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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1939)
AFFAIRS The" S-o-c-i-e-t-y^ World ORGANIZATIONS Mrs. E. I. Barber, one of Oma ha's prom sing beauticians gave a Birthday Party for her youngest son, Master Nelson Barber. Those present were Autry Maurice Her man and James Smith, little Shir ley Goodwin, Beverly Davis, John Davis, little Tedfy Todd, and John Barber, Jr Fun was had by all th'e kiddies. -0O0 Mr. Frank Johnson of 2606 Pa trick avenue was talk'd to Perry, Okla. to the funeral of his oldest brother. The second death to accur in tho family since Christmas rxiazzMOtiJ-MM-- ._ tlobbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 2»ih M «K *71 I . * - ' EASTER FLOWERS CHAS. EDERER FLORIST PALMS, PI-ANTS, CUT FLOWERS, DESIGNS AND DECORATIONS 30th & Bristol Sts. Omaha, Neibr. WE. 1795 WE. 4746 URBAN LEAGUE •RECREATION The preschool children would lik'1 to have their mothers v!.t«j. c • rr during their session a; pre hool. There is still room for irore ch'ldrer to enroll. Tt?e R. yt-.-in r*-sr f is progressing nicely ai-mp with * mu- ieal playlet whicn will U - prefer* od in the near future. The girls at the YWCA are bav in g- grand experience in learning to play budr. nton. A ping-pong tou-n-ment is being planned. Betty Jones wns the champ last week. Wo wonder who will win this week. T o g rl ’ handcraft class at the Urban I esgue is making “what ro.” shelve^, aMry Ann Williams iH makirg a very pret- y one as a rift to her mother. Many unique kities have been mado in preparation for coming kite tournament on the 22nd o.‘ Apnl. There is still time and ma terials left for all boys who wish f-i enter. We would like to announce a bird house contest; Boys come to the Urban league and ask for Mr Gotten. _ nH/v____ Mrs. Klla Saunders Long, a form er resident of Mo. died here at her hime in Omaha, April 6th 1939, She was taken ill four years and had been bod-fl.ivt for the last three years. She is mirvived by her huaband, V\. It. 1/ong, and a sister, Mrs. VOTE FOR RICHARD BRITTON (SANDY) M CITY COMMISSIONER MGR. CENTRAL OPTICAL CO. Your Vote Will Be Appreciated Ex-Servica Man Political Advertisement PRE-EASTER PARADE Spring Cleaning Easy with NEW ELECTRIC CLEANER • There's a new helper in this year's spring cleaning parade!.. the new Electric Cleaner —an economical, efficient, housecleaning servant. Besides helping with the rugs, upholstery and mattresses—the new Electric Cleaner is valuable for getting the loose dirt irom aver the doors and hard-to-get-at corners. And those are the places that make houseclean* ing a drudgery—that are likely to be the cause of backaches and sore muscles such as you remember from other years. Make a change this year! It's easy to own a new Electric Cleaner—and it costs so little to operate because electric service is so cheap in Omaha i Cheap Electricity . SERVES and SAVES . _ .fr* -adio M. J 'hnson of Cbillecothe, .VIo., an urule, Mr. Jrmes Crews f Kansas Crty, Mo., and a host of .•ousins ard friends to mour he. loss. -0O0 I The Wide-AwaKe 24 will meet j ,»t the residence of Mrs. AlLie I .fonts 2427 Ohio St. Friday after | no n 2:30 P M. April 14. All mem bers are requested to be present. Please don\. forget your waist I measurement. Mrs. Mae Jackson, president FREE! FREE! FREE! A picture both entertaining and i!u,^itional. Come nnd biing your funity an denjoy the evening witn .ho |«:ents and teachem of l.-ng - huo! 26th Franklin St, Thtvsday \piil 13. Time # P. M. Ph' : a: Long school _f_ofl_ An Easter Canta, entitl«<J ‘ Hill side and Garden’’ will be presented at 6 o’clock Sunday morning by thi young people organization of Pilgrim Baptist church assisted by Mr. Thomas Jonas, Mrs. Constance McGee, Mrs. Veta Jowers, and Mr. Fred Dixon. Special parts are be ing taken by a trio of young Mis*es who are Louise Downing, Margaret Dortch, Hattie Crumps. The «ngcl, Miss Annie Btil Thomas, and Mary Magdalene, Miss Grovci Marshall. -0O0 HAD ASS AII RUMMAGE SALK The Hadassah Organization will hold a Rummage Sale, Wednesday Thursday ar.;i Friday, April 12 to 14 a<‘ 1322 Farnam St. You will get what you want at our sale at bargain pricas. -oOo--— City