8 rooms, $4.50—JA. 0986. For Rent, One room Apt. WE-2365 ROOMS FOR RENT, —WE. 6174 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 605* EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St WE. 1029 MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.” WANT TO BUY— " Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE 2224 funeral directors THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2023 Lake St. WEbster 2012 HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We d< glazing and make window shadei H) order. 182 N. 24th St. WE. 1607 tHeIubject —OF— EMPLOYMENT ARTICLE NUMBER 4 -by H. J. PINKETT Omaha is the only city of its size in the Northern part of the country which has waiters in all the leading hotels and clubs, color ed men- The principal hotels also employ colored maids. The railroad companies center ing here employ rolored waiters and several of them employ col ored cooks. The total is around one thousand. In addition to the waiters, the Pullman Company em ploys about one hundred porters in this district. The dining car waitere on the Union Pacific Railroad several years ago were organized by the American Federation of Labor. Their membership totals nearly one thousand, and thep are to be found all the way from Omaha to the Pacific coast. The company officials at one time thought un ionization of these workers would be harmful, but have found it help ful to the employees and the com pany and public. The Pullman Porters have been organized for many years, with accruing advan tages to the company and them selves and the public. Twenty years ago domestic ser vice was financially desirable, and more than one thousand colored persons were thus engaged. In recent years, however, the pay for this type of work has become un inviting with a consequent decline in the number thus engaged. One other factor, perhaps, has entered into this field, effects of the de pression on the persons who for merly were able to employ work ers of this type. About three hundred full and MWWNWMVAVVWWi DUFFY Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 WAWAWWAYAWAW Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids Excess acids, poisons and wastes In your blood are removed chiefly by your kidneys. Getting up Nights, Burning Passages. Back ache, Swollen Ankles, Nervousness. Rheu matic Pains, Dizziness, Circles Under Eyes, and feeling worn out, often are caused by non-organlc and non-svstemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles. Usually in such cases, the verv first dose of Cystex goes right to work helping the Kidneys flush out excess acids ana wastes. And this cleansing, purifying Kidney action, in Just a day or so, may eas ily make you feel younger, stronger and better than In years. A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Cystex In sures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sattsfled. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Cystex from your druggist today for only 35c. 1. C. C. ex. for N. S Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY— SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ORANGE AND BLUE FOOD STAMPS RE DEEMED at JOE’S Food Market at Low Prices. ****** SUGAR 5 POUNDS 27 c FLOUR 5LBS-_19c FULL QUART JAR Dill Pickles, special 10c Prunes, 2 lb. pkg. 15c LARGE CAN Peaches ?r Pairs 15c (IN SYRUP) SHOE STRING Potatoes, can 5c Soda Crackers, lb. pkg. 9c FANCY Cookies, lb. I2Y2C SUNK 1ST Oranges, dozen 22c PORTO RICAN YAMS, pound 5c QUART JAR Pure Apple Butter 15c HOME MADE PICKLED Pigs Feet, lb. 10c Pk. Shoulder Roast lb 16c Veal Roast, lb._18c Bacon Squares, lb. 12y2c Dry Salt Jowls, lb. -10c Veal Chops, lb. 20c B riling Beef, lb. 10c New Cabbage, lb. 5c 3 CANS LIGHTHOUSE" Cleanser, 10c 25 OZ. CAN K. C. Baking Powder, 22c BREAK O’ MORN COFFEE, lb. 17c SOCIAL NEWS HAYES-PEGG NUPTIALS Miss Wilma Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hayes of Valentine, Nebraska, will become the bride of Mr. William Gaitha Pegg, of Omaha, Nebraska at a quiet church wedding in Valentine, Nebraska- The ceremony will take place on June 3rd. The couple will take a shoi-t honeymoon trip by auto, and ex pect to return to Omaha on or a bout June 12th and will reside here. There will be a reception given for the bride and groom by Mr. Pegg’s mother, Mrs. Mary C. Pegg. This formal affair will be given at the YWCA. Mr. William Gaitha Pegg, is a graduate of Omaha Central High School and of Nebraska Univers ity. He is a member of the Kap pa Alphi Phi Fraternity, is vice president of the Gay Westerners, and Secretary of the 4 C Credit Union. At the present time Mr. Pegg is employed at the Omana postoffice as a Postal clerk. NEW LOCATION Miss Alfreda Rayner, popular Hair-dresser of Council Bluffs, la. has moved to a new location No 8 North 16th St. part time workers are at present