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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1938)
GRACE BERGER CANDIDATE FOR COUNTT CIFRK Miss Grace Berger is one of our outstanding Candidates, beacuse | her record as County Clerk and j Auditor was above reproach. She has not a .sirgle mark against her character, ability, honesty or in tegrity. Miss Berger did not betray the trust given her by the Voters of Ducglas County when in office. She audited Claims covering pur chases at Market Prices, tHereby saving Douglas County Thousands of Dollars annually. If she had been County Clerk and Aud^tfltr for the Past four years, she would have raised her voice in; protest against thes® exorbitant purchase prices, and extravagant expendi tures by consulting the County Attorney, and finding a legnl way to stop such atrocious purchases at such outrageous prices. When Miss Berger left the of fice, the business of Douglas Coun ty was operated on a cash basis, as it had been during her incuni bentcy. Now, with most of the present County Officials claiming they made great savings in operat ing their Departments, the County has incurred a deficit, and indebt edness of over $1,000^000. Where j is the money that was saved? Records tell the story. Protest the Finances of Douglas County by voting for GRACE BERBER, Candidate for COUNTY CLERK. She has proved her value to Doug las County. Berger for County Clerk Club. Otto Bauman , Douglas County is a big busin ess corporation and every citizen is a stockholder. Is there any good reason for these citizen-stock holders to place their public money in the hands of a new and untried Treasurer ? 1 One of the most important of fices to bo filled in the forthcom ing election is that of County Treasurer, and it behooves voters to inform themselves of the quali fications of the candidates aspir ing for this office. It would be hard to find a man (more fitted for this responsible position than Treasurer Otto Bau man. Ho was born, reared and educated in Omaha and hc and the pioneer family from which he des vended have paid taxes in Douglas County for over 75 years. Mr. Bauman ir. a man of marked abil ity and stands high in public es teem. The manner in which he has administered the affairs of his office has won widespread approv al of citizens, regardless of polit ical party affiliat:ons. During his term of office, he has collected and disbursed THREE QUARTERS OF A BILLION DOLLARS of taxpayer’s money, which is e' idence both of his abil ity and his trustworthiness. To say (hat Mf. Bauman ha* succeed ed as Treasurer would be paying him only a mild compliment. Those who keep abreast of public affairs have long since learned that he js an adept financier. Otto J. Bauman for Treasurer Club^ Orlo South, President. NEGROES LOST THIRTY TEACHERS IN OMAHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS BY NINE VOTES | On last school hoard election day : if nire more Negroes had cast | their ballot for Mr. Peter Mehren. ! by today in all probabilities, we would have had at least thirty ' Colored emIM/jyees and teachers out of the 139 wo are entitled to and are already paying the salar ies of either directly or indirectly. Just think what a mistake nine registered voters made and what a loss it was to our youth, who we are educating every day. Will we make the same mistake on Tuesday November 8, Well let us hope not. At least every mo ther, and perhaps some of the fa thers will be loyal to the principles of equality for which this candi date stands and ordain themselves as a committee of one, not only to vote for Mr. Peter Mehrens but to draft their n< ifthbors to the polls nnd have them vote for him also. There is no mistake ahout it. if Peter Mehrens is elected to the school board on November 8; the Neftro will ftet their pro-rata of employment in the entire public school system of Omaha. Wo have known Mr. Mehren* thirty five years. W'e know him to be a fifthter for justice r* ftard less of race, color, creed or prev ious condition of servitude. Peter M1! hrens will go down fightinft for you if you will show your loyalty to him. Tuesday,..November 8, by voting for him at the polls We do not feel that we need to say one word about Mr. R. C. Prico^ for he is your own. We know you are going to vote for him without any coaxing whatev er. And if you vote at all and have an ounce of race pride in your system, you will vote for R. C. Price °n November the 8. Re member if you vote for the two a bovo names, Peter Mehrens and R. C. Price on the School Board ticket, it will register to their in terest equal to six votes. ——•—0O0 — .'.V.VV.V.VAV.V.V.V.'AVi CHOP SIJEY American and Chinese Dishen King Yuen Cafe .. 2010H N. 24th St. Jackson *57« '•orn from 2 j>. m. until 3 a. i*». WAV.V.V.V.V WiWVWIA In lOfE OMAHA GUIDE -7=1= Classified Telephone Directory — The following Merchants will Appreciate Your Patronage. . For Quick and Courteous Service at A Reasonable. Price. . . Consult The OMAHA GUIDE’S Classified Telephone Directory. Automobiles SHAMES BODY BUILDERS 1906 Cuming Street , Cars in very good conditioiu-KOod rubber, like new. ----..Air Oldsmobile Coupe ‘34 ek&llent condition, reasonable; take over payments—WA 6542. '.f%\ Beauty Culturists CHRISTINE ALTHO It Pays To Look At' 2422 N. 22nd St. BEER TAVERNS RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake St. JA.^198 I CHARLIE’S PLACE 1604 No. 22nd 3t. WE. 4019 BEVERAGES & LIQUORS FREE DELIVERY " JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquors, Wines and Beer j Prescriptions j We. 0998 1904 N. 24th 9t. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Company WE. 3043 _ THE LIQUOR STORE 2315 Cuming St. • JA. 6564 “We Appreciate Your Patronage’* ICECREAM __ JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th WE. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th & Lake WE. 0609 Contractors _ W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. KE. 0316 Let It Rain! Improve Your Home Experienced Roofers — Asbestos Siding—- Reasonable Prices. B. Jones,— 34th Taylor, E. Omaha, Call WE. 5310 . Groceries_ HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake WE. 5444 MONUMENTS & MARKERS HEFT & NOYES 40th & Forest Lawn Ave. KE 1738 TAILORS Economy Tailor—Cleaning & Re pairing. We cut, trim, make suits to order. 1918 N. 24th St. HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 1822 N. 24th WE. 1607 Laundries & Cleaners GURTAINjT26c UP —....No Pin Holes. Special— Office Laundry or Men’s Laundry— Blankets— Tablecloths. Laundry Delivered. Mrs. Berniece Morrison. JA. 2541 7T EI)HOLM & SHERMAN .. 2401 N. 24th WE. 6055 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. WE. 1029 CURTAINS Laundered 20c PrT Will Assist In Your Spring Cleaning To Obtain The Best Results in Curtain Laundering Call JA. 1628 Painting - Decorating Ben & Hermit Anderson Painting, Wall Washing & Decor ating Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami, 2872 Binney WE. 5826 Let Me Assist Your SPRING CLEANING By Doing Your Papering - Painting We Specialize in CABINET WORK - CARPENTRY CALL EGGERTH JA 6896 Let PEOPLES Do It—Ten train ed decorating mechanics. — Our Motto ‘Service’. Peoples Paint ft Shop— AT. 0054. NOW is the time to Improve Your Home— Let Bob do your Paper ing, Painting & Plaster Patching Reasnable Prices. WA. 8190. Poultry and Eggs 7METROPOLITAN PRODUCE .. 1301 N. 24th WE. 4737 Poultry dressed while you wait.— Strictly Fresh Eggs. 1 NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2206 North 24th St. Our Prices are Reasonable—See us first. WE. 4137. Shoe Repair LAKE SHOE REPAIR ‘Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame’— Shoes look new again with Our New Invisible half soleing. 2407 Lake St._ FURNACE REPAIRING j FIREPOTS FIREPOTS Donovan Bros. 4733 Seward WA 1656 HAVE YOUR FURNACE— Cleaned and Repaired Now! Call The— Famam Sheet Metal Works 2908 Farnam St. JA. 6666 ■«-— Wanted WANTED” Wanted experienced beauty oper ator. Call Mrs. Michael, WE. 5633 Salvation Army Industrial Home Needs Your Aid—Call Us When House Cleaning—Clothing—Furn iture, Magazines, Newspapers, or Anything You Have. Call JA. 4135 WANTED housework or will serve as maid or nursemaid. At. 7470, Doretha Watson. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms strickly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses for rent. Call ATlantic 7436, or Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant St. Call WE. 5553 or WE. 2410. 2 ROOM APARTMENT 2226 OHIO ST. 4 Room Apt. 28th and Binney St., WE. 3030. Modern Kitchenette Apt. WE. 4285. Hot & Cold running water. Apt. for Rent. WE. 2365. Call after 5 p. m. TRANSFER Z~NORTHSIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. WE. 5666 MEN WANTED ______ Colored young man for Commercial posing Athletic build, good pro* file necessary Write, giving detail* and snapshot Omaha Guide, Box 398 PLACES TO EAT 15c Extra, for Taxicab Delivery AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 N. 24th Street Z CHOP sujeyZ American and Chinese Dishes KING YUEN CAFE 2010H N. 24th St. Jft. 8576 SHOE SHINING Announcing Fancy Shining Parlor 2406 Lake St., Ladies Invited. —Legal Notices— LEGAL NOTICE Charles Davis ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Cc.'i't of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Lula R. Thomas, deceased. All persons interested are here by notified that on the 27th day of October 1938, Johnny Owen filed p. petition in said County Court, praying that his final administra tion account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be dis charged from his trust as adminis trator with will annexed and that a hearing will be had on said peti tion before said Court on the 19th day of November 1938 at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayeT of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and furthers orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may bo finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford, County Judge -—oOo Atfy. C. E. Walsh, Room No. 105 Omaha Loan Bldg. Ass’n At 16th & Dodge St. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Mry Pierce Deceased. Notice is hereby given: That th« creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska at the County Court Room ,in said County on the 12th day of December 1938 and on the 14th day of February 1939, at 9 o’closk A. M., each day for the purpose of presenting their For Sale Bargains In Homes Down Poyment from $75 up to $350 balance like rent | E. M. DAVIS LISCENSED REAL ESTATE, BROKER claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to : present their claims, from the 12th day of November 1938. Bryce Crawford County Judge Begin Oct. 22-38 Ending Nov. 5-38 --oOo DELINQUENT PROPERTY SALE All real estate in Douglas Coun ty bearing delinquent taxes will be offered for sale at public auc tion on November 7, sponsors of thc civic tax collection campaign told the Omaha Guide. The sale will be held in the county treasur er’s office, starting at 9. A. M. Property sold for taxes must bring only the amount of delin quent taxes and special assess ments plus interest and costs. The list of properties owing unpaid taxes has already been made public