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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1939)
(^mafja (Sutbe’s World of Society i— DEMOCRATIC CLUBS TO CELEBRATE NEW YEARS The Negro Democratic clubs will celebrate New Year’s eve on Saturday night, Decor bar 30, \ with a good old fashion “get ; together" buffet banquet, and dance varty. We want all our; •Id friends, every new friend and j all of their friends to come and know each other bettor. We have engaged the Elks Rainbow Rail Room 2420 Lake street. We have Red Perkins and his original Dixie HamblcnS with Anna Mae Winburn, swinging, winging, jit terbugging. Oa^h prizes for quizz and answers. Plenty to eat an 1 foX drinks free, AdmissWl will bu ,by numl>ered tickets at a rea sonable price. At no other time or place can you have so much for so little or enjoy yourself moro and meet aK many friends. Our prs>fitn are the friendships wo may create. Ooime early and stay as long as you like. Buy your tickets o'dy. Tell your FLUSH KIDNEYS OF POISONS AND STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS Live a Healthier Happier Longer Life Thousands of men and women wonder why backache bothers them- why they have bo vi|sit the bathroom often at nijfht—why flow is scanty and sometimes smart* and bums. Any one of these symtons may mean that youil kidneys aad blad der need attention now Ix^fore these minor symptons may de velop into serixu* trouble. To flush out excess waste poi sons and acid from kidneys, soothe your irrita^sd bladder and put monte heallly activity into them, get a 35 cent packages of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Cap sules and take as directed. This harmless, tried and true medicine gives results—you should fed better in a few days as this pffectivo diuretic and kidney stimulant drives excess uric acid from the body which is often the aggrevation of jo nt agony, scia tia and neuritis. Don’t be an EASP MARK and accept a substitute—Asy for Gold Metal tlaarlem Oil Capsules— right from Haarlem in Holland. GET GOLD MBDAIr—the origin al—O'o genuine. Look for the Go’d Medal on the box—35 cents. IF YOU | HUB YOUR I PICK OF PRESENTS YOU’D LIKE TO RECEIVE CHANCES ARE IT WOULD BE A PRACTICAL ELECTRIC GIFT Be a permanent Santa Claus. When selecting your gifts this Christmas be sure you choose practical Electric Gifts. They are gifts that will be used and appreciated by all . . . gifts "that go on giving" every day throughout the years to come. Visit your Electric Dealer's store today and select an Electric Gift for every name on your list. uw &en * ELECTRICITY IS &l SEE YOUR DEALER ur NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY trends and assure them a good time. -0O0 DAUGHTER ELK The f uncial of Mrs. Blanche E. Parker was held December 5th at 2 PM. from the J. D. Lewis Chapel. The chapel was filled to the capacity. Aqros* the east end of the chapel wa» a bed of flow i ora. Mts. Parker was a member I of the drill team. Members of the lodge were on guard Dec. 4 from 8 PM. to 9 PM. and Dec. 5 iron 1 PM. to 1 PM. Rev. T. A. Seaia officiated. She is surviv ed toy three sisters: Mrsdames Gocila Hunter, Lucy Holmes, De 1 a Shelton, one brother Harry Blackwell, one aunt, Mrs. Emma Parker, two nieces, Dorothy Pel ! lord and Blanche Jackson, one ; cousin, Mi:p Ethel Marie Price, I wnd other relatives. Interment at Forest lawn Memorial Park. MRS. BELL JOHNSON WOODS The funeral of Mrs. Bell John son Woods was held Dec. 7, from the J. D. Lewis Chapel. The chapel, stale room, and overflow room.; were filled with friends paying their last inspects. Mrs. Wood* wan prominent in activi ties and civic 1 fo. She is survived by her son, MjiLton Johnson of the Johnson-R I bin son Pharmacies two brothers, Mils. Guy W'iley, also Mr. and Mrs. Wiley of Gary, Ind., who drove to O runa for the funeral. Tha remans were ship ped to St. Joseph, Mo., accom panied by her son and M.E. M. Mauri*. MRS MAE JOHNSON Th0 remains of Mrs. Mae John