engaged in domestic service work. The Packing Industry employs around 700 colored workers. Over forty percent o fthem are skilled workers, which indicates that op portunity has been given for ad vancement in this industry. A number of colored workers is em ployed at the American Smelting and Refining Company. Some of them are doing skilled Work, but are nit rated as such. The Nebraska Power company has several colored employees. The number has increased markedly in recent pears. And a few years ago the Northwestern Bell Tele phone Company added several col ored workers, where there had been none at all before. It is note worthy that the Public Power Dis tricts do not employ Negroes. Colored workers are employed in considerable numbers by the downtown clothing and dry gooJs, stores, almost without exception. Such stores as Brandeis, Nebraska Clothing, Herzberg’s, Goldstein Chapman’s and Carmen’s have for years employed colored workers. The other stores in the business [district have been helpful in this lespect. Many colored janitors are employed in downtown build ings and in apartment houses. Employment is proportionately less along North 24th Street where it should be much more. Fv,r here, 80 percent of the patronage is derived from colored people. T wo laundries in the district are exceptions to this- Each one em ploys several colored workers. The colored people spend a very large part of their income each week in the various stores of the community. Their income is only slightly more than enough to buy necessities from week to week. And what they spend is spent in the community of which they form a Dart. The Colored population of Om aha lives, as colored populations live in many American cities, in a limited area, a city set down m the heart of a city. Here, twelve thousand of Omaha’s fourteen thousand Negroes live. Thep have a tremendous purchasing power, but they have not learned how to use it. Largely, it is being used, but not for them. The future holds some promise A few of them are learning And as more and more of them learn their economic value and power, life will be a little better for tnem and not Worse for their city. Next week something will be told about colored workers employ ed by Colored People who operate their own businesses. JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard. W. W. Holler, Mgr 0t0t+***a*Mmat*t*t**h*m SHARE’S BUFFET for Popular Brand* !! of BEER and UOUOR« 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to n»rl< mMNMM*' ’ ...iffiitimc LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Serv - < Hot Corn Bread or Ri •••' with Your Orders w't Extra Chari* 24th St At Willi* A«»* •• COSMOPOLITAN CLUB The Cosmopolitan Club met 01 May 9th at 2226 Miami St., with Mrs. William Higdon as host. The meeting was opened by the Presi dent- AH members were present After the business meeting was closed, games were played after which a delicious lunch was serv ed. The club adjourned to meet May 15th nt2 226 Miami St. with Mrs. Elsie Johnson as hostess. Hattie Dunn, Pres., George Clark Reporter. JOE THOMAS MOVES Mr. Joe Thomas, beter known as ‘‘Ukulele Joe” formerly of 2916 North 28th Street, has moved to 2716 Miami Street. A DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones, 2927 North 26th Street are the proud parents of a daughter. FUNERAL SERVICES Funeral Services were held on May 6th,fo r Mrs. Mary Turner, 38, 2627 Decatur, who died at a lo cal hospital. WELLS HAVE DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wells, 2S04 Miami, are the proud parents of a daughter, bom recently. I CORNERSTONE LAYING There will be a cornerstone lay ing at the Masonic Temple, £0ih and Blondo on Sunday, May 18th. Some prominent speakers from other jurisdictions will be in the city for the occasion, TOWNSEND CLUB NO. 11 Our Townsend Club No. 11 held its regular meeting on April the 28th at the home of Mrs. Johnson 3012 Miami St. Owing to the fact that our regular meeting place at the Urban League Center, 2213 Lake St., Was occupied that night for other purposes, we held ouri regular meeting at the Urban Lge. Center on Monday night, May the 6th. Owing to the inclement wea ther attendance was not very large although we had a grand meeting and our finance and soc ial committee sold out all refresh ments. We are certainly glad to see our committee working so well together. We are now making great strides in our Townsend cIud We are glad to have so many new members coming in and delin quent members renewing their membership cards- Beginning February 1st all members were as sessed ten cents per month. Those who have not paid for February, row oWe for February, March, April and May. Let us not get behind in our monthly dues. It is much easier to keep up than it is to catch up. Many have responded already while there ace a