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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1939)
CHURCH • “ ~ THIS WEEK In Religion and Though! ROBERT L. MOODY Observing Christmas— There are only a few more days beforo Christmas. It is one of th i four greatest days among our holidays. It is of primary im portance because it is the birth day of our Eternal Gift and sal vation. But as the years go by, Christ and hits Spirit are left out our observance more and more. We have no expressed command or example front the Bible to observe it. Y. t we like to honor it though w,e ajja not positive about the exact date of the birth. Now the world and nominal church has joined together in many religious ways of celebrat ing the day. Instead of giving those thingst irwwbWw.vAVJWawwv MEET ME AT— SHAPIRO’S For Your Holiday Groceries Meats, & Drnfcs! Where Prices are ALWAYS Lowest. OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS FREE DELIVERY 30th & PINKNEY STS. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■ 1 a. m. Ja‘. 9411 McGILL’S— : BAR & BUIE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. ' 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS H«e Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. _No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS—In case you don’t know what to pu* in it—Call CASEY, JAckson 9411. He has got the works and knows what to do with it. He’s North Omaha’s Famous drink mixer. (a : gifts) that would remind th’ recipient of Christ or one with which he may be glorified. Midn give many fool nh and dangerous gifs A good example of this is: giving children guns and other wfjr-liko toys while w(: try to teach them to love peace at the same time. ■Our Chrhltmas ca''ds should I carry a 'message and suggestion j of the peace and good will wh ch Je* us came to bring. We can only keep Him in out observanee as wo look upon it as a time of wor ship and seefking closer fellow ship. -0O0— UNION MEMORIAL ME CHURCH 33rd U Streets Rev. G. Hubbard, Pastor Sunday school 10 AM. Seivice j.l AM. Evening Service 7:30 PM. Our Morning service was well attended and we worshipped With Clair Chapel at the even ing service. Our quarterly con ference was quite a success. We are having an old fashion seivice Sunday at 7:30 PM. Rev. J. G. Gates will bring the message. The public is invited -oUo ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church” Rev. T. A. Sears, Pastor Don’t forget the Sunday school Christmas Program, both Prim ary and Juniors, to be given BUY YOUR Holiday Poultry AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE GET THE BEST IN QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Phone WE 4137 Special Bargain Prices 1939 Ambassador Sedan $575 1937 Plymouth 4 door Sedan 1933 Plymouth Coupe 7o 1938 Pontiac delux coach 1938 Ford delux coach $575 1935 Buick four door sedan $350 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET . AT. 4556 * ... Here She Tells You Why “I was almost at wits-end wondering what to do about my hair,” says Kate. “It was dull, drab, lifeless looking, had been scorched by hot irons. “Then a friend suggested that I use GODEFROY’S LARIEUSE HAIR COLOR ING. I followed her advice. Now my hair is beautifully colored—gleams like satin!” If your hair is dull, lifeless looking, or streaked with gray, just try GODEFROY’S LARIEUSE. Easy to apply (follow directions for use in the package). Colors hair almost instantly—evenly. Makes tresses lovely, allur ing. Permits permanent waves and use of hot irons. No muss. Not sticky or smelly. Will not rub off or wash out. Choice of 18 colors, including jet-black, black and brown. Get a bottle today! Satisfaction Guaranteed—or YOUR MONEY BACK. Yes, LARIEUSE must completely satisfy you or your dealer will promptly refund your money; If your dealer doesn’t ha»e it send $1.25 (w« pay postage) direct to GODEFROY MFG. CO.t J510 OLIVE ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. tti HAIR | Dec. 22. TH? title of the Senior . ageant “The Christ Child.” Accessions . to the church a>'? Wesley Hudson and Hiram Pitt ! man. All young people are urged to come to Christian Endeavor at .x o'il| ck every Sunday pven : , i he «ick of the church are E. i .'