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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1939)
<£)niafja (Putbc’s %>,. :■ World of ■> Society n___ Mr. and M is LeRoy Harness 1933'i No. 23rd Street wa« ca I ed away Friday night to Al va, Kansas for the death of her mother, Mr*. El nor* Simpson. ■-°0° Mrs. Charles M. Wiley of 287F> Ohio Street is now' home conval aing after having undergone a very serious operation at the Im manuel Hospital. Mrs. Wiley’s! condition is reported as very I good. -0O0 Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Buck of Stubenville, Ohio, stopped in th'> City for a f w days to visit with North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th SI WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING METHOD ‘Leaves No .Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE [ NEW SOLE WITH AN IN- j VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— friends end relatives. Accomp anying the Bucks were Rev. and Mrs. Banks and their small son. They were enrcu e to Oal foiu a. -oOo HELPING HAND CLUB '1 he Helping Hand Club of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church met Nov ember 21st at the horn, of Mr. and Mrs J. L. Bett’., 1820 Nor.h 25th stree.. Th s n'ght being m cial night, membeig of the club we’e treated to a delicious Tur key dinner. There werp* three* honored guests: Rev. Tom Beas ley who is visiting from the South and Rev. and Mrs. F. F. Jones The.e were thirty .rem her: and guests pr i cnt. Mrs. J. L. Betts, President Mrs. I !a. Wilis, Reporier -oOo Th Poro Club gave a Tea Sun day November 2Gth at the honv at Mrs. Lill'e Thomson, 1&14 No 27th. street. All numbers present We want to thank each and ev ryone who attended for their cooperation. Mr». R. C. Price, Pivsiilent; Mrs. Rosetta Walker, Report er, 2866 Maple St. -oOo MODERN ART CLUB The Modern Ast Club m t Mon. Nov. 2(Kh at the home of the president. The >reeling was called rftA TON'E'SOTIIERN«... , s mSP‘fcsr»dri/Riouf'$ 3-Way Responsibility In maintaining its existing high standard of liquor law enforce ment, the Nebraska l.iquor Commission carries out its respon sibility to our citizens. In co-operating closely with the Commission through a self policing program which aims to have heer sold under condi tions as wholesome as heer itself, our industry curries out its acknowledged social responsibility to our citizeus. In avoiding the comparatively few retail outlets which permit anti-social conditions, and in patronizing the thousands of law abiding outlets, our citizens carry out their responsibility to themselves by thus further protecting their equity in Nebraska's $30,000,000 beer industry, Nebraska Brewers & Beer Distributors Committee CHARLES E. SANDALL* State Director 710 First National Bank Bldg. Lincoln, Nebr. Women’s Pain Relieved By “Build-Up Method” " Do you suffer periodically Irotn headaches, nervousnes, irritabil ity, restlessness or cramp -like pains? If so, here’s good news! These may l>e symptoms of func tional dysmenorrhea, which Is so often caused by undernourish ment By improving the appet ite, digestion, assimilation, thru the proper use of CARDUI, worn :•> en by thousands find they are ablp to build strength, energy, and nerve-foi ce. Thus periodic al pain is relieved For many us ers of CARDUI. By taking It just before and during "the time,” women by thousands report that CARDUJ also helps to allay the pain and discomfort of the period CAREY’S NABCRHQOD Grocery Spring Chicken Cheaper than Bacon 18c lb. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EACH NIGHT TILL 10 P. M. WE. 6089 We Give Gret-n Trad n« Stamp* I .— to onler at the usuul time. Order of business: Koii on Rend ng of minut s Paying of dues The pr s'dent made a few time ly rurarks about the Christmas party of which was discussed by the members and tenativo plans wer .