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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1938)
CHURCH NEWS BETHEL AME CHURCH Rev. T. J. Sanford, Postor I. S. Jefferson, Reporter Sunday School opened at the ssnat time 9:45 with all teachers present Subject for discussion was “Serv ing Through Christian Citizen ship” Mark 1Z: 13-34. Golden text, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, Mark 12:31. Many good thoughts were drawn from the lessor. Our Sunday School is increasing every Sunday. We have one of (the best. At eleven o’clock Rev. Cooligc our local, minister brought to us » splendid Wi'OTc front I Kings 18-21 "And Flijt’t came unto all the people end aid how long halt ye between two opiorn? If the l.ord b" God, follow h:m, but if Ba’al them f-dlow. And the peo ple answered him not a word.’’ Rev. Coolie);, was fitted with the holy spirit from the beginning to the end. Everyone enjoyed his sermon very much Afte>* the ser mon Rev. Sanford dwelled largely the same subject. Wo were pleased to have a large mtmber visitors present in the anoming services. Our Union service convened at Sts regular time 8:00 at Cleaves Temple. Rev. Sanford spoge from Revelation 8:8 and he turned on •he fireworks. The holy spirit, rose high in Cleaves Temple. Rev. 1). W. Bass •text opened the doors of the floors by singir.if Jeusu My Sa srior. Crme nnd Wershm with us in «mr Union Serv'ee. You will » treat if you don't. Our regular Prayer and Class was Wednesday <eve ring. Patronize Our Advertisers Ceo Cola Queen of Sparkline Drinks 1 2 oz. for 5c Grow Gloss I 2512 No. 2ith St. AT 303B [ Call AT 303fi, Flese Turner’s • Beantv Shop, and get a new | hair dress to fit the new spring 1 bonnet. Price very reasonable. I Try a box of Grow Gloss Hair Grower i ..._ /ION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. K. Curry, I’astor Order <if Service Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. BYPU, 6:30 P. M. Preaching, 8:00 P, M. Mission Society, Monday evening at 7 ;45. Teacher’s meeting Tuesday even ing at K:00 o’clock, Mid-Week Prayer service, Wed nesday evening at 8:00 o’clock. Sunday school was largely at tended Sunday. The pastor preach ed a wonderful sermoru at 11 o’ clock. Many helpful thoughts were received from his sermon. At 3 p. m. The May Festival sponsored by The Youth's Council* was presented, and was one of the grandest affairs of the season for The Colored Youths of Omaha. At 8 p. in., the pastor preached a very impressive sermon, which was en joyed by all present. CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Relf, Pastor Edna Pankey, Reporter Sunday school opened at the usual hour <1:30 a. m. with an in teresting lesson found in Mark 12: 13:17-28-134. At the morning ser vices we had the pleasure of lis-; lining ton sermon fromRev. Jami son of Meddeate Bro. In Christ ehrueh. The Text was, St. Luke 17. The sermon was enjoyed by all. Our Ass’t pastor Rev. J. W. Goodwin rreached an inspiring sermon at .'he 8:00 p. m, serivee. The text was found, Corinthians 5, Subject "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature-” Amond the visitors present was Mrs. Bertha Welch of Orcreon Missouri. Visitors are always welcome. . — o. PARIDISE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. IL Mervey, Pastor Sunday school was called to or der at !):30 a. m. Each seemed to be interesto'l H the lesson. Our central thought love. We had one who jo!- I church through the Sunday school. At 11:00 a. m. we had a very nice attendance. The pastor took his text from Mark 12-31. Beginning June 5 we start our BYPU program. The first Sunday the program will bo rendered by the Men's Group. At 8:30 p. m. the pastor brought to us a very inspiring message. Text, Rev. 3-20. Behold and Stand, at. the door and knock. We were glad to see Sister Hill who has |:een ill for the |>ast two months Among the visitors through out the day were Rev. J. C. Crowder of St. Luke, Rev, Wm Pruiett of Morning Star: Mr. and Mrs. Curry Mr. and Mrs. McClain of Zion. We are always glad to welcome visi tors at Pari dies.___ LEWIS’ GROCERY 2723 Binney St WE 2478 • We are announcing we now carry a complete line of beer. Ask for your favorite brand. We keep it. ice cold. You will find no choicer cuts of terner meats anywhere It is guaranteed to be fresh and tender. FREE DELIVERY THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. RABE’S BUFFET 242S N. 24th St. Ja. 9196 CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE •4122 No. 22nd St WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY SHOP 20*7 N. 24th St.At. 6810 CHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON B866 Maple St. JA 6116 ~ECONOMY TAILOR Ch&a. DI. Simmons, Prop. We Cut, Trim Make Suita to Order Make all kinds of alterations for Ladies and Gents. Cleaning and Repairing ' J918 No. 24th St. American Wiener Shop WQ9 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAFE COlOtt N. 24th St. Ja. 8676 2414 Grant St. We. 6666 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER CHARLIE** PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 4019 - - . . ELITE CIGAR STORE ■812 N. 24th St. Ha. 4236 JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St. We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 14tb and Lake We. 0609 HOUSTON’S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St. JA 3643 Our Sausage a specialty Free Delivery Electrical Appliances DONAHOO A HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 242.3 Farnam St. Ha. 060C Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4606 Ames Ave. Ke. 0S1S Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and I,ake We. 6444 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 102V EDHOLM * SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St. We. 6061 Monument Makers HEFT A NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1781 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1616 N. 24th St. We. 4737 BEN & KF.RMIT ANDERSON Painting. Wall Washing and Decorating 23 Years Experience Estimates free Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St Phone WE 6826 SAF.EM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. C. Pettis, Pastor Carrie Harris, Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m., with a large attendance. At 11 o’clock, Rev. Pettis talked from the subject, “Christian Joy " Text 2 Thes. 19, 20. A large num ber of visitors were present. At 3:30 p. m. the Missionary Sister met in an afternoon pro gram which was very spiritual and enjoyed by all present. There were visitors from Paridis, Pilgrim and St. Mark churches present. At 6 o’clock the BYPU opened with a large number present Group No. 2 rendered a very splendid program . At 8 p. m. Rev. Pettis preached a very inspiring sermon. His text was taken from John 8:29. Sub ject, “Being Popular Without Sacrificing High Ideals." One was added to the church, by the name of Mr. 0. C. Joseph. Wo are expecting Rev. Branch of Oklahoma, next Sunday. You are always welcome at Salem. --0-* MT. MORIAH BAPT. CHURCH Rev. F. F\ Jones, Pastor F. IlJrroughs, Reporter “But in the last Hays it shall come to pass, that the mountain of Che house of the Lord shall be established in the mountains, and it shall bo exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.” Micah 4:1 Tho pastor, Rev. Jones, who has been away was at his place and conducted services for the day. We were indeed glad to have him back with us. Sendees are as follows: Sun day school, f):.10; morning services, 11 o’clock: evening worship, 8 o' clock; and BYPU, 6 o’clock. Visitors are always welcome. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Rev. D. Nicholson, Pastor Mrs. Creola Griggs. Reporter Sun lay school opened at the us ual hour with a large attendance. The school will have a copper car nival Tuesday evening at the church. Morning services were well at tended. Rev. M. L. Steele and family were visitors at the church Sun day. Tho dinner wh'ch was given at the echurch last Friday evening was a great success. Prayer services anil choir prac tice are being Tiold each Wednes day evening at the church . The Missionary of St. Jacob’s AME church met last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Carrie Roberts. Everyone enjoyed the meeting . ---- MT. OLIVE CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor Mrs, Lenora Parker, Peporter Sunday School opened at 10 o’ clock by the Supt. At 11 o’clock, (the pastor preach-j ed a wonderful sermon. BYPU opened at six o’clock , The Ever Loyal group rendered a nice program. Evening services began at 8 o’clock. Rev. Young of St. John Bnptist Church preached. Visiting ministers were Rev. Lance, and Rev. Lafarland. Everyone enjoyed the services. Rev. Stevenson and his churech will worship with Mt. Olive Sun day, May 29 to assist us in the starting of a church home. Visitors are welcome. PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. J. II. Reynolds, Pstor Willa Mae Ross, Reporter Sunday School opened at 9:00 o’clock with Miss I. M. Oliver Supt. presiding. Visitors two. Number present 93. Arou are cor dially invited to attend our Sunday School. 11:00 o'clock sorivce. Devotional serivce was rendered by the flea cons. Prayer for sick by Rev. Me Conmick. Song by the’ choir. A lovely sermon was preached by' the Rev. Reynolds. Collection and ad journment. BYPU was at 6:00 o’ clock with vice-president Mr. Lun wood Parker presiding. Song ser-~ vice for 15 min. Instructors taking charge of Iheir group for 20 min. Class was called to order and the names of thel lazy' officer was read. The meeting was closed bv Edith Cotrell. Evening service 8:00 o’clock. De votional serive was in chrage of the deacons for about 15 min. Song by the choir. Prayer for the sick by Mr. Green Pearl. Song. The pastor introduced to some and pre sented to others the speaker for the evening Mr. McCormick He preached a very inspiring sermon enjoyed bv all. Visitors were Mrs. McCormick nnd Mrs. Brawn. You are welcome at all times to Plea sant Given Church at 27th Frank lin MT. NERO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. .1. G- Gates, Pastor Helen Bradshaw, Reporter The Sunday school was opened at the usual time with the super intendent presiding. The sermon was very interest ing. Rev. Gates’ sermon was, “You Are Sleeping in a Dangerous Time.’’ Text. “Wake up ye sleeping and call on your God.’’ The services were enjoyed by all. Come and worship with us. INTERDOMLNATIONAL CHURCH Elder Walter Irving, Pastor M rs. P. C. Avant, Reporter The church that stands for the unity of God’s ehilHren as the standard of Christian fellowship. Our regular superintendent be ing absent, Lloyd Irving acted in her stead- The lesson was very nicely eatchised by the teachers and reviewed by the pastor. Rev. Thos. Rucker, of St. John AMK church preached the morning sermon, who spoke from the text, "Self Denial." Matt. 16:24. It was clearly shown how our Savior re commended his religion to every man's choice; not attended by force and violence to eompell any to the profession, and if we could get pride out of the way, our re ligion would be easy. The evening sermon was preaech ed by Rev. Dais who spoke very well about the life of Paul. Bible forum meets Thursdays at 8 p. m. _ n_ BAHA’I FAITH Baha’is all over the world are today celebrating the 04th Anni versary of the Declaration of the Bab. the Forerunner of the Baha’i Faith, who announced on May 23, 1844 that He was the Herald of the Prophet of God for this day. True to His prophecy. Baha’u’llah, the Founder of the Baha’t Faith, announced in 1863 that He was the one Heralded by the Bab. It is from the year 1844 that Baha’is date the beginning of a now era upon earth,- pointing out that from that time forward every thing in the world has evolved faster than ever before ini known history. They believe that this mo mentous declaration signalizes through its advent the coming of age of the entire human race, which in turn signalizes the inaug uration of a world civilization, founded upon the brotherhood of man. Baha’is point with significance to the fact that many students of tne scriptures had looked to that very year, 1844. as the one when they were again expecting a Re velation from God, among whom were the Millerites. under the leadership of William Miller. They also point to the significant fact that on May 24, 1844, the first telegraphic massage was flashed from Washington to Baltimore, and tht message was “What hath God wrought?” Still another mo mentous happening was the birth of AbduliBaha, Son of Baha’u’llah on May 23, 1844 who was later appointed by His Father as the ex pounder of His teachings. The present head of the Faith is Shoghi Effendi, who resides in Haifa. Palestine, the international center of the Baha’i Faith. BETHEL BAPTIST MISSION ART CLUB The Bethel Baptist Mission Art tluh met at +ho homo of Mrs. Ger trude Zoes. 2530 Washington street at the usual hour. 12 o’clock. We had a delightful time. A fine dinner was served. Fourteen mem bers were present. Our visitors were: our pastor. Rev. Hicks, who gave us some wonderful ideas: Mitburn Green, Ester Starks. Maude Reece, Rosezai Coles. We are always glad to have vi sitors. Roxie Bolden, President. Cora Jackson, Reporter -o OMAHA CITY BYPIT The Omahn City BYPU will hold its regular 5th Sunday meeting with Pilgrim Baptist Church 25th & Hamilton Sts. May 29th at 5 p. m. with a special Musical Program to ho rendered by the Junior choirs of the city most of whom partici pated in the May Queen Festival at Zion. This program will close oid the National Sunday School it BVPU Congress Drive which moots on the Tuskeegee Institute Campus in June. The public is cordially invited. Mr. Wm. Cooper, Pres. Miss Lula Mae Powell, Sect. Patronize Our Advertisers HOME LANDSCAPE We carry one of the most com plete assortments of vegetable flower, and grass seed in th-: city. Save 60 per cent by using our bulk garden seeds, such s mustard, okra, collards spinach beets, beans, etc. Our 17th Year at 24th & Cuming Plant A Garden 924 North 24th St. JA 5115 j North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 Have your old shoes made to look and wear like new. Our invisible resoling is ji st what you need to keep your feet nice and warm. Men’s and Women* 3 shoes left over for sale. This Week In Thought and Religion By Robert L. Moody Robert L. Moody A Southern Speaks for Racial Justice Tho February (1938) edition of the “World Call,” official organ of the Disciples of Christ, contained a very encouraging article on race relations under the subject given above, by Mr. Edwin A. Elliott, Director of National Labor Rela tion Board at Fort Worth Texas. Wo quote him to prove that all intelligent southerns white people are not bigot. He said in part: “We who call ourselves Chris tian rule America. The personnel of our national congress to our local precinct shows a. preponder ance of men and women who claim the Christian faith. Yet in the most important of all relation ship, the most cardinal Christian principal—human justice—where do we stand? Is it a Christian principle to be kind to certain groups because birth ancestry, geo