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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1940)
THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418 20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Ma-ch 15. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. H. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Fluma Coope^, — — Vice Pres. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway, — Sec’y and Treas. SUSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year — — — $2.00 Six Months — — — 1-25 Three Months — — — -50 Single Copy — — — 5c All News Copy of Churches and all organisat ions must be in ou- office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pro ceeding date of issue, to insure publication WE HAVE A JOB TO DO (reprint from Consumers’ Guide) We have a job to do. You, and I. amd everyone. Our jib is this: To make America strong. We have our lands to hold, our waters to protect, our skies t> guard. We have these, but we have more. We have people. We are rich in people. People who love and cherish cur land. People who know how and want to work. People who have deep faith that here we have the greatest chance for life, and liber ty, and the pursuit of happiness. Peo ple who know the fight for these is never won until it is won for every body. ' Defense is planes and guns. It is equipping an army to man cur military weapons. It is this, and more. It is building the health, and physical fit ness, the spci'-il well-being of all our people, and doing it the democratic way. Hungry people, undernourished people, ill people, do not make for strong defense. This, then, is our job, not all >f it, but a vital part: Let us make every A merican strong, stronger than ever be fore, sturdier in body, steadier in nerv es, surer in living. Harriet Elliott, Consumer Commissioner, Natl. Defense Advisory Com. * * * NATIONAL DEFENSE ADVISORY COMMISSION Negro consumers were urged this week to join with other consumer groups in a concerted effort to streng then America by wiping out malnutri tion and undernourishment The appeal was made by Miss Har riet Elliott, Consumer Commissioner on the National Defense Advisory Commission, in a special statement di rected to Negro groups participating in the program of total national def ense. “Defense is not solely a matter of planes and guns.” Miss Elliott said, “It is also building the health, physical fitness, and social welfare of all of our people.” Hungry people, undernour ished people, ill people do not make for strong defense. “Forty-five million of us are liv ing below the safety line right llow be cause we are not getting the kinds and amount of food necessary for strength and health. We have the lands, ma chines and hands to produce and move and market all the foods we need to as sure evr^’ione an adequate and safe diet. Let’s all get to v/ork to see that everyone, and the “everyone” ic impor tant, gets at least that. Especially is this necessary for certain types of con sumers most in need of protection — farmers, Negroes, labor and immi grant p-roups.” The Consumers’ Division of the National Defense Advisory Commis sion was established for the purpose oi providing protection to American con sumers against possible hardships and maladjustments caused by the impact of the defense program, and to streng then the country’s human defenses by maintaining standards of health, nu trition, physical fitness and social well being necessary for adequate defense. At present twenty-two national Negro organizations are co-operating with the Division in its work of aiding and protecting the civilian population in the drive for national defense. Miss Frances Williams, assistant to the Chief of the Civic Groups Section of the Consumer’s Division) is working with these and other (organizations. Miss Williams is on leave from her post as interracial secretady of the national Young Womens Christian Associat ion. In her call for concerted action in ' the drive against undernourishment and malnutrition, Miss Elliott suggest ed the following 8-point program: (1) “Get aj municipal radio market news service started so household buy ers will know what foods are good buys and cheap each day; (2) “Start a school lunch program and se;e that every schiobl child has at least one well balanced and adequate meal each day; 3) ‘-Work for low-cost ways of sell ing milk and fruits and vegetables so that low income families can buy a greater abundance of these protective foods; 4 “Set up diet clinics where families can bring their food buying problems and talk them over with experts in nu trition and consumer buying; 5) “Support the Food Stamp Plan now operating in 150 cities; 6) “Learn, if you have the land, how to giiow the foods you cannot buy, pre serve the foods you cannot immediate ly use and plan for balanced meals throughout the year; (7) “Urge merchants to sell Govern ment-graded foods, and urge consum ers to buy by grade so they will get the quality they want for the money they have to spend; 8) “Know what your local, State and National governments are doing to help get safe meals to more people.” Negro organizations now coop erating with the Consumers Division of the NDAC include: National Assoc iation of Colleges and Secondary schools for Negroes, National Asser tion of College Women, National Con gress of Colored Parents and Teachers National