as required by law Under the administrative sale all real estate is sold on which a bid equal to the taxes, interest and costs is received. The buyer is giv en a tax purchaser’s certificate, which is a first lien aganist the property. The property-owner must re deem his real estate within two years, paying the amount of the certifcate plus seven per cent in terest from date of purchase to the date of redemption. If not redeem ed within two yiears, the certificate entitles the purchaser to a deed to the property in question. Increased participation in this year's tax sale is expected, it was said, since the stigma formerly as sociated with tax buying has been lifted. Omaha investors now re return. gard tax certificates as a sound investment as a reasonable rate of The sale will continue from day to day until all delinquent proper ties in Douglas County have been offered for sale. -0O0-—. HOLLYWOOD CHARM tir d ^TrjtA'zzzanarsnazzrsB. By Bessie Mae West Althouse Beauty School Skin diseases, just as other dis eases need care should immediate ly be recommended to a cosmeto ligist, for diagnosis. Careful treat ment at all times saves the com plexion from permanent scars and blemishes. These blemishes are sometimes hard to remove, but they mar a complexion more than any other ailment. These scars and blemishes how ever can be removed by message, bleach electrical facials. Many skin diseases can be cured by these methods. If you have a skin disor der, visit your cosmetoligist. Watch “Hollywood Charm” f ir helpful beauty hints. "V—1 ■ ■ ALL-AMERICAN HOLLAND LEADS TEAM TO 23 TO fi VICTORY How dot s an All-American spend a day? From the start of the game the big Negro boy, who incidental ly is studying agriculture so he “can help his people in farming’’ caught the eye and held it. Even when Peck and Eichler were tot ing the ball through the Colum bia secondary on the way to the first touchdown you could spot tho Lion tackle being ridden out cf the play by Holland thoroughly and effectively. Then the second Cornell toueh ! down. There was a drama. Cor nell’s hall on Columbia’s twenty. Baker fades back for a pass—Hol land races out from his end post, running even with a Lion denfen der. He gains a step on him, makes a prodigious leap as the pass, thrown too far, sails over his head and just tips it with his oustretch ed fingers, Incomplete. And what do you thing the next play is? Ba ker to Holland again, this time complete for the score. On the Cornell kickoof you de cide to keep your eyes glued on Holland, instead of the ball, see just what an All-American per former does on one particular play. You watch him race down from the leftside, slow np momentarily as a blocker hurtles by hint, then put on a burst of speed, cut in sharply and bang down the Columbia re ceiver. just getting started the other way, from the rear. Later in the game it's Colum bia’s ball on their own nine. Stan ezck takes the ball and swings right, in usual formation about five yards back of scrimmage line. Before he takes two steps he is hit around the thighs by a hu man projectile in a red jersey and whacked clean back across his own goal for a safety—two points was Cornell. That was Holland. And those end-ai^und plays, dug out of the, mothballs by Cor nell to take advantage of Brud’s versatility. A Cornell back fakes a run off t'hs^iright tackle, hands it to a Cornell'Qincsman. who flips it back tot HMland tearing around tho other way from his end post. Brud is taeldowt ’stopped on this play, an<i scores his quota of 1 touchdowns. _:_i } WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS Bjr Miliiam Henry Huff for ANl* . Do you know that thoughts are things ? Do you know they rule the earth? They can make and unmake kings,. Lead one to or from death. Do you know that thoughts are pow’r With the force of dynamite? Watch them every day and houiv— See that every one is right. WILLIAM (BILL) GREEN IS QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB (Facsimile c*. Certificate, issued by the State of Nebraska certifying William ‘'Bill” Grren, Douglas County Surveyor, as a “Registered Professional Engineer”) The Nebraska State Board of Examiners for Professional Engineers and Architects HEREWITH CERTIFIES THAT WILLIAM W. GREEN IS DULY AUTHORIZED TO PRACTICE IN NEBRASKA AS A Registered Professional Engineer While This Certificate Remains Unrevoked or Unexpired Certificate Number E-407 Given at Lincoln, Nebraska The 10th Day of May. 1938 Political Adv. LEGAL NOTICE AS TO MEASURE TO BE VOTED " -UPON NOVEMBER 8, 1938 ‘ • ‘ i * The following amendment to the Constitution of the State of No*', braska will be submitted to the electors of this State for approval Wf| rejection at the general election to be held November 8, 1938:' • Be if Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 7, Article XII, Constitution of the State of Nebraska is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That at the general election In November, 1938, there shall be submitted to the elector* of the State of Nebraska for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Con* ■titution of Nebraska in the following form: "FOR repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Conatitution of Nebraska, fixing individual liability of stockholder* in banking corporation* or bans* log institutions”, and I "AGAINST repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Conatitution of No* braska, fixing individual liability of atockholdera in banking corporation* or booking institutionary'-"- k * HARRT R. SWANSON, ' Secretary of State, • Ask for I I § "Classified dept.”