Union of the Ushers and Usherettes Jack Hall, reporter The president held her C-abinct Meeting last Sunday at the resi dence of Mrs. MayberryV on No. 27th St. We were glad to see so many present. Among them was a reprensenativo from Bethel Bap uist on the Sou h Side, who favored us with a shork talk: “Thanks” hope you will come again soon. While making my usual rounds last Sunday to the different chur ches, I was pleased to notice so many Ushers and Usherettes on the job. not much “Gum chewing” and little talking here and there. Now Mrs. J of Splem, hope you better luck next time with you: “pennies” whilo selling your church paper "the Voice” don’t be so fussy. Thanks. Mrs. Henderson of Pleasant Green reported one of her Usher ettes ill Here’s hoping she’ll be O. K. and on the job next Sunday. So Long. , -vw— TOWL FOR COMMISSIONER RALLY Leaders of <the North Side Towl for Commissioner Club have ar ranged a big rally for next Satur day nigv.t April 8th at Dreamland Hall Senator John Adams, Jr. pre sident of the Club will act as mas ter of ceremonies. V/.V.V.'.V.W.V.'.V.W.V.* "WALK INTO— THE SQUARE DEAL j POULTRY MARKET Which Is Sanitary and Clean Stock Squabs, Rabbits and see All kinds of Fat Hens Springer Stags and Fresh Eggs —DELIVERY 2520 CUMING ST. WE. 4277 WyWWAWAWUWWW Speakers will include Former ’ j. yov Roy NT. Towl, J. Westbrook McPherson, Emmett Hannon, W. P. “Bob Donahue, Peter Mehrens, and o'lher independent candidate,5 in 'the city primary, and Richard C. Meissner, who will talk on the subject “Down with Dictatorship.” THFy, URBAN LEVGUE CITY CHAMPIOSHIP NORTH DISTRICT FOR MARBLE In the Senior Division, Leroy Me Davis won first place with 17 points. Otis Page was second with 13 points. In the Junior Division, R*is»ell Smith won with high score of both division with 27 points Maurice Hautspetch and Norman Jackson, tied for second place with 19 points apiece. They played a decidmg game of 6 marbles. Norman Jack had 3 of the 6 to hia credit and stuck in the ring where he was kno; ked out by Maurice. Maurice won tho game on that stroke of luck __— The Labor Non-Partisan Ix-ague wishes to announce that they arc supporting the following candi dates: Mace Brown, Joe Dolan James Roncka. J. Wc«tbrook Me Pherson. -0O0— 1 ho Jw-t We Social and Chanty Club will have their Annual Tea and Style review Sunday April Pth 2519 Wirt St. at the resideucs uf Mr. and Mrs. J. W Dacus. Hours from 4 to 7. There will be musci, Mrs. Edith Todd, president. -oOo-— THE BEIIITY BBX By VBRSIE WINSTON of North.side Beauty Shop 1939 FORECAST Ladies and Misses: 1939 soiffure fashions that put a new interpre tation on feminine sophistication, curies marchingupwahd to roman tic heights, ringlets creeping- over the crown and dipping low on th<. forehead, streamline at the temples end i leeky tapered contours m the back Off the neckline to complement the new high-necked afternoon frock is over, nightfall brings an “Gp-jning night,” and for this oc ca=ior wo use all artistry in creat ing e. formal style mainly to sha dow wave* and carefully seulptur c 1 curies clinging to the contour. F .- day wear, the newest trick in millinery appears to be the tinv hat with plenty of color including p. colorful- veil that finds its way under the chin. Romrost in the minds of these women is fear of criticism by hus binjs, children, relations, and even their friends. They have an abnor mal fear of being “talked about.” If I were you I would turn this fear of criticism into « desire for praise. I'il tell them that the day of “Whistler Mothers” went out with the bonnet and the horse car. To<lay children and grand-children take pride in a mother who looks no more than her age and who is becomingly and naturally groomed to make her children and her hus band proud of her looks is the sec ret goal of evqry mother. The fashion argument its often as successful with alder women as with younger ones. Often they are more fashion conscious but are afraid to express it. They want to “grow old gracefully” and welcome the aid that this type of beauty ser vice gives. The comfort of short haid does not need to be angued. It is evident. Ears have re-appeared—pretty ELECT Peter Mehrens City Commissioner