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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1938)
AFFAIRS The ^S-o-c-i-et-y- World organizations VISITS MOTHER Mr. Chari, o Crawford of Me Minnville Tennessee is s tins his mother Mrs. Mattie Crawford of 2926 North 28th St. Omaha was his former home. Mr. Hill is an ex-soldier. -0O0—-—. SAVE CAR FARE— WK CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of ELECTRICAL — HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Omaha Outfitting Co. 2122 North 21th St. We Pay Cash For Old ^ Antique (inns WE 2869 621 No. 16th St. Tho Very Latest from the Cheago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect a,s the Cro quinolu without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 — MUSIC CLUB HAS GALA HALLOWEEN PARTY __ On the night of Oct. 29th( nil; if the mystic and weird events of the holiday season were giv n i grand start at the Holloweenj ■ i rty given by the Los Cantores j Music club at the horn* of Miss Ethel Jonen, 2811 Caldwell, j Gno could not help but become enchanted as the first strains of Jimmy Lure-ford, and Count Ba sic’s music reached their ears, nor did the smooth'y dancing fig ures of the fun seeker translate anythink but joy to the onlookers. Of the grotesque costumes at th, affair, Bertram John-on’s gy psy outfit wa •, chosen best among the yourg ladies, and Del mar Karris’ feminine attire was quite natural and becoming to him. A mong those pr: sent were: Misses, Doris Ware, Ethel Davis, Mary Franklin Kat e Beasley. Winifred Williams, Ella Mae Powell, Kat therine Boggus, Dorothy Westfield Bovey Carter, Inez Saunders, Ber nice Grice, and Joyce Hall. Messrs. Eddie Wright, (custo dian of music) Felix Williams, W’illiam Davis. Jesse Carter, Rich ard Gibsor, Lawrence Smith, Al bert Johnson, Clifford Makins. Marvin Kellog and Gilbert Baker. Watch for more events of this active young people’s club especial IRcnbesvcms grille (formerly tho Apex Bar) A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP LIQUORS — BEERS & WINE SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR — NEWLY DECORATED 1818 N. 24th St. JA-9331 -RE-ELECT- ? GOVERNOR R. L COCHRAN A real progressive Democratic leader who has cooperated with the National administration on social security and unemployment legislation. He has kept Nebraska free from a sales tax and other taxes that fall heaviest on the wage earner. _ , _I Political adv. - ly the concert to be given by them at the end of the month. Springers Cheaper than Baer n, 20^ lb. Dressed and Delivered Free: Green Trading Stamps,— | CAREY'S GROCERY, WE. 6089 Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head, quarters. CLUBS GOOD SAMARITAN CLUB Th i Good Smaritan Club met at . tho home of Mrs. Lottie Keys 2217 No. 25th St. Tuesday at 1:30 P. M. The president, Mrs Perkins calle-' the meeting to order. Min utes were read and adopted. The club wa •. open for business. “What to do to finish out the year,” was discussed by the ladies of the club. Tho member*-, then took up their Art Work for twenty five min utes. Fine work is being done. A lovely luncheon was served by Mrs. Lott e Keys, the hostess. The meet ing was adjourned at 4 p. m. to meet on Tu< sday at the home of Mrs. Jackson 927 North 27th St. -oOo— DANCE GIVEN AT CENTER By “Scoops” Seay A dance was given at the Urban League Community Center, Friday nigh';. October 28, by all the high schools clubs. A special dance was g'ven by Leroy Mason and Odessa Randolph of Kansas City, Mo. The guys and gals seemed to have enjoyed them selve;\ -0O0-;— BIRTHDAY PARTY Saturday Oct. 29, Mr. and Mrs. Brown surprized their little son Ernest on his <>th birthday with n birthday party. A host of little friends added much to his happin ness with their many gifts and best withes. Sat. Oct. 29, the walls of the re creation room at the Fontenelle Logan apts. rang with laughter and merriment from a number of tots who represent every nationa lity, fairy story characters and creatures in their varied costumes and masks. The host and hostesses consisted of the children whose are in the apts. Each little mem ber invited a few of their little friends. The entertainment consist-( ed of a number of well known games such as “Draw the Apple,’’ Going to Punchernella and Statue. C. A. Sorensen CANDIDATE for CHIEF JUSTICE Supreme Court Of Nebraska SORENSEN IS TOLERANT SORENSEN IS FAIR Sorensen is an able lawyer of wide legal experience, -good judgement, and great dourage. As Attorney General, he used his office to protect the weak and the poor. He treated all alike without regard to their polit ical connections, race, or religion. Elect Sorensen Chief Justice -• Political Advertisement Refreshments of orange juice, cookies, pop-corn and Hallowe’en candies were er joyed by all pro- - lent. Mrs. Ray Lee Jones, recrea tion instructress wag in charge. -0O0 HALLOWEN’FN Madames Dana Murphy, Tommy' Wilson and Miss Susie Whiteside were hostesses at a Holiowe’cn j party Friday Oet. 28. All guest wero introduced. The party started j off with a bang at Mr. Ray WiLi