• evade. Mrs. Claude McFall ofi'etx*d her home for this festi val affair of which we are very grateful. Dec. 28th has been chos en. The president r| ques, all members to be present at the next meeting so we can further the plans for the party. Th ■ hos tess served a d< licious re;>asi. Members presmit were: Mrs. Claude McFall; Mrs, Jasper Cole; Mrs. Vida Jawers; Mrs. H. L. Pr. ston; Mrs. L. C. Clark and Mrs. R. C. Price. The club ad journed to meet Monday Decem er 4 h at 8 P.M. with Mrs. W. L. Myers as hostess. Mrs. Cozy Nicholas, president. -V (JO THE QUACK C I.UB Membt i‘s of the Quack Club heir their annual Dmr\ r I) n *e, at the beautifully decorated Dreamland Hall Monday Novern-' ber 27t:i with their tfccrti jvs guests. Twenty tc:bl s decorated with assorted col rs of tea rosea .and ferns for cen crpeces war> glowed by formal clad young men and women. Tho Turkey Dinner, with a! th|D trimmings was faultlessly served by Mr. Simon Harrold and hi* group of waiters. EnUeriain ment displaying unusual talont was presented by Hattie Moure and Lucy Mae Britt, respective chairmen of the Sue al and Music cci v mitt-res. Mr. William Kyles sang three numbers: “Sou h of the Border," “My Last Goodby" and “Mem ories of You." Beautiful Hawai an play and songs consisting of 6 Quack members Dorothy Abrams, Cbnstine Brown, Edna Thomas, Bernice Marshall, Lucy Mae Britt and Essie Bor er. Several members and guests were heard to soy that th's “was tho most gorgeous affair they havo ever attended. Leola Jones, Reporter -0O0 If you believe in Charity attend the Elks Charity Ball Dec. 4, ’39. SPORTS FANS!! FAN'S! 1989-’40 will present one of the greatest basketball teams ever to assemble in this section of the country. Thanks to Mr. Hu:y “Green Tree” Pol land for the effort he has put forth to aid the Team to be a great success. Also to Mr. Ja res “Chubbie” Stewart for tht time h? has spent in behalf of the team. Boasting of such stars as: Virgel “Virgee” Williams and Ace “L, fty ” Brcakfield, both formerly members of South High great t am of 1938-’37. Receiv ing the highest honors that any one could po»sibly achieve during their career. Both receiving first places on 1937-38 All State Team. Benny “D lux’’ Klmore former ly membe,- of Krocker Y Big Five of Des Moines, Iowa, Harlem G1 (ie Trotters, Van Dyke House Robbinys Pharmacy 2306 N. 24th St. WE. 1711 302g»^gZCTIt^i^tT:i of David and Harlem Hottentots. Benny is rat:d as one of the greatest! ball handlers in this part of the country. W 11 am “Hunk” Tapley, for merly with Michigan Chief?, Ok lahoma City A. G, Kansas City V Big Five, Van Dyke House of David and Harlem Ifittentots, also received All State Honor. John “Pappy” Clarly, formerly with the Harlem Hottentot*. A veiy clever ball player. Good in all departments. Watch “Pappy." f!oe “Mayor” Allen, formerly with Van Dyks House of David. A treat to hear anj also to see in action. James “Ghubbie” S’ewar't, Omaha’s product. A very durable player. James “Speedy" Hall, formerly with Central High, Wiley College of Wiley Texas, and Harlem Hottentots. “For speed y )U can’t beat it.” Leonard “Coal Breeze” Stearns formerly wi h South High’s great t am 1936-'37. A great ball player with a dead eye for the bucket James “Skinney" Lazine, for merly with the Harlem Hotten tots which has develop <1 “Skin ney” into a high polish p’ayer. Others that will begin for posi tions on this great outfit,, will include such payers ns: “Cow !'-y” Stevens, Tech High Star, the Franklin Brothers, both T ch High Stars, James “Big Gun” Tapps, “Tiny” Morris, and oth ers who wish to try for a posi tion. Future practice dates haven’t been arranged as yet, but will be mad i puDl a imiiediatly after ariungcimonts are drawn. For further NOTICE read the GUIDE. _nfln_ HIGHLIGHTS OF CIRCLE TOUR OF UNITED STATES OCEAN TO OCEAN I'y Mjs. Hiram II. Greenfield Ocean Voyage— Norfolk, Ya. Hampton Institute Directly North of Columbia U. ir. New York City is located Harlem, the center of Negro cul ture. Largest Church in the coun tr . the Abysinniian Bap i jt, pas tore 1 by young Rev. Powell, whose father, Rev. A. Clayton 1 .'Well St pastor, emer.tus, built and paid for this, largest most crstly churteh edifice in the world among r.ny group, our group, nnywher. in th . world. Member & h ! p a<bcve twelve tho.i and. Aio her AME Zion, latgest church acr es the street from Y. W. on W 137th street. This is the church I attended in co nany w 'b Miss Iiaundy one of the NY York City Public school teacher Rev. Robeson, the pa .tor is a brother of Paul Robeson, ac tor. The National YMCA, tw'cc as large as the Y.W. has more then four hundred bedrooms be sides its immense ae'.iv tier, Har lem River Houses, on 7,h avenue ore of the finest low priced hous ing projects, is a join; venture of Fed ral and Mun cipal govern ments It is ideally located on the rive .