graphical location of color of skin? Aro constitutional rights and pro tective legislature to only encom pass certin people?” When Mr. Elliott asked Mr. S. H. Fowler. Executive Secretary of the YMCA at Forth Worth, what the Negro wanted, he reparted the ; following: ■ “When asked what his people wanted, he did not ask for social equality, the thing we hear so much about from those unthink ing caucasions, but for simple justice human rights and oppor tunity.” Defying the southern senator who said that the Federal Anti Lynch Bill was “an attempt to in terfere with our sacred institu tions;” Mr. Elliott says: “The right of a mob to take the life of ; a fellow human being is not of i the “sacred” institutions of the south to this “citizen of the south.” “The Negro cannot obtain this jutice for himself. Only we—we Christians can got it for him.” Oh that God would reveal this to many more of our white bre thern both North and South; then wo may believe that they have that salvation for which Christ died. NOTICE Everybotiv! Christians and Sin mrs, are invited to attend the olosine revial services all dav Sun day. Mav 20ith at thn Church of God, 2025 N. 24th St. Wo are expecting saints from Topeka, Kansas and Lincoln Neb. Come! We are expecting you at 11a. m., 3 p. m. and 7:45 p. m Elder S. S. Spatights, Pastor By Robert L. Moody -o NAZI GOVERNMENT FORBIDS TO RENT APTS. TO JEWS Berlin, May 25 (CNA)—The Na zi Government will sorm forbid so called Aryan landlords to rent apartments to Jews, it was learned here. An effort has also been made recently by the Landlords Associa tion to compel Jewish landlords to sell their houses to Aryans, presumably at a price far below the real value. i NEBRASKA PRODUCE 1202—4—6 North 24th St. Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Orn prices are reasonable, j see us first. WHY NOT Get those home appliances at the Omaha Outfitting Co. Pay as you are paid. Weekly or monthly AT 5652 2420 Lake CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishea King Yuen Cafe .. !01»vj N. 24th St. Jackson 857# Dpen from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Changes Name Metropolitan Church Since we have struggled for five years trying our very best to lift up a clean cut gospel to the people, we find it i-i e very hard thing to make the people realize that there is a difference between spiritualist cl.'-irches and spiritual churches. Since some spiritual churches are inclined to believe that luck bags, dust and different kinds of confusion are a part of the spirit- i cal church, we. the members of the j Metropolitan church feel that we have stood criticism, embarassment and humiliation long enough. We feel that since it is so hrrd to make people realize that we are above the works of the devil, from this day. May 22, 1938, we are working under our ow ncharter which is the Mt. Calvary Commun ity Church. Rev. R. W. Johnson Pastor RABBITS FOOT Some say they are lucky, try gen uine Rabbit Foot pocket piece mailed postpaid—2 for 25c. Agents wanted. FIX FUR CO., 84 State St. Boston, Mass. HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor I “EAT FLE1SCHMANN’S YEAST FOR HEALTH” 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Of. 'J’ffifr | - FREE LUCK BAGI 50c Algerian Maio Luck Bag ani samples Hair Dressing, Powder, Ointment Free. Send 10c to cover mailing cost. GOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Dept. Memphis, Tenn. HI MONEY Denver.. 9.00 Los Angeles .27.00 San Francisco_27.00 GO BY BUS! I Low Round Trip Fares Fastest Time-Scenic Rouiam DEPOT: 1416 DOUGLAS Ph. ATIantic 2300 Patronize Our Advertisers Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes By dissolving and removing mucus o. phlegm that causes strangling, choking. Asthma attacks, the doctor’s prescription Mendaco removes the cause of your agony No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab solutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes SletTj soundly tonight. Soon feel well, year! younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar anteec.’ completely satisfactory or money back. If your druggist is out ask him to order Mendaco for you. Don’t' suffer another day. The guarantee orotects you. Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0998 1904 No. 24th St DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 Trade at Tuchman Brothers Fancy Groceries Quality Meats Fresh, Vegetables Low Prices* 24th & Lake FREE DELIVERY WE 0402 Effective May 1st: 20 Cent Dicount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners WE 6055 Fr^ L Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money - Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don't - wait. Mail the COUPON NOW! Valmor Products Co. bkSt' 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, IIL VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 165 22«1 Indiana A»e., Chicago, III. I want to make Quick Money. Please send me Free Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. Name______...... Address_ _ . ....... .............. r ^Ctty...State.I