liams. traveling on to th home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Crawford and ending hilariously at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom my Wilson where everyone par took of a real Hallowe’en feast. Numbered among the guest were: Madames Melba Stuart, Robbie Davis, Carrie Jewell, the Hangers Wheelers, Cowans, Blackwell Gor dons. Lcnnoxs Solomon, Crawford, and McCaws. Games were one of the enjoyable pastimes of the even ing. JOYCE GARDNER Sunday, Oct. 30, Little Joyce Gardner, daughter of Mrs. Bernice Fowler Gardner celebrated her 7th birthday in the form of a delight ful party. She was the recipient of a number of presents from her little friends who were present to help make the occassion a mem orable one. -0O0 OLD FOLKS HOME Sunday, Oct. 30, The Old Folk Homo celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary with silver tea. The color scheme of silver, p'nk an 1 a touch of Blue was carried throughout the decoration of the table, and the home. An anniver sary cake consisting of three lay ers decorated with pink and blue flowers matching the color schcnie was made and donated by Mrs. Mattie Paine. Those assisting were Madames: McPherson, Reese, Leo nard ar.d Miss Gertrude Lucas. Presented on the program were: Mr. Henry Black who gave a talk! on the "R'se and Accomplishment of the Home,” Mr. Booker Wasn ington rendered soft music throughout the afternoon and Miss Washington, sister of Mr. Wash ington, a :■ >lo. The guest were per mitted to visit the inmates in their rooms. Over two hundred guest wero present during the aftiroon. --oOo-. Tho Boy and Girl Forum consist ing of high school boys and girls was well attended, Sunday at 4 P. M. at the Northside Branch of tho YWCA. Miss I. Roberta BellJ ‘ Y” secretary spoke on Inter-racial contact:'. GROSS EICKS Thu Gross Kicks formed of jun-! iors and senior high school girls reserves of the “Y”, were sorry that Hallowe’en conies only once a year. They enjoyed to such an ex tent dancing playing games, and pranks with the witches and gob lines that they forgot tha all j things must come to an end and thg little folks of the hills and dales must return to the good earth to wait another year and school awaits all mortals on the morrow. Tho Industrial clubs of the Y.W. C.A. are all planning their fall 'AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches HOME MADE ICE CREAM — i Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0999 1904 No. 24th St PARK'S IGE & FUEL 2406 B LON DO Your Neighborhood Coal & Wood Man will give Yon Prompt & Courteous Service. See Him First programs around World-Fcllow 1 hip. The Quacks are planning to havo speakers who have traveled in foreign lards or those who ha'e , knowledge of the world. -O Tuesday, NcV. 8th, tho Trogan j Hub of the YWCA are having a World-Fellowship dinner with the i officers of the Quach and Antre j Nou.s as their gust. Following! tho dinner they will have a broad-; cast of “Nationalities of the World." -_oOo Nov. 20th, the Entra Nous will j present a Warld«Fellowship I‘a jcant assist! d by Mrs. Ray Lee j Jones. This Vesper service is j open to the public. —-oOo-— Sunday, Nov. 6th, the the Cen tral Association of the YWCA, there wild be an All Association Fellowship Tea at 3:30 p. m. Dr. Frances Bouquet is the speaker. All girls and women of our com munity are invited and are urged I to be present. Women of the com munity should be interested as ahe ; members of the Northside Branch Industrial clubs are on the Plan-' ring Committee and will be hos-j tes« and ushers at this tea. Among the sick and those recu perating are Mr. John Adams, Jr. Atty. at law. Little Miss Janice M’eCaw, Mrs. Charles S-ymour who is still at the methodist Hospital and Mrs. Florence Riggs. —1_.—o Monday evening, Oct. 31st, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ray of 2615 No. 22r.d entertaining with a reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1 Leslie Randall of St. Louis, who were united in mathrimony Sunday Oct. 30th. Mrs. Randall youngest sister of Mrs. W. C. Ray. is a grad uate of Sumner High school in St. Louis and attend the University of Witchita in Witchta Kansas. Prior to her marriage, instruc tress in Beauty Culture at Poro College in St. Louis. Mr. Randall is: assistant filing clerk at the Hill Hentschell Ink Mfg. Co. St. Louis. Mrs. Alfred Jackson, of Lake Charles Louisiana, sister of the bride was matron of honor. Mrs. Jackson is a graduate of Howard University in the year 1928. Her last position prior to her marriage was teacher at the Lincoln High school of Kansas City, Mo. Gowns worns by the bride. Matron of honor and little flower girl, Bar bara Waldron, Niece of the bride wera designed and made by Mrs. Alfred Jackson. The brides’ gown was white satin trimed in Alecon lace. The lace forming a “V” in front circling towards the rear forming the train. The veil was hel din place by a holo of orange blossoms. The slippers of white satin. The matron of honor #own was i bluo satin flared with fitted jac-! kt t. The table was decorated beauti fully with a center piece consisting of fall flowers, yellow asters and FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION —ELECT— Lawrence F. Welch ’ Judge, Compensation Court UN. P. Dodge Jr, Realtor Richard E. Robinson Attorney t 'Dr. F, O, Beck Physician [x| Walter A. Nielsen Attorney and Peter Meherens or R. C. Price WE FAVOR: Ending SECRET School Board Meetings. An independent business man age.