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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1938)
SPORTS.. FLEET NEGRO HALF-BACK TO PLAY WITH IOWA ALL STARS PES MOINES TRIBUNE SPORTS EDITOR PRAISES . NEGRO FOOTBALL STAR A Bobby Vandiver, fleet Negro hall'-back of the Iowa all-stars will -play a charity football game a gainst th Nebraska All-Star., at -Creighton Stadium on November 27. under the auspices of the house . of the Good Sheperd. Lacking col lege and uni vers, ty liackground, from out of nowhere comes the miracle man of football, as de scribed by Sec Taylor, he himself at one time one of America’s greatest football players. The in- j aide story of the Negro flash, as related hen, will perform here on Novmbei' 27. By SEC TAYLOR Spoits Editor, !><•« Moines Register and Tribune Bobby Vandever. idol of local followers of professionals, finds fault with only one phase of the game he has taken to hi* heart. lie can’t play safety and back up the line at the same time. Vandever, 22 year old Negro, who is the terrow of all the IKs Moines Comet’s opponents, and who ran back a punt for 65 yards against Minneapolis team, says he enjoys football. He e'en likes the practices «o well that he has found a way to train all by himself. Back of him home is a cherry or chard. Eyery morning when the wtpther is fit one may find him, with a pigskin tucked under his arm. dodging, twisting, and squirming as he wtrnis his way in half spirals fir. t around one tree and then around another, as he runs at top speed. Valuahl ■ Practice •, ’ •‘‘This gives* iu.c valuable practice ! •tin changing my direction and my sliced, 'VtthdSver explains. But. to g t back to the Negro ! .star's complaint He likes nothing ’ than, to leg the ball through an open field and playing safety anil returing, purt9 gives him the btyjt opportunity to do it. However*, lie also enjoys backing up the line ! ori JleftVn^c and he can’t play safety ami do that Vandever ha.*, become such a fav - M * • , - orite.with local fans that questions ' avo being asked about him. “Where did he play in high school ?” “Why didn’t ho go to college?” “Where has he been?’’ PHONE AT. 6355 ROGERS GOAL & KINDLING 2520 LAKE ST. COKE & COAL BLOX We Handle All Kinds of Coal , RABE'S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street /or Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— Robbing Pharmacy 3SM No. 34tJk St. WE 1711 “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 I.ake Street— or filters which may tv endangered by neg lect or drastic, irritating drugs. Be careful. If functional disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains. Circles Under Eyes. Dimness, Backache, Swollen Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages, don’t rely on ordinary medicines. Fight Mich troubles with the doctor's prescrip tion Cysfex. Cystex starts working In 3 hours and must prove entirely satisiactory In 1 week, and be exactly the medicine you : fed or money back Is guaranteed. Tele pirn- , your druegist for Cystex iSiss-tex) t iha;, The guarantee protects you.„Copr. 1337 The Kno* Co. ' ) — “Why haven’t we heard of him b fore?” ‘ How fast is he?” ‘How much does he weigh?” These are some of the questions. The Ntgro Htar was born at Ta ma, Iowa, 22 years ago, but has lived with foster parents here in Des Moinec since he was 2 Mi years old. He weighs 182 but he only 5 feet 6 inches tall. East High Sutstiliutc Ilis first football experience was as r. substitute at East IKsMoines High for a half a season but since ho was only 14, at that time and tipped the beam at only 122 lbs. he didn’t succeed in getting any where. |J<>e Kurth. coach of the Rock Island team; George Roscoe, coach of tho Minneapolis team; and Dale .Rennebohm, coach of the St. Paul team; all members of the Northern Proft ssionaj Football league of which Dcs Moines is a member, have declared Bobby Vendever, Ne gro ba'kfi< Id star of the local ele ven, to be the best ball-carrying halfback they have seen in foot ball anywhere on anytime. In 1930 in a game with West Waterloo High he scored three touchdown* on long runs, one of 85-yard when he returned a punt and two other of 74 and 35 yards each from scrimmage. In 1932 he was clocked in 9.9 seconds in one of the preliminary heats of the 100-yard dash at the Iown State truck and field meet, but in tho final, Carl Nelson of Clinton High nosed him out for first place in 9.8 seconds. Vandever was timed in 9.7 se conds however, in a meet at Gary Ind., last spring when he had as pirations to make the Olympic team. But before he coul i get far in the tryouts lack of funds cau* ul him to sign as a catcher with tho Globe Trotters, a Negro pro fessional solftball team, that spent the summer barnstorming in Cali fornia and the Rocky Mountain section of thv ration. lie a is sta. catcher and a hard l\itt> r. No Reputation Local sports writers, who were familiar with his talents, tried to get one of tht. professional, football team* to sign li ra last winter but since he had no reputation they were not inter, sted. ‘‘My ambition is to become a coach," Vandever said. I'd like to get a job with a team in one of the larger leagues next season, where I could make enough mon ey to continue with my school work. “I’ve found professional football much tougher than the high school variety but I like it. All the Co mets’ opponena have played clean ball against me and they have all been courtcou8 and sportsmanlike. I’vo no complaint on that score.’’ Punter and Passer In high school Vandever was a good punter and a fine passer but he was not as yet used as a triple threat back in the professional game. Wherever he cuts loose, local fans are going to see a big after noon for there are few backs of his class in any sort of competi tion anywhere. -0O0———. HOWARD TRUSTER BOARD SAVES GRID TEAM Washington, Nov. 3 (ANP) — Howard university’s trustee board, meeting hero last week overruled the board for athletic control which banned football as a competitive sport after this year due to the continued poor showing of the school's grid teams. Tho trustees acted in accord with student groups, faculty members and alumni who protested the ath letic board’s decision. Dr. Mordecai Johnson^ president, was approach ed on the matter and attended the game with West Virginia which DARK LAUGHTER by 01 Harrington “Birth certificate—you mean a license? Well, he ain’t no houn’ dog, we didn’t have to git a license fer him?” ---- HORACE BELL ~ HEEL and J Kr r EKaON l»OES SCORING IN NORTHWESTERN-' MINNESOTA CHAMPIONSHIP GAME NEGRO STARS HAVE BRILLIANT I>AY The Negro stars on the nation gridirons performed brilliantly Saturday. Kenny Washington’s running and passing led UCLA to a 6-0 victory over Stanford on (tho Coast; Berme Jefferson : smashed over for the Northwestern ' touchdown that beat Minnesota . •. I 6-3 the Goph rs three being scored on a field goal by Horace Bell, Ne gro guard; Brud Holland led Cor ne” to a 23-6 victory over Colum bia in New York with his groat, tackling a man for safety; Wilbeth Sidat-Singh battled valiantly for Syracuse As it was upset by Penn State, scoring the Orange’s only touchdown. Howard won 0 to 0. He wanted to seo for h iliac If the team’s status. A special committee has been ap pointed by Dr. Johnson to inquire into the athletic situation. with a view toward improving the setup and putting athletics on a more i stable basis. Two years ago the ] team struck over lack of equip j tnent, absence of a training table j and the inadequate coaching staff. Tb . traditional Thanksgiving game with Lincoln was cancelled because the players would rather rot take the beating they f. it sure was com ing from the rival institution. -0O0— Safety in Numbers Harry: Doc, I have an insane de sire to pet all the time. Can you give me anything to help me? Doctor: Sure thing, pal. I can give you at least a dozen good phony numbers. ARMSTRONG PLANS TO RESUME FIGHT A MONTH POLICY SOON New York. Nov. 3 (ANP)-Dia sati'.fled because of the frequency with which Armstrong was hit by sparring partners during early training sessions for defense of his w. lterweight crown against Ce- j ferine Garcia. Manager Meade an nounced he was returning to the fight r. mort.h policy under which little Homicide Henry became the champion in three classes . “This fighting ev ry two or three months is no good for Henry.” Mead.i said. ‘‘It’s n0 J?°°d for me, either. He’s getting hit two often by those sparring partners to suit me. Before Armstrorg won thoso three titles and could fight once a week, he didn’t have to worry about sparring partners because ho didn’t have to train. Besidest when you have to wait three months for a fight, you’ve got most of money spent before you get it.” -—0O0 BEATING THE GUN By AL MOSES FOR AN!' Sometimes I wonder how w£ can find time to discuss anything be sides ‘King Football” these beau tiful Indian Hummer days with the 1 "k- a of Sidat-Singh (Syracuse-, Ed Williams (NYU.), BruJ olland. (ornell), Strode and Kenny Wash ington, (UCLA.—carving lasting r iches for themselves in the foot ball hall of fame. But since truth is far stranger than fiction—we temporarily veer from gridiron dis cussions to talk about a little gen tleman who for his inches, is the greatest fighting machine we mo dern* have glimpsed sincg the turn of the century. His Name is Henry Armstrong New Yorkers, and by that euph onic sounding term we mean, dark tinted “Harlemites”, have been trekking up to Rockland Palace to seo tht pint sized coast wonder go through his training motions for the most important battle of his lifetime in Madison Square Gar den, the nut brown toned youth with medical aspirations will clam ber through the stout hempen strands to face that murderous punching Filipino, Geferino Gar cia, A Champion On the Short End ... Watching the .oversized ..light weight tornado plough into Chal ky Wright his spar mate, erok d tho thought within as; “How does a three-ply titleholder feel when he picks up hia favorit- newspa per to read that the challenger, IS THE FAVORITE IN THE (BETTING ODDS? Were we a gambler to the manner bom, our b tting sense wouldn't permit us to place a bet of any size against a fella like Armstrong. Obviously tho so called “smart boys" who in fest the Broadway comers of the upper forties have their own way of figuring this one out to jus tify the odds. Garcia, a superbly built native of the Phillipine Is lands is unquestionably the best welterwc ight to show around these parts since Jack Britton and Mic key Walker played major roles in .hat division. Not rated a super :o,' boxer in the sens.