.i. S rrks and James Mason. The title of the sermon was Oth chaper, 2nd verse of Paul’s letter to Corinthians. 'The subi ject was power of organization. -oO° HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30th and Ohio Streets A. Pre-Chr stmas Tea Party will ba held in the main dining room of church Sunday, Dec. 17 4-8 PM. There will be lovely de corations cf various kind in keep ing with Xmas colors. There will bo individual tables to accomadate those who are entertaining a number of their friends. You and your guests will be royally feted. The public is invited. -oOo MT. MORIAH CHURCH ' 24th & Ohio Streets Mt. Moriah Church presents a White Gift Service for the King, Sunday December 17th, 1939, at 8:30 PM. The public is cordially invitpd to attend the Seventh Annual White Gift Service. A choir of 10 voices will sing. Assisted by the Wh to Gift orchestra. Special ocal and musical number* by /,ome of Omaha’s best artists. The occasion for which we cele brate this event should acclaim sirvcero gratitude of all for God’s great gift to the world. “For God 90 loved the world, that he gave his only be gotten Son, that whosoever believeth in h m should not perish but have eternal life.’’ And Jesus Said: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Gome, let us make a joyful noise to Christ our Saviour and King. Each member s asked to present a gift of ONE Dollar to his cause as a token ot your ap preciation of his irany benefits this year. Thanks to our many friends, who have always brought cheer and corporation. All de partment* are asked to represent in full. Friday Dec. 22nd, the Sunday School will have its Xmas tree and program. At this time we hope to make the children happy, and many of the sick and Old people hearts Merry. Sunday, the 24th, A special Xmas Sermon and songs by the choir for the occasion with spec eial musical and vocal numbers. I take this opportunity to thank all the members and friends for their loyal corporation this year. 1 WISH FOR YOU A MERRY XMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Rev. F. P. Jone«, Minister Bill’S Loan Bank AND MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up to-Date Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladiea Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoea for the Entire Family. I 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 Jo Relieve ^ Misery °^\ ^ (Pi666 .SALVt.HOSIOftO* J buin.xa:o> CHRISTMAS SEALS y * «> * «»«*■• ■ •'ns# c i ’A distinctive design( black on a stiver background ^ BOOKS^Or 100 -$1.0C f . ypasorn reejiiinxas —% W' • -r Order (rtm / N. A. A. C. P. 69 Fiith Ave, New York Cfrf SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th & Decatur Strvets Rev. C. C. Fctt'cs, acting pastor William Cooper, reporter Services were vn-y sweet at Salem Sunday with the Sunday school opening at 9:20 AM., with a lovely attendance & BYPU ar, lively as ever with a Kay Ky :u.\ “You’re right, that's wrong” program and a HTU demonstra tion by President Cooper, with Satan in the S»ckgt.tound. The church is now enjoying a well earned peace as well as p?rfect unity and fellowship. Ev,en the atmosph* re was pure with Rev. C. C. P cities occupying the pul - pit. His 11 AM. message: Take someone to Jesus. St. John 1-39. His 8 PM. message: Seer It of Living in a Suffer, ng World, Job 42-3. Both being very sooth iny and satisfying. Total of an nounced receipts for the day amounted to $36.19. The Sunday school and BYPU will jointly sponsor their Christmas tree and program Saturday Dec. 23rd and the choir w.ll render a Musical Sunday night Dec. 24th, and don't forget to attend the pre-X|mtas Tea sponsored by the Usher board Sunday Dec. 17th at 2423 Parker street from 2 to 6 PM. We regret very much the illness of Rev. A. B. McCrary at 2719 Decatur street You miss so much by not attending sevices at Saletm. _ —aHa.