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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1938)
, j a r >- j-i -T * # Cleo Cola; Queen of Sparkling Drink j 12 CZ, icr C ; _1 I iR Now is the time to travel and save money. Fares are extremely low and round trip tickets mean further savings Coaches are warm and well ventilated. Baggage stored Inside —always handy. Free pillows. Ask agent for low fares to all points. LOW FARES Cheyenne . 89.00 Chicago . 8.50 Denver . 9.00 Kansas City 7.20 San Kransico ........... 27.00 I.o« Angeles 27.00 BURLINGTON BUS DEIOT H16 Douglas at I5lh St. I*h ATIaniV 2.700 L”, ’ F0EUM3 I LEAP. PICKENS New York City, Ap il 1(5 -Dean Willinm Pickens, dire tor of bran dies of the NAACP, 1 ft h c today: n a two months leave of absen <• to do lecture work for the C. S. i Forums, under the ati n ’<■* of the Office* of education, ”,n fi e coun ties of South Caroli ’-i, with Col umbia es headquar'e Dean Pickens retu n»'d this week from Seattle, Washi-jrton, where he had teen on a nv n h’s le ' <• . f absence le turing r»r the tt S. Public Forums in Se-ttle. Dean Pickens will return tr> +h" NAACP work about June 10! % I • % I.. Huffy Pharmac*' We. 0609 241 h and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery .•.■.■.■.■•■.V.V.V.VAS-.V.V.V. WHY NOT Get those home appliances a' the Omaha Outfitting Co. Pay As your are paid. Weekly or monthly AT 5652 2420 Lake Cold Storage for Furs Inaurad agalnat lira moth theft BEST IN OMAHA Remodeling, Repairing, j Cleaning Kish Royal Furs 241115 Fa mam SI. _AT 6545_ Annual Tuberculosis Association To Meet Monday, April 25th T* ... . i'" s an(| persons in tore •• •! in tuherculosls t.hrnufh r‘. (h t-te will father in Lio > o'it tfond-i',> AnrM 2.’>, to a'tend the "nmml meetinf ef th“ Nebr aska ’I'liherf'ulosis As ociat'on. A l*> oVlnei luncheon, under the -u-ni es i f the Lincoln and Lan • tev Countv Tuberculosis Asso will ha he'd at the YWCA wh< lie. Janies M. Reinhord will disc ■ the cost of tuberculosis to the : idivirlu-1 and the communit/. Chr; turns Seal Sale and profram will 1 ’ the theme of the afternoon mee* ipf. p uf o' P;> or o' the Ameri-j can Me'ical Aso-iat'on, Chicafo. wilt ' e the file I sneaker af the 6:30 dt*me" to he held at the Unj ver ;,e club. The topic ef Pt'. Rai” 's «ddre«s will he “Where Do We Co From Here?” ! I' ■, .!• hn F. Allen, president of the Nebr’aka Tuberculosis Associ nti' ii. will preside a> the ineetinf. New divectors and officers will be elected. A'.W.V.V.V.V.'.V/W.VA ‘•HOT-GLO” LUMP T OWC T * "A"W (’*'•» in T ire" T.iimn Nfeet K-onovnieo’ $6.85 ConsumersCoalCo. AT 4444 _>_ ___ WTtTtTTWyTlW^rVTTt ^ wifi. ill" HV \ f i I hM ■ i A J k /^H J | ■! i i V i k. I <B/ i Here's Your Big Chance to Wake C ck ^oney — Bu Agent tor SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, E’er 'i Crccr.;, 300 Products. It's Easy) Do you need Money? Do you wish for 'he gixxi things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a S.'EET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. M enand Women w 1 (veryw here as AGENTS i .r SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, 1. ar Strength, Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 1 roducts. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or tip to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES — Send No Monevl ! ! , . C1, . , .. . I VALIWon enomiCTS CO. Dopt. MS Just fill In coupon and man it | 2241 ioi*ana av*,, Chicago, 111. 1 today for FREE SAMPLES Of • I w ,nt u, nt.t r QuifA M»mcy. Ilrase tend me I Hair Dressing, Face Powder and 1 Fr»«--ami.kund Special Oilvi m .Wnt* rigtn away. 1 Special Offer to AQENTf. Don't , v,„„ j wait Mail the COUPON NOW! 1 Valmor Products Co. °hpst’ ' 2241 Indiana Avenue Chicago, III. ______ J LNfC’N OUTFITTING CO •mmammKmmmKmisxamxmmmmmmKma It Costs You NOTHING.938 « FRIGIDAIRE » It Pays for Itself With (he MONEY IT SAVEf I Frk#tf •• HI A. SO L#w m, M 119 SSI. *144 " DELIVERED—INSTALLED— SERVICED FIVE YEARS PROTECTION App’nsf Service Expense on t' e Frigidnire Mechanical I'n't Smnli Cmtwytng Cka'gf f»» DtiftiJ r*ymrnts \'tm< •« P»i4 >« 90 P. UNION OUTFITTING COMPANY ,kyj» QH- _ 9 READ THIS PLAN THEN; ACT NOW! I. Com* in and soloet tho model Frigidaiie yen want. !. W* will deliver and install it in your withe::’, any u\. n payment. S. Deposit as little as I Sc a day; you will save cn !cci tt 1:: each day, in the handy Metcr-lee meter attached. 4. Regularly our representative will call and cell :e! yctfr rav ings and apply them to your account. 