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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1938)
^CTaacozzzop^a jmfflUflmmmMiiMnl Largest Negro Paper ^ I in Nebraska FULl pages of I Cpcr ; /raSmuAUTY COITliCS I f0pV - new iu me Limn every week I f^/maSae ■' ' ^ rnawmm^mwmm I Entered a8 Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- Omaha, Nebl’., Saturday, Oct. 15, 1938 [j^| Number Twenty-Seven | ■ —■ ~~ ‘ 1 ' *" 1 ~r ’ ' 1 " ~ 1_ I jg^j^L i Guided 12th Annual Food & Household Demonstration U"**fci.icv^, jable Prizes - High Class Entertainment - Educational Exhibits - Lectures - Demonstrations LS&'*3ua®!!SHSI!33339im3MSMgS!pJ^ OCTOBER 1 8"22 COLORED RAILWAY TRAINMEN'S NAT’L PRES TO SPEAK IN OMAHA AT BANQUET TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS OF OMAHA LOCAL Mr. Steve Bannett .National President and Vernon C. Coffey, Rcperesentative of Trainmen Brakemen, Porters, Switchmen & Pi remen Union No. 21458, Affili ated with the A. F. of L. will ap pear on program to install newly elected officers of Omaha local, Tho program will bo held the even ing of October 15, 1938 at 8 o’ clock P. M. at the 1000 Club, 24th and Parker Sts. Mr. Bennett ar.d Mr. Coffey, have just closed negotations with the St. Louis-San Franciso Rail way Company for a new agree mont for the colored trainmen. Af ter five months of negotations over wage increases and (15) per cent) wage deduction which the carrier wished to put into c*ffect, the case has been moved to The National Mediation Board at Washington, D. C. for final ad justment. • Mr. Bennett is a citizen of Okla homa City, Okla. with offices at Oklahoma City. Mr. Coffey is a citizen of Omaha with office and headquarters at Kansas City, Mo. account of having large member ship at. that point on eleven rail roads. The organization is now op erating in twenty-two states with members on 42 trunk lines in the' United States. OMAHA COMMUNITY CHEST NOVEMBER 14 TO 23 1938 _— 1 Plans are moving steadily for ward for the annual Community Chest drive to be held November 14-23, the success of which means so much to thousands of men, wo men, and children. Because of somewhat improved business condition, there is feeling • that the appeal this year for funds will be answered with an increased generosity according to those most actively connected with the cam paign work. The organization of the various divisions of the city-wide drive is almost complete. Victor B. Smith, general campaign chairman, will be assisted by Will R. Johnson, In dustrial; Mrs. Bernard Wickham, Residential; Henry W. Pierpont, Initial Gifts; Gerald E. Collins, S. Omaha; Wilbur Jones, National Firms Frank P. Fogarty, Publi city; and Raymond M. Crossman, Speaker’s Bureau. Mr. Johnson has announced the four colonels of the Industrial Di visions—Vincent C. Hascall, Allen T. Hupp, W. A. Sawtell, anl D. M. Edgerly. Assisting Mrs. Wickham in an advisory capacity are Mrs. How ard Rushton, Mrs. W. Dale Clark, Mrs. Earl Sage, Mrs. J. Francis McDermott, and Mrs. J. H. Ku laofsky. Mr. Varro H. Rhodes will serve as associate chairman of the Speaker’s Bureau. Campaign Headquarters will be at 836 World Herald Building. -o Dining Car Union Asks Rail Pay Cut Mediation Chicago, Oct. 13 (CNA)—The Joint Council of Dining Car Em ployees, A. F. of L., this week re quested the National Mediation board to stay a 15 per cent wage cut, it was announced by Ishmael P. Flory, secretary-treasurer of the ■council. Magazine Tells Story of Negro In Pictures New York, Oct. 13—Twelve full pages of the October 3 issue of Lifo magazine contain an essay j in pictures on the Negro in the United States. The pictures give | r. birds-eye view of the Negro in | development in politics, economics art, literature, social life, educa tion and sports. The panorama includes pictures I of the new buildings on several I Negro university campuses a full pago photo of Augusta Savage, 1 showing the sculptor working on a j figure to be shown at the New York World Fair; and more than ; a score of pictures of Negro lead ! ers from Frederick Douglass to ' Walter White. According to obser j vers the publication of so large \ a number of pictures of Negroes by a national magazine represents a new trend in this field. -0 BOMB EXPLORES IN CHURCH Kansas City, Mo. Oct. 13 (ANP) —A