• and our ivee are well pro vided with rmdrn housing. For the Dunbar Apartments Jiear by add hundred? of grand homes j for those in th higher brackets { Hotels, undertakers, b auty par lors, Cafe’s theatre’s and other j businesses crakes Harlem a bee hivo of “goings on.” I took sev eral sightseeing bus tours and it seemed I was set ing the world from the to.p of the world on the “A Top—Deck Hus,” a week ot New York, be ing feted by fri nds, seeing only what two eyes could behold, I left New Cork on Ocean voyage August 15th for Norfolk, Va., aboard the luxurious Old Dom'n ion Line steamer George Wash ington, for a three hundred mile voyage. This invigorating and l-esttul ocean cruise gave me the added thrill of seeing the tower ing New York skyline, view.-d as our ship was leaving the harbor at noon, setting snil down the deep Atlantic Ocean, with the Goddnst of L berty in her greet ing to all who inter oi< leave for a trip from New York harbor. The ship sailed smoothly. Many colored cooks, waiters, stewards, bellboys were evripleyed on this gorgeous ship of many hundreds of passengers. 1 was the only colored passenger. It was so wonderful. Wo docked at Norfolk, Va, the next morning at seven o’clock f busti ng Atlantic port in the World-famous Hampton Roads ; harbor. Visited by friends Mrs J. C. Parker, former Oirahan, and her sister, "Miss Goldie Mit chell, executive YWCA secretary of Ph His Wheatley “Y’\ three days. After a delicious breakfast Mrs. Parker and Sider gave me a five hour sightseeing tour to, all historic points of interest. Th:re are forty-three thousand inhabitants in Norfolk—one-third arc of our mce group, over four teen thousand. Beaches on Chesa peake Bay for our group are largely supported by women and children. Hospitals and schools Co rour race are v:ry commenda ble by our group. Buddings, many palatial home< owned by our group. At Cape Henry, Va wo saw the first church by the permanent English settlers iin North America, who landed April 26, 1607. They w nf to James town Virginia. Every m nute of my three day visit Hid been planned by my charming hostess. A trip to Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. war, interesting and mrst abl i for this was my first oppor tunity to visit this Institute cam pus. The farm and Athletic fidd ecu ains 170 acres. Another farm called shelibanks, about four miles distant, for the us? of school of Agriculture iujnltins 797 acre7. Major and Mrs. Brown ar j close personal friends of Mrs. I arkc-i' ard sister. The'r palatial horn i is the first building as one enters the carpus. Mi's. Brown’s sister, Mrs. Sheppard drove us all over the campu . One, among tho substantial fine brick build ing of particular interest was the Ohapal. The donor gave with th.= -tipulation thero should forever •be a Cairella Choir, never an in s rument for the purpose of maintaining Negro spir tusls. Tho Presid nt, Anhui Howe and mo t of the faculty are white. Instructors and ether workers in all departments number aboui three hundred. One-third cf whom rri colored. Hampton Institute is situated on the eastern end of the V rginia Penninsula, two and a half miles from Old Point Comford. The trip on the Ferry ove.' to the Institute and r turn to Norfolk was interesting, re turning at dusk. Lights were beautiful. We saw a part of Norfolk's skyline. I liked Norfolk because it is so different. Was royally f ted, meeting old ae quaintancees. Visited the great Journal Guide a newspaper plant, a thriving race paper, printing most of Howard University, Hampton In stitute and many other outstand