few who are still in the rear. Now let us all work together and do our part and I am sure we will get the Townsend plan into law, and that is what we need. A dis Irict mass meeting will be held by Townsend Club No. 3 May the 26, at the Odds Fellows Had in Flor ence at two o’clock. Let us all take a trip- L. W. McDonald, I resident, J. W. Dallas, First Vice President, Clark Washington, Sec ond Vice President, Mrs. B. B. Hawkins, Treasurer, Mrs. E.lith Harrison, Secretary. URBAN LEAGUE PLANS BENEFIT DANCE MAY 26th In an effort to reach all persons who may want to help the Omaha Urban League in its $1,000 Fin ancial Drive to buy a home. A benefit dance will be given at Dreamland Hall, Monday, May 26. Through the generous aid of Lloyd Hunter and His Band and Neal Parkf‘r and His Hi-Hatters, who are both contributing the ser vices of their band and Mr. James Jewell who is donating the hall, the Urban League hopes in this way to aid the campaign teams meet the financial goal. Tickets can be obtained at tne Urban League, from team work ers, or froms ome of the stores in this neighborhood for 50c per per son. Special entertainment will be furnished by local talent along with the good music of these bands. BREAKS BOTH ARMS Mrs. J. C. White, 2006 North 28th Street, suffered a very un fortunate accident on Saturday May 3. While descending a flight of stairs, she fell and broke hot! arms. She was taken to the hos oital. but has since been returnee home where she is getting alonf quite well 1 SOMEWHAT BETTER . Mr r. C. White, 2201 Grant St. ]■' ' • h^n confined to his hone by illness is somon-hM better a prern^f nriH is "hi-1 h" up ant about. CLAIR CHAPEL ME. CHURCH 22n«l and Miami Street, Rev. Clarence C. Reynolds, Pastor •Mrs. Ellis Kirtley, Reporter. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, Supt. Mrs- Melford in charge. 11:00 a. m. service was opened with full attendance and genuine Fellowship. Message was deliver ed by our pastor from St. John 19:26, subject, “Woman Behold Thy Son’’. His discourse had to do with Mothers. Mothers enduring hard ships, as Mother of Jesus. A challenge to be a child. Mother hood is to be exalted to the high est pinnacle. This was indeed and inspiring subject that we all en joyed immensely. Mrs. Reynolds and four children have arrived and were introduced at the morn ing service. Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Moore for merly of Salina, Kansas, are visit ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Smith. Mrs. Moore will re main for a few days. Rev. Moore left Saturday for Mason City, la. where he was appointed at the Central West Conference, April 23. Evening Worship was opened at 8:00 p. m. Senior Choir in cha-ge Rev. Wade in charge of devotions. Pastor delivered another soul stirr ing message from John 14:27. Subject “Peace Is Wonderful, Peace I Leave with You, My Peace 1 Give Unto You.” These words brought a convert, Mrs. Fred Buc kner, foi-meiy of Clay Center, Kan. Remember prayer services Wed. eve., Visitors are always welcome to worship at Clair chapel. SMALL BOYS SOCIAL CLUB The Small Boys’ Social Club met May 8th with Leroy McGary pres iding. The meeting opened by singing God Bless America, read ing of the minutes were omitted. The roll was called and dues col lected. Member, Thomas Ren frow had a birthday last month. He also received a lovely bill fold from the club and best wishes for many more happy birthdays. The meeting was turned over to the committee in charge of the Moth ers’ Day Flower Sale near one hundred flowers were given out to the members present, with ev eryone eager to start selling the flowers. The club adjourned to meet May 15th. Chocolate and vanilla wafers were served. Members present were Master, Harvey Renfrow, Worthing Bridges, Jimmie Me Gary, Thomas Renfrow, Marvin Horn and Charles Farrell. Jimmie Jones, Pres., Leroy Me Gary, Reporter. ENTERTAIN AT BOYS’ REFORMATORY The United Gospel Singers en tertained at the Boys’ Reformatory at Lincoln, Sunday, May 11th. The singers were also guests at Quinn Chapel AME. Church, which is pastored by Rev. Bell. The Uni ted Gospel Singers are supervised by Miss Lillian Harrison. BENEFIT CARD PARTY GIVEN BY TEAM NO. 5 FOR URBAN LEAGUE FINANCIAL DRIVE As part of their special effort to raise their team’s quota for the Urban League’s drive toward the $1,000.00, team No. 5 will give a benefit card party at the Urban League, Thursday, May 29th, be tween 8 and 12 p- m. Mr. John T. Davis, Captain, in announcing this card party report ed that $8.00 in cash prizes would be given away. The admission is 25c. All card players are urged to be present to enjoy an evening of entertainment. CAREER CONFERENCE May we thank all of those who helped to make The Career Conf erence a Big Success. Signed Mrs Grayce Bradford, Adult Chairman, Miss Leona