-— CLEAVES TEMPLE CME CHURCH Rev. L. A. Story, pastor M. H. Young, reporter 25th & Decatur Sts. Sunday school, 9:45 AM. Morning worship 11 AM. Epworth league 6:30 PM; Eyening 7:30 PM. The Sunday school was Well attended and all had a good les son. We want to thsnk par:nts who have been sending their children to the Xmas rehearsals. If yours have not been attending, pluass see thot they are at the next rehearsal. Th,e morning ser vice was well attended and our pastor brought us another good sermon. The League is growing and we trust you will make a special effort to attend the Lea gue. The evening service* was sponsored by the Rorwaid Step Club and was well attended. The Loyal Matrons Club will sponsor a pre-Xmas musical at the Church Sunday Dec. 17th at j 3:30 PM. The Pastor’s Pride Club ! Ibasket Friday Dec. 22nd at the Church, 8 PM. Sunday will be Youth Day and we trust you will encourage them with your pres ent. They are under the direction of Mira- Lottie Stoiy who has been doing an excellent job in helping them to reach their goal in their undertakings. The Jun ior Choir will furnish the music for the morning service. The girls and boys choiirs will furnish the muse for the evening ser vice and there will also be a panel discussion by the .girls and boys. We were happy to have visitors at both services. Come again, at your earliest conven ience. -oOo MT. CALVARY COM. CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday school opened at 9:30. There was a lovely lesson. The subject: Reaction of the Good News. Matt. 11-16-30 vertse. Gol den text: Come unto me all ye that are heavily laden and I will give you re-st. Matt. 11-28-30 verses. There was a fiery discus sion. 11 o’clock seuvice was opened by the Devotion Sisters. Univer sal pfttayer was offered by the Pastor. Rev. Davis who is on,e of our members brought the message. 1st Kings 18th chapter and 31 verse. Our hearts did bum as the word came forth. 3 o’clock service was rendered by the healers. Rev. Campbell brought the word from: Peace, Be Still. Matt. 8:26-26 verses. Also Mark 4:38-39 verses. Our hearts did feast on the word. 8 o’clock services was opened by choir processional. Healing ser vice was very helpful to all. Our service run very high in spirit. Relief At Last j For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptlv be cause It goes right to the seat or the , trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, . Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflam ed bronchial mucous membranes. : No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding that you are to like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Classified Teleohone Directory lieauty Culturists ~ i I11US rIN K ALTI101 SE h Fay.- To Look Attractive | 2 122' N. 2Lud St. WE. 0S16 j Ct CREAM JOHNSON DRUG 1900* N 24th St. WE. onus DUFFY PHARMACY 24th A Lake Sts. WE. MGOfl HARDWARE UOI.GOFF n.VRDW \KE ■>amt. G1..S9 and Vanish. We d< (lazing a.i<1 make window «hado o order. tP2g N. 24th WE. IfiO'T Laundries & Cleaners FPMOI M A SHER'MN 2401 North 24th WE. G05S EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE 1029 FOR RENT—A four room Apt. Modern. Call WE. 3030. Our pastor brought the word to us the S xth Trumpet. Rev. 10-1 verse, subject: The Son of trod. Everyone welcome to our service' to feast on God’s Holy word at all times. MY CHRISTIAN KM’hKiR.ur, Mrs. Hiram R. Greenfield My (Christian experience has a two-fold purpose: to encourage, and spread joy, and happiness to the many who sometimes may' ibo longing for some tangible ex perience of evidence to increase i the r faith in God and mankind. | First my aim is to radiate sun shine, for in doing this, it comes back to me double fold. For me to be a Christian is to be Christ like, doing all the good possible in word, deed and act Looking above all that does not express love, turning every cloud inside out that the silver lining will al ways be shining. To give all whom I contact an opportunity to be able to look up and know somewhere the sun is shining even in our lives. To be able to communicate with God, my mind must be alert to see all the won derful goodness of God around me, even in a world of turmoil, when men’s hearts are failing them for fear. My Christian Ex perience has taught me that even tually every time I overcome, its to fortify m,e for a great test that will require all the faith at my command in God to stand and cc(ine out conqueror. With me, blessings come through praises, for every good