ing schools, churches, etc cata logue and other printed matter. After a hurried visit to the W. ani “Y” residence on C & O Ferry to get my train at Newport. News, Va. My hostess came on beat to see re off on th' la (, lap of my trp homeward. Hoping to re urn someday for a mor.! extensive visit to pictures que Norfolk. (To be concluded in n xt issue) -0O0 The Elks are at It Again—in dis tr.bating Charity. -0O0 GAS HEATING LOWERS COST SMALL HOUSE Recent deveiopm, nts in appli ance? for heating with gas bring new advantages to the builder of a small home; they reduce the cos cf building the house and at th same time provide increas ed com tort wi.h low operating cost, accord ng to W. J. Barber, assistant general manager of the Utilities Dis rict. formerly, all house heating equipment had to be located in tho basement. Distinctly new types of heaters invented for o her and different locations than the basement save the expense of excavation which always adds materially to the lost of any house. A vertical gas heater, for ex ample, may be installed in a com partment or a closet on the ground floor. This attractive, compact cabinet heater off: rs a system of small home heating that is spreading rapidly through out the country. As radical a departure in gas heating equ potent is the attic furnace which likewise reduces construction costs of the small house because it saves both the cost of basement excavation and tho cos of a chimney. An attic location merely requires a simple form of vent, and the heater is equipped with a down-discharge instead of an up-charge, to cir culate the heat. Jesse’s ("ate A New, Clean Place to EAT GOOD MEALS 15c 4 up Give Us A Try 1426 North 24th Street RUMMAGE Store EVERYTHING CHEAP LADIES 4 MEN’S O'COATS £0: 4 up 1406 North 24th Street lfOTB:—Tomr question will be analyzed free h» this eolama vmlf when yon include a clipping of '-this column' and sign your full name. birthdate and correct address to /aur letter. For a “Private Reply”... send only 25c and a stamped etivelope'for my latest ASTROLOGY' READING covering your binhdate; also a free letter ef advice analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con fine your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning. — Send Yon* Lette* To — ABBE’ WALLACE. P. O. BOX 11. ATLANTA. GA. MY NEW 1940 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE READY. P. S—I have been working on this job for two years and I won der il' I would be successful in getting a rats; if I asked for it? Ant: No. As the business doesn’t net enough money whereby your salary could be increased. It would be to your advantage to look around and try to fini better payng em ployment but do so cautious ly. Be sure that you have something before giv ing up your piesent job. R. C.—Is he a stumbling block in my life? Sometimis I feel like quitting my job and sitting down s ’ tell me what to do. I a n anxi ous to have a priva e m ssage you so please explain. An«: Hold to your jco for you would starve if you de pended on your husband for a living. You must ke.p up the payments on yoiir home so that you don't lose it. Yes you may write me privately. Send a fop one of my NEW 1940 ASTROLOGY READINGS and I will be glad to g ve you my fr;e opinion on your problems. B. C.—I am a man of the age of 32 years and have never found love. Sometime I am blue and lonesome and I don’t know what to do. I am not bad looking; have dark Tor own skin; am 6 ft. 2 inch n tall and weight 178 lbs. My 1 t'e is emp y as I have no one to live for. Ans: There is no rea-on for you to be lonely. Why don’t you let a few of your fr'ends know that you would like to i.r-e:t some nice girls. Learn to dance, play cards, and other things that make young people popular, and within the coming six months you will be enjoying more frendships than you have eva’ had in your life. C. G.—Will I ever succeed in paying fcr my home? Will life to any be.ter for me in the fu ture than it is now? Ans: Conditions as a whole have b:en somewhat better foi ycu this year than in a number of years in the past, and I see no reason why you can not keep up the pay rents on your home. Some close relative of yours will make his appearance in your homo before very long and part of your burden will be shared with him. _ I i R. C.