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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1939)
CHURSH NEWS s PARADISE BAI TIST < ill « Rev. C. Adr.r.s, Pastor Sunday School opened al the ih ual hour, wi h a nice attendance. It o'clock devotional was lei by lleacons Johnson and Meyer. The Pastor preach 1 a wonderful ser mon from St. John 17th Ch. 1st verse. Text, Father, “he hour is come. Visitors were Nvs. Coleman and M . Herron of Pilgrim Bap tist Church. A 3 pm. the Unon Mission met with us. Rev. Pruett preached to Us from the 11 Ch. of St. Mark, 3rd verve. BGRPU was well at tended and a nice progtam wee rendered by grtun No. A. We are f?la<d to hsvo visito's and to see the wonderful work being done by our Pa tor. -oOo CHOIR GOWNS PVLMT lOIFt ■ IMttOlIXIIIi HANGING! ■ ITOtll ■ VISTMINT* ALTAI APTOINTMTNTS COMMUNION SU Via HIM CAT At .. •Olsio Turners’s Beau y Shop will give shampoos at reduced rates be ginning Sept. 26th. This offer is made to induce patrons to get pro fessional shampoos instead of home wash. W« use the mildest materials, also oil shamnoo. Mi:---. Jarper C-ole 4ias been added to our efficient •buff of beauty operators. All lines of Beauty Work J GROW GLOSS BEAUTY SHOP 2512 No. 24th. Phone At. 3036 Watch & Jewelry Repairing , WE LOAN MONEY ON EVERYTHING ; GROSS JEWELRY & V LOAN 00. CLOTHING ' CORNER 24th & ERSKINE ! SUITS FOR 6RADE AND ! HIGH SCHOOL 2 Pairs Pants ]50 New *** 2414 N. 24th St. . -— SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Kcv. E. H. Hilson, Pastor Servicer weie veiy good as well as inspirational Sunday at Salem. Re,. P. M. Harris who has filled thu pulpit for 3 Sundays brought us a sweet message at 11 am. His subject, Cbri t’s agents, Matt 10: lb. The 8 pm. services were ren dered by Dr. T. T. Lovelace of Chicago, Secretary of Home Mis son Beard of the National Bap tist convention, who had with him Eugene Williams one of the Scott i ojo boys, who also gave re r.arks. S. S. and BYPU are very lively & progressing nie ly. Thelatter be ,ng full of life,the Sept, feature being a special devotion course by 1 res. 'ent Cooper and for October, •pecial Dcpar.ments program each Sunday. Echoes from the Nation al Baptist Convention were given by delegates, Mrs. Rena Mil on and A. D. Green. For inspiration come to Salem BYPU and for good services come to Salem Bapt. church. You are always welcome. -..-oOo - FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess Pastor and Divine Healer Sis Woodie, Reporter Services are being well attended and we are being spiritually hel I ped by the prophet being in our ! mdis't. No one is mad but Satan. I Tuesday night, the Prophet being anoin dteto preach, also laying on of hands for the healing and pros perity. Sister Smith is growing stronger daily for which I thank tho Ix>rd. People testifying every where of being blessed. Feast of the passover was a great success, nev er being witnessed in these parts before. Service Sunday nights, ! Tuesday nights and Thursday , nights. Every one is welcome. Pri vate reading da Sv appointment by Tek?phone J*. 7798, address 2206 N. 26 St. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson -Pastor Rounell Hatter—reporter Sunday School opened at 9:30 wth our Supt. in charge. Our les son was found Isaiah 6:1-9. Wa had a lovely lesson. Also we were proud to have 6 new members. 11 o’clock service was opened MONUMENTS A GRAVE~ MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO.. TWENTIETH A CUMING STS PHMNE AT. 4927 OFFICE PHONE JA. 02IS ^ FT* RAY LAWRENCE WILLIAMS •— f\ '-v ATTORNEY AT LAW j 200 Tuehman Bldg, 24th & Lake St. Office Hoars: I 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Re«: 3007 Ohio St. f Keening* by Appointment WBb. 2582 "Build-Up": Way To Relieve Women's Pain * Many weak, run-down women; #ro*in a vicious circle. Their un dernourishment often leads to Vrhat is called functional djf' yrienorrhea and its ymptoms— Cieadachcs, nervousness, irritabil ity, intermittent cramp-like pains •—from which many women suffer. Mu rest way to break the vicious Circle is by building strength and Ksrrrrr energy, which so many find may bo done with the help of CARDUI. It stimulates appetite, aids di gestion, and thus helps in this “build-up” of physical resistance. Women also report that, if taken just (before and during “the time,” CARDUI leadens the pain and dis i comfort of the period. -■.--r-r Sale on Northmoor! Whiskey by Century... 