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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1938)
Theatricals Music Features It’ll Com Out in the Wash Freshman: What did you do with my shirt? -ELECT JOHN M. (JACK) VIRGIN FOfl DIRECTOR METROPOLITAN UTILITIES VIRGIN SAYS ABOUT PENSIONS For Metropolitan Utilities—— Limit $75— Minimum $40—not 40 percent of their wage*—ar range for all future pensions thru Insurance only and not thru tax payers pockets. There are 23 Married couples— husband and wife now working for the Utilities—I say let one half of family GO, give someone else a chance to work. Reduce Cash water meter de posits from $5 to $2 read meters «;Hch month—-reduce Gas Meter de posits $5 to $3. Lower the price on First 500 Cu. Feet Gas to 70 ctnts and second £00 the same. IF ABOVE SUITS YOU—VOTE FOR JACK VIRGIN FOR DIR ECTOR METROPOLITAN UTIL ITIES NOV. 8—1938. BUSINESS MAN and PROPER TY OWNER. Political Adv. Sophmore: Sent it to the laundry dr>\ Freshman: Ye Gods! The whole history of England was on the eufis. -o HOCTOR FOR COUNTY CLERK Mr. James P. Hoetor is the first and only public official in the state County, or city who has retained regularly two Race employees in his office personnel. Knowing the Raco taxpayers are entitled to re presentation he has given the Race two positions in his office. We of tho Race appreciate his stand and ho will appreciate your vote in the coming election. Mr. Hoctor has made an excel-j lent record, managing the affairs of his offioe with due regard for the public’s money. He has attend ed strictly to business, watched his expenditures and has served the people well. His enviable record for servico to this community is en dorsed by the press and citizens in business, labor and professions. Ho was born and reared on the South side; graduating from South High school. He is 43 yeara of age married, has 3 children and is a home-owner residing at 4902 Un derwood Avenue. For many years be has been associated in all worth while Civic activities in Omaha. He is a World War Veteran and a member of the American legion. Hoctor for County Clerk, Kuth Lewis, Pres. !^J^IAVEG00DNEWSF0R*?01J1 | Regardless of what your trojble may be, you can look the world in the ‘Face; Solve all problems; Get what you Want and Fear no Man or Cir cumstances. Your Happiness and Success demand that you print your * name clearly and send it to: REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT 345 OWEN AVENUE DETROIT, MICH. TRA0*m2fSHfsiP BE KIND' It'SnvfAar mark , Be considerate! Don’t cough in public p . ..arry with you Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Two kinds-b.ack t.r Menthol, 5$.) Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing ViTAMIN A Til is is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections. eftS REPAIRED M3TO CLASS INSf^ mm mu _BE FORK - ------.---« S&OAMESIMW^lMlDOMil Ci, tuo6 CUMING _ *jom»"8» omaha.neb* free Estimates Effective May 1st: 20 cut Discount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners _WE 6055 LET PEOPLES DO IT Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti mation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating mecfhainics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. Peoples Paint and Papering Shop LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor STEPIN FETCH!! RETURNS TO MOVIES FOR PARktsUNT * Los Angeles, California It was just about ten years ago, that Stfphin Fetchit came to films The vehicle at that time that brought him to a screen audience was ,‘In Old Kentucky.” It was the droll comic and Caro line Snowden who ■ stole” tho show. A few years later, shortly after the completion of the all-col ored cast film ‘‘Hearts in Dixie” mado at the old Fox studio that Fetchit suffered his first ouster. ABSENT TWO YEARS Wini Sheehan, thtn vice presi dent in charge of production at tho 20th Century-Fox company brought him back after two years absence from the films. Fetchit, noted as the world’s laz iest comedian and outstanding sep ia screen artist, then had a profit ably several yrs. working with the late Will Rogers an Warner Oiand at that studio. The second ousting of the fa mous Fetchit. was of his own choos ing, and made during the filming of “The Little Rebel” when he re fused to work in the picture with Bill Robinson. This voluntary exile from the screen by the famous star also last ed for two years. However dur ing the last absence Fetchit fared better than he did during the first ouster. Personal appearances throughout tha country