thing or unpleasantness, in all things, ac cording to the scripture I praise the Lord. Really this is 'the secret of a Christian victory. It is «o simple and joyful to give God the right of way in living daily as an example. Only does com fort come into my life in this way. Each day my prayeP is that the Lord makes me a bless ing that day to someone. Had a beautiful experience of answer to this prayer last August while in New York City, stopping at the Emma Ransom YW residence. One morning I went to the public telephone booth to make several calls. Standing there was a very sweet old lady on crutches, her hands were ejut of shape, she was trying to find the number and I asked if she would like to find it for her. It brought such a bright happy grateful re sponse from her intelligent Christian lips. After she had her phone conversation, with my as sistance in holding the receiv«r to her ear for her, she said: “I have stood here for a half hour and no one offered to help. Oh God, bless you for you have been Pi greet blessing to me.’ That was a happy experience for 'me, and we went on our way rejoic ing. Jesus said: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of the«e, my brethern, ye have done it unto me.” Matt. 26-40. ®—® &n 3beal Nmas: #itt For Your Boy or Girl Special Low Prices for Cash on Bicycles with BALLOON TIRES 10.00 & Up MEN! WOMEN! USE YOU' CREDIT to get all the s'.ylis, new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. People? Store, lOH S. 16th St. WANT DAY WORK WE 0337. "'OR RENT Love's Kitchonett. App-*ments. 2516-18 Patrick, o> 2613 Gun' «t_ Call WE. 5553 o. WE. 2410. -—.■ ■——-'i ■' ... - 1 two room apts, for rent. Price reasonable 2766 Grant. 2 Room Apt. Web. 2365~ Apt. for Rent. AT 9460. i — ■ ..y.— •• ' • «- ' Front room use of Kitchen, $ 15.00 P’.r month. WE. 5076. "• roams. All Modem except heat upstairs. Ja. 6604. Idle IBD Club mnt at the home of the President Thursday even ing at 7:30. After their regular business they made plans for their (Thristomias party and for their gifts for the needy. Mrs. IL Young, President N. Bradshaw, secretary 1 House for Rent. Call WE. 5574. Ant. A room for rent At. 9460. a room and Apt. for rent. We. 2386. I & 2 room Apt. At. 9460. Modern Kitchenette Apt. for rent, hot & cold running watrr. We. 4285. -- We A d the Poor with Your Wasts Materials. Throw Noth ing Away. Wo Need Clothing, Psp rs, Furniture. Anything. « SALVATION ARMY INDUSTRIAL 209 North 13th rtUiil Kbom, modern WE. 1024. A-B BUFFET, 1616 N. 24th StT WINES—LIQUORS at Popular Price* Courteous Service at all Time* ENROLL NOW—Day and Ni?ht Classes. The Very Latent— ‘‘Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro qumole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEhster 0«4fi mmmmmmmmmMmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn SESSaEI Suits & O'Coats $4.95 and up Denenberg Jewelry 402 NORTH ltith STREET 'IRjufJeiJMJMJaJ&Si'l* irX^nKTj NO EXTRA COST FOR VITAM1M T*» k f> SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS '*>»ACK OR MENTHOL—St) aJMr mark Notice New Prices REDUCTION IN YOUR LIQUOR PRICES IN THE BLUE ROOM AT McGILL’S BAR, NEW RATES. FIG, LARGE 1« 07. GLASS BEER ONLY 10c 2 DRINKS OF 8 YR. OLD WHISKEY FOR ONLY I5«-• ANY MIXED DRINK IN THE HOUSE FOR ONLY 15c A150 OLD TAYLOR, BOTTLE IN BOND, OLD GRAND DAD YELLOWSTONE BOTTLED IN BOND WHISKEY ONLY 15c per Drink. The SAME PRICES EXIST IN BLUE ROOM ALSO. EUGENE McGILL, Prop. 24th t LAKE ST. Now you can DANCE in the newly decorated Blue Rocaa at all times. New waxed floor for you entertainmepL Day ec night. Private Parties invited. Kilpatrick’s * Grand Gift laying Possibilitian / Annual Sale *— -1 GIFT TIES 79c2-i50 (.We made a special purchase that brings YOU a f ^ “special purchase” because youIre i^fly getting materials ip these ties that usually are made into' ties that sell for fl and 1.50. A maker had^fin* | , lehed his Christmas orders aqd wt bought up his short lines. %P*0r ” 't" U wa'v* a greed ajaarinaat si gilt /’A 16 «p-te-Hi» wHafa patter** oad cater* ...*♦/ v ‘a aria* Hat Mates It gasstbi# far 6te ta hope 1 , Mare flat far CkristarS* aad HM 6* wlthla j irjtJie teSgat. 4 BA3BHENT—WHERE QUALITY IS LOW PRICED