Edwards, Youth chair man. YWCA NEWS The Midwest Girl Reserve Con ference will convene at Camp Brewster June 9-17, June 17-25. At the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, the Advisers Seminar, will convene from June 9 LOANS'*™ We Ix>an Money on Suits, Shoes Typewriters, Rad’os, Rifles, Trunks, Diamonds, Wrist Watch es Good Jewelry, Musical In struments, Anything Valuable. We sell unredeemable suits 4.95 > & up. or anything not redeemed. ► BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 N. 24th St Phone JA. 9375 through the 14th. ****** There will he A-Stay-At-Home at the Northside YWCA from June 9th through July 7th. There will also be a camp from July 6 through 13 and through July 20 ****** On Monday, May 19th at 7:30 p. m. the Family Relationship Committee will conduct a panel on Family Relations. All parents aTe urged to be present. Tea will be served. ****** Look for the announcement of the rummage sale which is being sponsored jointly by the Girl Re serves and Conference Commit I tees. SINGING CHURCHES, MAY ?5 On Sunday afternoon, May 25 from 3 to 4:30 the Omaha Council of Churches will present a service of special music at the First Pres byterian Church at 34th Farnam There will be instrumental music, union of choirs and fellowship singing. The public is cordially invited- There is no admission. MUSIC— “ITS STUDY EXALTS LIFE" Mrs. Flora Pinkston will pres ent her many pupils in three sep arate recitals this year. They will be in June. This special ar rangement of her pupils is for the I convenience of the public. One ARTHRITIS Don't despair come relief In of relief from Arthritia due terrible Arthri- to Sulphur de tia acbea or ficiency. Small pains. The daily coat. Mon NEW Colloidal ey back If no Iodized Sulphur relief after 30 capsules called days’ dosage. SlfLPHO-KAPS Begin taking often bring wet- TODAY. YourDru||jb«hMSULPHOj^eS recital will present advanced pu* pils, another will introduce inter mediate pupils, and the other will present primary pupils. Another musical that will com mand our attention is the Operet ta and Ballet which will be spon sored jointly by Mrs. Flora Pink ston and Mrs. Marjorie Bolden Ware. The date will be annouix ed later. A Musical Extravaganza will be presented Sunday evening, June 6th at St- John AME- Church by the Kitchen Club. Its purpose is to raise funds to buy a new stove and other furniture for the new kitchen which will be a phase of St. John’s New Structure. The Trustee Helpers Club of Bethel AME. Church at 2430 Franklin St., again is happy to present to the public its 3rd An nual Musical Concert featuring Leading Quartettes and Trios of the city, May 28th. On the fourth Sunday evening, of each month the St. John Choir presents special music. The pub lic is cordially invited NORTH 24th ST. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 424t —POPULAR PRICES - YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARK REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD “Leaves No Repair Look" ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. ---guide’ ROTHERY CLEANING SPECIAL [ONE PIECE PLAIN DRESSES MEN’S SUITS ' LADIES PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COATS Except White or Fur Trimmed i0% Less For Cash and Carry pnpp ONE PLAIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS CLEANED FREE I KLL WITH EACH $1.00 ORDER FREE—“Moth Seal” nags or Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coats Cleaned Now at Our Regular Prices (Not Special Price*.) Fur Coats, values to $100, Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS ——— I ■' '■■■' ■" " ' ' " " ——"^1 “Telephoning sure has changed’’ 9 .-Ill V.Wli ^ “When I first used Long Distance. I -waited half an hour to get through and then it was mighty hard to hear." But telephoning is altogether different now. You can reach folks most anywhere in a minute or two—and hear them clearly* Local service, too, is faster, more accurate, more dependable. • • • Wt art working constantly to mako oorvico bottor and bottor—moro ploosing to you In ovory way. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ■ . ijs ____ omm -AN URGENT MESSAGE to women who suffer FEMALE WEAKNESS Few women today are free from some sign ry of functional trouble. Maybe you’ve noticed YOURSELF getting restless, moody, ner- m vous, depressed lately—your work too much jp for you — Then why not take Lydia E. Pinkham’s y: Vegetable Compound to help quiet weary, hysterical nerves, relieve monthly pain y (cramps, backache, headache) and weak ■< dizzy fainting spells due to functional ir regularities. For over 60 years Pinkham’s Compound . i has helped hundreds of thousands of weak y run-down, nervous “ailing” women to go ) smiling thru "difficult days." Why not give this wonderful “woman’s friend” a chance to help YOU ? Try it! KK