Association for Advancement of Colored People, National Associat ion of Colored Women, National Ne gro Business League, National Negro Congress, National Council of Negro Women of the U. S., Southern Negro Youth Congress, National Urban Lea gue, Conference on Adult Education and the Negro, General Conference African Methodist Episcopal, General Conference of African Methodist E piscopal Zion Church, National Bapt ist Convention, U. S. A., Inc., National Convention of Churches of Ojd Holin ness, National Federation of Colored Farmers, National Association of Col ored Graduate Nurses, General Board Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, National Medical Association, Nation al Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, A^soc'a_ tCn for the Study of Negro Life and History, Conference of Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges, Brother hood Sleeping Car Porters, Ameri can Teachers Association, National Laymen’s Conference YMCA, Nation al Non-Partisan Council on Public Af fairs. READ THE GUIDE I Note: — You* Question Will Bb Answered “Free" in This Column. For ■ "Penate Reply" . . . Send only 25c for my new Astrology Reading & Lucky Day Chart and receive by return mail a confidential letter of Free Advice analyz ing three (J) Questions privately. Sign your full name, address, and birthdate to all letters, and please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your reply. Send all letters to: ABBE’ WALLACE, care of THE OMAHA GUIDE, 24lt GRANT ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. J. B.—I have 14 houses and I want to keep them full of good renters. Is there anything ar ound my house to keep me from renting and doing good? Ans: Not one thing. You have nothing to worry about- As long as you keep your ihouses in good condition you can keep them rent ed—you must not let them become run down and looking shabby or you will lose money. I. O. B.—The boy I am going with an engaged to has promised to give up drinking. Will he| Ans. No—and further more he isn't going to give up the GIRL HE VISITS every week either. You had better reconsider bhings a bit—this man just isn’t ready to settle down and you can’t make him over. I advise you against marrying him. **♦♦*«! W. E- D.—Should I keep my present job or get married to the boy I go with ? I don’t love him. Ans: Keep your job then. You MlillUMUttuiiiinliiiiiuninmT nnniiinutm nfiijii|m i^rrm"TrniTmy[pb| JOHNSON DRUG CO. NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th We. 0998 Free Deliverv| er'iiuir.iBriBiim.i.nniin'TTitnniWTr'gimi famine Bp.iirijrirnin.'trfTfnii j.i Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanks to a Doctor's prescription called Mendaco. thousands now palliate terrible re curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough ing, wmeezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no Injections. Just tasteless, pleasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal liative action commonly helps nature bring welcome sleep—a "God-send.” A printed guarantee wrapped around each package or McihIhco insures an Immediate refund of the full cost unless you are completely sat isfied. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaco from your druggist today for only 60c. ■ t have been married once and didn’t get along and surely you don t want to go thru with that again. This fellow you are going with loves you devotedly but he doesn't want you if you can’t return his love, ****** * G .H.—This second year in college and 1 have been allowed to play football in a couple of the games for a few minutes. Will I ever make the first string ? Ans: Yes—next year you will be one of the most important fel lows on the team. Your work in the games have proven quite sat isfactory this year so give them all you have young man. ****** L A.—I don’t want to go with one boy 1 want to have several feign (•. Hut,they are jealous. Which should I pick? I want a private answer. Ans: At your tender age of 18 you shouldn’t decide on any one of them and devote your entire time to him. Go on with several if you like—let them get jealous. It is much nicer to be popular am ong your friends than to have to be satisfied with one fellow who doesn’t come up to your standard. Send a quarter for my new 1941 ASTROLOGY READING AND LUCKY DAY CHART, and I will answer your problems privately. ****** E. R.—How must I go about getting into the Navy? Do you 'think I would like it there? ' Ans: Go to your local Post Of fice and I believe that you can get the information you are seeking about joining t)he Navy. If not, they can inform you where lO go. If you feel that you want to get in the Navy—I am sure that you will find it interesting work. ****** R. M.