90 Proof 2 years old $1.95 quarts for $1.00 pints for gQr JaL: ^ Sam Flax LIQUOR & BEER |£02 North o 24th Street —_v_ AT-9715 and conducted by our Pastor. Our merniung scripture lessou was in Gen. 41 Ch. of Genesis. Our Subject was Think of me when time goes well with you, Genesis 41 t ch. 8th vei-se. We had a very lovely service. The Lord was present. 3 o’clock service was dedicated to te Lady’s Elk Drill team con ducted by the Pastor. 8 o’clock service was opened by he choir. Evang. Gore brought the message found St. Luke '4 Ch. \ 2 vci j os. Subjec : What think yo of the morning.” The Lord war; really present. Also the Kan sas City Gospels Singers gave us several numbers. Core one and all to our services. You arc always welcome. -oOo-— SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D- Nicholson, Pastor Sunday School opened at the us ual hour with Miss Elsey Thom our super ntendant in charge. The Sunday school is planning to have a s.yle review soon. Morning service opened at the usur, l!:ou.‘ with the pas.or in char gt. A laige group was pres 'it. After the business meeting, lh echurch seemed to have greater ile.ei minaton. Evening service opened at 7:30 The Pas.or brought a soul stirring message which was full of the spirit. A large group of young people were presen. . The o'.iur h ha; aecep ed the rec ommendation of the Pastor and one of them is that he will serve us the first and third Sunday in each month except when Mere is a special meeting. The second Sunday in next <mon‘.n we will have the fourth anniversaiy of our Pas dor. Come one and all and help us to rejoice. We were pleased to have Mrt Dora Bennie A. Forms member of our church as our vis itor. Visitors are always wel come. —-0O0 MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosely, pastor M:ss Emma Curtis, reporter Sunday Sept. 24, 1939. Sunday School was opened at 9:45 oc'/ock Iby the Superinten dent, Mrs. Clara Prayter. The rorniag services were inspiring and uplifting. The pastor preach ed a wonderful sermon on "Mas ter of Circumstances.” The BYPU opened at 6:30 o’ clock. We are asking that every one come out and help u* to make it what it ahoul’5 be. Evening services at 8 o’clock were well attended. Rev. Cald well delivered a very touching rermon. His subject was “Try Him He is your Friend." Mrs. Triplett, Mrs. Kig and Mr. ^eail of Pleasant Green Church worshipped with us. We are al ways glad to have visitors. The 17th Anniversary of Mt. Olive Baptist Church and the Third An niversary of the Pastor, Rev. J. P. Mosley beginning Mon. Oct. 2nd and ending Monday Oct. 16th with a free reception. ’ -oOo THIS WEEK IN RELIGION AND THOUGHT Robert L. Moody Wise Statosmenship— Church school students have .lust completed a course on King* and Prophets of Israel. In it we learned the true relationship that existed between religious lead ers and the state. Israel’s gov ernment was a theocracy and dif fered greatly from ours but God "He has not forgotten, and he should never forget that, undtr the banners of liberty and free should be properly recognized in all form* ofgovernment. Isaiah was foremost among the prophet statesmen but the two kingdoms had several fearless leaders. Our Congress is in special (session now becouse the Europe an crisis has made a few problems for us. The market for our muni tions is a very temping one; some fear the results from selling to bel ligerents, others are wit infer to take a chance for economic pros perity. Our Congressmen must choose between values; namely, persons or property. We prayerfully hope that they will choose as wisely as the statesmen of old. Human life is far more precious than minions of battleifiips or bombing planets. The best assur ances are to be found in the word of God: "Ble»sed is the nation whose 9 SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET 2520 Cumiag St. FREE— Delivery— FREE FRESH EGGS DAILY WEBSTER 4277 l®-V God is the Lord for....rghi eousncss exalteth a nation but sin is a i preoach to any people.’ Mis. Robert L. Moody and chil : dren have returned from a pleas ant epht week vacation. Mro t or | their time was spent visiting rel ! atives and fi lends in Birmingham, j Alabama. Two pleasant stop-over vi ts I were made; one in Kansas Ci y, Kansas with Elder and Mk. J. B. Aimcnd; the other in Chicago, 111 - inch, with relatives. Mis. Moody ; /sited Evangelist Agnes Coleman who is conducting a reeling a | Evanston, Illinois. Sister Cole man send, her best wishes to he’ many friends in Om ha but wiL | not ha able to visit us at this time. -0O0 FLOYD .1. CALViN, NATIONAL LY KNOWN NEWSPAPERMAN, PASSES AWAY Impressive Funeral at Christ Com munity Church Now York, X. Y. Sept. 28, (Bv William H. Ferris—Like a bolt s'rom the blue sky, the news fell upon Harlem that Floyd J. Calvin ! l ead of the Calvin Newspaper, had died in the Presbyterian Medical I Center Hospital in New York Ci ty .Friday, Sept. 1st, a, 7 A. M. Except for an occasional head ache, he had seemed in splendid health, b.fore going to the Hospi ! trl Monday, August 21st. He died . of a tumor on the hrain. A blood clot formed just before he could bo operated cu. The funeral services were held Wednesday, Sept. Obh, at the Christ Community Church, 67-fih West 128th Street, Dr. John W. Robison, Minister, of which Mr Calvin was a member. The Church was packed to the doors wi.h ad mirers and friends and the side walks on both side? of the Street were lined with people. The Am sterdam News, the New York Age and the Pittsburgh Courier were represented in the active and hon orary pall bearers. The Steward esses seven dressed in white pre ceded the corpse, bearing beautiful bouquets of flowers. The Choir, with Mrs. Gwendolyn Rivers or ganist, soothingly sang W-Ljde with Me” and “Come Ye Discon colate.” Mr. Cleveland G. Allen read the Resolutions from thet Manhattan Newsmen. Miss Lucille Bluford read the Resolutions in l.ehalf of the Christ Community Church. Mass Lillian Linton read the Resolutions from the Men of Tomorrow Forum of the Christ Community Church, which were written by Miss Bobbye Madden. Mr. Billy Rowe of 'the Pittsburgh Courier paid a tribute to Mr. Cal vin. Miss Ruth Baker sang “Go ing Home.” She was accompanied by Miss Edith Baker. Dr. John W. Robinson, the Pastor, delivered an impressive eulogy. He took his from the words of the Apostle Paul: “And we know that all things work -together for good for them that love God”, Romans 8:8. Dr. Robinson asked the question “What is Good? and read one of Longfellow’s famous poems. Then -ho said “What if the chiefest good of all living?" Let my Master answer. He asked “What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" “What shall a man give in ex change for his soul?” If you be lieve in your soul, God will take care of you." Miss Ruth Baker sang “Rest in the Lord” by Men delsohn, with feeling and expres sion. Dr. Robinson sang the solo part of “Tis the Beautiful Home of the Soul”. Mr. Baynard Whit ney, Eric E. L. Hercules, Lou I-ana and A. M. Wendell Malliett. The Perkins Memorial Chapel, with Zebb Kennedy in charge, had charge of the remains which were interred in the Frederick Doug las Memorial Cemetary in Sta | ten Island . Mr. taivin was a memoer or Dhe Monarch Lodge of the Im proved Benevolent Protective Or-, der of the Elks of America. His father, Joseph E. Calvin, of Ozan, Arkansas, his Aunt, Mrs. Nannie Beane, of New York City, and his cousin, Miss Clavis Beane, a stu dent in the Howard University Medical School, attended the fun era!. The Calvin News Service to Con tinue The Calvin New Service will be continued, under the Direction of Mr. Eric Hercules, who was as sociated with Mr. Calvin for some time; Ho met Mr. Calvin while he was a student at Wilderforce Uni versity, when Bishop R .R. Wright Jr., was President. Mr. Hercules also attended McGill University, Canada. Prior to his connection with Mr. Calvin, he was Director i of Publicity for the Florida Nor mal College, N. W. Collier, Presi dent. of St. Augustine, Florida. He cut short his honeymoon to attend Mr. Calvin’s funeral. He married August 2Hth Miss Ro cer.a Douglas-, daughter of Prof. 2nd Mi 2. R. L. Douglass of John ' n C. Smith University, of Char otte. N. C. Mr. Calvin’s widow, Mr.-. Wil a Lee, who studied in Lane Col ogo and taught in Mineral springs, Arkansas, before her marriage, and his two daughters, lernice, fifteen years old, a stu lent in Brooklyn College, and De * es twelve years old, a stu nt in the Murral Ait High ?chcol, who aife musical podi 'ies, and who reside with their lothcr at 2816 Eighth Avenue, i their bit in putting ovei he News Sei*viee. -0O0-* tISKOP PAINE DIVINITY SCHOOL FILLS DEFINITE RELIGIOUS NEED Petersburg, Yra. (By fc. L. Her oics. Calvin Service)—The only nst'tution of the Episcopal hutch devoted exclusively to the duration of Negroes for the S*c '■e<! Ministry, is tre well known Bit’op Pane Divinity School which was the outgrowth of St. Stevens Normal and Industrial School, founded in 1873. In 1878 the Rev. Thomas Spencer, a scho larly Englishman became its only Professo'. For sometime the The ological Department of St. Ste ven School was considered more or less an Extension School of the YY'hite Theological Seminary in Yrii ginia, due largely to the | fact that Administrators of the' hater Institution contributed $500 annually for the payment of sal ary to the lone Professor. Foremost among the early stu dents. perhaps the two most out rtanding who made the greatest inrpnesion upon the Churches of Old were: the Rev. J. S. Russell, D. D.; Founder of St. Paul’s Nor mal and Industrial School, Uw lence, Virginia; and the Rev. George F. Bragg, D. D. of Balti more, Maryland. In November of 1884, the School was Chartered by the General As sembly of Virginia. Since that time Episcopal leaders throughout the South, have been actively in terested in the development of this school which has shown con siderable growth. Although it *« r|ers i“(r' a small number of worthy Negro men interested in the Episcopal Ministry, the Bis hop Paine Divinity School is con veniently located in an ideal sec 1 tion of the City with four build ings Today the Institution is being supported largely by the Ameri can Church Institute for Negroes and donations from the Semina ries in Alexander, King Theologi cal Law, and others. The hirtaad curriculum covers all subject required by the can nons of the Church and is now be ing taught by three full time Pro fessors including the Warden who is a Negro. The Bishop Paine Divinity school is filling a definite need among Negroes in America. It is certainly the most logical place for t)he training of Negro Minis ters of the Episcopal Church. It is being ably headed by the Rev. P. H. Sloan, Dean. It is open to candidates for Holy Orders and Apostalants in good standing in any Diocese. Fees are moderate end students, fortunate enough to be admitted, are assured of ex cellent training in a wholesome, Christian environment. -oOo ROLAND HAYES TO FILL . MANY ENGAGEMENTS New York, Sept 28, (By Calvin Servce)—Roland Hayes, tenor, is opening his season on October 5eh with a recital in Pittsburgh, Pa. Following bhis he proceeds through the South where he will fulfill engagements in the States of Georgia, Mississippi and Texas, concentizing in that territory un til early November. In January, lie is scheduled for appearances ir the North Central Seates, where he will give recitals in Minneap olis, St. Cloud, Minn., and Fargo, N. D-, following which he will b« heard in Salt Lake City. From there he proceeds to the Pacific Cqast, returning again for appear ances in the East in 3, . rch and April. -0O0 FORT VALLEY INSTRUCTOR TO STUDY Fort Valley, Ga. Sept. 28 (Cal vin service)—Always endeavoring ■o increase the professional train ing of its faculty, it was announc ed this week that Dean Aaron Frown of Fort Valley State Col lege had been granted a leave of absence to study at the University of Chicago under a Julius Rosen wald Fellowship for the year 1939-40. A graduate of Talledegm SOTS:—Your question will h< analyzed free In this column only when yon include a clipping of i his column and sign your full name. btrthdate and correct address to four letter. For a “Private Reply". .• send only 25c and a stamped epvelope'for my latest ASTROLOGY READING covering your birthdate; also a free letter of advice analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con* fine your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning. — Send Your Letter To — ABBE' WALLACE. P. O. BOX 11. ATLANTA. GA. S. M.— there is a young nrar n my neighborhood who likes me very much. His mother is mother is strict on him and de prives him fiOm talking with me, since lies have been told on us. He has run away from home and f just wonder if it wouldn’t be best for one to run away too, cause she is going'to find him sooner or later? Ans: Running away freon home wouldn’t help matters any. You aren’t responsible for what this boy does, you two are merely friends. Stay right there and conduct your self as a young lady should, and the gossip will stop. The boy and his mother will settle their problems between them and you won’t be involved. * * * B. B.—Should I take the trip I have planned to take or would I have success or fail? Ans: There is no need for you to prepare to leave now need to GO TO SCHOOL. School b'oys should look for work immediately after school closes, and not a few day before it opens, * X- * A. A.—Tell me if I am going to get the job that I want and will this girl marry are that I am in love with? Ans: A better job and a College and a recipient of a Mas ter’s Degree at Atlanta Univer sity, Dean Brown has taught at LcMoyne College and was Princi pal of a 'high school. -oO* REV. A. D. AVERY, HIGHLY ENDORSED FOR BISHOPRIC Greensboro, N. C. Sept. 28— (Calvin Service)—One of the most respected Negro citizens in this City is this Minister, who from time to time receive little mention for the good he’s rendering for the denomination, he is faithfully serving. This m >dest individual the Rev. A. D. Avery, has labor ed for the past 21 years from mission fields up to the Presiding Eldership which position he now holds. , Rev. Avery is a graduate of Kitterer College, and is also a member of the Trustee and Exe cutive Boards of the said Institu tion. He began his Ministerial duties as a veiiy young man. In 1908 he started out in a mission field with 13 members. Later, he served in Raleigh where he rebuilt the Sec ond AME Church and more than doubled the membership in the space of three years. In the City of Winston-Salem, he is credited wtih having built the most modern parsonage in the State. He labor ed in Wilmington at the well known St. Stevens Church, which has the largest membership in ♦he State of North Carolina. Up op his arrival in Greensboro, he held his fourth Pastorage at Bethel, where he found a member ship of 240. Today the member ship has increased considerably. T-'or the pest 11 years he has beer, a Presidm? Elder and is now in the 3rd District. Since 1916, he has been a member of the General Conference and led the Western North Carolina Conference for 3 quadrenians. He is a member of the Educational Board and Chair man of the Auditing Committee of the General Educational Board of the AME church. The Rev. Dr. Avery is being highly endorsed by AME leaders in all pants of the country for the Bishopric. His elevation to the Bench would be quite in order. Apart from the fact that he has held the major pastorates in cities like Charlotte, Rleigh, and others during which time he paid off certain indebtednesses of the Churahes. He believes that a Bis hop ought to be a man of great vision; an honest, good organizer; a leader of men and not a driver. -oOo ADVERTISE IN THE OMAHA DUDE f raise in salary wil come your way around the last of Octo ber. It is indicated to me that you will take this young lady for your wife sometime during t' e Christmas Holidays. Con gratulations, young man. * ¥ * C. I .—Is there anything wrong with my father? Ans: Yes he’s terribly worried over bu iness affairs now and just doesn’t act like birr self. Things aren’t as bad for him as he imagines and he will cheer up a little later on. * * * L. M. F.—TeTl me if the man is going to fix up the house we are living in anytime soon? Ans: Yes.he’s making plans to repair the house be fore the cold weather begins. Although I might add that you will not get tue place re paired the way you want it .only the absolute necessi ties will be attended to this fall. x x X N. F.—I am a married lady and I wish to know if there is any one between my husband and I? Ans: No one. He’s lived absolutely time to you for the past NINETEEN YEARS and he isn’t going to mar thi* record at this late date. You are worrying about nobbing .give him more credit than you are giving him now. *> * * C, O.—I married 5 years ago, and to the wrong man. I have studied voice and I wish bo make iv my profession but my husband is a pull back. Tell me what to do? Ans: Well.what hus band in this world wants hia wife to travel around over the country as you wish to do and leave him at home? There is no need to be mar ried if you. live apart. Why not talk your husband into moving to New York City where you can put your talent to use, but don’t try talking him into allowing you to tra vel around, for be won’t agree to it. You are married bo the right man, but don’t appre ciate him. ♦ * * Will I make the trip that I have planned for next month? Ans: No, there is going to be a delay in regards to thia trip. It will be for ithe better as conditions aren’t as favor able for you right now as they could be a little later on. -—0O0 i Reveals his Secrets 4 Volume* in One. The World'* Greatest Magician reveals the Secret Key to Success in Love, Game?, Speculations, Money Matters, Business Policy, etc. He tells you How to Gain the Love of the Opposite Sex, How to Make People do Your Bid ding, How to Hex an Enemy. How Anyone Can Be Lucky in ar.y game. How to (banish *11 misery. How to Interpret Your Dreams in Numerology, How to Travel all Over the World. All for only 98c. GUARAN TEE!) to Make a Hit with you or your money back at ONCE. FORECAST FREE Your Forecast and LUCKY IN FORMATION GUIDE abso lutely FREE. RUSH—SEND NO MONEY—Just mail yonr name and address TODAY and DEPORT the small sum of only 98c plus postage with the U. S. Postman on delivery. I GUARANTEE it will MAKH 1 A HIT with you the Day yon Receive It or your money back INSTANTLY. Mystic Press, Dept, — 108 K 1190 Raymond Blvd. Newark, N. J. f>---4