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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1939)
Pictures of The Omaha Guide’s Plant Linotype Machines Engraving: Dept Printing- Press Why an... Omaha Guide? To present to the highly concentrated Colored citizenry of Omaha and territory, a complete summary of the worthwhile happenings and accomplishments of the Negro race in Omaha and through out the world, Truthfully and without unnecessary racial agit ations, that they may become better Neighbors. To deal with the social side of their news. An undertaking which the cosmopolitan papers do not feel equipped to deal with in full details as yet. To furnish honest and honorable employment to yoUng Colored citizens trained to follow the vocations of printing and journalism. To afford a reliable source of advertising for the merchants who sell millions of dollars worth of material to this Negro group each year. Section Composing Room Folding Machine READ THE TRUTH AND SAVE A VOTE FOR ABRAMSON I*o C. Abramson, who spent his childhood days at 27th and Erskine Stre*ets and attended Howard Ken nedy school with many young men and women of our group, is a can didate for city commissioner. Leo studied accounting and fin ance at Creighton University; he graduated from the Omaha Univ ersity and was admitted to the Ne braska Bar; for eighteen years he | has served the people of Douglas County as Clerk in the County Clerk’s office and as Secretary to the County Commissioners. In these capacities he has proved himself to bo an efficient, consc ientious, and impartial public ser vant. Leo Abramson has aided hund reds of aged colored in securing their old-age pensions and these grateful people are 100 percent for , Abramwon. It may be of interest to members of our group to know that he was among the first to lend his financ ial and moral support to J. West brook McPherson, our colored can didate, and Abramson is the only candidate who hired a colored girl in his "down-town” campaign headquarters. He has made a Ik-finite promise if elected, to give us repereeemita tion in hi* offire and the above facts convince us that Leo has sin cerity in all that he does and says. Leo C. Abramson is one of the seven candidates endorsed by the OMAHA WORLD HERALD for ef ficient and better government. WHEN YOU GO TO THE POLLS TUESDAY, VOTE FOR LEO. C. ABRAMSON. HE IS OUR FRIEND Abramson for Commissioner , Club NAVAL NOTES The Navy Department has modi fied the physical standards for enlistment so that young men as tall ae 76 inches are now eligible Mi*. C. C. Galloway, Prop. Omaha Guide, 24th and Grant St., Omaha, Nebraska. My dear Mr. Galloway:— I wish Jo extend to you my heartiest congratulations, for your 12th year anniversary of operating the Omaha Guide suc cessfully. I have seen your plant grow from a small newspaper up to its present posbion of the out standing Negro paper in Ne braska, which I know was made after yearn of terrific straggling. I trust your newspaper will continue to grow, grow and grow, f Yours truly, Andy Jensen for enlistment. Previously the 'maximum height accepted wa* 74 inches. The minimum height re mains unchanged 64 inches. For fellows between the ages of 17 and 18, the new height standards are minimum, 63 inches, maximum 75 inches. The first American Fleet waa commanded by Commodore Ezek Hopkins and consisted of 2 24-gun frigates ;two brigs, two sloops and two schooners. The fleet ooet 9154,* 000. Commodore Hopkins waa the only man to hold the rank Com mander in Chief of the Navy. This title was later merged in that of the President of the United State*. ECONOMY Tailor 1918 N. 24th St. For Your Spring Cleaning & Repair Work—SEE CHAS. M. SIMMONS The undersigned Supporters of Leo C. Abramson for CITY COMMISSIONER Endorse the Article Entitled: “Read the Truth and' Save A Vote for ABRAMSON S. Edward Gilbert, Lucille Skaggs Edwards, Elmer Gant, *' Way man Wilburn, Ira Coleman, ' Louis King, Mrs Lillian Franc’s, Arthur Sampson. (Political Advertisement.!