8. As soon as the savings have paid for the Ftigidaire, we w": rrr.'l you a Bill of Sale and remove the meter. The new, silent Meter-Miser uses so little current you ervn hardly hear it run—it actually saves up to 25^ MORE in operating costs than ever before! Every tray in every model Is a DOUBLE-EASY QUICKUBE TRAY that releases ice cubes Instantly, without the bother and waste of melting under a faucet. Many other marvelous, new features! Song Police Guard American Music -By Joseph R. Fliesler ...... ’—I"11 mi >MM»irogjyr/ » y/^SMultc riJKTl,*Ii I J MOTION picture cameramen hied themselves high in Radio City, New York City, the other day to the head offices of the "M-men,” the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. "M-men’’ are a law-enforcing body, protecting the music of American creators against piracy. The prime business of ASCAP, of course, is to license the legal use of musical works copyrighted by its members. The cameramen wanted to know all about the Society and its mem bers for use in Pathe Parade, a cur rent series of motion picture short subjects on interesting topics, per sonalities and events. Several ASCAP composers agreed to perform for the movie, including George M. Cohan (1), "Over There"; Carrie Jacobs Bond (2), "Perfect Day”; Hoagy Carmichael (3), “Stardust”; Nat Shilkret (4), “Jeanine, I Dream of Lilac Time”; W. C. Handy (6), “St. Louis Blues”; and Rodgers and Hart (11), “I’d Rather Be Right". Gene Buck, president of ASCAP (7); E. C. Mills, chairman of the Administrative Committee (8); John G. Paine (9), General Man* ager; a bust of Victor Herbert, founder (5); and several of the young ladies of the clerical staff (10 and 12) are also seen in the fllm. The “M-Men" are not shown— they are investigators who do thq field work and discover infringe* ments. Practically all recognized A inert* can composers and authors are members of ASCAP, Horace Mann Bond Made Dean At Fisk '■ sliville. T0nn . 'n il 23 (ANT* The Hoard of Trustees of Fisk university held ;+s p""ub1 sprin - meeting in President Jones’ office •-> fUo p*'-'-ns en ' -r<1 11. Vor' ous committees met Sa’ur'ay even ing in preparation for the exeeu five se-sion Mon ’ay. The following off cars of th ■ Hoard were re-elected: Mr. Paul D Oravath, chairman; L. Hollings worth Wood, vice chairman, and Charles E. Haydock, treasurer, al cf New York City. Mrs. Charle Wesley, professor of History a Howard university, was elected a1’ secretary to succeed the late Dr F. A. Stewart. Atty. James G Oashin of Chicago was elected as a new member to represent thr General Alumni association. Dr. Harold F. Smith, who has held the pest of head <f the De partment of Education and Direct or of the Summer Sessif n since 1930, continues in the latter posi tion, and was also appointed Re gistrar and Director of the Lower Division of the college. Dr. Hor fo e Mann Bond, who has been Dean rt Dillard university, comes to Pisk as Head of the Department of Edu cation. Dr. Carl M. White, who has hcpp Librarian during the pa-.t, four vears, has accepted the ®.emo position at the Universitv of Month Carolina. Dr. Niel C. Van Dosen of Columbia university has teen appointed to fill this va"ancv. The hoard endorsed a "cw athle tic pnpcv in line wi*h *hst w rv*d *n»«n*lv in a confo"en"e at Le Mm'hp tv the heads rf the A. M. A yp»p colhges. This -ew policv provides that there “hall be no '■-outing of rl"ypns- that not mor than seven football games shal1 he olaved ef\,-h vear. and that there “hall He no attemnt. direr* lv or in directly. to declare a championship • that no individual mav participate in interooleviste ath'eties for mor* that, four vears and that the name* of all candidate* for teams o* pec' -port, be submitted to a centr-’ °uthori*v one week previ-"* *n th fir*t intercollegiate athletic con test. Tn thP absence of Pres:deo* Tone*, vho with Mrs. .To"os «pil f er A fricP Or) ApHl 91, the VIC" <*bj«irm*n cf 1 he board, I.. Ho 1 *” wertli Wood. wrill officiate -♦ th cfr’iiencrment exercises on dune 8 «r>d 'tvnni the diplomas to the graduating las». On Mondav afternoon t^e Tru - *erR met with administrative and, personnel officers fer a ®urrey of • *he life and a-tiviti'* of the col-| leges. The next rre:,*r e w*l’ be j eriv jr December in New Yorv City. i Patronize Our Advertisers ART-BRIC SIDING Trill modernize your home j Give your home the trim prosperous appearance oi face brick by applying Bird Art-Bric Siding right over the old, weather beaten frame building. \rt-Bric Siding is a real economy. It is extremely mod rrate in first cost, tl.erc is no upkeep as your home no longer needs to be painted, it is an added safeguard against fire and your home is better insulated. Jird Art-Bric Siding is made in attractive colors. Let I’S show You Bird Brie Jobs in Your Own Neighborhood. 1 to 3 Years to Pay Wc Arrange All I»e ails. Material. a .. PHONE JA fOOO LOANS [ We Buy Old Cold Watch and Jewelry Repairing We Loan Money on Everythin* Gross Jewel: y and Loan Co. CLOTHING Corner 24th and Erskine 2414 No. 24th St. On&ha. Nebr. j New Cleaning ; Prices special j Any Two 90c Items . St.25 ; 1 3-Piero Suit . $ .751 2 3-Piece Suits .. 1.25 t 1 3-Piece Suit I Ladies' Plain Dress . ... $1 2.r. 1 ! I Men’s 3-Piece Suit ? | 1 Top Coat . $1.25 I j 2 Ladies’ Plain Dresses .... $1.25 | f 1 3-Piece Suit . » * 1 Felt Hat ... $1.00 f i 1 3 Piece Suit f 12 Neeklies . $1.25 j 1 4-Piece Suit . $1.15 | 1 Pair Pants. 40c j 2 Pair Pants . 75c ■ Edhcim j fisiu i St erman * I.aunderers and I) y Cl»sner> I WE 6055 j