—Please tell me if I will Joe’s Food Market (Formerly Herman’s Market) 2422 NORTH 24th ST. Telephone WE-5444 —FREE DELIVERY— SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY_ ORANGE AND BLUE FOOD STAMPS RE DEEMED at JOE’S Food Market at Low Prices. . SUGAR 5 POUNDS W COFFEE BUTTER-NUT -AN • CREAM, large can 5c FIRST QUALITY Butter, lb. 30c FINK Salmon, can 15c LARGE CAN Peaches (in syrup) 15c large”can k. c. Baking P;wder 22c FORTO RICAN YAMS, lb. 5c Cabbage, lb. 2c Onions, 3 lbs. 10c Oranges, dozen 17c PURE LARI), lb 7c 3LE0, lb, _10c WORRELL’S PRIDE PICNIC HAM, lb. 16c U. s. CHOICE Beef Roast, lb. 18c • Pure G*:und Beef, lb. 15c Sliced Bacon, lb. 22c Kraft Dinner, pkg. 10c TALL CAN Pork & Beans, 10c LARGE CAN Red Pitted Cherries 10c I -SICK, NERVOUS PD AII If Y “EVERY 0 (llfARVVI MONTH” ■ Then Read WHY Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is Real “Woman's Friend”! Some women Buffer severe monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) due to female functional disorders while other’s nerves tend to become upset and they get cross, restless and moody. So why not take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made especially to help tired, run-down, nervous wom en to go smiling thru “difficult days," Pinkham’s Compound contains no opi ates or habit-forming ingredients. It s is made from nature's own beneficial roots and herbs—each with its own special purpose to HELP WOMEN. Famous for over 60 years*—Pinkham's Compound is the best known and one of the most effective “woman's” tonics obtainable. Try it! r . ever own mjr father’s property. This problem is worrying me lots. Ans: At the present time yout father hasn’t made a will—and 1 fear that under the circumstances (if ue doesn't make a will) the one living there now will be the one tc inherit the property. If you see fit—encourage him to have a will dj-awn up. ****** S. H. Y.—Please tell me wheth er or not the man in Missouri that 1 love will ever come back to me or does he love me like he says ? Ans: This man does admire you very much but he isn’t finant iallv able to return to you. I am inclined to think that by the time hu gets back—you will have found someone else who will take you for their wife and will be quite happy. GETS EXECUTIVE “Y" POSITION Miss Nola Mae Cox 1U40 grad uate of the Atanta University School of Social Work has been ap pointed Executive Secretary of the Harriet Tubman Blanch YWCA* North Carolina—a position for which she is well qualified on a basis of training, ability and exp erience. Before entering the At lanta School, Miss Cox was grad uated from Wiest Virginia State College, Institute, W. Va.. and had been employed as a Counsellor at Green Pastures Camp of the De troit, (Mich.l Urban Lcugue and also as Librarian of the Dunbar Community Center, An Harbor, Midh. She is the daughter of C. Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE ——By Frances Lee Barton—— JELLIED salads are becoming more populur each year. Cool, smooth, and tlavorous, they are favorites wun women and pop ular even with men who often ignore other types of salads. Fortunately | there are dozens of combinations i of fruits and vegetables that may be served In this form. Here is a combination of beets, cabbage and green peppers that you will And particularly delicious: Beet Luncheon Salad 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin 1 pint hot water 3 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon salt lli cups diced cooked beets Hi cups shredded cabbage *4 cup diced green pepper \i teaspoon scraped onion Dissolve gelatin in hot water Add vinegar and lii teaapoon salt. Chill until slightly thickened. Sea son beets, cabbage, and green pep per with M teaspoon salt; add onion. Fold into slightly thickened gelatin. Turn into individual molds. Chill until Arm. Unmold on crisp lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise and slices of hard-cooked egg or stuffed egg. Serves 8. LITTLE DINEK Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th St. At Willis Avenoe W. Cox, Vice-president and direct or of agents of the North Carolina Mutual LJfe Insurance Company, a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and is well known throughout business and social circles of the South and East. Phonograph Records Featuring all Popular Dance, Spiritual, and Illues Records Send 15c (coin* for catalog THH WRIGHT MUSIC SHOPPI 2434 West Lake Street, Chicago INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Oat trapped in the atnraaeh or gullet mar art like a hair-trigger on the heart At tha Urst sign of diatreaa smart men and women depend on Belt-ans Tahleta to aet gaa free No laiatlee but made of the faitaat kn,,w" f,‘r “'*<* Indigeatton. If the hlltsT HOSE doeen t prorn Bell-ana better, return buttle to ua and reeelra DOUBLE Money Back. 26c H-M Buffet 2420 .V. 24th St JA. 8851 Best Chili in Town Liquors, Lunches S Beer NORTH 24*“ Si SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD "Leaves No Repair Look’’ ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. —POPULAR PRICES ATTENTION BEAUTY AND BARBERSHOPS Make Your Shop Bookkeeping Easy USE SKELETON WEEKI Y RECORD FORM "The Key to Simple Bookkeeping’' No writing! Just Enter Figures Forms for Six Months 31.00 ORDFR NOW! FRANK T. WARD 274 Sumner Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 01i:ii:il!lll'l!llll!lliil!l!lllllllllilillil!!l!!!ii!!llllllll!l!ll!l!liIlli!lilll!l>llllll!HI!lllllllliHII!NB JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr. MMIlMMaMHMaMMMlM -GOOD DRESSES 10c COATS 40c PANTS 45c Other bargains. Send for Free Catalog, Dept. 13 Eagle Mail Order Co., 216 Clinton St., New York Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION 1 for Coughs, Chest Colds, B ronchitis NOWt HAVE your laundry com Lj\J V V PLETELY FINISHED FOR ONLY -10c A POUND Emerson-Saratoga’s CHALLENGER SERVICE . 18lbs 179 | ' 10c Each Additional Pound Includes Men’s Shirts Finished AT NO EXTRA COST Emerson-Saratoga LAUNDRY & ZORIC DRY CLEANERS WE. 1029 Erskine At 24th