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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1940)
Note:-You* Question Will Be Aniwee.d “Fee." in Thu Column. For t "Pmalt Reply" . . Send only 2I« for my new Aiteologt Reading k Luckt Day Chaet and receive by return mail a confidential letter of Free Advkt uulr* ing three (3) Question, privately. Sign your full name, addren. and b>"fcd.t.“ .11 letters, and plea* include . self-.ddres.ed, Send ell letter> to: ABBE' WALLACE, core of THE OMAHA GUIDE, H* GRANT ST., OMAHA. NEBRASKA. |J. E C.—My husband is a drun-' kard, but he will not take a drink JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Holler, Mgr. r .-.. .... until Saturday night. He works all the week and hardly goes any where and when Saturday conies if he toudhea a drop he stays out all night. He gets silly and un pleasant. I like to go out to danc es and bo in society and he doesn’t Tell me what to do? Ans: This husband of yours is a very self-conscious man— he drinks it is true but he does suf Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH BRING IN YOUR BROKEN WINDOW AND WE’LL GLAZE THEM FREE! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN & FENCE WIRE OUR STOVE, FURNACE, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ROOFING AND GUTTERING ARE COMPLETE “Everything At A Low Price” (Open Evenings) — WE. 1607— 1822 North 24th St. We Offer for Your Approval A ''*!• Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— 9 Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— E0L0LM& SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 trm»2 WmSU m*2t**rm2»r,jtniS9Z Where It PAYS to be Comfortable! LIGHT CONDITION YOUR HOME-TODAY! It isn't worth the risk to gamble with precious eye sight 1 Use I. E. S. lamps for reading and sewing and other close work. They're scientifically designed to give you soft, glare-free, but adequate light and they are available in a host of styles and designs. See them today! UVE .., ELECTRICITY IS tfAsfytl SEE YOUR DEALER OR THE NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY fer terribly from an inferiority complex. I believe that if you were to come down to his level — enjoy the things that he provid»s for you more and treat kim as a pal—he will change. He doesn’t drink every week—that alone is proof that he isn’t a confirmed drunkard. ****** I- J. J.—Will I get the job I ap plied for and tell me if the boy I am going with loves me or not? Ans: It is only a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks un til you find steady employment. You are on the right track right now. The young man you are g > im? with does love you—but it is indicated to me that you will meet someone right after Thanksgiving who will mean more to you than he does. H. B.—This mart I have fusses and nags about everything that I do and all that I don’t do. He never has a word of praise. Things I do are always done wrong or not done to suit him. Is it wise for me to continue on here or leave? Ans: Leave. You had no bus iness goiiyj therle to begin with and neither you or this man either will be happy ag long as you stay. The old boy friend back in your home town has some n'ews for you —overlook the mistake he' made recently and take him back again. 4 ***** F. R.—My son is in college and he isn’t altogether pleased with the course he is taking. What can I do to make things different ly for him? Ares: Arrange to take a trip down to see him and his Dean. Talk the wlhole thing over with the Dean and try to get bis sched ule arranged right. There is no need to keep wasting time for the boy will not remain in school very much longer unless he gets to take the subjects that interest him. G ,B.—'This minister that has re cently come to our church has shown me a lot of attention. I believe he i6 sincere and he asked me to marry him. Tell me if it would be a gool idea or not? Ans: You’re right—he’s stuck on you plenty. I urge you to marry the Minister. He will pro vide a nice borne and since you take so much interest in church work and are able to play for the choir—you two will get along ex ceptionally well. G. B.—Will I get to make the trip to Southern California this year with my people? A ns: Yes—you can go along with your people if you say the wtord. They will be tickled to have you join them as usual and I urge you to go. The climate will do you a world of good as well as the change. Hold to such a fine job—they certainly aren't common right now ****♦«! M .P.—I am 15. Everytime a boy comes around my father acts grumpy. What can I do to keep him from worrying us to death a bout the boys. Ans: Nothing. This is a pro blem that you must put up with as long as you live in your fath er’s house. He doesn’t like the WJVWbWMWWMIW WANTED BURNT, WRECKED & DELAPIDATED CARS & TRUCKS Parts For All Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. I —2501 Cuming SC AT. 5656 '.V.Y.VVAV.V.Y.V.'.W.Y. idea of you and your sinter runn ing around and will have some thing to say eadh time you *go out. Learn noit to let him worry you, —but don’t forget that he has your best interest at heart. «****<! C. L. S.