son, a former resident of Omaha, Nebr. was shipped from Sioux Citq, Iowa, Dec. 7 to the J. I). L wi.; Mortuary where the fun ernl was held De\ 8 from the chapel. Rev. T. A. Sears and Rev. Roy Johnson, officiated. She is survived by her son, Elmer VVil i unis. Throe cars of friend? ac companied the son overland for thn funeral. Interment GiracelainJ l a rk cemetery. The Poro Club met at the homo of Mrs. Martha Jefferson 28(v* Binn y St, All members were present. The hostess served a 'ery nice Pepast. Mrs. R O. Price, president; Mrs. R. Walker, report r. -0O0 modern art club The Modem Art Club met Dec 4th with Mrs, L. Myers as hos tess. The meeting was called t > order by the president Forty five minutes were s]w?nt in bus; ness. Final plans were made for th • Xi.nas party which is to be given ut the ho meof Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude McFall, Dec. 28th. The buying committee will be in charge of this affa'r awi-sted by the members. Those serving on the buying committee are: Mrs. H. L. Preston, Mrs. \V. R. Rogers and Mrs. A. L. Hawkins Wo anticipate one of the lovelier,t parties of the holiday season. We wish to announce with regrets our Holiday Dance party an 1 art j etxhibit will not be held, although wo are planning for our many friends a former Tea and one of the lariest Ait exhibit we’ve ever held. This affair will be in the lata spring. The hostess served a delicious repast. The club ad journed to meet with Mrs. H. L. Pro;ton Dec. 18th. Menbevs pres ent were; Mrs. W. R Rogers, Mrs. L. C. Clark, Mrs, Vida .low ers, Mis. A. L. Hawkins, Mrs. D. C. Riddle, Mrs. Jasper Cole and Mrs. Charles Harrold. Mr*. Cozy Nicholson, Pres. Mrs. R. C. Pr.ce, Reporter. Jesse’s Cafe A New, Clean Place to EAT GOOD MEALS 15c & up Give Ut A Try 1426 North 24th Street '" ■ * i ON THE STROLL NORTH 24TH STREET Well, folks, h,re 1 am again^ j after about 3 weeks let up or would you call it off. The holi- ( day spirit logins to touch me so I turn going t» ge big hearted and give you same low down about the stroll. As you know, Cab Calloway and his gang was heiji and gone. Soma of the loca' beauties hearts ljeft with them Poor giris. Don't worry I am stil here. PRIVATE GARAGE I see Dutch still keeps his good looking car in stall number one in front of the famous H and M. Also stall number two>, Sprncer Grey Leroy across the street if beginning to kick on the compe tition the H. M. is giving him. Como on boys and get those cars in out of the- weatly r. THE DAMES CLUB Yea hoys and girls, the dames le ^ thgm hollowing for mqre, What a dance and what a crowd. All the best of everything. Even the peopb were tha very best. A whooping good time was had by all. By the wvty, Dames, come on with an«uher Bam Dance by popular demand. No kidding. TO ALL GIRLS CLUBS IN THE CITY The Blue Room offers you the hospitality of the Blua Root', ab elutely free. There is no string a'tach.ed to this offer. You can * 100 and music and enter, j tain merit frlea of charge. You. can use the Blue Room from 1 pm. until 1 am. any doy but Sat urday and Sunday. The only t-h'ng that is required is you ( must buy your refreshments | from the McGill dispenosr. Thank i you very much fcr your past pai.ronnge and hope you n,-ver tire. THE GANG WAS BUSTED You heard of the gang buyers, well there is another gang ,bust c/.‘ r.ght h re in Omaha If you don’t believe m? you ask a cer tain young man. Well you know him. Ho drives a good looking green car. He has one tooth out in front at the tom Just ask him folks. No doubt he wll tell you all about it. His gang was lust ed un like a worn out light bulb. But iit s 2 of 3 more gangs 1, ft yei Maybe the gang busters will keeip right on bus'frig. J. C. JEWELL THE PROMOTER i oik *, that Jewell Boy has got soma thing else up his sleeve th s tim.o. W, 11 you guess. If it is the best, Jimnr'e will get it for you. Nothing but the best. Wasr. t Ja res’ fault about Duk.e They canceled them engagmenit not Jam s tut the Duke said he | would try to make it h, >re in ! Omaha later. Don't be surprised if you »ee posters telling you LITTLE DINER Quality Plus Service Hot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge 24th St. At Willis Avenue UREY'S NABCRHOOD Grocery Spring Chicken Cheaper than Bacon 18c lb. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EACH NIGHT ’TILL 10 P. M. WE. 6089 We Give Green Trading Stamp' WurlTIzerX "!!ii PIANO \ CIlM'. announced in the April j BETTER HOMES l 6ARBEWS j • Compact in Si;c Full Ri«.h Tone V • Dehfhtful Design \* F.mshei in KMOfVIN IV M^ Small Down Payment Stlixc to lit your budget Hospe Piano Co. | 1512 Douglas St. : that Jimmie Junceford will play here for Jimmie. Don’t be sur prised folks. JUST MEDDLING Fred Dixon tilling the gang he has sworn ofif. I like to kno> what? Jatibo Corny watching hi rich uncle gulp down a whcl glass full at just one gulp. Earl Parks on his 9h scotch. Still going strong. Daisy Williams trying to jit terbug but the stuff just ain’t there. Mi«s Ieota Whi'f- just grin ning. Maybe she heard a funny story. Who knows. Mr. John Sira, t iling the boys •ibout his prowess on the poll table. Couldn’t hit the side of a house with a ironing board. Mrs. Charles Davis and Mrs. Art MeOaw. Both looking like they have their own fountain of youth. So chic. Mrs. Goldie Coleman, freshing up aftjer the day is done. Atta girL Migs Marge Edward and Mi|ss .u.u.e Hunter looking so devine. iust look the gang over. Nothing 0 do but look beautiful. Miss Ssrilla Pillers in teal good ■ompany with Mr. Travis Dixon How she enjoyed the drink with the orange peel and cherry it. the glass. Oh so good. I hope you like my column. If you do please tell me. I write m dirt and see no dirt. So if I make a mistake come on and tell me. 1 am not perfect. My intention is to have fun for all. All the girl.-, club in this man town. Ttdl rrle about your public functions and I will tell all the folk*. Com on lets have some more barn dances. I got a new pair of overalls. Now also a pitch fork. I am just raring to show then off. Well folks, I am signing off Economy Coals POCO-'—FURNACE $9" 80NGAP.B0 Semi Bituminous Blend $ 8.7.“> IIUrDTV L’-UMP- 8 7./•> LlDtKI v_ nut_8 7.2-5 ..... L«UMP 8 7 .H7> TIGER__ nut s‘7.00 D1IUDA Semi Lfjrn>) 810.2i> KAlrvoU_Grate si 0.00 Mine Run ..$8.75 DANDY M0.UT — | Buy Cash Coal and Save AT 39th & 2846 Pacific now. Hope to see you next week. With more fun and more jive. Yours truly, Richard Stanley. MONUMENTS A GRAVB MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO.. TWENTIETH & GUMING STS PHONE AT. 4927 S'ScratchiMsSi Forquick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ei teraally onused skin troubles, use world famous, coolinE. antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation ami quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial botllo proves it, or your money back. Ask your* druggist today for D. D. D. ^rescriptioi^ « r-y^orjai the only place where YOU CAN SAVE— _ SHOP AT— Bernard’s MARKET 2012 North 24th Street Phone Webster 1073 __WE DELIVER Ray L. Williams, Attorney 200 Tuchuian Bldg., 24th and Lake St. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT. In the District Court of Doug las County, Nebraska. TO: SAV ANNAH NELSON, whose placo of residence and upon whom per sonal service of summons cannot bo had, Defendant. You are her. by notified that on the 24th day of July, 1939, James Nelson, as plaintiff, filed his petition agarnst you in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Docket Number 34«, Page 110, tb? object and prayer of wh ch petition is t0 obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of desertion. You are hereby required to answer said p tition on or before December 15th, 1939, or said petition will be 'aken as true. JAMES NELSON, Plaintiff Ray L. Williams, His Attorney 0*00 \ o • _O?|0000/ *4^5*0 .1*l#fc»,Rtyou . j ' .,eto.8|6 NaELs AmRTH'ii full ounces' | fc^cH drop is Pune • MU BlTTCR TA5Ti^( _ \