turned in lucrative sums. Fetchit was elated to go East this week to fin'sh out a contract ual date for stage appearances, be fore returning here to play a role in e. film production to be made at the Paramount studio. Tho actor is scheduled to start work on the 23rd of the month. Sepia Hollywoodia is wondering j what Fetchit will do on his third trip to the films. RADIORAVES By HAROLD JOVIEN for ANP This listing is in effect for the week of Nov. 5 only! All time shown is Eastern Time. Subtract 1 hour for Central Time; 2 hours for MST and 3 hours for PST. ORCHESTRAS, VOCALIST AND INSTRUMENTALISTS BASIE, Count— CBS— Tues. midnite; Sun., and Wed., 11 P. M. (Famous Door, NYC) BRIGHT, Del—WBBM—nitely (770 k) 2 A. M., also Thurs. 10:46 P. M. Sat.t 11:46 P. M. (Swing land Cafe, Chicago) BROWN, Sam—Varieties—W.M. C.C. (570 k)—Sun.,10:16 A. M., Mon., thru Thun*., 10:45 A. M., Sat.f 11 A. M. 8:30 P. M. also Mon thru’ Fri., 3 P. M. BUTTERFIELD, Erskine—W.H. N. (1010 k)—Tues., Wed., Thurs. 6:15 P. M. (Pianist-Vocalist, NYC) CALLOWAW, Cab—CBS—Mon., Thurs.t 11:30 P. M. (Cotton Club, NYC)’ CHARIOTEERS,—NBC Blue— Tues., 8:15 A. M.; MBS—Tues„ 6:45 A. M. DEEP RIVER BOYS—CBS— Mon., 11 A. M., Tues., Wed., 8:15 A. M. DUDLEY^ Jimmy—W T M J — Mon., Wed., Fi'i., 1:80 P. M. (Spiri ted saxophone soloists with the Rhythm Rascals’ Jam Crew from Milwaukee, Wis.) HINES, Earl. NBC Red—Mon., 12:30 a. m.; NBC Blue—Sunday^ 12:30 a. m. (Grand Terrace, Chic ago) HOWARD, BOB—WEAK (660 k)—Thurs., 11 p. m. (NYC) INK SPOTS—NBC Blue, Thurs., 11 p. m. LUNCEFORD. JIMMY—MBS, Scattered schedule (Kit Kat Club^ NYC) SULLIVAN, Maxine, Songstress OBS—Tues., 10:30 p. m., Sat. Nite Swing Club, Sat., 7 p. m. TATE. ERSKINE—WIND (560 k)—Nitely^ 12:45 a. m. (Walka thon, Coliseum, Chgo.) VAGABONDS—Club matinee, NBC. Blue -^-Monday thru Friday, 4 p. m. and tlhe Jamboree, Tues., 9:30 p. m. (Vocal quartet) WILSON. TEDDY^ LIONEL HAMPTON with BENNY GOOD MAN’S ORCH, QBS—Tues., 9:30 p. m. (Pianist and “vibe” player) INSPIRATIONAL, VARIETY . AND COMEDY PROGRAMS ALL NATIONS PENTECOST AL CHURCH, WCFL (970 k) Sun. ELECT — JAMES P. HOCTOR COUNTY CLERK Mr. James P. Hoctor has shown his fairness by giving recognition to two Race employees during his term of office. He is deserving and will appreciate your support. Ruth Lewis Payne J. Dillard Crawford Political Advertisement -w_oOo 12 midnite to 1 a. m. Chicago. AMATEUR NITE IN BRONZE VILLE_WIND (560 k) Wednes dayj 9:30 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. AMATEUR NITE IN HARLEM WMCA (570 k) Wednesday 11 p. m. to 1*2 midnight. (Apollo thea tre, NYC) BOWES, MAJOR^ Amateur Hour CBS, Thursday, 9 p. m. HARLEM HEADLINES WMCA (670 k), Wed., 10:45 p. m. ELZY, .RUBY, soprano^ (CBS), Wed. 9:30 p. m. (Member of Harry Simeon’s chorus on the Star stud ded Revue.) JOHNSON. CHARLIE, WAAF (920 k)—Sat., 12 noon, (Duke of the Uke, Chicago) MERRL WEATHER^ BEGONIA —WNEW (1250 k)—Monday thru Sat., 9 a. m. (NYC) NEGRO ACHIEVEMENT HOUR, WELI, New Haven. Conn. W< d., 5:46 p. m. NEGRO HOUR, KEHE (Los Angeles)—Thurs., 12 midnite^ (9 p. m. on West Coast) ROCHESTER, JACK BENNY’S RADIO VALET—NBC Red—Sun. 7 p. m. (Rebroadcast, 11:30 p. m. ROSE, JIMMY—NBC Blue, — Monday thru Fri., 11:00 a. m. NBC Red—3 p. m. (Jimmy plays 'the role of “Merit,” comical jockey in the story of “Mary Marlin” air drama.) SOUTHERN AIRES^ VOCAL QUARTET—NBC Blue, Sun., 11: 30 a. m. ALES FROM HARLEM with JJOE BOSTIC —WMCA (570 k) Sat., 5:30 p. m. (NYC) VINE STREET VARIETIES — WHIB, (860 k)—Sat., 4 p. m. (Kan sas City, Mo.) WAY DOiWN SOUTH—WFIL (Philadelphia)—Thurs., 10:45 p.m. (Sam Wooding Singers) WINGS OVER JORDAN CBS « Sun., 9:30 a. m. (Prominent Guest) KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS CBS indicates the Columbia I Broadcasting System; MBS Mut ual Broadcasting Syst£m; NBC Bluo or Red, National Broadcast ing Co.; (k) is the abbreviation i for kilocycle. Consult your indiv-1 idual local network stations for broadcasts listed, subtracting time given, EST. to your own time zone. _fiHn_ FOOTLIGHT FLICKERS By AL MOSES For AM* New York, Nov. 3—The “head line stealer’’ is what they are call ing Count Basie these days. Three daily papers carried pieces about this sepia wizard of the piano last week (Telegram—Post—Mirror,) “Chesterfield Cigarette’’ advertise and liko the nationally famous ment: “Such popularity must be deserved.” Nick Kenny, Daily Mir ror columnist in last Thursday pa per said the following (quote): Count Basie is one band leader whose musicians rates a sponsor. His work at the Famous Door has the jitterbugs talking to themsel ves.’’ • • • • “Fats” Waller^ looking for all the world like a “stand in” for the guy who used to play the role of the “Thin Man,” has the milky way patrons of Ye Olde Stork Club, falling out of their chairs, literally speaking. After dropping 40 lbs. of lard that he’ll ne'er miss, the whale of the ivories went out and contacted a London tailor who knew his stuff with the result— he just isn’t the Fats Waller you u«ed to see sprawled over a piano stool that seemed lost from view. Ho's been collaborating with song writer Andy Razaf on some num bers that should go a long ways towards making the winter indoor season, a thing of pure joy. * ♦ * * Edith Wilson, beautiful seal skinned singer of the blue numbers and risque sonnets that bring out ‘‘baldpato row” in droves, was one of the featured numbers Jimmy Marshall brought to Harlem oyer tho week-end. Sister of Lovable Lena Wilson (God rest her ashes) Edith for years has been a head liner over the Vaudeville Circuits | of the country. Time has been swell to this sweet faced doll. Considerably hea vier than the years wh< n A1 Brown was bantam king and a worshipper at her shrir.e, She nevertheless po se ssesses a figure that makes you turn a second time, (and in our case) threo or four timse, she’s that DKlovely. The evening audi (nee last Friday called her back threo times to repeat a suggesive ditty entitled “I want a Rough’n Ready Man.” We wondered if most of the oldish, baldish, looking gen try who applauded the loudest for Edith’s re appearance, still consid eredo themselves, ‘‘rough’n ready enough”—OYEZt OYEAH! * * * # Noblo Sissle, the Aristocrat of Jazz with one of America’s finest lan'ds, headed the great bill of some forty odd. In the supporting cast at the Apollo theare were: Cook and Brown, ‘‘Big Time Crip," a truly wonderful dancer despite the absence of one of his legs, and that ever pleasing character artist and monologist, Billy Banks. -0O0 KELSO MORGAN Kelso Morgan, was born on a farm near Lewis, Iowa. He receiv ed his academic training at the university of N»braska. While there he was a member of an ath letic team and won his “N”. In 1919, he was graduated from the University of Michigan law school. After that he began the practice of law in Omaha, Nebraska, and has continued to practice law in Oma ha for thirty years. Hu is not a politic al! but since his graduation from law school has devoibed himself to the prac tice and study of law. He became a candidate for County Attorney^ prompted solely by a desire to serv0 this community in the office of County Attorney and to help correct the deplorable situation which has ex'r/Jed for almost four years. This condition has bank rupted this county and has put it in dfbl over a million dollars. lie promises that he will not RE-ELECT CHARLES F. McLaughlin DEMOCRAT FOR CONGRESS He Merita Your Continued Support on His Record in Congees* Political Adv. permit contracts to be entered into under questionable emergencies, will not allow consent judgments to be entered, and will perform the duties of his office with equal justice to all. Morgan for County Atty. Club. -—0O0 FASTER St. Joseph ....$2.20 TIME Kansas City_3.20 Dew Moines . 2.50 Ottumwa . 3.80 Chicago . 8.50 Detroit .11.25 SCENIC New York . 19.35 ROUTES Denver . 9.00 Los Angeleq _27.00 San Francisco .... 27.00 Whether you travel for business or pleasure, let Burlington Trailways save you money. Economy fares to all points— phone agent or come in and ask. BURLINGTON BUS DEPOT 1416 Douglas at 15th Sts. Phone: ATlantic 2300 —ELECT— LOUISE. ADAMS AN ENGINEER COUNTY SURVEYOR Flush Poisons from Kidneys and Stop Get ting Up Nights BE HEALTHIER, HAPPIER — LIVE LONGER When you can get foi 35 cents n supremely efficient and harmless stimulant and diuretic that will flush from your kidneys the waste matter, poisons and acid that are now doing you harm, why continue to break your restful sleep by get ting up thru the night. Just ask your druggist for Golld Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules—but be sure and get GOLD MEDAL— right from Haarlem in Holland. Other symptoms of weak kidneys and irritated bladder are backache^ puffy eyes, leg cramps, moist palms, burning or scanty passage. -ELECT JOE C. STOLINSKI JOE STOIJNSKI COUNTY ASSESSOR 21 Years Experience— Chief Deputy Under the Late Sam K. Grcenleaf. Born and Reared in Omaha; Home Owner; Raised his family here. Freo from Outside “Control”. Common Sense and De cency Demand Stolinski i for Assessor. Political adv. -— 0O0