—I am thinking seriously of giving up my job and going cut of the state for this wint r and wonder if it would be all light or not ? Ans: A change would be an asset to your case and I strongly advise that you make the change around the first of part of Dec mfier. The state of Florida would be the best place for you as you have had connections there before. You will get im.rediata work. O. \V.—I have been married for three years and I want to know what to do to make my husband want to buy furniture as other people do ? Ans: He prefers to spend his money on good times. The logical thing for you to do is to get work and take your money and buy furniture for the house. Make him sup port you and pay the rent, food bill and other n ces*ities ai'ound the house and 'by doing so, you can get what you want. There is a boy who is an un dertaker and he told my cousin that he loved w.e and I am ex cit:d and don’t know what to do. I didn’t love him but if he loves mo than I can love him too. Ans: You are working your self up in a pitch over noth ing. If the boy was in love with you, he would have told you and not your cousin. Con trol your emotions -for you are in for a big let down. Look around for another friend. NEW 1940 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE READY -0O0 Minneapolis, N'iv. 30— The? board of directors of the Minnea polis Brewing company at a special meeting held Thursday declared a furth a' d vklend of 25 1 cents per share upon its out standing stock. This is in addition to the- dividend of 25 cent* a sh9r-> declared on November 21, making a total cash d vidend of 50 cents a share* to be paid on December 15, to stockholders as of record December 5. -©Oo FINE For KIDKEY AND BLADDER WEAKNLS> STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS AND FEEL YOUNGER Keep your blood more free from waat:- matter, poisons and acid by putting more activity into ki,dncyi ciia Gladder and you should live a healthier, happier and longer life. Ono efficient, *af; and harmless way to do this is to get from your druggist a 35 cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem O 1 Capsules and take them as directed—the swift results should delight, you. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble way Ibe backacke, shifting pains, puffy eyes. Don’t be an EASY MARK and -.-cept a sub titute—Ask for Gold M-dnl Haarlem Oil Cani'-les— r'gNt from Haarlem in Holland. GET GOLD MEDAL—the origin s'—the genuine. Look for the Gel 1 Medal on the box—35 cen'-s. Ray L. Williams, Attorney 200 Tuchinan Bldg., 21th and Lake St. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT. In the District Court of Doug las County, Nebraska. TO: SAV ANNAH NELSON, whose placa of residence and upon whom per sonal service of summons cannot be had, Defendant. You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of July, 1930, James Nelson, as plaintiff, filed his petition aga'nst you in the Dis rict Couit of Douglas County, Nebraska, Docket Number 346, Page 110, tb? object and prayer oi wh'ch petition is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of desertion. You are hereby required to answer said p tition on or before December 15th, 1939, or said petition will be .taken as true. JAMES NELSON, Plaint'flf Ray L. Williams, His Attorney ?>.mono. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE— — SHOP AT— Bernard’s MARKET 2012 North 24th Street Phone Webster 1073 WE DELIVER GghizafTv rj. ENROLL NOW—Day and Nifrht Classes. The Very Latest— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quinole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEhster 0846 ^Scratching!! For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimple*, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid l >. D. D. Prescript ion. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottlo proves it, or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION^ wa