mystery bomb, exploding ini the lobby of Missionary Baptist church at 4:65 Sunday morning, wrecked two doors, tore a hole in | the floor and knocked off recent i ly applied plaster. No reason has been uncovered for the blast. Present in the building at thei time wre Abraham Jones, custo dian, and his sister, Mrs. Roxie Burns who live in the basement. They were unhurt. The bomb very small, had evidently been dropped into a sheet metal mail box out side the door with a 2 by 6 open ing. Tho congregation took over the church July 31 and three weeks before the bombing and painted the auditorium. Vann Trying To Embarrass Roosevelt Belief Washington, Oct. 13 (C)-»~Whcn tho front page story appeared in a Philadelphia paper last week that Robert L. Vann threatens to bolt back to the Republican party, which he left in ‘32 to join the Democrats, because David Law rence, Democratic State Chairman of Pennsylvania allegedly does not like Vanrt, a high Washington Ne gro official said Vann’s jockeying back and forth is now seemingly d< signed to embarrass President Roosevelt into naming the Pitts burg editor to a high place to get rid of him as a political critic. Persons in the know here politi cally, however, viewed this latest mov0, as Vann unwittingly push ing himself further out into the cold. In recent months Vann has campaigned for a place for himself on tho C. S. Supreme Court bench. Rumford Baking Powder Co. Employs Its Fourth Negro Salesman FORMER OMAHAN Providence, R. I. Oct. 13 (ANP) —The Rumford Baking Powder Co. of this city just employed their fourth Negro salesman it was an nounced this week. Charles R. Wilson of Chicago is the new salesman just employed by tho Rumford People. Wilson is a former student of Creighton Uni versity, Omaha. Hu is formerly of St. Louis, Mo. and a graduate of Sumner High School. He is mar ried and the father of a three year old son. In addition to busi ness training in College, Wilson has had experience as Catering Manager of Poro College and the Grand Hotel in Chicago. Wilson will work out of Memphis, his dis trict extending as far South as Florida. Van Nuys Seeks Reelection On Basis of Anti Lynch Bill Gary, Ind. Oct. 13 (ANP)— Plans are almost complete for the planned reception to be held at Gary Hotel, honoring Democratic Senator Frederick Van Nuys, co author of the Wagner-Van Nuys Anti-Lynching Bill. A committee, composed of white and colored Van Nuys supporters is sponsoring the reception. -n-—— Lt. Benj. 0. Davis Now At Tuskegee Tuskegee Institute, Oct. 13 (ANP —Lieutenant Benjamin O. Davis, (West Point ‘36) assumed his du ties as professor of Military Tac tics and Science at Tuskegee In stitute at the opening of school this month. Captain Alvin J. Neeley, Dean of Men, presented Lt. Davis to President F. D. Patterson and the Tuskegee faculty at the first meeting of that body which was held last Friday. Lt. Davis comes from Fort Benning, Ga. where he has been stationed since his grad uation from the TJ. S. Academy. SHANGHAIED INTO SLAVERY AT IS; BECOMES U. S. CITIZEN AT 96 Council Bluffs, la. Oct. 13 (ANP) —Leo Moore, 96, who was shang haied from Argentina at the age of 15 and sold into slavery in West Virginia, became an America citizen last week. “When a man’s going on 97, it’s time for him to settle down,” he caid. “I do my own cooking. May be that’s why I keep 3o well.” During the Civil war, Leei was a body servant to his master a confederate officer. Old Folks Home To Sponsor Tea —. Tho Colored Old Folks Home will sponsor a 25th Annivcrsity Tea at the Home Oct. 30. 4-8 P. M\ This tea is given instead of the, Harvest Dinner. The one event that is given every ytoci at this time for tho benefit of the home. Tho Executive Board will meet at the home Thursday, Oct. 13. Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery is a boarder in tha Colored Old Folks Home. -a— KAPPAS BUY HOME AT ' KANSAS UNIVERSITY * Philadelphia, Oct. 13 (ANP) — Seeking to provide adequate living quarters for Negro students in the leading universities, the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity has bought the second chapter house within a year, it is announced in the Octo ber number of the Kappa Alpha Psi official organ of tho Greek letter society. The new House in Lawrence, Kansas, seat of Kansas University while the house bought last year is located in Urbana, 111, at the University of Illinois. Impossibility of Negro students renting in the better sections ne<ar the respective universities lod the fraternity to buy these two build ings outright, and to renovate them for the bonefit of its mem bers. Clean with modern facilities and arrangements to encourage study ing, the houses are supervised by alumni members pf the fraternity. Social affairs are chaperoned and tho house at Kansas University al so has a resident “house mother” according to the article. In rocent months the fraternity has set up chapters at the Ala bama State Teachers and in Springfield, 111., the Journal, which is edited by G. James Fleming of this city, further reveals. WHITE BEAUTICIANS SEEK THE SUPPORT OF COLORED OPERATORS IN CHICAGO Chicago, Oct. 13 (ANP—The Illinois Association of Beauty Cul ture Schools (white) let down thair color bars this week and again invited their “colored fri ends,” th^ owners and managers of beauty culture schools, to join their “School Owners” Assoication. L Hello Everybody’ ... Big Midnight NAACP ■ Show, at The Ritz, Saturday, Oet. 22, 1938 Satan Takes A Holiday In New Orleans Now Orleans, Oet. 13 (By Leon I/wis for ANP)—All the little imps and implets are probably wailing because their “King,” the devil decided to spend hig vacation in New Orleans. This modern Sa tan with horns and tails ha» kept uptown and downtown New Or leans iw a furore tho past 2 w<eks. School children say this "boogey man” has fiery eyes and just to mention him setg them to riot. The “Devil Man” went to school the ether day, and after this visit it took seven copg and a faculyt sev eral hours to quell the disturbance and turmoil he had cause. He went to visit a church up town and Brother Bill and Sister Kate and Parson John ran off from their pews Bibles and pulpit using “fi»'t“ to carry “body" to safety. On the streets, in homes a fid from eVeVy conceivable place tho question is “have you seen that ‘Divil Man?”’ A few weeks ago, police were summoned to Algiers to arrest a devil-like creature who was visit ing taverns and beer parlors, drink ing his fill ard vanishing, into the night without paying his bill. He was captured, minus his horns and tail, and sentenced to 30 days in the hoosegow. The other day, frequent tele phone calls kept police headquar ters and newspajx rs offices busy, authorities thought it was just a rumor, and explained that the ter rorizing prcature was securely be hind prison bars. Out from no where the “King of Hades” appear ed at one of the downtown schools and turned it into a panorama of screams and panic. Police we|re summoned, seven of them came, only to find a group of panic strik en youngsters. No trace of this “demon” could be found Puzzled and somewhat supersti tious, they checked with headquar ters to be assured that the Algiers terror was still in custody. There he was, camly reading a magazine. Taxing their ability for clews the police department found no hide nor hair nor footprint <if this fleeing man from hell's half acre. Again he strikes again he disap pears and eludes the search of puzzled police. He is here this and over yonder the next. All the evidence pxdice have been able to get is frightened people scream ing, “did you see that devil man?” The first devil that was captured says he is the “Ambassador from Mars.” He has a peculiarly shaped mustache and devilish sideburns. But a police checkup disclosed that body shot at loose ‘devil” Friday he was born in Arkansas. Some night when he appeared at one of the local jwlicy stations. But bul lets of stell could not halt the fleeing demon. He scurried into the dark like a ghost. No one has been able to find out whether or not this second devil is an Ambassador from the Land of Fire or from the Voodoo Kingdom of Orleans. But there is no doubt that he has been here. OLD-A (IE PENSION PROPOSED Portland, Ore., Oct. 13—(CNA) —Two measures for old-age pen sions proposed by initiative peti tion are on the ballot to be sub mitted to the voters at the general election on Nov. 8. NAACP LAWYER PROB ES BRUTAL ASSAULT ON TEXAN CALLED AS JUROR Case Declared Vitally Important to Whole Question ! of Negroes Serving On Juries; Action of Gover nor Allred DALLAS, Texas, October—Thurgood Marshall of the legal staff