ABOLISH DICTATORSHIP Remove the cause of the Mis use of Police Pension Funds to the extent of $466,000.00 to which the city has confessed and which the Taxpayers must make good. Primaries April 11th _Election May 9th_ Political Advertisement - E a", red shoes they ere, too, when they ARK pretty. Rut study youi profile and make sure ears won’t break the lovely sweep of profile and ibair. Hair can ruin our looks and hair can make them as to first impression as to type as to allure. Remember that hair is the Bing and seal of personality. In these days you must know your shop, get an operator who knows your hair, dtB texture and condition, pay a fail price and get tho best. Anything else is risky. When you pay a fair price you know that best service is given. The croquignole marcel is in de mand because it has an air of its natural appearance and lack of re gular pronounced waves. The more brushing the prettier the wave will be, pushing the waves in place with the finger.! a* you go along -0O0 Booker Washington, an outstand ing pianist of Omaha has been quiet ill for the past weeks. latest report he is rapidly showing im provement. We join with Vercelee Norvedl in hoping for his quick recovery. -0O0 HOLLYWOOD CHARM by Bessie Mae West of the Althouse School of Beanty Make up if correctly applied in- ! proves any individual's personal j appearance. A make up does not necessarily mean rouge (lipstick, eye make up | and powder but might be a com- 1 bination of any two or three. A make up is applied correctly | it does not look artificial. A make up should lock au if its one of your natural inheritance of Beauty. The length width and shape of tho face determine* the balance of our make up. A small face does not require as much rouge as r. larger face with larger eheeeks. Thu hair dress is also a determing feature. The color of lipstick and powder to be used is determined by the amount of pigment of the skin. The tips of the ears and palms of the hands are factors for choosing make up. Visit your CtosmetoLogist and watch Hollywood Charm for help ful Beauty hint*. -oOo— FEDERAL MUSIC — The WPA Federal Orchestra this week entered it’s fifth program of Music Appreciation concerts in Omaha schools. This program will be dedicated solely to works of American Composers. The orchestra will play half-hour concerts each day of Holy Week, Monday through Friday at the Or-i pheum theatre with a closing of , religious pregrams Ea-ster Sunday from the Singing Tower in Hill- ; crest Memorial Park beginning ’at 6:30 A.M. - I Orchestral activity for the-week . of April 3. Monday: WPA Federal Orches tra, Oiiiheum Theatre 11:30-12:00 noon: WP A Federal bands, So. High school H Omaha U. 12:00 noon. Tuesday: WPA Federal Irchestra, Orpheum Theatre 11:30 2:00 noos; WPA Federal bands, South High school 12:00 noon, Florence Home for Aged, 7:00 pm. Wednesday: WPA Federal Orehs tra, Orpheum Theatre, - 11:30-12:00 noon ; WPA Federal bands, South Hi school, 12:00 noon. Thursday: WPA Federal Orchestra Orpheum Theatre, 11:30 12:00 noon WPA Feder al Bands, South High school, 12:00 noon. Friday: WPA Federal Orchestra; Orpheum The atre, 11:30; 2:00 noon; WPA Federal bands, So. High school, 12:00 noon, Urban league, 8:00 P. M Sunday: Singing Tower. Hillcrest Memorial Park, April 9, 60th and Oak St. 5:30 A. M. -0—-* Patronize Our Advertisers READ THE GUIDE Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE —By France* Lee Barton ■ FrS getting warmer. The furnace heeds less oil, the store less coal and our bodies less fuel. Eat more sparingly or heavy foods. En joy more liberal portions of healthful salads. This is good ad vice—and here’s a recipe for a I good salad. _ Hostess a Salad 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin; 1 pint hot water; 1 tablespoon vinegar; *4 teaspoon salt; dash of cayenne; 1 plmiento, cut In strips; 2 hard-cooked eggs, coarsely cut; 1 cup chopped celery; cup chopped olives; XVi teaspoons chopped chives, or 1 teaspoon scraped onion. Dissolve gelatin in hot water. ■Add vinegar, H teaspoon salt, and cayenne. Chill until slightly thick ened. Arrange plmiento- strips in individual molds. Season eggs and celery with % teaspoon salt; add remaining