- that Vince Dundee and Young Jack Thomp son were; the slant eyed of what ono boxing scribe character ized as the “Bolo" punch, is far a bov0 the average journeyman fighter in that respect. But it is on his punching prowess alone that Geferino can hope to turn aside the litlo buzzsaw who fights sixty sec onds of each minute at the same clocklike speed. Armstrong Will Still Be Champion For the benefit of the local “bet ting fraternity” we might advise that they erradicate from their minds entirely the Ambers-Arm strong joust. Ambers, the most “relaxed” fighting machine extant (with possible exception of Arm strong), figured to prove trouble some to any fighter twenty pounds near his weight with his peculiar style and “jumping jack’ tactics. Garcia, is strictly a puncher and Armstrong knows how to fight a puncher better than anyone we know in the game today, and we said—ANYONE. When a boxer has fanned the air five hundred times without meeting the target he aims at, or-finds that killing wallop of his threshing the ozone instead of a rib or a jawbone; then brother that punch no longer be longs in the category of a “BOLO SOCK”, or, what have you ? ? — Hitting at a man’s biceps, should ers, and forearms, (boy do we know something about that style of fighting), causes your arms to feel like leaden pipes, and blunts your whole idea of direction. We predict Armstrong to lick Garcia and remain world’s welterweight king abter a sensational mill. -0O0 JOE G. STOLINSKI A man who was 'so honest he refused to accept the appointment of County Assessor when it was offered to him “on a platter” last January because the offer was rnado “with strings attached.” That’s Joe. C. Stolinski, present candidate for the Assessor’s of fice. Stolinski was approached by “Uncle” Charlie Burns, then Coun ty Commissioner and the unques tioned Court House “boss” last January and told he was to re ceive the appointment of County Assessor to fill out the unexpired term of the late Sam K. Green leaf. Stolinski replied he would be most happy to reeeive the appoint ment because he felt his 21 years of experience in the Assessor’s of fice. under four different Asses ' sors, Democrat and Republican a j like, qualified him for the job. But, said Stolinski. if he accepted he must be free to discharge the 1 duties of he Ass ssor’s office ef ficiently and according to the dic I tates of his conscience. He told I Burns in no uncertain terms he | I would not become a “stooge” of! I the Court House “control ’ in then game of “bleed the publiiX ’ Iho result was Carl King was given the appointin' nt. The simple fact that Stolin-ski turned down the appointment on j the basis ur.der which it was of fred is proof enough he should b entrusted with this important job now. He would rather sacrifice himself—21 years of his life—ra ther than betray what he believed a sacred trust to Douglas County citizens. Such a man is the type wo need desperately in public of fice today. Stolinski ha.s had 21 years of experience in the very office he nowg seeks. He has praved that he is capable and thoroughly honest. None dared dispute thisHis private and personal record have always b' en beyond reproach. Ho owns his own home in Oma ha ;hc was born and reared here ard he raised his family here. The question is shall the im portant office of Assessor be en trusted to a “politician;” or to a man who has proven by 21 years experience that he knows the job and will discharge his duties hon estly and competently. Common Sense and Decency De mand Stolinski for County Asses sor on November 8! —Stolinski for Assessor Club. -0O0 Still Coughing? No matter how many medicines you have tried for your common cough, chest cold, or bronchial irri tation, you may get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel germ laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained. Creomulsion is one word, ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the reBef you want. (Adv.) Call Us Far MODERNIZATION Attics, Kitchens, Basements, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding. No Down Payment Easy Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000 get Money »- Love I (Want** to W*lp rou ■*< a (urtb ** No MM b«yon4 bon*. (to* **n» «S I Writ* no. t*ia* Informatlna FRKJll V. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sla Jareajr City, H. J. Dept. o. NWAWAMAVWJWiWW ENROLL NOW!— FOR FALL CLASSES ALTHOUSE School of Beauty Culture Fully Accredited by State of Nebraska. Tuition in Small Weekly Payments. 2422 N. 22nd St. Omaha, Neb. Telephone W’E. 0G46 RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24th St. AT 7777 Across the street from the LOGAN FONTENELLE HOMES Save Money and Buy Quality °£,€S££* from the Best of Homes—Come in and See for Yourself— THRIFT SHOP, Room 201 Crounse Blk, opposite Postoffice (upstairs) Emerson-Saratoga I LAUNDRY Announces— — — i Here’s Good N-ews for North Omaha’s J , thrifty homemakers. You can now save 20^ on all laundry and dry cleaning by using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle * without charge. You’ll like Our Quick Cash and Carry Service Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. !(