of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,, arrived here Sat urday, October 8, to confer with officials of the local branch in regard to further action in the brutal jury eviction case involving Dr. George F. Porter, 65, president of Wiley Junior College. Mr. Marshall Was sent here from the New York office of the association at the request of local | branch officials because of the wide implications in G | New Orleans To Welcome Euch aristic Visitors New Orleans, Oct. 13 (ANP)— With plans to give visitors to the Eighth Eucharistic Congress eve ry possible advantage of New Or leans’ life and activity, Promoter Mitchell, who has brought some of the greatest attractions to lo cal nightlifers, announces one of tho biggest dnnce and entertain ment attraction for the duration of tha Congress the TICK-TOCK Tavern, on Oct. 17, a dance and entertaining feature. Music will l>e furnished by the famous Creole Serenades. The ! floor show and general atmosphere ! will be purged with New Orleans’ I Creola spirit. With thousands of j Negroes coming from all sections of the country this particular fea ture will be highly entertaining and serving as a welcoming into ! tho folds of New Orleans French! American atmosphere Reservations can be made through contacting | tho Astoria Hotel. -0O0 CITIZENS URGED TO WRITE, SENATORS ON LYNCH RILL CLOTURE -- New York, Oct. 13_Officials of th0 National Association for the Advancement of Colored people urged upon individual citizens and organizations interested in press ing the, fight for passage of an anti-lynch bill during the coming session of Congress to write thoir senators and congressmen asking them how they stand on this legis lation. Only two questions need be ask ed of these solons, some of whom are up for re-election to office, it was said: do you favor a federal anti-l.vnching bill, and to senator only will you vote for cloture (li mitation of debate) in order to stop a filibuster? -0 DECLINES NOMINATION New York, Oet. 13 (CNA)—Sen ator Robert F. Wagner declined the Democratic nomination for governor of the State of New York. Ho explained that he wish ed to return to Washington to complete work already begun. ivolved in the denial of lundament al citizenship rights, as shown by tho case. Dr. Porter, the key figure in the case, is a keen eyed educator, slight in build, whose unflinching courage in the face of a brutal as sault at the hands of white hood lums in the Dallas courthouse, has aroused colored people and liberal whites throughout the state of Texas. Becauso he insisted on exercis ing his right of membership on a petit jury panel to which he had been legally summoned, and refus ed to have himself “excused” at tho suggestion of court officials, Dr. Porter was dragged out from the central jury room of the Dal las courthouse September 28 by two white men, despite his plea to court attaches for protection, and thrown down the front steps of the building. Sevei-al other pros pective Negro jurors accepted dis missal at the hands of court offic ials. Determined to see the thing through the college president picked himself up and broke through a line of more than a doz er. threatening whites who sought to bar his entering the building a gain, re-enteml the courthouse and regained his seat In the jury room. Shortly after the assault on him Dr. Porter was sent to the four teenth district court in the build ing presided over by Judge Sarah Hughes to join tho panel assem bled there. Here, together with sixteen white veniremen, he was dismissed for the week. Judge Bush, technically in charge of the jury room, from which the college president was first evicted, refus ed to comment on the assault. Porter’s eviction from the jury room came on the third day of his daily attendance on the jury panel following his acceptance of jury service. Well known throughout the state, he has been dismissed twice beforci from jury service over his protest; once in 1921, when ho served one day after hav ing been threatened with a lynch ing; and again in 1936, when he served three days before he was dismissed depito his protest. In a statement issued today, Walter White, executive seere' rv of tho NAACP. said: “Wo have already sent a vig orous protest to Governor Allred of Texas, over the brutal treat (Continued on page 4)