*. Pay as we go and keep school costs within the budget. A survey of school needs to be made public. Giving preference to Omaha ap plicants for teaching positions. Political Aav. whiti pom-poms, surrounded by tail, stately, gleaming write can dles in theix1 gold holders was a charming picture in itself. Mrs. Wilbux* Allen was seated at the tabl; and ansisting her were Ma dames John T. Field, and Paul Gibson. -—0O0— MINUTE MEN On Wed. Oct. 26, The Minute Men and Auxiliary Club, celebrat ed their third anniversary in the form of a Calender Birthday Party at the Northside YWCA. This club works for St. Jchn AME church financially altho not affili ated directly with it. A v^ry inter esting progTam follows: Mr. H. L. F resten—• Master of Cermonics, Miss Alice Green, a piano solo, polynor.e, Mrs. Gardner, a reading “Can’t Be done,’’ CiVtrude Raffer ty, vocal solo, Bird Sorg at Even tide, Mr. Webb, Talk on the Pur pose of the Club. Mrs. Carter, two readings, “Courting and When My Feet hurt, Mr. Preston, vocal solo. Mrs. Rafferty and Mr. Preston were accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Jamesion, organist at Hillside Presbyterian church Mr. A. Goodlet introduced out of town visitors, new comers to the c V and a few of the prominent people present. Among them wer Rev. and Mrs. Camper, brother of Mr. George Camper, new minister at Bethel CME Church, Mr. Clay borre, uncle of Mrs. Gertrude Raf ferty; Mr-.. Henry Black, wife of Mr. H nry Black recently of Los Angelcj, California, Mrs. A. L. H'awkim:. Mr. Bryant and Mr. S. C. Hanger, attorney at law. Also the members of the club and their wives. With the silver offering a number was given to each donor. Four persons holding the lucky numbers were given a piece of the birthday cake. The lucky winners were: Madames Rafferty, Howell, W. P. Irvin and the ‘‘Y” Mrs. Hast ings was introduced as the orgin ator of the Calender Birthday party. The evert was enjoyed by a large attendance. -—0O0 Henry: Girls, my doctor wants mo to give up tobacco, liquor and women. Girls: To improve your health? Henry: No, so I can save enough* I to, pay him what 1 owe. -0O0 SOCIAL ART CLUB , A good time was had by all Sat. night, wh n the Social Art Club members entertained their escorts with a Hallowe’en Masquerade Party at the home of Mrs. Over ton, 2530 Maple. Prizes wero awarded for the most unique costumes. The prize for the men was given to Mr. Chaa. Singleton, who portrayed the “Goon’', a character of the “Pop eye” comic strip g k The prize for the worn! n went to Mrs. Jewel Ware for her “Lil Abner” costume, also a comic strip character. Other prizfs were given to Mrs. Morrh for the ‘Bean Strut” and Mr. Blue, who won^the apple bit- . ing contest. A lovely and appetizing luncheon* was served by the hostess. Mrs. E. Blue, Pr?s. Mrs. J. Ware, Reporter MOW YOU TOO CAN HAVE THAT wsimftD ' L 1 BMPittMi ■fcidw MP THAT MEN ADMIRE AND WOMEN ENVY jWLen skin i3 too dark, rough, blotchy, etc. spread on gen_ uine DR FRED PAL MER’S SKIN WHITENER. It must make naturp work faster to bring out a lighter brighter, cleaner new skin surface or your money back. 25c at drug ftores. FREE SAMPLE For Free Sample, write to DR. FRED PALMER'S LABS., Dept. D-302, Atlanta Geo. rgia. RHEUMATISM RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Rheuma tism, Neuritis, Neuralgia or Lumbago, in r few minutes, get the Doctor's formula NURITO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar cotics. Does the work quickly—must relieve worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes or money back at Druggists. Don't suffer. Use NURITO on this guarantee today. -ELECT WALTER KORISKO A Successful Business Man COUNTY TREASURER (Republican) ♦No Favored Taxpayer ♦No Waiting in Line ♦No Discourtesy. Political Adv. Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. 1 IWFDL nUKTOUnYFOR BBH6 NERVOUS Cheek Below And See If Yon Have Any Of The Signs Quivering serves ran make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live with—can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Don't let yourself r‘go” like that. Start, taking a good, t eliable tonic—one made espe dally for women. And could you ask lor any thing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound? Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’a Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tens up your syBtem, and help lessen distress from fomale fune tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven 1 tkham’a Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the past 60 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling thru" trying ordeals. Why not let it help YOU! #