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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1938)
affaIrs The ^S-o-c-i-e-t-y' World ORGAcN^oNS Johnson Dru^ Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions W E 0998 1901 No. 241h St IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO S EARBER SHOP Ladiet' and Children * Work A Specialty 2422 Lake 8treet. GET MONEY --- LQVE I gyaraiit«« to H«lp you »*t a »**• atari la lifa No ra«« brynnd hop*. Stop •orrr lag t Writ* m« today Information FT* EE 1 HI. WILLIAMS, Journal Square St*. Jersey City, N. J. Dept., o The CHAMPION Beer and Lunch 2047 No. 24th JA 4777 “Beer All Kinds of Bottle Beer ALWAYS ICE COLD Drink a bottle of your fa>write Peer along wim your home cooked meals Beer and Sandwiches Delivered Quirk Service Call JA 4777 tmvmwfv i Tin ff» Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame Shoes look new again with oar new invisible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. ,v.v. -v.v.v .V.V.V.W.V.V Parks’ Ice & Fuel —2403 ftlondo St.— Mr, Parks will 'Deliver Your Ice Promptly & toil r.eously. See Hm First. RECORD SAVINGS Build—Modernize—Re-roof Re-side—Insulate Get Free Estimate MICK DIN LUMBER GO. 19th & Nicholas JA-5000 RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24th St. AT 7777 Across the street from the 14KJAN F0NTENELLE HOMES STIMULATING. \ BRIMFUL OF |. ENERGY AND DELICIOUS <*t—«**.-** ^ " "1 FRUIT FLAVORS. HL ' <» ' ' ^ "VV* % Clarinda, iowa Juries U ■"hr 1 Cason tiijtl Louise! h ash arrived home Sund’.y morn-1 ing‘ after peril Mg a v. cek in St. | Paul, Main, as delegaVes to the; Sunlay selio I and HYPU concen-1 lion, % 4 * * Mi's Gertrud* Dr oks of Shn.n-1 r ' ah, * ■ a, was house guest ofj ", *t. t rri'1 (i'-jps 'arid, family, imsday. _ j a. surprises partv was given) Thursday eve. by Mrs. L'.wrertce j Pear in honor of Miss Feron Beard. A large t.tamhor of young !r>d’es were present and Mr a Bear m-oived Vi number |of beautiful kfift9. * * * * Mrs. Anna Steward of ,Rcd Oak wj's a visitor in the hme of her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Beard and family Thursday. * * • * Mr. Verna B?Aer came Satur day. to sperrl a week w^th his mother, Mrs. S. Baker and family. He is employed in the CCC Camp, it Lawrence, Kansas. * * * * Miss Frances Brown who came v pi,. Ssturdav to visit her father Mr, Harold Browr,', is vVt ng in Red Oak, Town.. * * # * Mr. Dom Morton of Omaha mo tored to Clarinda Sunday to visit ' relatives and friends. He also ; brought Mrs. Morton along. * * * * The Young Girl's B. B, Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carrie Roberts. 1 ----Q-—— Mr. and Mrs. Morron of JJrur/s wick, Mo., are the house guests of Mrs. Ardena Watson. Mrs. Morrow is an aunt of Mrs. Wat son. _____o Mrs. Gertrude Ashay Simmons entertained at a beautiful Break fast Friday, June 17th at 11 a m. at her spacious and beautiful de corated home in honor *»f Mrs. Jammie Jones and Mrs. A. H. Davis of Los Angeles, Calif. A four course delicious repast was served at which 16 guest were mist beau tifully go"’ned. All agreed that Mrs. Ashby was a most charming hostess. Mrs. Jones is a sister of the late Mrs. Carey and Mrs. D»v<s is the wife of A. H. Davis of the Omaha Outfitting CV>. Mrs. Jones and Mary Ellen Carey left Sunday at 10:30 for Los Anegles. iRev. E. H. Hilson who was formerly the pastor of the Salem Baptist church, ami who is now mist ring in Tucson Arizona, is the guest of Mr. and Ma-s. Na thart'el Thom:\s 2618 Charles St. Ho preached a wonderfud sermon Sunday afternoon at Mt. Moriah BapO'pt church. -o JEFF’S BARBECUE W atermelon—Pried or Barbecued Chicken. 