ingredients. Fold into slightly thickened gelatin. Turn into individual molds and chill until firm. Dnmold on crisp lettuce. . Garnish with mayonnaise. Serves C. • THIS WEEK : IN RELIGION & THOUGHT by ROBERT L. MOODY “Abusing the Spirituals”— The "Pittsburgh Courrier” many race leaders are crying aloud a gainst the irreverent ure of the N e gro Spirituals and Melodies The writer and one of our pastors were walking past a beer tavern in South Omaha on West “L” St., and as we did so we heard that anti cipation—“When the Saints Go Marching On.” Being played to swing and these revellers were enjoying it. It appears that the present gen eiation of Negroes are soon for geting the price that our grand and great-grandfathers paid for freedom and the beauty and great iaith and hope that cornea forth in these f-p'rituals. The very words that we pray in cur “National Negro Anthem” arc being forgotten. We sing in tho last stanza “Lest our feet stray from the places our God where we met thee: Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the. world, we forget thee” Our parents who have gone on to be with their makers would very likely use the words of Longfel low’s “Father Felican: “What is thiu that ye do my children ? What madness hath seized you?” Our protest is weakned because many of the natrons to the abohn- ! inable taverns and dens, are pro- j teased Christians or "church mem 1 -rsf\ These are a disgrace to God and Christian fait hand church. If i they would stop supporting these ; places' then the honest hearted sin- j nets \<ould respect these songs ofi our race which were-.bought; iblood and donage. • * : -0O0-— ’ ' ‘.We wish to announce for -th» benefit of those who may not know,' about our general prayer day, which for the 14 months or more,’ has been in the various. Churches of the new era Baptist. State As sociation This that came through spiritual Inspiration -to our state president, Mrs O., And up to” now ha<> proven to be a greater source of power to all who have attended. On the 22 Thrus day of last month, we met with the new Hope Church 26th and Sewart St. Wre all witnessed a great shower of the spirit upon us. 1* were present the hours arc . from 1C a .m. to 3 p. m. Quarterly Board meeting April 11th an<l 12th. Our pre*;dtnt has consented to give us all of the m rmng period Wednesday that is always our day for WisiMmary work. J\jit here, we extend to all Ciuistian women who may desire a warm welcome and cordial invita tion to meet with us every second Thursday Come and bring your unsaved person. Shall we expect you there? 3010 St. South Omaha Mt Olive Bapt. C.iurch Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor. Mrs 0. Haynes, state president Mrs. V. Bolden, devotional chr Mrs. E. Gorsham, aec’y. rep. Try.,. Herman’s Market First KERMAN FRIEDIANBER PROPRIETOR :24th Lake St. WE. 5444 YOU CAN BUY other things with the money You SAVE, by having your Shoes RENEWED Here. LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake St. J. L. TAYLOR, Prop. Nervous, Weak, Ankles Swollen! Much nervousness is caused by an ex cess of acids and poisons due to func tional Kidney and Bladder disorders which may also cause Getting Up Nights, Burning Passages, Swollen •Joints, Backache, Circles Under Ryes, Excess Acidity, Leg Pains and Dizzi ness. Help your kidneys purify your Mood with Cystex. Usually the very first dose starts helping your kidneys clean out excess acids anu this soon may •■make you feel like new. Cystex must satisfy you completely or money back is •guaranteed. Get Cystex (siss-tex) to- • .day. It costs only 3c a dose at druggists and the guarantee protects you. ir . The Very .Latest from the ' Chicago' Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quinoie without the heated iroh. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd-Street WEbster 0846 Thrifty Service 6 lbs. for 48c 7c EACH ADDITIONAL LB. ‘‘6'/jC ON WEDS.” ALL FLAT WORK BEATIFUL LY IRONED. BATH TOWELS FLUFFY DRIED WEARING APPAREL RETURNED DAMP READY TO IRON. WE GUARANTEE COLORED CLOTHES NOT TO FADE. SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS SERVICE FOR 10c EACH IF DESIRED. 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.