—I am a young girl still in school. I have made one big mistake which dragged my reput ation almost to nothing I a>n paying for it with 'heart ache and pains. Boys are saying things that are true and things that arc not true too. How and what must I do? Ans: Build your reputation a gain—fori it really has been shat tered to some extent. The young man you feel you are in love with doesn’t love you—he's the guy that is carrying a big portion of the gossip about you. Go with the nicer girls and boys—don’t try to have too many dates for awhile and by all means act a lad,y. THE EUREKA ART CLUB The Eureka Art Club held its regular meeting Nov. 6th with the President os hostess. The busi ness meeting was prebided over by the vice president. There were eleven members present. The sick of the club are Mrs. Eva Sharp and Mrs. Argie Mayberry. The hostess served a lovely re_ past. Next meeting November 27 with Mrs. Greta Wade of 2715 Bin nlty St. Effie Moore, Pre.s, H. Ward, Reporter. QUACK CLUB NOTES Well folks, here is more news from the Quack Club— Our Social Chairman bad aharge of the meeting last Fri day night. The Heinz soup dem onstrator showed a very interest ing movie of how soup and can goods were founded. Then he served each person in the audience a cup of mushroon soup which was very delicious. There wyere Sev enty-five people present and each one was given a family size can of soup to take home. So '-hat’s where all the girls got their soup last Friday night We then had a very short bus iness meeting. There were also several old members w|ho rejoin ed the club. A group of fourteen girls at_ tended the world fellowship din ner at the Central YWCA, last Wednesday, November 13th. A bridge and whist tournament will be held at the Northside Y.W. C.A. Thursday, December 12th at 8:30 p. m given by the Quack Club. Let’s not forget the prizes and refreshments. Thanks Visit ors and club girls foul the splendid showing last Friday night. I think I’ll say goodbye now! Dorothy Ferguson( Pre3., Milly Bone, Reporter. II -1 This Week In Religion and Thought BY ROBT. L. MOODY Let Us Be Thankful— “Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfieth the longing soul and filleth the hungry soul with goodness” Psa. 107'8 ,9. There is no better exaltation to be given than this one. If this in treaty were obeyed our world wiould be more joyful- Every person has something to be thank ful for whether he is poverty stricken or prosperous. The n\erc_ ics of God prevent our present life and condition from being worse. i Thanksgiving Day it$ truly an American celebration and tradi tion. This year we have more to be thankful for than previously. Our neighbors across the sea are either struggling against or be ing conquered by ruthless< selfish ness and war. Many have b^en driven from their homes for which they have spent their lives. They aro told to go, but where? Their homes are taken by the conquer FLUSH KIDNEYS OF POISONS & STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS 'Live A Healthier, Happier, Life Thousands of men and women wonder why backache bothers them—why they have to visit the bathroom often) at night—why flow is scanty and sometimes smarts and burns. Any one of these symptoms may mean that your kidneys and blad der need attentiort now before these minor symptoms may devel op into serious trouble. To flush out excess waste pois ons and acid from kidneys, soothe ydur irritated Madder4 and put more healthy activity into them, | get a 35 cent package of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Capsules and take as directed. This harmless, tried and true medicine gives results — you should feel better in a few days as this effective diuretic and kid ney stimulant drives excess uric acid from the body whieh is often the aggravation of joint agony, sciatica and neuritis. Don't be an EASY MARK and accept a substitute—Get Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules—-the original and genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents. crs. We, Americans are yet able to live in our homes this season in peace. Although our homes might be a mansion or cottage, shack or apartment, hut or hovel, we may live in them in peace. For this we should ba thankful. There are hundreds of other things that we can count as blessing such as food, friends, health, relatives, etc. All things do not go well at all timas hut their is always some thing about the worst thin# that we can thank God for, if only we are thankful that the experience is not worst as it surely could have been. “IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS: FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST (JESUS CONCERNING YOU. I Th ess. 5:18. SPORTS (by Chas. Washington) • •• The regular Hi-Urban Ltsagute; started last Tuesday night. Last Friday Tech and Prep bat tled to a 13-13 tie at tlhe Hilltop. Harry Rutledge’s 60 yard return of a Prep punt was the outstand. ing run of the day and also gave Tech the tie and inter-city champ ionship. He and Bob Jones play ed the entire game and played wide awake ball. Joe Crossley got in for one play and was thrown for a 7 yard loss. He has beta ailing since playing 31 minutes a gainst North in the opener for Tech- It wa8 the besft, game play ed in the city for some time. But the goodness of the game was ov ershadowed when the Tech play ers had to walk back to 3chool, Virgil Williams and Joe Allen took a load back and proved that they were real friends to athletes try ing to play for the fun of it. This deed was the “best play of the day’1’. Jackie “Midnight Express” Ro binson led UCLA, to a 34-26 win over Washington State. Robinson passed to mates for the first three uclans touchdowns and then clim axed the game with two brilliant runs of 61 yards and 75 yards. He also kicked four extra points. Ray Bartlett played a fine game at blocking hack. Boston college edged past Geo rgetown 19_18. Lou Montgom ery scored twice. The first one was a eleven yard sprint and lat er from the 33rd Archie Harris caught a pass and ran 69 yards to give Ohio state six points. They were beaten by Wisconsin 27 10. )Joe Louis will defend his title against A1 McCoy in Boston Dec. 16th. Simon in the Olympic Gardens Fri day night. The . Harlem Globe Trotters, world pro-basketball champs will play the College All-Stars at the Chicago Stadium November 29. The Bishop Wildcats and the Wiley Tigers will continue their rivalry November 30. The Tigers had one 11 and the Wildcats 1 and in 1927 they tied. DEATHS Mrs. Octavia Ward age 90, died' early Tuesday morning, Novenn ber 19th at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Holiday, 2820 R. Avenue, with whom she had made her home while living here. She was a resident of Coin, Iowa, where she had lived most of her life. The body of Mr's. Ward was sent from the Thomas Mortuary Tuesday evening to Shenandoah, Iowa, for services. Mrs. Mary Hood, a resident of Omaha for thirty-five years, died Monday, November 18th at 524 North 15th Street, after an ex_ tended illness. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Riley, Lincoln, Nebraska, Mrs. Katherine Henrie of Bogue, Kansas, one bro ther, Mr. Charles Vaughn, Nico demus,, Kansas. Funeral servic ers were held Wednesday afternoon with Rev. G. D. Hancock officiat ing from Thomas Funeral Home, SPECIAL OFFER TO CHOIR AND CHORAL DIRECTORS: — The famous series dedicated to famous ace Celebritiles, Editor by W. C. Handy “Unsung Amer icans Sung” The Temple of Music (Robt. T. Mott) Remem bered (Florence Mills) Finis (Richard B. Harrison) Black Patti (CIseretta Jones) With this ad and 50c you may have all four—Reg price 15c each.— HANDY BROS .MUSIC CO., Inc.. 1587 Broadway, NYC. ( burial Prospect Hill Cemetery. Mr. William Yuel, age 78, resi dent of Omaha for thirty-eight years, died Monday November 11, at a locil hospital after a long ill ness. Mr. Yuel was known/ am ong his friends a® "Old Folks" and had danced with the renowned Bill Robinson, some forty years a go in Saint Louis. While here he had been employed by a jewelry store for eighteen years and work, ed at the Orpheum theatre as head porter, and other stores downtown and the Henshaw hotel before the fire. He is survived by one dau ghter Mrs. Ethel McBrier, Los Angeles^ Calif., two sons Theo dore and Raymond, both of Chic ago, 111., brother Gilbert Yuel of St. Louis, grandson Frederick Eu bank, Springfield, 111., two cousins Mr. Walter and Julius Hibbs O » maha Funeral, November 18th from Thomas Funeral Home with burial in Prospect Hill cemetery. ALEC TEMPLETON CHAUFFEUR KILLED IN CRASH Chicago, Nov. 20 (ANP) Elbert Birge, 39, chauffeur for Alec Tte>mp(letan> blind Britishjborn pi anist, was killed! Thursday when his car collided with a trailer truck in U. S. Route 30 near here. Birge was driving from LaPoite, Ind., to Chicago to meet Mr. and Mrs. Templeton who were flying here from Washington, D. C. MBm^iaiinihJ^niiniiimMljjMlnM MiUIib gTTUiinn un»wiTnninmiliiH>winii»TWiingfc pOHNSON DRUG CO. i NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th |We. 0998 Free Deliver LION COAL COMPANY 22nd & Nicholas St. —WE. 2605 HIGH QUALITY COAjLS for Stoker, Furnace, Stove. ---.<$ r , ....mi .. KABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street | —Always a place to park— |5 lauiimiiuiiiiiominmitMuiuiuiiiiiimHJiniiiiiuinBiimuuifiniMHBM Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanksto a Doctor’s prescription called Mendaeo, thousands now palliate terrible re curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough ing, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no Injections. Just tasteless, pleasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal liative action commonly helps nature bring welcome sleep—a ‘’God-send." A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Mendaeo insures an immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sat isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaeo from your druggist today for only 60c. . -1 A Prominent Business ' 1 Woman Praises Mme. C.J. ^ Walker’s Preparations i. i I —_______ * “I use Mme. C. J. Walker's preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the late | Madam C. J. Walker to reach i certain definite conditions of the I hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these goods, they are still in demand every where. t # Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the delight of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlike softness and at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful preparations are sold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian apolis, Indiana. ^ "Build-Up" Relief Explained To Women A simple method has saved manyi women a lot of suffering! It is based on the fact that head aches, nervousness, cramp-like pain are often symptoms of func tional dysmenorrhea due to malnu trition. Help for thi8 condition so often follows the use of CARDUI, be cause it usually increases the ap. petite and the flow of gastric juice —-—— thus aids digestion and helps build physical resistance. Usual result is less periodic distress. Many who take CARDUI a few days before and during “the time” have found this also helps ease periodic discomfort. Women have used CARDUI for more) than 50 years. j ........'"•"•■"•iiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiimniii'iiiiMHiiiiiiiiiiiiimimHHHiu'iiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiinmilitiiiiiMmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiwnm ROTHERY CLEANING SPECIAL Cone-piece plain dresses MEN’S suits LADIES’ PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COATS Except White or Fur Trimmed FQFF ONE PLAIN SKIRT OR TROUSERS CLEANED FREE ■ KLL WITH EACH $1.00 ORDER FREE—“Moth-Seal” Bags or Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coats Cleaned Now at Our Regular Prices (Not Special Prices.) Fur Coats, values to $100, Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS 2515-17-19 CUMING ST. JA. 7383 DON! ... don’t cough! Get pleasant relief from a cough due to a cold with Smith Brothers Cough Drops—Black or Menthol— Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the I only drops containing VITAMIN A Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of mucous membranes of nose and throat to cold infections, when lack of resist ■k ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency.