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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1939)
% Omaha Guide's I . -. - * «r * >' ! ► '’i V , I 'V t •-•» * • i#• _ J4*'» ,;? • - n? - • “ /*• *•». ' ' Vr :f^r 1 A turkey a day gave away Educational, Informative, Instructive Entertaining / Eight Big Nights 7:30 pm. to 11:30 pm. Valuable Free Gifts Nightly To holders of Lucky Numbers ^ T1 i -"T " ju ELK’S HALL A ham a day gave away 1 I f 2420 LAKE ST. Free Tickets at your Grocery Sponsored by-The Omaha Guide, Iroquois Lodge IBPOE of W No. 92, Cherokee Temple No. 223 and many other outstanding civic organizations * ‘ I .ludjje Davis Denies Do!1 Tax Dan In Federal Elections Nashville. Term. Sept. 28—A pe tit on for an injunction against payment of a poll a Pr<N requisite for voting in a Federal elec.ion was denied here Septem ber L2 by Judge Elmer L). Davies whose recent appointment to a fedenud judgeship, confirmed by the U.S. Senate, as vigorously op posed by the National Association tod the A Ivanco rent of Colored People because of the jurist’s al leged formed connection with the Ku Klux Klan. lne petition, men ny iwnrj Pirtlwas designed to have ef fect in the federal election of a Congressional Representative from the Third District, to be held September 23. This ease and a similar one now being (heard before Jludge Leslie R. Harr who is sitting with Judge Davies, are sponsored by tho civil liber.ies committee of the Southern Conference for Human Welfare, whose president is Dr. Frank R. Graham, president of the University of North Carolina. Far from seeing defeat in the decision. Joseph C. Gel.lets, secre tary of the committee said the way is now paved for a II. S. Su preme Court ruling on the wrhole nuestion of poll taxes in the South. “These cases," he said, “will servo as models for all states in tho Union and is the conference’s attempt to blot out completely the state poll tax requirements for Federal elections.” Green Sends AF of L Organizer to Prvabe Jim Crow in Florida New York, Sept. 28—The first step in the conducting of an in vestigation by the American Fed eration of Iabor into Jim Crow practices of its affiliated unions in Tampa, Fla., by means of which 500 Negro pioneer union men in the shipbuilding industry were frozen out of their jobs, has been taken, William L. Green told the NAACP here this week. The AF of L president made the statement in a letter to the association dated September 11 in which he said that he was as signing George L. Googe, Atlan ta, Georgia, AF of L organizer to investigate the Tampa situation personally. The NAACP which has been investigating the case since early in July when Walter White made a trip to Tampa .urg ed Green to investigate the case while the latter was in Atlantic City at the AF of L’s executive council meeting during August. The association immediately sent a list of names of prominent Tampa citizens to Green urging him to make ime of those indivi duate in getting at the facts. These individuals were also noti fied by the NAACP to be pre pared to aid the investigation. The unions involved are local , 1,207 fat the International Hod Carriers Building and Gammon Laborers Union of America, which was formed after twelve Negro and one white worker went out on strike at the Tampa Ship* building Company sometime prior to June 1, 1938; and a local of tho International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilder* and Helpers of America. -0O0 HEXOGRAMS v • Place the following 13 letters In spaces above so as to spell one 5-letter word and live 4-lcttcr words. Arrow* show direction of spelling. One letter has been placed in th« projier place. Fill in the other twclv* letters. A-5-C-D-E-F- H l-L-O-R-T-U Solution on page 6 ■.y.y.v.v.v.v.v.w.'.vw liABE’S BUFFET 2229 I-ake Street for Popular Brands of BEEIl and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— v\V.VASV.,AV.,.V.V.V.,/W SILK DRESSES J(}c Men’s Suits $1.60, Coats $1.00, Shoe? 50c, Hats 40c. Many other (ow-priced Bargains. FREE Oata 'ogue. Send name on postearo. No obligation—write today. FAIRMOUNT CO., Dept. 010, 162 Monroe Street New,York, N. Y. Want t} change your Luck? _ , Let Ypur NUMBER Guide Yow ♦Write Me Now for Your FREE Astro* Numerology •BE AMONG THE HUNDREDS DELIGHTED WEEKLY* Simply send birth*te and on$y 25c for my new combination Dream Number Booklet and Solar Horoscope. I will include your □straight .-, urn / erology ,r$r w xtra cost But Act Now! Satifaction Guaranteed or your Money Promptly Refunded. Nothing Supernatural, but Simply Amazing! TAKE ADVANTAGE Just s ay”Send the mat- "Send ter as advertised.” Only DON LORENZO 26c SERVICE Why Dept. 4A, 1728 Park Ave Pay New York City More? Get Acquainted Sale The Shapiro Grocery, Meat & Beer Market on 30th Finkney St., KE. 0720 IS ANXIOUS TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH ALL THE READER# OF THE READERS OF THE OMAHA GUIDE AND THEREFORB WE ARE OFFERING SOME UNUSUAL VALUES WITH THESR ADS ONLY. SO BE SURE TO BRING THIS AD WREN SHOP PING ON THIS GREAT SALE. --<? NOTICE PLEASE!—We have many more Bargains on Sale. Thi» Space is very limited. Dreft regular 50c size with this Ad, while it lasts 5c MILK, tall can — 5l/2c Fresh Neck Bones, FLOUR 5 Ik. bag 15c 6 pounds — 25c Fresh Pork Cheeks pfund ^ —lV/2t Bacon Square lb. 10V2ic Oatmeal, 1’ge box 15c? ■ ■! I ■ ■ — ■ ■ m — ■ ' iii i ’~—*—** Laundry Soap, 3 large bars — 10c Syrup, regular 15c value for 10c— Pancake Flour, reg. 15c size for — 10c ICE COLD BEER or SODA POP ALL THE TIME. Are Prices are Always Down! —