2307 North 24th Street. Open from 4 p. m. to 4 m. I --n—■ DOLGOFF | HARDWARE j PAINT. GLASS and VARNISH We do glasing and make window shades to order SCREEN, CHICKEN and FENCE HIRE BUILDERS HARDWARE Everything at a low price. 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607 At a m .. lit < le tion at Howard Kennedy : : hool Mrs, B. E. Squirts was elected to EUfieeed Mrs, i bel li p, ll'int i ck ns president if the PTA Other officers elected were first vice-president Mrs, Thelma I1 • rcock, Second vim-president JVii s Johanna ( hapmaiu, secretary Mrs. A. W. Reynolds y,nd treas urer, Mrs. F, S. Good left, t Mrs, Han oek was the first " c ident of the trgari '.ati u at 1 Tovar Kennedy schoo’ and has. served two years. Plans for «> good j Summer-round up and a Fall pre gfam are being made by the new president Mrs. Squires ———o— A year ago, I told vou about goodfmid—Jeff. 2307 N. 24th St. The Advisrry Coined of Long School City Retreat1- n Center held its regular meeting Wednes day. Jur.r* 8, at which time the fol’ owing officers were elected, Hr. Craig Morris, president, and Mrs Thelma Hancock, secretary. The staff eons;sts of Miss Ray I ee Junes, supervisor, Mr. Martin Thomas, physical education, Mr. Eugene Murray, Handcraft, and Miss Edrose WiUis, music. Miss Jones invites parents and friends to visit the Long School Center and enjoy its act v.ties ».od varied programs. The following 'honors were won at the Technical High School track meet June 4. Lory School won most points in the meet. Johnnie Lee Anderson wen two first places, the 50 yard ami 75 yard dashes, John Fountain won first place in the 50 yard dash and Harry Uuthledge won the 100 and 220 yard runs. Ken Leth Ybuflig also won honors._ M1NSTRAL SH<>W The N. A. A. C. P. is giving a MINSTRAL SHOW. 30th of June. At The CENTER Mrs. Leonard Baxtt r was called to Denver cn account of the seri ous illness of her mother- *i-l».w. Mrs, Anna Moody of Paducah Kentucky has returned to her hi me after a short visit with her pieces, Mrs. Bobbie Carter and Mrs. Cora Brown, 2619 Ersk'ne St. W1 le in the city a delightful breakf‘«t party was gt'ven in her honor by Mrs. Belle Taylor, 2959 Miami St. Other guests present were, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Myers, Mrs. I.. L. McVay, Mrs Wi’-la Mae Butler, Mrs. Victoria Scott, Mrs. Cora Brown and Mrs. Bobbie Carter Mi', and Mrs. Elliot J. Car penter and Mrs. Lena E. Robbin ui ( nicago stoped over as guest -f Wro nnd Mrs. Jrell Simmons 2228 Willis Ave. en Route to Lo Angeles Cal. to srend their vac i. tion. Mrs. Hatte E. Smith enter tained for Mr. and Mrs. Russell McDonald with a dinner party •nine 19th at her home 2719 1-ake Sit. Covers were laid for 24. Mrs. McDonald was formerly Miss Mnri« Overton Smith and the daughter of Mrs. H. E. Smith. Mr. MbL'onald whose home is in Chi cago cook on the Northwestern. This happy couple who were re-f entl1.' married, received many !v>i*utiful and useful gifts anil will make their home in Council Bluffs Iowa. Little Miss Patricia. Ann Wright dm ijhter of Mr. and Mrs. Armour r. Wright, entertained nine guests < n her first birthday Friday, June 17, at. the home of her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Moore, 2922 Decatur Street. Emerson-Saratoga !n r ** LAUNDRY Announces— — — Here’s Good News for North Omaha’s thrifty homemakers. You can now save 20% on all laundry and dry cleaning by using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle without charge. You’ll like Our Quick Cash and Carry Service Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. M 4 can ride for the price of 1 17 years of dependable service 10 CENTS FOR FIRST HALF M ILE 5 CENTS FOR EACH ADDITION AL HALF MILE < Ten years of experienced drivers with out accident FOR SAFETY FIRST AND LOW RATES CALL SUNSET CAB WE 3199 Mr. Frank James, Prop. Those presc-c were Joyce King,1 Ivig 1 luntei, H*tty Lou WarthenJ Donald Hunter, Kcrmit K.iin, Law- i lent a Martin .Jr., Lou's Scott Lane. Richard Turner, Jr,, ar.i| Frinklinj I eon P rter. Little Miss Wright received many lovely gifts. OMAHA FIR el MAN WINS IOWA Pit LE 'i iie Niuly Mr. Kay Hudson, Omai .i Firenwi, was the guest of Mr. Neal of lioor.e. Iowa in Wednesday light June 15th, end was tilso special guest of the Well-Dressed Club <*f that city. Mr. Hudson win first prize which wv.s $5; Mr. R. C. Lucas of Chicago won 2nd prize. The speech made by Mr. Hudson was j inaudible. If you want to have a i real good time, visit the well dress-' ed club of Ito'.rj?, the little town with big ideas. John Adams Jr. Atty. Room N. 310 Kej-kade Hdock 16th end Douglas St. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Effie L. Dudley, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administratrix with v\ ill <f said estatl, betfk re me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at tihe County Court Room, in said County, on the 16th day of August 1938 and on the 17th day of October 1938, at 9 o’clock A. M. each day for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment anl allowance. Three menths are al lowed for the creditors to present * their claims, from the 16th day of July, 1938. Bryce Crawford County Judge Fine for Kidney and Bladder Weakness Flash poisons from kidneys and bladder and you will live a health ier, happier and longer life. One most efficient and harmless way to do this is to get from your druggist A, 35-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take them as directed—the swift results will surprise you. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble are backache, moist palms, leg cramps and puffy eyes. If you want real results, be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—the original and genuine Haarlem Oil Capsules a fim diuretic—right from Haarlem in Holland. When vour kidneys are clogged and your bladder is irritated and passage scant and often smarts and burns you need Gold Medal —a grand kidney stimulant and cleaning once in a while. Beginning 6-25-38 Ending 7-9-38 i*rtSV.,.,.W.VA%V.V.V«W^ CHOP SUE* American and Chinese Dishea King Yuen Cafe .. 011 iilh su Jackson 857f ')ren from 2 n. m. until 3 a. m .‘.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V Ritz Photo Shop Ritz Photo Shop w. JE !K O -c Cm s Ritz Photo Studio For that HollyWood Smile Bring the Family Open 9 A. M. to fi P. M. 2031 North 24th St. Jts cu N X s Kitz Photo Shop Kits Photo Shop for COOL pleasure L &uzl864 j The Fabric LeU in the Breeze v~ ” Men’s Shirts 4 I Sizes 13^-17 150 Sleeves 32-35 JL. Custom tailored, full cut shirts with a perma nent finish that requires no starch . . . yet, due to a patented process, porous enough to catch every breeze. Oyster white, blue, linen color, green, ash rose. ' Basement—Where Quality is Low Priced n Goodrich Tires • Batteries Motorola Auto Radios ON EASIEST CREDIT Without fven slightly denting your pocketbook you can equip your car with first quality guar anteed products—and pay as you ride on your own convenient terms. Come in—investigate compare this friendly plan and you 11 see why we say it’s the “Easiest Credit In Town.” Enjoy The Convenience of Small Payments TO SUIT YOUR PURSE When we say “Your Credit Is Good Here" we mean just that. All you have to do on our Liberal Credit Plan ia seleet what you need— ( show us your license identification—and tell us ( how you can pay. We will install your purchase immediately without any red tape or delays. 20th & Douglas Sts. Downtown Store 2406 L St. South Omaha Open Evenings and Sundays